53 research outputs found

    Estudi aleatoritzat d'una intervenció per a la promoció de la salut reproductiva

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és avaluar si una intervenció educativa d’apropament i visita domiciliaria sobre salut reproductiva augmenta l’ús de serveis de salut reproductiva, així com l’ús i el coneixement de mètodes anticonceptius. L’estudi es realitza a través d’un assaig clínic amb assignació aleatòria i minimització segons la comunitat d’origen. S’han inclòs dones d’edat compresa entre 15 i 49 anys residents als barris de Sant Antoni o El Poble Sec (Barcelona). En ambdós grups, s’avalua en el mes 1 i en el mes 3. El grup intervingut rep la intervenció desprès de l’avaluació del mes 1, mentre que el grup control la rep desprès de l’avaluació del mes 3. En aquest anàlisi intermedi, han participat 183 dones (96 tractades i 87 controls) amb una edat mitjana de 32.2 anys ( ± 8.1). D’aquestes participants un 59.6% són immigrades, un 48.6% tenen estudis secundaris i un 70.0% tenen parella

    Religiosity and Psychotic Ideation in Stable Schizophrenia : A Role for Empathic Perspective-Taking

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    The relationship between religiosity and different components of empathy was explored in schizophrenia patients. A total of 81 stable schizophrenia patients and 95 controls from the nearby community completed self-reported questionnaires assessing religiosity and empathy (through the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, IRI). Patients with schizophrenia showed higher religiousness than controls and they presented less perspective-taking and empathic concern but increased personal distress in IRI scores. Regression analyses unveiled an association between religiosity and perspective-taking in schizophrenics after adjusting for age, gender, and psychotic symptoms. In conclusion, religiosity in patients with schizophrenia may be linked to variations in perspective- taking as a component of empathy

    Outpatient multimodal intravenous analgesia in patients undergoing day-case surgery : description of a three year experience

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    The use of elastomeric devices for ambulatory intravenous pain treatment in Major Ambulatory Surgery (MAS) has been described to improve postoperative pain management. The objective of the study was to describe the first 3 years experience of the use of elastomeric devices for ambulatory intravenous pain treatment in MAS implemented at our site since 2010. Data were retrieved from the medical records for all patients who, between January 2010 and March 2014, underwent surgical procedures at the ambulatory surgical centre at our hospital and were prescribed a home-based continuous intravenous analgesia. Data were retrieved from the medical records of 1128 patients. The most frequent surgical interventions included orthopedic and proctology surgeries. 80 % of patients were discharged home without pain; during the first 48 h after discharge roughly 40 % of subjects were completely free of pain, 50 % reported mild pain (VAS 1 to 3) and 9 % reported higher pain scores (4 and above). Peripheral nerve block was associated to better pain control in the immediate postoperative period. Vomiting in the first 24 h was 4.6 % before introducing haloperidol into the drug schemes, and 2.6 % thereafter. Complications related with the intravenous route required treatment withdrawal in 1.1 % cases. Only 3.5 % of patients returned to the hospital in the first 72 h, mainly for non-pain related reasons. Overall, 99.5 % of patients were satisfied with the treatment received at home. Our initial experience suggest that outpatient multimodal intravenous analgesia in patients undergoing day-case surgery is a feasible alternative in our setting, that allows an effective management of postoperative pain with a small rate of adverse events and complications requiring readmission

    Prognostic value of lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio previously determined to surgery in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    The prognostic value of pretreatment lymphocyte to monocyte ratio in patients with renal cell carcinoma and, especially, in non-metastatic patients remains controversial. We conducted a PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis to systematically assess the prognostic value of LMR in patients with non-metastatic RCC. Overall survival, cancer-specific survival, and disease-free survival were analyzed. Pooled hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Seven studies comprising 4666 patients were included in the analysis. Unlike those observed in a previous meta-analysis, a lower lymphocyte to monocyte ratio was associated with poorer cancer-specific survival (fix-effect model, hazard ratio 3.04, 95% confidence intervals 2.05-4.51, P < .05). Heterogeneity Chi-squared value Q exp = 0. (P = .82) (I 2 = 0%). However, the association between a low lymphocyte to monocyte ratio and overall survival or disease-free survival did not obtain significance. A lower lymphocyte to monocyte ratio implied poor cancer-specific survival in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Prospective studies are required to confirm our findings. ClinicalTrials.gov (identifier: NCT04213664

    An Exploratory Analysis on the 2D:4D Digit Ratio and Its Relationship with Social Responsiveness in Adults with Prader–Willi Syndrome

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    D2:D4; Prader–Willi syndrome; EpigeneticD2:D4; Síndrome de Prader-Willi; EpigenèticaD2:D4; Síndrome de Prader-Willi; EpigenéticaPrader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder produced by a lack of expression of paternally derived genes in the 15q11-13 region. Research has generally focused on its genetic and behavioral expression, but only a few studies have examined epigenetic influences. Prenatal testosterone or the maternal testosterone-to-estradiol ratio (MaTtEr) has been suggested to play an important role in the development of the 'social brain' during pregnancy. Some studies propose the 2D:4D digit ratio of the hand as an indirect MaTtEr measure. The relationship between social performance and MaTtEr has been studied in other neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but to our best knowledge, it has never been studied in PWS. Therefore, our study aims to clarify the possible existence of a relationship between social performance-as measured using the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS)-and MaTtEr levels using the 2D:4D ratio. We found that, as a group, PWS individuals have shorter index and ring fingers than the control group, but no significant difference in the 2D:4D ratios. The 2D:4D ratio showed a correlation only with Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behavior Subscale, where a positive correlation only for male individuals with PWS was found. Considering only PWS with previous GH treatment during childhood/adolescence (PWS-GH), index and ring fingers did not show differences in length with the control group, but the 2D:4D ratio was significantly higher in the right or dominant hand compared to controls.Support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/ISCIII/FEDER (PI21/01148); and J.C. thanks the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR 1412); the CERCA program of the I3PT; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III; and the CIBER of Mental Health (CIBERSAM)

    Opiniones de menores residentes en Andalucía (España) sobre temas de salud: Aplicación de un cuestionario por Internet

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    RESUMENObjetivo: Analizar opiniones de menores sobre el concepto de salud, centros y profesionales sanitarios así como recomendaciones en forma de consejos sobre promoción de salud. Métodos: Estudio transversal con cuestionario online dirigido a menores de 14 años de edad. Se utilizó una versión adaptada del cuestionario Kid’s Hospital, el cual contiene preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Resultados: Contestaron al cuestionario 358 menores, de los cuales 225 fueron niñas (61,3%). La edad media global fue de 9,2(DE 2,61). Asocian buena salud con la ausencia de enfermedad (n=165, 46,1%) y estar en forma (n=151, 42,2%) ; sobre experiencias de la última visita al médico, reconocen el papel de ayuda y mediación de estos profesionales (n=233, 65,1%); destacan la ayuda y la recuperación como lo mejor de la atención, y como lo peor los pinchazos y el dolor padecido. De los consejos emitidos para promoción de salud destacan aquellos sobre alimentación (n=233, 62,3%). Conclusiones: Los cuestionarios online a menores, constituyen una forma útil de recolección de información. Así, estas consultas directas permiten la participación de los niños y niñas o de los menores y proporcionan información útil para adecuar las intervenciones de cara a fomentar la promoción entre iguales, así como sobre sus preferencias en el diseño de intervenciones.Palabras clave: participación de los niños, promoción de la salud, percepción de salud en niños, consulta online. Opinions of minor children residing in Andalusia (Spain) on health-related topics: An online questionnaireABSTRACTObjective: To analyze opinions of minors regarding the concept of health, health centers, and professionals, as well as providing them with recommendations on health promotion in the form of health promotion advice. Methods: A cross-sectional survey with an online questionnaire aimed to kids below 14. An adapted version of Kid’s Hospital questionnaire was utilized, which has both open and closed questions. Results: 358 minors answered the questionnaire, 225 of which were girls (61.3%). The mean global age was 9.2 years (SD 2.61). They associated good health with the absence of illnesses (n=165, 46.1%) and being in shape (n=151, 42.2%). Regarding their experiences about their last doctor’s appointment, they acknowledged the aiding and mediation role of these professionals as the best features of the assistance (n=233, 65.1%) and the pain suffered and syringe jabs as the worst ones. They also highlighted healthy eating advice from the health promotion advice given (n=233, 62.3%). Discussion: Online questionnaires for minors are a useful data collection tool. These direct queries allow them to participate and provide useful information to adequate medical interventions in order to develop actions for health promotion, as well as taking their opinions into account when designing interventions.Keywords: children’s participation, health promotion, questionnaire online, self- perception health. Forma de citar: Martin-Ruiz E, Danet Danet A, Pérez-Corral O, Cruz-Piqueras M, Marc-Cerdá JC. Opiniones de menores residentes en Andalucía (España) sobre temas de salud: Aplicación de un cuestionario por Internet. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46(2): 119-125

    Opiniones de menores residentes en Andalucía (España) sobre temas de salud: Aplicación de un cuestionario por Internet

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    RESUMENObjetivo: Analizar opiniones de menores sobre el concepto de salud, centros y profesionales sanitarios así como recomendaciones en forma de consejos sobre promoción de salud. Métodos: Estudio transversal con cuestionario online dirigido a menores de 14 años de edad. Se utilizó una versión adaptada del cuestionario Kid’s Hospital, el cual contiene preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Resultados: Contestaron al cuestionario 358 menores, de los cuales 225 fueron niñas (61,3%). La edad media global fue de 9,2(DE 2,61). Asocian buena salud con la ausencia de enfermedad (n=165, 46,1%) y estar en forma (n=151, 42,2%) ; sobre experiencias de la última visita al médico, reconocen el papel de ayuda y mediación de estos profesionales (n=233, 65,1%); destacan la ayuda y la recuperación como lo mejor de la atención, y como lo peor los pinchazos y el dolor padecido. De los consejos emitidos para promoción de salud destacan aquellos sobre alimentación (n=233, 62,3%). Conclusiones: Los cuestionarios online a menores, constituyen una forma útil de recolección de información. Así, estas consultas directas permiten la participación de los niños y niñas o de los menores y proporcionan información útil para adecuar las intervenciones de cara a fomentar la promoción entre iguales, así como sobre sus preferencias en el diseño de intervenciones.Palabras clave: participación de los niños, promoción de la salud, percepción de salud en niños, consulta online. Opinions of minor children residing in Andalusia (Spain) on health-related topics: An online questionnaireABSTRACTObjective: To analyze opinions of minors regarding the concept of health, health centers, and professionals, as well as providing them with recommendations on health promotion in the form of health promotion advice. Methods: A cross-sectional survey with an online questionnaire aimed to kids below 14. An adapted version of Kid’s Hospital questionnaire was utilized, which has both open and closed questions. Results: 358 minors answered the questionnaire, 225 of which were girls (61.3%). The mean global age was 9.2 years (SD 2.61). They associated good health with the absence of illnesses (n=165, 46.1%) and being in shape (n=151, 42.2%). Regarding their experiences about their last doctor’s appointment, they acknowledged the aiding and mediation role of these professionals as the best features of the assistance (n=233, 65.1%) and the pain suffered and syringe jabs as the worst ones. They also highlighted healthy eating advice from the health promotion advice given (n=233, 62.3%). Discussion: Online questionnaires for minors are a useful data collection tool. These direct queries allow them to participate and provide useful information to adequate medical interventions in order to develop actions for health promotion, as well as taking their opinions into account when designing interventions.Keywords: children’s participation, health promotion, questionnaire online, self- perception health. Forma de citar: Martin-Ruiz E, Danet Danet A, Pérez-Corral O, Cruz-Piqueras M, Marc-Cerdá JC. Opiniones de menores residentes en Andalucía (España) sobre temas de salud: Aplicación de un cuestionario por Internet. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46(2): 119-125

    APOA5 genetic and epigenetic variability jointly regulate circulating triacylglycerol levels

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    Abstract Apolipoprotein A5 gene (APOA5) variability explains part of the individual&apos;s predisposition to hypertriacylglycerolaemia (HTG). Such predisposition has an inherited component (polymorphisms) and an acquired component regulated by the environment (epigenetic modifications). We hypothesize that the integrated analysis of both components will improve our capacity to estimate APOA5 contribution to HTG. We followed a recruit-by-genotype strategy to study a population composed of 44 individuals with high cardiovascular disease risk selected as being carriers of at least one APOA5 SNP (-1131T&gt;C and/or, S19W and/or 724C&gt;G) compared against 34 individuals wild-type (WT) for these SNPs. DNA methylation patterns of three APOA5 regions [promoter, exon 2 and CpG island (CGI) in exon 3] were evaluated using pyrosequencing technology. Carriers of APOA5 SNPs had an average of 57.5 % higher circulating triacylglycerol (TG) levels (P = 0.039). APOA5 promoter and exon 3 were hypermethylated whereas exon 2 was hypomethylated. Exon 3 methylation positively correlated with TG concentration (r = 0.359, P = 0.003) and with a lipoprotein profile associated with atherogenic dyslipidaemia. The highest TG concentrations were found in carriers of at least one SNP and with a methylation percentage in exon 3 82 % (P = 0.009). In conclusion, CGI methylation in exon 3 of APOA5 acts, in combination with -1131T&gt;C, S19W and 724C&gt;G polymorphisms, in the individual&apos;s predisposition to high circulating TG levels. This serves as an example that combined analysis of SNPs and methylation applied to a larger set of genes would improve our understanding of predisposition to HTG
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