9 research outputs found

    Current Overview of Undergraduate Nursing Courses in the Northeast

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    Introduction: Nursing education has been undergoing transformations in due to the need to adapt to the market demands. Thus, within the academic context, it is necessary to observe the quality of training linked to the demands of the contemporary world. To assess this quality, the National Institute of Studies and Research uses instruments to outline the quality panorama of the courses through the evaluation of students, through the result of the National Student Performance Exam, in addition to using the educational indexes: administrative category, institutional nature, number of vacancies offered and course concept. Objective: To outline the current panorama of undergraduate nursing courses in the Northeast region, establishing a relation with the quality of teaching based on the evaluation of educational indices. Methodology: Document research, of a descriptive character and qualitative approach, using secondary data from the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira of the Ministry of Education, available in April 2020. The sample consists of 336 institutions that offer 406 undergraduate courses in nursing in the Northeast. The data were compiled in an Excel®️ spreadsheet and statistically analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 program. Results: It was observed that the face-to-face modality stands out with 89% coverage in the region, but distance learning includes the largest number of places. Public education institutions stand out with the higher concepts of the course. The NSPE evaluation concept 2 was the one that most appeared in the evaluated courses. The state of Bahia has the largest amount of courses, with 24.5%, and Sergipe was the lowest index (5.4%), but it has an average of vacancies higher than the average in the region. Final considerations: The analysis of this study shows a deficit in the quality of undergraduate nursing courses in the Northeast. Further studies in the area of ​​Nursing Education are needed to analyze the monitoring of its quality

    Percepção de idosos sobre a sexualidade

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    Introdução: A sociedade deduz que o ato sexual é prerrogativa da população mais jovem e que o idoso não tem vida sexual. Portanto é necessário desmitificar essa ideia, pois isso contribui para a invisibilidade da sexualidade na população idosa. Objetivo: Identificar na literatura a percepção dos idosos sobre a sexualidade. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo bibliográfico, descritivo do tipo de revisão integrativa, realizada nas bases de dados eletrônicas: Scielo, PubMed, BDENF e Lilacs. Resultados: Os resultados encontrados foram conforme os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Foram selecionados 12 artigos que alcançaram o objetivo que, de acordo com as análises de conteúdo, foram escolhidas duas categorias: Idosos relacionam a sexualidade ao ato sexual e idosos entendem que a sexualidade vai além do ato sexual. Conclusão: Portanto, concluímos que grande parte dos estudos analisados constatou que a percepção dos idosos sobre a sexualidade no envelhecimento está associada ao ato sexual. Sendo assim, é necessário que a sexualidade no envelhecimento tenha mais visibilidade e seja mais discutida no meio acadêmico, científico e pelos profissionais de saúde


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    In Anatomy, anatomical variation is a deviation from the normal morphology of an organ or structure of an individual, and among the various anatomical variations, we observe some in the first cervical vertebra, such as the presence of the retrotransverse foramen. Therefore, in the present study, we intend to describe the prevalence of this foramen, both bilateral and unilateral, in an Osteological Collection in the Northeast Region of Brazil. For our study, 231 dry atlas vertebrae from adults were used, 80 from females and 151 from males. All vertebrae belong to the collection of the Forensic Anthropology Center of the Faculty of Medicine of FAP-Araripina, located in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. To collect the data, the inductive approach method was used with a systematic and direct observation technique for data collection and a descriptive procedure for analyzing them. According to the data we obtained the following results. Regarding the total sample (n=231), we verified the absence of the retrotransverse foramen in 150 vertebrae, representing 65% of the cases. In 40 vertebrae (17.3%) we found the foramen bilaterally. The right unilateral foramen appeared in 20 cases (8.7%) and on the left side in 21 vertebrae, representing 9.1% of cases. The presence of this bilateral foramen was more common in females (18.8%) than in males (16.6%). Due to the great importance of this structure for the clinic, further studies in our population are necessary to identify these variations.Em Anatomia, variação anatômica é um desvio da morfologia normal de um órgão ou estrutura de um indivíduo, e dentre as diversas variações anatômicas, observamos algumas na primeira vértebra cervical, como a presença do forame retrotransversal. Assim sendo, no presente estudo, pretendemos descrever a prevalência deste forame, tanto bilateral como unilateral em uma Coleção Osteológica da Região Nordeste do Brasil. Para o nosso estudo foram utilizadas 231 vértebras atlas secas de adultos, sendo 80 do sexo feminino e 151 do sexo masculino. Todas as vértebras pertencem ao acervo do Centro de Antropologia Forense da Faculdade de Medicina da FAP-Araripina, localizada no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Para coleta dos dados, foi utilizado o método de abordagem indutivo com técnica de observação sistemática e direta para coleta dos dados e procedimento descritivo para análise dos mesmos. De acordo com os dados obtivemos os seguintes resultados. Com relação a amostra total (n=231), verificamos a ausência do forame retrotransversal em 150 vértebras, representando 65% dos casos. Em 40 vértebras (17,3%) encontramos o forame na forma bilateral. O forame unilateral direito apareceu em 20 casos (8,7%) e do lado esquerdo em 21 vértebras, representando 9,1% dos casos. A presença deste forame na forma bilateral foi mais frequente no sexo feminino (18,8%) do que no masculino (16,6%). Devido à grande importância desta estrutura para a clínica, faz-se necessário novos estudos em nossa população para identificação dessas variações

    Persistence of chikungunya ECSA genotype and local outbreak in an upper medium class neighborhood in Northeast Brazil.

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    The chikungunya East/Central/South/Africa virus lineage (CHIKV-ECSA) was first detected in Brazil in the municipality of Feira de Santana (FS) by mid 2014. Following that, a large number of CHIKV cases have been notified in FS, which is the second-most populous city in Bahia state, northeastern Brazil, and plays an important role on the spread to other Brazilian states due to climate conditions and the abundance of competent vectors. To better understand CHIKV dynamics in Bahia state, we generated 5 complete genome sequences from a local outbreak raised in Serraria Brasil, a neighbourhood in FS, by next-generation sequencing using Illumina approach. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed that the new FS genomes belongs to the ECSA genotype and falls within a single strongly supported monophyletic clade that includes other older CHIKV sequences from the same location, suggesting the persistence of the virus during distinct epidemic seasons. We also performed minor variants analysis and found a small number of SNPs per sample (b_29L and e_45SR = 16 SNPs, c_29SR = 29 and d_45PL and f_45FL = 21 SNPs). Out of the 93 SNPs found, 71 are synonymous, 21 are non-synonymous and one generated a stop codon. Although those mutations are not related to the increase of virus replication and/or infectivity, some SNPs were found in non-structural proteins which may have an effect on viral evasion from the mammal immunological system. These findings reinforce the needing of further studies on those variants and of continued genomic surveillance strategies to track viral adaptations and to monitor CHIKV epidemics for improved public health control