46 research outputs found

    Macro and micronutrient accumulation in watermelon

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    The expansion of crop productivity such as watermelon can be reached by providing adequate nutrition in quantity and when plants need it most. It is known that well-nourished plants better resist biotic and abiotic stresses, being determinants for more sustainable management. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the plant growth, the rate of nutrient absorption, the proportion of absorption, and estimate the quantity of exported nutrients by watermelon fruits. The experiment was implemented in randomized block design with eight treatments (phenological phases) - 33 and 40 (growth), 47 and 54 (flowering), 61 and 68 (filling), 75 and 82 (maturation) days after planting (DAP). Each evaluation consisted of plant collection for dry mass, macro, and micronutrient analysis in the shoot (leaves and stems), fruits, and the entire plant. The period between 61 and 68 DAP was the one with the highest plant dry matter increment. The accumulation of macronutrients in the plant shoot showed the following decreasing order: Ca>N>K>Mg>P>S, in the fruits: K>N>P>Ca>Mg>S and in the whole plant: K>N>Ca>P>Mg>S. For micronutrients, the decreasing order of accumulation for the shoot and the entire plant were Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu, and for fruits were Fe>B>Zn>Mn>Cu.The expansion of crop productivity such as watermelon can be reached by providing adequate nutrition in quantity and when plants need it most. It is known that well-nourished plants better resist biotic and abiotic stresses, being determinants for more sustainable management. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the plant growth, the rate of nutrient absorption, the proportion of absorption, and estimate the quantity of exported nutrients by watermelon fruits. The experiment was implemented in randomized block design with eight treatments (phenological phases) - 33 and 40 (growth), 47 and 54 (flowering), 61 and 68 (filling), 75 and 82 (maturation) days after planting (DAP). Each evaluation consisted of plant collection for dry mass, macro, and micronutrient analysis in the shoot (leaves and stems), fruits, and the entire plant. The period between 61 and 68 DAP was the one with the highest plant dry matter increment. The accumulation of macronutrients in the plant shoot showed the following decreasing order: Ca>N>K>Mg>P>S, in the fruits: K>N>P>Ca>Mg>S and in the whole plant: K>N>Ca>P>Mg>S. For micronutrients, the decreasing order of accumulation for the shoot and the entire plant were Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu, and for fruits were Fe>B>Zn>Mn>Cu.The expansion of crop productivity such as watermelon can be reached by providing adequate nutrition in quantity and when plants need it most. It is known that well-nourished plants better resist biotic and abiotic stresses, being determinants for more sustainable management. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the plant growth, the rate of nutrient absorption, the proportion of absorption, and estimate the quantity of exported nutrients by watermelon fruits. The experiment was implemented in randomized block design with eight treatments (phenological phases) - 33 and 40 (growth), 47 and 54 (flowering), 61 and 68 (filling), 75 and 82 (maturation) days after planting (DAP). Each evaluation consisted of plant collection for dry mass, macro, and micronutrient analysis in the shoot (leaves and stems), fruits, and the entire plant. The period between 61 and 68 DAP was the one with the highest plant dry matter increment. The accumulation of macronutrients in the plant shoot showed the following decreasing order: Ca>N>K>Mg>P>S, in the fruits: K>N>P>Ca>Mg>S and in the whole plant: K>N>Ca>P>Mg>S. For micronutrients, the decreasing order of accumulation for the shoot and the entire plant were Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu, and for fruits were Fe>B>Zn>Mn>Cu

    Foliar application of titanium on potato crop

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    Although titanium (Ti) is not considered a nutrient, researches demonstrate that Ti leaf application can provide beneficial effects on plants growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of foliar applications of Ti levels on the metabolism, nutrient uptake and yield of potato crop, Agate cultivar. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with five treatments and four replications. The treatments were composed of 0, 10.2, 15.3, 20.4 and 22.9 g Ti ha-1, divided into three applications during the growth stage, tuberization stage and tuber filling stage. Foliar applications of Ti increase the chlorophyll content (Spad value) in the tuber filling stage. Ti levels do not interfere with N, Zn and Cu nutrient accumulation. Increasing Ti levels linearly reduce the Mn, lipid peroxidation (PL) and urease content and increase the activity of peroxidase (POD), nitrate reductase (ANR), catalase (CAT), proline and Fe content in the growth stage, with maximum level around 3 to 6 g Ti ha-1. In the tuberization stage, at high levels of Ti, there is an increase in urease activity and CAT while ANR has its lowest value. In the tuber filling stage, high Ti levels are related to high Fe, Mn, high ANR and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and low PL activity. The ideal level of titanium applied by leaf for greater yield of tubers is 11.3 g of Ti ha-1

    Biofertilizer in leaf and drip applications: an alternative to increase tomato productivity

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    The tomato is a species of undetermined growth and extremely demanding in nutrients Therefore, the search of new ways to maximize the use and supply of fertilizers sources and their application mechanisms are important to improve the tomato culture management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application methods of liquid biofertilizer (BF) and the harvest times throughout cultivation. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, in a 3x6 factorial with subdivided plot and seven replications. The treatments were foliar and drip BF application and a control, without application of BF, and harvesting time (85; 92; 99; 106; 113; 120 days after transplanting-DAT). Leaf application resulted in a class I production increase in the second week of harvest (92 DAT), while drip application reflected higher class II and III production in the fourth week (106 DAT). In all treatments, at 92 DAT higher production of large fruits (class I) was observed. Production of average fruits (class II) occurred at 92 and 113 DAT and small fruit (class III) production was concentrated at 113 DAT. The adoption of BF, regardless of the application form, provides an increase in total productivity, with an income up to 35% higher. Therefore, biofertilizer is a good source for nutrition implementation aiming at yields and returns in the tomato production chain.The tomato is a species of undetermined growth and extremely demanding in nutrients Therefore, the search of new ways to maximize the use and supply of fertilizers sources and their application mechanisms are important to improve the tomato culture management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application methods of liquid biofertilizer (BF) and the harvest times throughout cultivation. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, in a 3x6 factorial with subdivided plot and seven replications. The treatments were foliar and drip BF application and a control, without application of BF, and harvesting time (85; 92; 99; 106; 113; 120 days after transplanting-DAT). Leaf application resulted in a class I production increase in the second week of harvest (92 DAT), while drip application reflected higher class II and III production in the fourth week (106 DAT). In all treatments, at 92 DAT higher production of large fruits (class I) was observed. Production of average fruits (class II) occurred at 92 and 113 DAT and small fruit (class III) production was concentrated at 113 DAT. The adoption of BF, regardless of the application form, provides an increase in total productivity, with an income up to 35% higher. Therefore, biofertilizer is a good source for nutrition implementation aiming at yields and returns in the tomato production chain

    Biostimulants in the development of tomato and collard greens seedlings

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    The success of crop yields begins with the use of quality seedlings. Crops from vigorous plants respond better to phytosanitary treatments and management techniques, resulting in economic returns and better use of inputs. The objective of this study was to evaluate NPK fertilizer rates and rates of an NPK + auxin biostimulant on the effects over agronomic features of Collard Greens and salad tomato seedlings. The research consisted of two experiments in randomized block, with four replications each. Both experiments were in factorial scheme 2 x 4, consisting of the combination of two nutrient sources (NPK fertilizer 9-45-11 and biostimulant composed of NPK 9-45-11 + 400 mg kg -1 of auxin IAA), and four rates, being then 50; 100; 150 and 200% of the recommended rate of biostimulant for tomato and 50; 75; 100 and 125% of the recommended rate for Collard Greens. The biostimulant favored the development of tomato seedlings, since it provides greater root dry mass accumulation and didn’t promote seedling shedding, as it occurred in the application of NPK fertilizers. On the other hand, the Collard Greens seedlings didn’t distinguish by the presence of auxin in the biostimulant, developing greater seedlings heights with NPK application. Concentrations of 50-200% of the recommended biostimulant fertilizer didn’t interfere on root length, diameter and root dry mass of Collard Greens

    Agronomic efficiency of organomineral fertilizer in onion cultivation

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    Onions has high nutritional and nutraceutical value. In the last decade the bulbs have gained increasingrelevance due their compounds linked to anti-cancer effects. The fertilization managment is relevant to thiscrop because the mineral’s influence beyond productivity, interfering in several aspects of quality. Organicsources despite available, adoption is still cautious and seen as an expense, rather than investment in soilquality. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the use of organomineral fertilizer on the development andproductivity of Akamaru hybrid. The experiment was carried out in Cristalina-GO, in a randomized block design,with 4 replications and 5 treatments: organomineral fertilizer (NPK) with the formula 02-20-05. The rates wereadjusted to approximately the same amounts, where 3,680 kg ha-1 was considered the 100% rate, 2,944 kg ha-1as 80%, 2,208 kg ha-1 as 60% and 1,472 kg ha-1 as 40% of the rate established. The rate of 2,300 kg ha-1 of theformulated 03-35-06 referred to 100% of the mineral source. The total yield of onion was not affected when theorganomineral source was used, therefore, it is a viable source for use in onion culture. A rate reduction of upto 20% of the recommended mineral rate allows good performance (85.5 t ha-1), with 7.5 t ha-1 higher than the60% reduction of the recommended rate.Onions has high nutritional and nutraceutical value. In the last decade the bulbs have gained increasingrelevance due their compounds linked to anti-cancer effects. The fertilization managment is relevant to thiscrop because the mineral’s influence beyond productivity, interfering in several aspects of quality. Organicsources despite available, adoption is still cautious and seen as an expense, rather than investment in soilquality. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the use of organomineral fertilizer on the development andproductivity of Akamaru hybrid. The experiment was carried out in Cristalina-GO, in a randomized block design,with 4 replications and 5 treatments: organomineral fertilizer (NPK) with the formula 02-20-05. The rates wereadjusted to approximately the same amounts, where 3,680 kg ha-1 was considered the 100% rate, 2,944 kg ha-1as 80%, 2,208 kg ha-1 as 60% and 1,472 kg ha-1 as 40% of the rate established. The rate of 2,300 kg ha-1 of theformulated 03-35-06 referred to 100% of the mineral source. The total yield of onion was not affected when theorganomineral source was used, therefore, it is a viable source for use in onion culture. A rate reduction of upto 20% of the recommended mineral rate allows good performance (85.5 t ha-1), with 7.5 t ha-1 higher than the60% reduction of the recommended rate

    Cultivo de Artemisia absinthium L. sob concentrações de solução nutritiva em hidroponia

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    Losna ou absinto (Artemisa absinthium L.) é uma espécie utilizada desde a antiguidade devido a seu princípio ativo medicinal, com destaque no cenário atual por sua capacidade de fornecer substâncias úteis à indústria.  Estudos sobre a produção de plantas medicinais em hidroponia podem encontrar alternativas viáveis para otimizar a produção, especialmente por fornecerem dados sobre o crescimento e produção. Neste contexto, objetivou-se avaliar o desenvolvimento do absinto sob concentrações de solução nutritiva e posição das plantas no perfil hidropônico, em sistema hidropônico NFT. O experimento foi conduzido entre os meses de abril e agosto de 2009 em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições, em esquema fatorial 4 x 3.  Foram avaliadas altura, massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e de raízes. As plantas tiveram seu crescimento inicial em espuma fenólica e foram irrigadas com solução nutritiva diluída a 50 %. Após transplantadas para as bancadas de desenvolvimento, foram submetidas aos tratamentos: concentrações de solução nutritiva (50, 75, 100 e 125 %) e posições das plantas nos perfis hidropônicos (inicial, intermediária e final). A solução nutritiva a 50 % foi considerada a melhor opção de cultivo para absinto, uma vez que concentrações maiores não refletem em desenvolvimento significativo. Portanto, a redução pode ser utilizada sem comprometer a produção de biomassa, com economia de recursos naturais e financeiro

    Plant growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) under applications of liquid biofertilizers

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    Garlic is a highly relevant vegetable crop from the food and medicinal point of view in the culture of different peoples around the world. The new discoveries of the active components present in the bulbs increase the demand and require that garlic’s production system meets the demands of the market in quantity and quality. The nutrition in vegetables is crucial for the production and protection of crops, and in the garlic crop it is usual practice to apply minerals via leaf application during the cycle. The use and benefits of organic sources associated with minerals in the garlic crop raise questions about the viability of the leaf application method in this crop. The objective of this study  was to evaluate the effectiveness of biofertilizers containing humic acids applied via leaf application in the crop of garlic (Allium sativum) in relation to the control (absence of humic acid). There was no significant variation for the foliar application of biofertilizers for the development parameters (aerial part, root system and bulb formation) and garlic production classes. Biofertilizer 4 at the dose of 30 L ha-1 stood out compared to the Biofertilizers 2 and 3 for total productivity. The use of foliar biofertilizers with organic components associated with minerals can be considered an interesting alternative for the cultivation of garlic, especially if evaluated in the long term and considering the global benefits to the cultivation system

    Organomineral as a substitute for mineral fertilization in potato cultivation

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum, L.) is one of the most responsive crops to fertilizer application, which drives theneed to rationalize and make the most of nutritional resources in efficient and sustainable management. Basedon the hypothesis that the organomineral is a great alternative to increase potato productivity (Ágata andAtlantic cultivars) and that it can be indicated as a substitute for mineral fertilizers, this study aims to evaluatethe effect of organomineral doses applied in the planting furrow on potato productivity to identify the bestlevel of mineral fertilizer replacement. A study was conducted in the city of Cristalina (state of Goiás, Brazil),evaluating the replacement of 40, 60, 80, and 100% of mineral fertilizer (standard) provided via organomineralfertilizer in two widely cultivated varieties. The total productivity and the productivity in classes were monitored,as well as the nutrient contents in the leaves. The results showed that the organomineral is a great alternative toincrease potato productivity and can be indicated as a substitute for mineral fertilizers. For the cultivar Ágata,an organomineral dose of 80% is recommended concerning mineral fertilization. On the other hand, for theAtlantic cultivar, the same dose of mineral fertilizer is recommended. In both cultivars, there was an increase intuber size with organomineral fertilization, which indicates greater efficiency in tuber productivity.Potato (Solanum tuberosum, L.) is one of the most responsive crops to fertilizer application, which drives theneed to rationalize and make the most of nutritional resources in efficient and sustainable management. Basedon the hypothesis that the organomineral is a great alternative to increase potato productivity (Ágata andAtlantic cultivars) and that it can be indicated as a substitute for mineral fertilizers, this study aims to evaluatethe effect of organomineral doses applied in the planting furrow on potato productivity to identify the bestlevel of mineral fertilizer replacement. A study was conducted in the city of Cristalina (state of Goiás, Brazil),evaluating the replacement of 40, 60, 80, and 100% of mineral fertilizer (standard) provided via organomineralfertilizer in two widely cultivated varieties. The total productivity and the productivity in classes were monitored,as well as the nutrient contents in the leaves. The results showed that the organomineral is a great alternative toincrease potato productivity and can be indicated as a substitute for mineral fertilizers. For the cultivar Ágata,an organomineral dose of 80% is recommended concerning mineral fertilization. On the other hand, for theAtlantic cultivar, the same dose of mineral fertilizer is recommended. In both cultivars, there was an increase intuber size with organomineral fertilization, which indicates greater efficiency in tuber productivity

    Maturação e qualidade física de frutos na germinação dos pirênios de Schefflera morototoni (Araliaceae)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the maturation stage of the fruit on the physical characteristics and germination of Schefflera morototoni pyrenes submitted to pre-germination treatments. Fruits with green and purplish green coloration were collected from 14 accesses, pulped in running water, discarding the hollow pyrenes, after counting, together with retracted and oxidized endosperm, and using the uniform pyrenes (with greenish endosperm occupying the whole cavity of the pyrene). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme (stages of fruit maturation and pre-germination treatments), with four repetitions in parcels containing 25 pyrenes. For greater capacity and germination speed of the pyrenes, fruits should be harvested when they present a purplish green coloration, while discarding those with hollow pyrenes, with retracted or oxidized endosperm. The germination capacity of the pyrenes with uniform endosperm varied between 50 and 60%, with the beginning of the process at about 40 days after planting and continuing for up to 60 days in vermiculite. Pulped pyrenes, dried and soaked in water at 60ºC for 5 minutes, followed by soaking in water at room temperature for 12 hours began the germination process in less time, in relation to those pulped, dried, scarified and soaked for 6 hours. The fruit endocarp is permeable and rigid; however, it presents a natural opening when soaked.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência do estádio de maturação dos frutos nas características físicas e de germinação de pirênios de Schefflera morototoni submetidos a tratamentos pré-germinativos. Frutos com coloração verde e verde-arroxeada foram coletados de 14 acessos, despolpados em água corrente, descartando-se, após contabilização, os pirênios chochos, com endosperma retraído e oxidado, utilizando-se os uniformes (com endosperma esverdeado ocupando toda a cavidade do pirênio). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 5 (estádios de maturação dos frutos e tratamentos pré-germinativos), com quatro repetições em parcelas contendo 25 pirênios. Verificou-se que, para maior capacidade e velocidade de germinação dos pirênios, os frutos devem ser colhidos quando apresentarem coloração verde-arroxeada, descartando-se aqueles com pirênios chochos, endosperma retraído ou oxidado. A capacidade de germinação dos pirênios com endosperma uniforme varia entre 50 e 60%, com início do processo em cerca de 40 dias após semeadura, se estendendo por até 60 dias em vermiculita. Pirênios despolpados, secos e embebidos em água a 60oC por 5 minutos, seguida da embebição em água à temperatura ambiente por 12 horas iniciam o processo de germinação em menor tempo, em relação aos despolpados, secos, escarificados e embebidos por 6 horas. O endocarpo dos frutos é permeável e rígido, no entanto, apresenta abertura natural quando embebido

    Productivity and quality of bagging fruit of hybrid tomatoes

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    Tomato cultivation is challenging due to the high susceptibility to various pests and diseases. Fruit borer insects make fruits unfeasible for commercialization because this favors colonization by pathogens. The loss due to borers can be avoided by bagging the bunches of fruit, helping the conventional crop to be more sustainable, reduce the use of pesticides, reduce the residue in fruits and improve the quality of life of rural workers, by less exposure to agrochemicals and poisoning problems. The results are products of better quality and with the possibility of better profitability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of tomato bagging in the control of fruit borer insects, and its effects on lycopene content, taste, productivity and profitability. The experiment was conducted in a field in the municipality of Uberaba-MG, from November 2016 to September 2017. The experimental design was a randomized block design, in a 3 x 5 factorial, with four replications. The factors consisted of three tomato hybrids: Dominador (salad), Ravena (Italian) and Carina Star (Santa Cruz), and fruit bagging types, made by TNW (tissue-non-woven), tulle, organza, brown craft and a control, without fruit bagging. The decision of bagging use depends on the pest incidence in the area and the change in the agronomic characteristics of the tomato. The organza and tulle fruits bagging reduce the incidence of borer insects, relative to the control, in the cultivation in spring-summer. The Dominador presents higher brix content among the evaluated hybrids. Carina Star, when bagged with organza, produces fruits with higher levels of lycopene, and is 116% superior to the other cultivars. From the second harvest, organza fabric is the most profitable bagging, since it is the only one that can be reused several times and is therefore more sustainable