881 research outputs found

    Sustainability literacy in older age groups: on the way to sustainable development

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    Conferência internacional realizada em Bogotá, Colombia, de 14-16 de junho de 2017The world is facing sustainability challenges for which actions and results are needed in a 10 to 15 years time frame. Sustainability Literacy or Education has a crucial role for the Sustainable Development and is a set of different forms of education aiming to create economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions for sustainable development. This study looks at Sustainability Literacy or Education for Sustainable Development as a potential tool to empower individuals and communities to make more informed decisions that are aligned with long-term sustainability goals and can produce the short-term results needed. Any Education for Sustainable Development initiative relies and can greatly benefit from a bottom-up approach in local communities. An active participation of individuals in the community initiatives generates more opportunities for formal and non-formal lifelong learning and creates relevance that is engaging for other community members. The traditional approach of investment in Sustainability Literacy focuses on youth. However, while this approach is important in the long run, it may not yield results for current sustainability challenges. Older age groups (i.e. 50 or older), usually overlooked because they are perceived as not being motivated by sustainability or as being too late in their life span to have a significant impact, may play a crucial role in promoting sustainability within communities. Our study addresses the importance of improved sustainability literacy in older age groups (i.e. 50 or older) as a driver for sustainability. Endorsing a new role for senior citizens, by leveraging their last active years for short term sustainability efforts, we also empower them with the knowledge and tools to raise the sustainability literacy in younger generations. This work is being carried out in a Lisbon suburban community of around 12000 people, half of which are over 50 years old, and analyses some reflections on the importance of sustainability literacy within this age group and its effects on other age groups. It should be stressed that this population of 50+ years of age is actively engaged with the local University of the 3rd Age (U3A), where topics are presented and discussed in the classroom, using videos to generate a guided discussion toward the construction of the concepts by the students. The results from a group attending a life science literacy class show that the students experience increased personal satisfaction and wellbeing, are motivated towards learning and knowledge sharing within families and communities, including younger generations. These students also expressed greater understanding of messages from the media, health professionals and care takers, as well as a more positive health self-assessment and a greater treatment adherence. These results, aligned with the targets for good health and well-being sustainable development goal (SDG) suggest that initiatives to increase literacy lead to immediate behavior changes and knowledge dissemination. Further studies are ongoing regarding other SDGs, such as climate action, responsible consumption and production or affordable and clean energy.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino SuperiorN/

    Química geral : velocidade das reacções

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    Académico - LicenciaturasA velocidade das reações químicas e a lei da velocidade de uma reação. A equação de Arrhenius e sua confirmação experimental. Através de animação gráfica simulam-se colisões entre moléculas

    Química geral : reactividade química

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    Académico - LicenciaturasO vídeo trata as reações de oxiredução e as reações de complexação. São explicados e exemplificados os conceitos de redutor, oxidante, elemento de pilha e pilha eletroquímica

    Desafiando o paradigma do ensino da química: o contributo da Universidade Aberta de Portugal

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    A Universidade tem, ao longo dos anos, mantido uma enorme capacidade para se transformar e adaptar à evolução do Mundo e esse sentido de mudança é também plasmado na constante procura de novos caminhos, novas ideias e novas soluções. Pretende-se com este artigo apresentar o modelo pedagógico da Universidade Aberta – universidade pública portuguesa de ensino a distância – e em particular a sua aplicação ao ensino da química em contexto de e-learning e no âmbito do curso de 1º ciclo em Ciências do Ambiente. São apresentadas as diferentes estratégias que têm vindo a ser desenvolvidas, nomeadamente o recurso a trabalho experimental, o acesso a laboratórios virtuais e a disponibilização de feedback para as atividades formativas e avaliativas.The University has over the years maintained an enormous capacity to transform and adapt to changes in the world and this sense of adjustment is also in the constant search for new paths, new ideas and new solutions. This article aims to present the pedagogical model of Universidade Aberta (Portugal), the public distance learning university and in particular its application to teaching of chemistry in the e-learning context and within the first cycle programme in Environmental Sciences. Different strategies have been applied and implemented, including the use of experimental work, access to virtual labs and the provision of feedback to the training and evaluation activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Field activities within an environmental sciences program: a b-learning case study

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    A reflection on the use of fieldwork in environmental science programmes is conducted in this paper. It is generally agreed that for fieldwork to be effective, it must serve a clear purpose in the curriculum. For a good curriculum design, a fieldwork course must complement, enhance or extend an existing part of the curriculum or fulfil some major objective of the curriculum as a whole. Thus a successful integration of fieldwork within an undergraduate degree programme is particularly important. For an environmental science course delivered through online methodology, it becomes evident that special attention should be devoted to the design and implementation of such a course. If we consider the more general definition where the field is seen as the location, outside the classroom setting, where learning takes place, then fieldwork is the set of activities that will facilitate students’ learning. It is generally agreed that a field course is much more difficult to integrate than a set of activities closely related to a specific subject. However, in a distance-learning university it is not plausible that students perform this type of activity very often. Therefore, the field courses are designed as a stand-alone module. The current work analyzes the design of the course entitled Fieldwork II which is integrated in the undergraduate degree in Environmental Sciences at Universidade Aberta. Many issues have to be taken into account when designing such a course that encompasses legislative, pedagogical and logistical matters. An overview of the research work that has been developed on the pedagogical value of fieldwork is given. Taking into account the specific learning methodology adopted at Universidade Aberta, we also present a fieldwork model for environmental sciences in a context of a blended learning (b-learning) undergraduate programme. The organizational effectiveness of the model and students’ participation was assessed in two scholar years of a fieldwork course at Universidade Aberta. Also, the project assignment synopses were assessed in the context of education for sustainability. Finally, it should be stressed that fieldwork should be regarded as a form of learning which exploits the unique characteristics of the field environment to improve the student learning experience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Histologic and Histomorphometric Analysis of Posterior Region of the Human Temporomandibular Disc

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze histologic and histomorphometric features of the articular disc in groups with and without disc displacement. Study design A sample of 39 temporomandibular joints TMJs (31 case specimens, 8 control specimens) from 28 patients (mean age 31.2 years) were recruited for this study. The patients were considered to be affected and treated surgically with disc repositioning when presenting painful clinical signs of disc displacement after unsuccessful nonsurgical treatment for at least 6 months. Of the control patients, 4 presented condyle fracture which required opening to be reduced for treatment, and 4 displayed active condyle hyperplasia. The posterior region of the disc was removed and sent for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. Histologic (hematoxylin-eosin) and histomorphometric (picro-Sirius red) analyses were performed. Statistically significant differences between the analyzed groups were accessed through the chi-squared test (P ≤ .05). The Mann-Whitney U test was used to observe the differences between mean values when variables did not present normal distribution [Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) test]. Results There were no significant differences between the groups in relation to the parameters studied by histologic and histomorphometric analysis (using or not using polarization). Conclusions To the limits of this study, there were no significant histologic and histomorphometric differences in the articular disc between groups with and without TMJ dysfunction

    Mineralogy and chemistry of incrustations resulting from the 2014-15 eruption of Fogo volcano, Cape Verde

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    The last eruption of the Fogo volcano, in the Cape Verde Archipelago, occurred in 2014-2015. A mineralogical and chemical study was undertaken on fumarole incrustations resulting from this event and compared with results obtained from the previous 1995 eruption. The mineralogical constitution of the fumarole deposits was assessed by X-ray diffraction and the chemical characterization was performed through X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with a wavelength dispersive system and by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The most common compounds/minerals in solid deposits were sulfur, sodium chloride, and calcium sulphates with variable degrees of hydration, sodium sulphate, hydrated sulphates of sodium aluminum, potassium magnesium, or sodium magnesium and a fluorine-bearing mineral. Thenardite (Na2SO4) and its polymorph (phase III) were found simultaneously for the first time in incrustations, to the best of our knowledge. A large span of minor and trace elements present in incrustations (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ba, Ce, Tl, Pb) were also identified, some of them potentially hazardous to animal and human health. This study reveals that low temperature incrustations, allied to the atmospheric conditions of Fogo volcano, constitute a natural laboratory to observe the process of mineral formation-namely the Na2SO4 phase III considered metastable.This research received financial support from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through project FIRE (PTDC/GEO-GEO/1123/2014). We acknowledge the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility for provision of synchrotron radiation facilities and in particular in using beamline BM 25A. Special thanks are due to the guides Manuel Montrond Fernandes (Izaquiel) and Edimar Montrond that helped us in the Fogo volcano. J.P. Veiga acknowledges funding by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UID/CTM/50025/2013 and the funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-DRS-2015 GA nr. 700395 (HERACLES project). Carla Candeias would also like to acknowledge FCT by the grant SFRH/BPD/99636/2014 and UID/GEO/04035/2013. Special thanks are also due to Dr. Tonci Balic-Žunic, an anonymous reviewer and to the editors for their comments on the manuscript. We are also grateful to Dr. Lídia Quental for the satellite image of Fogo Island

    Projecto de educação pelos pares em escolas do Porto durante o ano lectivo 2009/2010

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    O Projecto Nacional de Educação pelos Pares, criado pela Fundação Portuguesa “A Comunidade Contra a Sida” visa a prevenção do VIH/SIDA e outros comportamentos de risco, através do desenvolvimento de projectos educativos implementados por voluntários universitários nos 7º e 8º anos de escolaridade. Estes estudantes universitários foram formados científica e pedagogicamente pela Fundação, e implementaram o projecto nacional de educação pelos pares com a supervisão de professores destacados para a FPCCS. Quando os alunos que iniciaram este projecto no 7º ano de escolaridade (12-13 anos) chegam ao 9º ano (14-15 anos), educam os seus pares dos 1º e 2º ciclos (6-11 anos) do ensino básico. A presente comunicação pretende discutir alguns dados recolhidos em seis escolas do porto envolvidas no Projecto Nacional de Educação pelos Pares, através de dois questionários de auto-resposta, designados "Sexualidade e SIDA", implementados no início do 1º e 2º anos de intervenção, que visam avaliar as necessidades de formação dos alunos nesta área. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que alguns alunos das escolas ignoram como prevenir a infecção pelo VIH e quais são os seus meios de transmissão. Por outro lado, têm a noção de que a infecção pelo VIH está associada a 'comportamentos de risco' não a 'grupos de risco'. A análise dos questionários do 8º ano evidenciou que os alunos gostaram mais de realizar dinâmicas de grupo, pelo impacto que tiveram na sua assertividade e na capacidade para reflectir sobre as consequências das suas escolhas e das decisões que tomam em relação ao seu comportamento sexual

    Viscosity measurements of liquid toluene at low temperatures using a dual vibrating-wire technique

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    A recently developed dual vibrating-wire technique has been used to perform viscosity measurements of liquid toluene in the temperature range 213 K ≤ T ≤ 298 K, and at pressures up to approximately 20 MPa. The results were obtained by operating the vibrating-wire sensor in both forced and free decay modes. The estimated precision of the viscosity measurements, in either mode of operation, is ±0.5%, for temperatures above or equal to 273 K, increasing with decreasing temperature up to ±1% at 213 K. The corresponding overall uncertainty is estimated to be within ±1% and ±1.5%, respectively

    An industrial reference fluid for moderately high viscosity

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    In industrial practice, there is a demand for a reference standard for viscosity that is established for a readily available fluid to simplify the calibration of industrial viscometers for moderately high viscosities [(50 to 125) mPa · s]. Diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) has been suggested as that reference fluid, and a number of studies of its properties have been carried out in several laboratories throughout the world, within the auspices of a project coordinated by the International Association for Transport Properties. That project has now progressed to the point where it is possible to collate the results of studies of the viscosity of the fluid by a number of different techniques, so as to lead to a proposed standard reference value which will be included in the paper. To support this recommended value, the various measurements conducted have been critically reviewed, and the sample purity and other factors affecting the viscosity have been studied. Density and surface tension measurements have also been performed. This paper does not describe the individual viscosity determinations carried out in independent laboratories because these are the subject of individual publications, but it does describe the ancillary studies conducted and their relevance to the viscosity standard. In addition, the paper contains recommended values for the viscosity of liquid DIDP. The samples of DIDP to which the recommended values refer are isomeric mixtures available commercially from certain suppliers, with a minimum purity by gas chromatography of 99.8 %. The recommended values result from a critical examination of all the measurements conducted to date and are supported by careful arguments dealing with the likely effects of the isomeric content of the sample as well as of other impurities. The proposed reference standard is intended particularly to serve an industrial need for a readily available calibration material with a viscosity close to that required in practical situations. To that end, the recommended value has an overall relative uncertainty of approximately 1 %. It is therefore not intended to supersede for the reference value for the viscosity of water at 20 °C, which is known much more accurately, but rather to complement it