7 research outputs found

    Las habilidades Sociales como moduladoras del Estrés Laboral en el ejercicio profesional de la Fisioterapia: un estudio comparativo entre profesionales y alumnos de la provincia de Cádiz.

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    La comunicación es el medio por el que se establecen las relaciones interpersonales, por ello es un elemento esencial en las profesiones de "servicio" -entre ellas las sanitarias- por lo que los problemas que rodean a la comunicación ocupan uno de los primeros lugares en todas estas profesiones que emplean una buena parte de su tiempo en interacciones cara a cara. Si trasladamos todo lo antedicho al colectivo que nos ocupa en este trabajo -los Profesionales de la Fisioterapia- podríamos decir que no sólo necesitan aptitudes académicas y destrezas manuales, sino también estrategias para manejar y enfrentarse a problemas de tipo social y personal; estrategias que se adquieren mediante la adquisición de Habilidades Sociales (HHSS), generales y específicas, que les capaciten para establecer unas relaciones interpersonales productivas en su ámbito de trabajo, tanto con el paciente como con los familiares, con el fin de conseguir su colaboración en la aplicación eficaz del tratamiento, así como con los demás miembros del Equipo de Salud. Sin olvidar que la práctica diaria conlleva a la exposición de factores estresantes que generan ansiedad, desaliento y apatía, y que todo ello repercute en el profesional, en el sistema sanitario y, finalmente, en la sociedad. El presente estudio pretende los siguientes objetivos: conocer el nivel de habilidades sociales y asertividad de los profesionales y estudiantes de fisioterapia; delimitar y analizar de forma comparativa tales habilidades; reseñar y mensurar si tales habilidades influyen en el estrés laboral; analizar con qué rasgos psicosociales y sociodemográficos correlacionan tanto el estrés laboral, la ansiedad y la depresión como las habilidades sociales en este colectivo. Las poblaciones dianas que hemos estudiado son -por un lado- las conformadas por los Fisioterapeutas de la provincia de Cádiz que desarrollan su labor profesional en la sanidad pública (SAS) - tanto en Atención Primaria, como en Atención Especializada; y -por otro- la compuesta por los Alumnos de la Diplomatura de Fisioterapia de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Cádiz. Tras el análisis de los datos hemos constatado, en síntesis, que el nivel de HHSS y Asertividad está por TESIS DOCTORALES - TESEO debajo de lo deseable para los Profesionales de Ciencias de la Salud; las mujeres Profesionales padecen más Estrés Laboral que los varones, aunque -en concordancia con recientes investigaciones al respecto- éste no se traduce tanto en Depresión ni Ansiedad; siendo -en nuestro caso- las mujeres menos depresivas y ansiosas que los varones

    The Impact of a Preterm Baby Arrival in a Family: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Pilot Study

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    Background: The rate of premature births is increasing every day, with an estimated 15 million premature babies born worldwide each year. When a child is born prematurely, he or she is transferred to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), requiring special care on an ongoing basis. The admission of the newborn to these units can negatively affect the family routine as it generates changes and requires adaptation to new roles. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to understand the effect of the arrival of a premature baby on the family, based on the parents' perception. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study conducted by means of a self-administered online ad-hoc questionnaire which collected information related to the situation of the relatives of premature infants in the region of Extremadura (Spain). The questionnaire consisted of a total of 35 questions, divided into three sections: 'family environment', 'stay in hospital' and 'return home'. Results: Among the 53 responses obtained from fathers and mothers, 44 were from mothers. 53.6% of the respondents felt a delay in the acquisition of their parental role and 86.8% were afraid for their baby. During hospital stay, most of the parents had to modify their routines (94.3%), 69.8% suffered from sleep disturbances, 84.9% changed their eating habits and 88.5% referred to loss of time for themselves. Once at home, the time it took to recover their family normality ranged from 4 to 11 months, while 84.9% of respondents neglected their personal appearance and more than half had to give up or reduce their working hours. Conclusion: The arrival of a premature baby has a strong impact on the parents' family environment, altering their daily routines and occupations both in hospital and at home. If preterm care programmes take into account these possible occupational imbalances, it will not only meet the needs of the parents but also provide family-centred care

    Use of Neurodynamic or Orthopedic Tension Tests for the Diagnosis of Lumbar and Lumbosacral Radiculopathies: Study of the Diagnostic Validity

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    Background: Lumbar radiculopathy is a nerve root disorder whose correct diagnosis is essential. The objective of the present study was to analyze the reliability diagnostic validity of eight neurodynamic and/or orthopedic tension tests using magnetic resonance imaging as the Gold Standard. Methods: An epidemiological study of randomized consecutive cases which was observational, descriptive, transversal, double blinded and was conducted following the Standards for Reporting Diagnostic accuracy studies (STARD) declaration. The sample size was 864 participants. Internal and external validity (CI = 95%) and reliability, were calculated for all tests performed independently. The diagnostic validity of the combined and multiple tests in parallel was also calculated. Results: The analysis indicated that only two tests performed independently had external validity, but neither had reliability or precision. The Straight Leg Raise test and the Bragard test performed in a multiple parallel way showed high sensitivity (97.40%), high negative predictive value (PV- 96.64%) and external validity (Likelihood Ratio- 0.05). The combined test of the Slump test and the Dejerine's triad had internal and external validity. Conclusions: The Straight Leg Raise test and the Bragard test performed in a multiple parallel way and the combined test of the Slump Test and the Dejerine's triad have clinical validity to discard lumbar or lumbar-sacral radiculopathy

    Attitude towards People with Disability of Nursing and Physiotherapy Students

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    Background: Attitudes are a component of our behaviour. Health professionals should have a global perspective of disability. They must provide treatment to people with disability and care for them, but they also should accept them with no judgements or discrimination. The general objective of this study was to know the attitude towards people with disability of nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Cadiz. Methods: This was a descriptive, correlational, transversal and synchronous study. A total of 200 students participated in the study (91 from the bachelor's degree in nursing and 109 from the bachelor's degree in physiotherapy). The 'Attitudes towards people with disability scale' was used. Results: The mean score for both groups of students was 157.05 (SD = 14.14). Conclusions: Attitudes towards disability of nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Cadiz tend to be positive. However, this was considered not sufficient since they will be health professionals in the future

    Attitude towards People with Disability of Nursing and Physiotherapy Students

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    Background: Attitudes are a component of our behaviour. Health professionals should have a global perspective of disability. They must provide treatment to people with disability and care for them, but they also should accept them with no judgements or discrimination. The general objective of this study was to know the attitude towards people with disability of nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Cadiz. Methods: This was a descriptive, correlational, transversal and synchronous study. A total of 200 students participated in the study (91 from the bachelor’s degree in nursing and 109 from the bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy). The ‘Attitudes towards people with disability scale’ was used. Results: The mean score for both groups of students was 157.05 (SD = 14.14). Conclusions: Attitudes towards disability of nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Cadiz tend to be positive. However, this was considered not sufficient since they will be health professionals in the future

    Music-Based Interventions in Paediatric and Adolescents Oncology Patients: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The implications of cancer and its medical treatment are traumatic, highly stressful and have great psychosocial impact. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment is essential and music-based interventions can play an important role. The objective of this study is to summarise research that assesses the effects of music therapy in paediatric and adolescent patients with cancer during the process of the disease. Methods: A systematic review conducted following PRISMA’s statements. An electronic search of the literature was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane, Dialnet, Scopus, IDICEs CSIC and Science Direct. Original studies that conducted music-based interventions with oncology patients between 0 to 18 years old were included. Results: 11 studies were finally included in the review. The sample consisted of two quasi-experimental studies, five randomised clinical controlled trials, one non-randomised controlled trial, one study that involved qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, one descriptive study and one observational study. Conclusions: Music-based interventions decrease anxiety, perceived pain and depression symptoms and improve state of mind, self-esteem and quality of life of paediatric and adolescent patients with cancer. Moreover, they decrease heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure and encourage patients to use adaptive coping strategies