2,281 research outputs found

    GPR Clutter Reflection Noise-Filtering through Singular Value Decomposition in the Bidimensional Spectral Domain

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    Usually, in ground-penetrating radar (GPR) datasets, the user defines the limits between the useful signal and the noise through standard filtering to isolate the effective signal as much as possible. However, there are true reflections that mask the coherent reflectors that can be considered noise. In archaeological sites these clutter reflections are caused by scattering with origin in subsurface elements (e.g., isolated masonry, ceramic objects, and archaeological collapses). Its elimination is difficult because the wavelet parameters similar to coherent reflections and there is a risk of creating artefacts. In this study, a procedure to filter the clutter reflection noise (CRN) from GPR datasets is presented. The CRN filter is a singular value decomposition-based method (SVD), applied in the 2D spectral domain. This CRN filtering was tested in a dataset obtained from a controlled laboratory environment, to establish a mathematical control of this algorithm. Additionally, it has been applied in a 3D-GPR dataset acquired in the Roman villa of Horta da Torre (Fronteira, Portugal), which is an uncontrolled environment. The results show an increase in the quality of archaeological GPR planimetry that was verified via archaeological excavation.Project “Innovación abierta e inteligente en la EUROACE” 0049_INNOACE_4_E - European Union (European Regional Development Fund) COMPETE 2020Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) projects UIDB/04683/2020-ICT (Institute of Earth Sciences) and SFRH/BSAB/143063/201

    Increasing the Lateral Resolution of 3D-GPR Datasets through 2D-FFT Interpolation with Application to a Case Study of the Roman Villa of Horta da Torre (Fronteira, Portugal)

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    The approach presented in this work uses an interpolation methodology to densify 3D-GPR datasets to sharpen the results obtained in GPR surveys carried out in an archaeological environment. It allows the estimation of missing data from the combined use of mathematical transforms, such as the Fourier and curvelet transforms, and predictive filters. This technique makes it possible to calculate the missing signal simply by meeting two requirements: the data in the frequency domain must be limited in a range of values and must be able to be represented by a distribution of Fourier coefficients (verified conditions). The INT-FFT algorithm uses an open-access routine (Suinterp, Seismic Unix) to interpolate the GPR B-scans based on seismic trace interpolation. This process uses automatic event identification routines by calculating spatial derivatives to identify discontinuities in space by detecting very subtle changes in the signal, thus allowing for more efficient interpolation without artifacts or signal deterioration. We successfully tested the approach using GPR datasets from the Roman villa of Horta da Torre (Fronteira, Portugal). The results showed an increase in the geometric sharpness of the GPR reflectors and did not produce any numerical artifacts. The tests performed to apply the methodology to GPR-3D data allowed for assessing the interpolation efficiency, the level of estimation of missing data, and the level of information lost when we chose to increase the distance between B-scans in the acquisition stage.research project "Innovacion abierta e inteligente en la EUROACE" 0049_INNOACE_4_EEuropean Commission COMPETE 2020Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology UIDB/04683/2020 SFRH/BSAB/143063/201

    Characterisation of the portuguese R&M construction market: a special focus on heritage buildings

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    The rehabilitation of heritage buildings is an important aspect in the safeguard and upgrading of the local environment, and contributes to the diversification of suppy in the property market. However, the contribution of the R&M segment to the total construction markek in Portugal is almost insignificant when compared to the other countries of the European Union. This study is part of a wider research project that investigates the different technological aspects of intervention in heritage buildings and their contribution to the development of the local property market. The data and information used in this study stem from Euroconstruct Report, and from a case study consisting of 57 heritage projects submitted to the government department responsible for the approval and listing of these buildings. Preliminary result show that the technology used in heritage buildings is similar to that adopted in new buildings, which seems to be incosistent with a conservation technique that safeguard the built heritage. This study also shows that policy measures to enhance the R&M market have been recently implemented. However, other initiatives are needed, including a clarification of the role of different actors, in order to tackle the constarints and specifics of the R&M market

    The local influences of sustainability in historic centres for buliding refurbisshment and for living

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    The historic city centres are comfortable living places that also have architectural quality, cultural and historic heritage. These and other aspects have contributed to a sustainable behaviour and tourism attraction, which does not happen in recent residential areas. However, existing buildings in historic centres have many constraints which associate them to problems and make them less attractive, such as the proximity between buildings, less sun exposition and many others. This paper reports on a research project in which a toolkit with 50 parameters was developed to support decision-making in old building refurbishment projects in historic city centres. Each parameter includes technical regulations, constraints and best refurbishment practices. All solutions proposed by a parameter are ordered in 5 levels from the least to the higher sustainability benefits. The article describes a connection between the toolkit parameters about building localization aspects and their application as constraints during refurbishment works. In another perspective, it is shown the contribution of these parameters as good practices for living in city centres, tourism interest and building selection aspects for renting or buying. The methodology adopted in the study comprises a case study involving the consultation of a set of 7 building refurbishment project designs. All project designs analysed do not present full information description in the majority of localization parameters of the toolkit, such as public transport, parking cars, commercial or services areas, technical infrastructures conservation, sports and gardens areas, and land reutilization. Some of the information on the building project designs analyzed were possible to ascertain through "in situ" research and part of the buildings has good location, proportional sustainability benefits and easier management practices during refurbishment works. The results suggest a lack of interest in the provision of relevant information for the part of design consultants concerned with building refurbishment projects. This aspect needs to be tacked in order to promote more sustainable construction practices and, consequently, a more efficient functioning of this segment of the construction market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O contexto atual da reabilitação energética do parque edificado em Portugal

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    No seu Plano de Ação para a Eficiência Energética de 2011, a Comissão Europeia refere que o parque edificado apresenta um grande potencial de poupança energética. A nova Diretiva Europeia 2010/31/EU, em processo de transposição para legislação portuguesa, veio desafiar os estados membros a tomarem medidas ainda mais ambiciosas. Concretamente, estabelece que os estados membros elaborem planos periódicos onde constem instrumentos que reduzam as barreiras existentes e encorajem os investimentos na reabilitação do parque edificado. Estão nesta fase em período de discussão pública as linhas de orientação para a revisão do Plano Nacional de Ação para a Eficiência energética, permitindo uma apreciação preliminar das estratégias e intenções do estado português para os próximos anos. Embora o Sistema de Certificação Energética, segundo referências da Agência para a Energia (ADENE), tenha tido até agora uma boa execução, investigações recentes concluíram que é necessário incentivar os proprietários a implementarem mais frequentemente as medidas de melhoria energética propostas pelos peritos qualificados. As mais recentes estatísticas demonstram que a reabilitação é cada vez mais uma aposta crescente no setor da construção, contudo, outros estudos revelam que alcançar os objetivos pretendidos para 2020 em matéria de poupanças energéticas requer um aumento da taxa e da profundidade atual de reabilitação dos edifícios. Este artigo apresenta uma panorâmica do estado do parque edificado nacional, tendo por base as mais recentes estatísticas disponíveis. Adicionalmente, com base em revisão bibliográfica e em diversos estudos que monitorizaram as políticas e os programas anteriormente implementados, nacionais e internacionais, pretende-se clarificar as condições atuais e o potencial do mercado da reabilitação energética em Portugal, recorrendo a uma análise comparativa entre Portugal e outros países com maior tradição de implementação de medidas e programas deste tipo. Estudos recentes sugerem que os incentivos em vigor têm-se revelado insuficientes para motivar os proprietários para a reabilitação energética e que o processo de decisão de reabilitar é sempre um processo complexo que envolve uma série de fatores e atores. Desenvolvimentos futuros em diferentes áreas programáticas (enquadramento legal, regime de financiamento, formação profissional, política de preços) irão contribuir para uma melhor perceção dos “drivers” e constrangimentos da problemática de reabilitação energética em Portugal

    Attitudes and practices of homeowners in the decision-making process for building energy renovation

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    The most recent studies point out that building users play a critical role in the decision-making process for the energy renovation of buildings as well as in energy use during the building life-time occupancy. Nevertheless, this important player has been poorly considered in the policies implemented. The homeowner, whose role has been passively induced to renovate accordingly with impositions of the regulations, is calling for himself a more active participation in the renovation process. The social dimension of the building renovation has been ignored. The study highlights the role of the homeowner in the decision-making for building renovation investigating his motivations, needs, attitudes and daily routines. A selected group of Portuguese homeowners were interviewed. Also in Portugal, homeowners’ qualitative decisions and everyday life practices have a strong influence in the decision-making for building renovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of local bodies on the building energy renovation in Portugal

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    In a time where there is a need for learning and sharing experience in policies across the EU, local level strategies are gradually seen as a main driver to increase energy efficiency and reduce primary energy demand in buildings. Policies which are closer to the individuals represent an easier way of communicating the benefits of building energy renovation. Recent studies demonstrate that people consider local authorities better than national ones at responding to their needs and when it comes to getting important things done. In some countries, information centres and energy advice programmes operate at local level providing expertise and independent advice. In addition, local initiatives and leadership networks are reported as one of the most trusted sources of information by many householders, with social network and strong local leaders having an important role. An analysis is conducted of local policies implemented in Portugal and a comparative assessment is made based on best-practice examples considered in policy evaluation reports from European countries. This study shed more light to the fact that the central governments and agencies needs to be closer to householders and work together with municipalities and local organizations to implement available advice for householders. Working at the local social environment can be cost-effective with the municipalities playing a front stage role. Some recommendations are provided for the improvement of the current policy instruments and implementation of new ones in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Áquila Earthquake (2009): influence of seismic source model and structure to modeling the strong ground motions

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    O sismo, ocorrido em 6 de Abril de 2009 (Mw 6,3) junto à cidade de Áquila (Itália), provocou uma grande destruição. Uma das consequências deste evento foi o impacto na opinião pública em torno da capacidade científica para a estimação da perigosidade sísmica e a necessidade de criação de sistemas de alerta sísmico. A determinação dos mecanismos de fonte sísmica de eventos sísmicos ocorridos e registados permite melhores caracterizações dos movimentos sísmicos para uma determinada área de estudo e consequentemente melhores cenários de risco. Se a região em estudo possuir propriedades físicas específicas e muito distintas de local para local, capazes de provocar alterações locais dos movimentos sísmicos (efeitos de sítio), torna-se imperativo uma caracterização bem definida do meio de propagação das ondas sísmicas de forma a poder sintetizar informação capaz de contribuir para a boa estimação da perigosidade sísmica. No âmbito deste trabalho pretende-se estudar a influência do mecanismo de fonte sísmica e da estrutura na modelação de movimentos sísmicos no caso de Áquila. A metodologia adoptada consiste na determinação da distribuição de deslizamentos sobre o plano de falha e utilização desta informação na modelação de sismogramas sintéticos (com recurso ao algoritmo E3D). Será igualmente estabelecida uma comparação de resultados considerando-se um meio com e sem bacia e considerando-se uma fonte pontual e uma fonte extensa

    Políticas de reabilitação energética do parque edificado em Portugal - uma revisão dos instrumentos de informação e comunicação

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    A vertente da informação e comunicação é umas das áreas atuação das políticas de melhoria da eficiência energética nos edifícios pretendendo, em complemento com outras medidas, informar e motivar os utilizadores do parque edificado a tomarem a decisão de realizar intervenções nos seus edifícios. Este estudo, inserido num estudo mais abrangente, pretende fazer uma revisão e análise dos impactos da implementação deste tipo de instrumentos em Portugal e noutros países europeus. Os resultados na análise revelam que há ferramentas informativas que apresentaram bons resultados mas é premente alterar o discurso promocional que tem sido mais habitual, o da poupança energética e da viabilidade económica, explorando também motivações sociais e culturais. Melhores plataformas de informação e aconselhamento também precisam estar ao alcance de profissionais e população.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The sustainability of the construction industry in sub-saharan Africa: some new evidence from recent data

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    The relationship between a country’s level of construction activity and its stage of economic development has been the subject of study at the macroeconomic level for a number of years. The dominant paradigm in the field is that the construction industry follows an inverted U shaped development pattern i.e. the share of construction in national economy first increases in the early stages of development and ultimately decline in the latest stages of development. An examination of construction indicators in two categories of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa is made and the link between construction investment and the economic and social targets of the sustainable development goals is considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio