5 research outputs found

    A Estrutura a Termo da Taxa de Juros e seu Impacto no Teste de Adequação de Passivo para Seguradoras no Brasil

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    ;A regulamentação brasileira para aplicação do Teste de Adequação de Passivo (TAP) às provisões técnicas em seguradoras exige que a estimativa corrente seja descontada por uma estrutura a termo da taxa de juros (ETTJ). Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar os resultados do TAP, decorrentes da utilização de diferentes modelos de construção da ETTJ: técnica de interpolação por spline cúbico, o modelo de Svensson (adotado pelo regulador) e o modelo de Vasicek. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, as taxas negociadas nos pregões da BM&FBOVESPA foram utilizadas para modelar a ETTJ que descontou os fluxos de caixa de uma seguradora. Os resultados indicam que: (i) o TAP é sensível à escolha do modelo utilizado na construção da ETTJ; (ii) essa sensibilidade aumenta com a longevidade do fluxo de caixa; (iii) a adoção de uma taxa a termo de longuíssimo prazo (ultimate forward rate – UFR) para o mercado segurador brasileiro deveria ser avaliada pelo regulador, com o propósito de estabilizar a trajetória da curva de juros nos vencimentos mais longos. A provisão técnica é um dos principais itens de solvência das seguradoras e o resultado do TAP é um importante indicador da qualidade dessa provisão, à medida que avalia sua suficiência ou insuficiência. Nesse sentido, este artigo preenche um espaço ainda pouco explorado na literatura atuarial nacional, apresentando as principais metodologias disponíveis para modelagem da curva de juros e uma aplicação prática para analisar o impacto de sua escolha no TAP.;;The Brazilian regulation for applying the Liability Adequacy Test (LAT) to technical provisions in insurance companies requires that the current estimate is discounted by a term structure of interest rates (hereafter TSIR). This article aims to analyze the LAT results, derived from the use of various models to build the TSIR: the cubic spline interpolation technique, Svensson's model (adopted by the regulator) and Vasicek's model. In order to achieve the objective proposed, the exchange rates of BM&FBOVESPA trading days were used to model the ETTJ and, consequently, to discount the cash flow of the insurance company. The results indicate that: (i) LAT is sensitive to the choice of the model used to build the TSIR; (ii) this sensitivity increases with cash flow longevity; (iii) the adoption of an ultimate forward rate (UFR) for the Brazilian insurance market should be evaluated by the regulator, in order to stabilize the trajectory of the yield curve at longer maturities. The technical provision is among the main solvency items of insurance companies and the LAT result is a significant indicator of the quality of this provision, as this evaluates its sufficiency or insufficiency. Thus, this article bridges a gap in the Brazilian actuarial literature, introducing the main methodologies available for modeling the yield curve and a practical application to analyze the impact of its choice on LAT.

    Disagreement in expectations and the credibility of monetary authorities in the Brazilian inflation targeting regime

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    AbstractBased on market expectations reported by the Central Bank of Brazil for the SELIC interest rate, the IPCA inflation, the exchange rate (BRL/USD) and the growth rate of industrial production for four different forecasting horizons, this work analyzes the term structures of disagreement in expectations regarding the future values of these variables. It also investigates the driving factors of disagreement, paying special attention to the influence of monetary authorities’ credibility. An extensive regression analysis shows that the levels of the term structures of disagreement are negatively related to the output gap (although this result is not very robust); and that the levels of the term structures of disagreement in expectations about the IPCA inflation rate and the SELIC interest rate have a strong negative relationship with central bankers’ credibility; this relationship is positive in the case of the growth rate of industrial production

    The Term Structure of Interest Rates and its Impact on the Liability Adequacy Test for Insurance Companies in Brazil

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    ;The Brazilian regulation for applying the Liability Adequacy Test (LAT) to technical provisions in insurance companies requires that the current estimate is discounted by a term structure of interest rates (hereafter TSIR). This article aims to analyze the LAT results, derived from the use of various models to build the TSIR: the cubic spline interpolation technique, Svensson's model (adopted by the regulator) and Vasicek's model. In order to achieve the objective proposed, the exchange rates of BM&FBOVESPA trading days were used to model the ETTJ and, consequently, to discount the cash flow of the insurance company. The results indicate that: (i) LAT is sensitive to the choice of the model used to build the TSIR; (ii) this sensitivity increases with cash flow longevity; (iii) the adoption of an ultimate forward rate (UFR) for the Brazilian insurance market should be evaluated by the regulator, in order to stabilize the trajectory of the yield curve at longer maturities. The technical provision is among the main solvency items of insurance companies and the LAT result is a significant indicator of the quality of this provision, as this evaluates its sufficiency or insufficiency. Thus, this article bridges a gap in the Brazilian actuarial literature, introducing the main methodologies available for modeling the yield curve and a practical application to analyze the impact of its choice on LAT.;;A regulamentação brasileira para aplicação do Teste de Adequação de Passivo (TAP) às provisões técnicas em seguradoras exige que a estimativa corrente seja descontada por uma estrutura a termo da taxa de juros (ETTJ). Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar os resultados do TAP, decorrentes da utilização de diferentes modelos de construção da ETTJ: técnica de interpolação por spline cúbico, o modelo de Svensson (adotado pelo regulador) e o modelo de Vasicek. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, as taxas negociadas nos pregões da BM&FBOVESPA foram utilizadas para modelar a ETTJ que descontou os fluxos de caixa de uma seguradora. Os resultados indicam que: (i) o TAP é sensível à escolha do modelo utilizado na construção da ETTJ; (ii) essa sensibilidade aumenta com a longevidade do fluxo de caixa; (iii) a adoção de uma taxa a termo de longuíssimo prazo (ultimate forward rate – UFR) para o mercado segurador brasileiro deveria ser avaliada pelo regulador, com o propósito de estabilizar a trajetória da curva de juros nos vencimentos mais longos. A provisão técnica é um dos principais itens de solvência das seguradoras e o resultado do TAP é um importante indicador da qualidade dessa provisão, à medida que avalia sua suficiência ou insuficiência. Nesse sentido, este artigo preenche um espaço ainda pouco explorado na literatura atuarial nacional, apresentando as principais metodologias disponíveis para modelagem da curva de juros e uma aplicação prática para analisar o impacto de sua escolha no TAP.

    The Term Structure of Interest Rates and its Impact on the Liability Adequacy Test for Insurance Companies in Brazil

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    The Brazilian regulation for applying the Liability Adequacy Test (LAT) to technical provisions in insurance companies requires that the current estimate is discounted by a term structure of interest rates (hereafter TSIR). This article aims to analyze the LAT results, derived from the use of various models to build the TSIR: the cubic spline interpolation technique, Svensson's model (adopted by the regulator) and Vasicek's model. In order to achieve the objective proposed, the exchange rates of BM&FBOVESPA trading days were used to model the ETTJ and, consequently, to discount the cash flow of the insurance company. The results indicate that: (i) LAT is sensitive to the choice of the model used to build the TSIR; (ii) this sensitivity increases with cash flow longevity; (iii) the adoption of an ultimate forward rate (UFR) for the Brazilian insurance market should be evaluated by the regulator, in order to stabilize the trajectory of the yield curve at longer maturities. The technical provision is among the main solvency items of insurance companies and the LAT result is a significant indicator of the quality of this provision, as this evaluates its sufficiency or insufficiency. Thus, this article bridges a gap in the Brazilian actuarial literature, introducing the main methodologies available for modeling the yield curve and a practical application to analyze the impact of its choice on LAT