799 research outputs found

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Young Neutron Star Winds

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    The long-held notion that the highest-energy cosmic rays are of distant extragalactic origin is challenged by observations that events above 1020\sim 10^{20} eV do not exhibit the expected high-energy cutoff from photopion production off the cosmic microwave background. We suggest that these unexpected ultra-high-energy events are due to iron nuclei accelerated from young strongly magnetized neutron stars through relativistic MHD winds. We find that neutron stars whose initial spin periods are shorter than 4(BS/1013G)1/2\sim 4 (B_S/10^{13}{\rm G})^{1/2} ms, where BSB_S is the surface magnetic field, can accelerate iron cosmic rays to greater than 1020\sim 10^{20} eV. These ions can pass through the remnant of the supernova explosion that produced the neutron star without suffering significant spallation reactions. For plausible models of the Galactic magnetic field, the trajectories of the iron ions curve sufficiently to be consistent with the observed arrival directions of the highest energy events.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, replaced with revised version, some references adde

    On Constraining Electroweak-Baryogenesis with Inhomogeneous Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    Primordial nucleosynthesis calculations are shown to be able to provide constraints on electroweak baryogenesis which produce a highly inhomogeneous distribution of the baryon-to-photon ratio. Such baryogenesis scenarios overproduce 4He and/or 7Li and can be ruled out whenever a fraction f<3*10e-6(100 GeV/T)^3 of nucleated bubbles of broken-symmetry phase contributes > 10% of the baryon number within the horizon volume.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures (figures available by email), UCRL-JC-11522

    Nucleation of quark matter bubbles in neutron stars

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    The thermal nucleation of quark matter bubbles inside neutron stars is examined for various temperatures which the star may realistically encounter during its lifetime. It is found that for a bag constant less than a critical value, a very large part of the star will be converted into the quark phase within a fraction of a second. Depending on the equation of state for neutron star matter and strange quark matter, all or some of the outer parts of the star may subsequently be converted by a slower burning or a detonation.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX, Phys.Rev.D (in press), IFA 93-32. 5 figures (not included) available upon request from [email protected]

    Cosmic Rays at the highest energies

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    After a century of observations, we still do not know the origin of cosmic rays. I will review the current state of cosmic ray observations at the highest energies, and their implications for proposed acceleration models and secondary astroparticle fluxes. Possible sources have narrowed down with the confirmation of a GZK-like spectral feature. The anisotropy observed by the Pierre Auger Observatory may signal the dawn of particle astronomy raising hopes for high energy neutrino observations. However, composition related measurements point to a different interpretation. A clear resolution of this mystery calls for much larger statistics than the reach of current observatories.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, in the Proceedings of TAUP 201

    Curvature energy effects on strange quark matter nucleation at finite density

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    We consider the effects of the curvature energy term on thermal strange quark matter nucleation in dense neutron matter. Lower bounds on the temperature at which this process can take place are given and compared to those without the curvature term.Comment: PlainTex, 6 pp., IAG-USP Rep.5

    Plasma waves driven by gravitational waves in an expanding universe

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    In a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmological model with zero spatial curvature, we consider the interaction of the gravitational waves with the plasma in the presence of a weak magnetic field. Using the relativistic hydromagnetic equations it is verified that large amplitude magnetosonic waves are excited, assuming that both, the gravitational field and the weak magnetic field do not break the homogeneity and isotropy of the considered FRW spacetime.Comment: 14 page

    On The Origin of Very High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We discuss the most recent developments in our understanding of the acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays up to the highest energies. In particular we specialize our discussion to three issues: 1) developments in the theory of particle acceleration at shock waves; 2) the transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays; 3) implications of up-to-date observations for the origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs).Comment: Invited Review Article to appear in Modern Physics Letters A, Review Sectio

    Equation of State for Helium-4 from Microphysics

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    We compute the free energy of helium-4 near the lambda transition based on an exact renormalization-group equation. An approximate solution permits the determination of universal and nonuniversal thermodynamic properties starting from the microphysics of the two-particle interactions. The method does not suffer from infrared divergences. The critical chemical potential agrees with experiment. This supports a specific formulation of the functional integral that we have proposed recently. Our results for the equation of state reproduce the observed qualitative behavior. Despite certain quantitative shortcomings of our approximation, this demonstrates that ab initio calculations for collective phenomena become possible by modern renormalization-group methods.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, revtex updated version, journal referenc