9 research outputs found

    Spatial analysis of pneumococcal meningitis in São Paulo in the pre- and post-immunization era

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the pneumococcal meningitis incidence rates in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, by age group, municipalities and micro-regions, as well as the spatial distribution of pneumococcal meningitis incidence rates among children under 5 years old in the pre- (2005–2009) and post-vaccination (2011–2013) periods and its associations with socioeconomic variables and vaccination coverage. METHODS: The data source was the Brazilian Notifiable Diseases Information System. For the pre- and post-vaccination periods, thematic maps were built for pneumococcal meningitis incidence in under-5 children, by São Paulo state micro-regions, vaccination coverage and socioeconomic variables, using QGIS 2.6.1 software. Scan statistics performed by the SatScan 9.2 software were used to analyze spatial and spatiotemporal clusters in São Paulo municipalities and micro-regions. A Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian model with zero-inflated Poisson model through the integrated nested Laplace approximation was used in the spatial analysis to evaluate associations between pneumococcal meningitis incidence rates and socioeconomic variables of interest in São Paulo micro-regions. RESULTS: From 2005 to 2013, 3,963 pneumococcal meningitis cases were reported in São Paulo. Under-5 children were the most affected in the whole period. In the post-vaccination period, pneumococcal meningitis incidence rates decreased among this population, particularly among infants (from 4.17/100,000 in 2005 to 2.54/100,000 in 2013). Two clusters were found in pre-vaccination – one of low risk for pneumococcal meningitis, in the northwest of the state (OR = 0.45, p = 0.0003); and another of high risk in the southeast (OR = 1.62, p = 0.0000). In the post-vaccination period, only a high-risk cluster remained, in the southeast (RR = 1.97, p = 0.0570). In Bayesian analysis, wealth was the only variable positively associated to pneumococcal meningitis (RR = 1.026, 95%CI 1.002–1.052). CONCLUSIONS: Pneumococcal meningitis is probably underdiagnosed and underreported in São Paulo. Differentiated rates of pneumococcal meningitis diagnosis and reporting in each microregion, according to the São Paulo Index of Social Responsibility, might explain our results

    Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Inactivated Monovalent Non-Adjuvanted Vaccine in Elderly and Immunocompromised Patients

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    Background\ud \ud Immunosuppressed individuals present serious morbidity and mortality from influenza, therefore it is important to understand the safety and immunogenicity of influenza vaccination among them.\ud Methods\ud \ud This multicenter cohort study evaluated the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an inactivated, monovalent, non-adjuvanted pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccine among the elderly, HIV-infected, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), cancer, kidney transplant, and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients. Participants were included during routine clinical visits, and vaccinated according to conventional influenza vaccination schedules. Antibody response was measured by the hemagglutination-inhibition assay, before and 21 days after vaccination.\ud Results\ud \ud 319 patients with cancer, 260 with RA, 256 HIV-infected, 149 elderly individuals, 85 kidney transplant recipients, and 83 with JIA were included.\ud \ud The proportions of seroprotection, seroconversion, and the geometric mean titer ratios postvaccination were, respectively: 37.6%, 31.8%, and 3.2 among kidney transplant recipients, 61.5%, 53.1%, and 7.5 among RA patients, 63.1%, 55.7%, and 5.7 among the elderly, 59.0%, 54.7%, and 5.9 among HIV-infected patients, 52.4%, 49.2%, and 5.3 among cancer patients, 85.5%, 78.3%, and 16.5 among JIA patients. The vaccine was well tolerated, with no reported severe adverse events.\ud Conclusions\ud \ud The vaccine was safe among all groups, with an acceptable immunogenicity among the elderly and JIA patients, however new vaccination strategies should be explored to improve the immune response of immunocompromised adult patients. (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01218685)Fundação Butantan funded the study, and employed several of the authors. The funder had a role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Pneumococcal meningitis distribution in Brazil and Pneumococcal meningitis distribution and spatial analysis in the state of São Paulo, pre (2005-2009) and post- (2011-2013) childhood vaccination

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A vacina pneumocócica conjugada 10-valente (VPC10) foi introduzida no calendário de imunização infantil do Programa Nacional de Imunizações em 2010. Este estudo analisou as taxas de incidência de Meningite Pneumocócica (MP) no Brasil, por faixa etária e unidade da federação (UF); a distribuição espacial das taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos no Brasil, por UF, no período pré (2005-2009) e pós-vacinação (2011-2013); e associações com variáveis socioeconômicas e cobertura vacinal. Foram analisadas a distribuição espacial das taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos, por município do estado de São Paulo (SP), no período pré e pós-vacinação, e a existência de aglomerados espaciais e espaço-temporais. Através de estatística espacial, foram analisadas associações das taxas de incidência de MP, por microrregiões do estado, com variáveis socioeconômicas e cobertura vacinal. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico de base populacional, que utilizou dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Cobertura vacinal e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) foram utilizados na análise do Brasil. Na análise de SP, as unidades ecológicas foram municípios e microrregiões, e a variável socioeconômica foi o Índice Paulista de Responsabilidade Social (IPRS) da Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Foram construídos mapas temáticos para as taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos, nos períodos pré e pós vacinação, cobertura vacinal e IDH, por UF. Também foram construídos mapas temáticos das taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos, por microrregião de SP, nos períodos pré e pós-vacinação, cobertura vacinal e IPRS, utilizando o software QGis 2.6.1. Para SP, foi utilizada a técnica de varredura (software SatScan 9.2) para analisar aglomerados. O modelo Gaussiano latente Bayesiano com modelos inflados de zeros de Poisson, através da aproximação de Laplace aninhada e integrada (INLA), foi utilizado na análise espacial para avaliar associações entre taxa de incidência de MP, cobertura vacinal e variáveis socioeconômicas. RESULTADOS: De 2005 a 2013, foram notificados 10.769 casos de MP. Crianças menores de cinco anos foram as mais acometidas. No período pós-vacinação (2011-2013), a taxa de incidência de MP diminuiu nos menores de cinco anos, especialmente nos menores de um ano (de 10,42/100.000, em 2005, para 4,13/100.000, em 2013). No Brasil, maiores taxas de incidência de MP ocorreram nos estados com maior IDH. Em SP ocorreu o mesmo, sendo encontrados, no período pré-vacinação, dois aglomerados de municípios - um de baixo risco para MP, no noroeste do estado (RR, 0,45, p=0,00025), e outro de alto risco no sudeste, englobando a capital do estado, (RR, 1,62, p=0,0000051). No período pós-vacinação, apenas um aglomerado de maior risco se manteve na mesma região (RR, 1,97, p=0,057). Na análise Bayesiana, riqueza foi identificada como fator de risco para MP (RR, 1,026, IC: 1,002-1,052) no período pré-vacinação. Cobertura vacinal, longevidade e escolaridade não foram significativas. CONCLUSÕES: Maior IDH e maior riqueza foram fatores de risco para MP, sugerindo necessidade de maior investimento na capacidade diagnóstica de MP nas áreas estudadas, avanços na qualificação da vigilância e notificação da doençaINTRODUCTION: The 10-Valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) was introduced into the childhood immunization schedule of the Brazilian National Immunization Program in 2010. This study analyzed Pneumococcal Meningitis (PM) incidence rates in Brazil, by age group and federation unit (FU), the spatial distribution of PM incidence rates in under-5 children in Brazil, by FU, in the pre (2005-2009) and post-vaccination (2011-2013) periods, and associations with socioeconomic variables and vaccination coverage. We conducted spatial analysis of PM incidence rates in under-5 children, by municipality in SP, in pre and post-vaccination periods, and evaluated the existence of spatial and spatial-temporal clusters. Spatial statistics was used to test associations of PM incidence rates with socioeconomic variables and vaccine coverage, by state micro regions. METHODS: This is a population-based ecological study using data from the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Vaccine coverage and the Human Development Index (HDI) were used in the Brazilian analysis. In SP analysis, the ecological units were municipalities and micro regions, and the socio-economic variable was the Índice Paulista de Responsabilidade Social (IPRS) of the Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Thematic maps were built for PM incidence rates in under-5 children, in the pre- and post-vaccination periods, vaccine coverage and HDI, by FU. Thematic maps were also built for PM incidence rates in under-5 children by SP micro regions, in the pre- and post-vaccination periods, vaccination coverage and IPRS using QGis 2.6.1 software. The scanning technique (SatScan 9.2 software) was used to analyze spatial and spatiotemporal clusters in SP. A Bayesian latent Gaussian model with zero-inflated Poisson model through the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) was used in the spatial analysis to evaluate associations of PM incidence rates with vaccine coverage and socioeconomic variables. RESULTS: From 2005 to 2013, 10,769 PM cases were reported. Under-5 children were the most affected in the whole period. In the post-vaccination period (2011-2013), PM incidence rates decreased among under-5 children, especially among infants (from 10.42/100,000, in 2005, to 4.13/100,000, in 2013). Higher PM incidence rates occurred in states with higher HDI. The same occurred in SP, where two municipalities clusters were found in the pre-vaccination period - one of low risk for PM in the northwest of the state (OR, 0.45, p=0.00025), and another of high risk in the southeast, including the state capital (OR, 1.62, p=0.0000051). In the post-vaccination period, only one cluster of higher risk remained in the same area (RR, 1.97, p=0.057). In Bayesian analysis, wealth was identified as a risk factor for PM (RR, 1.026, CI: 1.002-1.052). Vaccination coverage, longevity and education were not important. CONCLUSIONS: A higher HDI as well as greater wealth were risk factors for PM. This result highlights the need to improve the diagnostic capacity of PM in studied areas, advancing in the surveillance quality and disease notificatio

    Pneumococcal meningitis distribution in Brazil and Pneumococcal meningitis distribution and spatial analysis in the state of São Paulo, pre (2005-2009) and post- (2011-2013) childhood vaccination

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A vacina pneumocócica conjugada 10-valente (VPC10) foi introduzida no calendário de imunização infantil do Programa Nacional de Imunizações em 2010. Este estudo analisou as taxas de incidência de Meningite Pneumocócica (MP) no Brasil, por faixa etária e unidade da federação (UF); a distribuição espacial das taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos no Brasil, por UF, no período pré (2005-2009) e pós-vacinação (2011-2013); e associações com variáveis socioeconômicas e cobertura vacinal. Foram analisadas a distribuição espacial das taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos, por município do estado de São Paulo (SP), no período pré e pós-vacinação, e a existência de aglomerados espaciais e espaço-temporais. Através de estatística espacial, foram analisadas associações das taxas de incidência de MP, por microrregiões do estado, com variáveis socioeconômicas e cobertura vacinal. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico de base populacional, que utilizou dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Cobertura vacinal e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) foram utilizados na análise do Brasil. Na análise de SP, as unidades ecológicas foram municípios e microrregiões, e a variável socioeconômica foi o Índice Paulista de Responsabilidade Social (IPRS) da Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Foram construídos mapas temáticos para as taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos, nos períodos pré e pós vacinação, cobertura vacinal e IDH, por UF. Também foram construídos mapas temáticos das taxas de incidência de MP em menores de cinco anos, por microrregião de SP, nos períodos pré e pós-vacinação, cobertura vacinal e IPRS, utilizando o software QGis 2.6.1. Para SP, foi utilizada a técnica de varredura (software SatScan 9.2) para analisar aglomerados. O modelo Gaussiano latente Bayesiano com modelos inflados de zeros de Poisson, através da aproximação de Laplace aninhada e integrada (INLA), foi utilizado na análise espacial para avaliar associações entre taxa de incidência de MP, cobertura vacinal e variáveis socioeconômicas. RESULTADOS: De 2005 a 2013, foram notificados 10.769 casos de MP. Crianças menores de cinco anos foram as mais acometidas. No período pós-vacinação (2011-2013), a taxa de incidência de MP diminuiu nos menores de cinco anos, especialmente nos menores de um ano (de 10,42/100.000, em 2005, para 4,13/100.000, em 2013). No Brasil, maiores taxas de incidência de MP ocorreram nos estados com maior IDH. Em SP ocorreu o mesmo, sendo encontrados, no período pré-vacinação, dois aglomerados de municípios - um de baixo risco para MP, no noroeste do estado (RR, 0,45, p=0,00025), e outro de alto risco no sudeste, englobando a capital do estado, (RR, 1,62, p=0,0000051). No período pós-vacinação, apenas um aglomerado de maior risco se manteve na mesma região (RR, 1,97, p=0,057). Na análise Bayesiana, riqueza foi identificada como fator de risco para MP (RR, 1,026, IC: 1,002-1,052) no período pré-vacinação. Cobertura vacinal, longevidade e escolaridade não foram significativas. CONCLUSÕES: Maior IDH e maior riqueza foram fatores de risco para MP, sugerindo necessidade de maior investimento na capacidade diagnóstica de MP nas áreas estudadas, avanços na qualificação da vigilância e notificação da doençaINTRODUCTION: The 10-Valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) was introduced into the childhood immunization schedule of the Brazilian National Immunization Program in 2010. This study analyzed Pneumococcal Meningitis (PM) incidence rates in Brazil, by age group and federation unit (FU), the spatial distribution of PM incidence rates in under-5 children in Brazil, by FU, in the pre (2005-2009) and post-vaccination (2011-2013) periods, and associations with socioeconomic variables and vaccination coverage. We conducted spatial analysis of PM incidence rates in under-5 children, by municipality in SP, in pre and post-vaccination periods, and evaluated the existence of spatial and spatial-temporal clusters. Spatial statistics was used to test associations of PM incidence rates with socioeconomic variables and vaccine coverage, by state micro regions. METHODS: This is a population-based ecological study using data from the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Vaccine coverage and the Human Development Index (HDI) were used in the Brazilian analysis. In SP analysis, the ecological units were municipalities and micro regions, and the socio-economic variable was the Índice Paulista de Responsabilidade Social (IPRS) of the Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Thematic maps were built for PM incidence rates in under-5 children, in the pre- and post-vaccination periods, vaccine coverage and HDI, by FU. Thematic maps were also built for PM incidence rates in under-5 children by SP micro regions, in the pre- and post-vaccination periods, vaccination coverage and IPRS using QGis 2.6.1 software. The scanning technique (SatScan 9.2 software) was used to analyze spatial and spatiotemporal clusters in SP. A Bayesian latent Gaussian model with zero-inflated Poisson model through the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) was used in the spatial analysis to evaluate associations of PM incidence rates with vaccine coverage and socioeconomic variables. RESULTS: From 2005 to 2013, 10,769 PM cases were reported. Under-5 children were the most affected in the whole period. In the post-vaccination period (2011-2013), PM incidence rates decreased among under-5 children, especially among infants (from 10.42/100,000, in 2005, to 4.13/100,000, in 2013). Higher PM incidence rates occurred in states with higher HDI. The same occurred in SP, where two municipalities clusters were found in the pre-vaccination period - one of low risk for PM in the northwest of the state (OR, 0.45, p=0.00025), and another of high risk in the southeast, including the state capital (OR, 1.62, p=0.0000051). In the post-vaccination period, only one cluster of higher risk remained in the same area (RR, 1.97, p=0.057). In Bayesian analysis, wealth was identified as a risk factor for PM (RR, 1.026, CI: 1.002-1.052). Vaccination coverage, longevity and education were not important. CONCLUSIONS: A higher HDI as well as greater wealth were risk factors for PM. This result highlights the need to improve the diagnostic capacity of PM in studied areas, advancing in the surveillance quality and disease notificatio

    Aortic aneurysm in a patient with syphilis-related spinal pain and paraplegia

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    The tertiary stage of syphilis is nowadays extremely rare, showing predilection for the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A 57-year-old Caucasian man sought medical assistance due to back pain that evolved to paraplegia of the lower limbs. A thoracic CT scan demonstrated an important aneurysmatic lesion of the descending thoracic aorta causing erosion of the vertebral bodies and VDRL and FTA-abs positivity. Although rare, syphilitic aortitis, the hallmark of cardiovascular syphilis, should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients with thoracic aneurysm when in the absence of classic risk factors for atherosclerosis, especially in cases that progress with erosion of vertebral bodies

    Spontaneous reporting of adverse events following pandemic influenza A (H1N1) immunization in a reference center in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Introduction This paper describes adverse events (AEs) temporally associated to the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) vaccine observed in a reference center in São Paulo, Brazil, during a 2010 mass vaccination campaign. Methods A retrospective study involving persons who sought medical care for AEs following influenza vaccination. Data were retrieved from medical records, vaccine AE notification forms, and a computerized system for immunobiological registration. Results Sixty-six vaccinees sought medical care for AEs after immunization. The most frequent AEs were fever, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site. No serious AEs were reported. Conclusions Few vaccinees spontaneously reported AEs to influenza A (H1N1) vaccine at this center

    Metástases pulmonares em homem: localização incomum do tumor primário Pulmonary metastases in men: primary tumor in an unusual location

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    Os autores relatam caso de câncer de mama em um homem de 72 anos achado acidentalmente durante a pesquisa do tumor primário para investigação de metástases pulmonares. São abordados aspectos epidemiológicos, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico desta patologia no sexo masculino.<br>We report a case of breast cancer identified in a 72-year-old male as an accidental finding during the course of the investigation of a primary tumor and the search for pulmonary metastases. We address aspects related to the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of this condition in males