4 research outputs found

    The Role of Diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale Crater, Mars, and the Chemostratigraphy of the Murray Formation as Observed by the Chemcam Instrument

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover explored Vera Rubin ridge (VRR) in Gale crater, Mars, for almost 500 sols (Mars days) between arriving at the ridge on sol 1809 of the mission in September 2017 and leaving it on sol 2302 upon entering the Glen Torridon area south of the ridge. VRR is a topographic ridge on the central mound, Aeolis Mons (Mt. Sharp), in Gale crater that displays a strong hematite spectral signature from orbit. In-situ observations on the ridge led to the recognition that the ridge-forming rocks belong to the Murray formation, the lowermost exposed stratigraphic unit of the Mt. Sharp group, that was first encountered at the Pahrump Hills location. Including VRR rocks, the Murray formation, interpreted to be primarily deposited in an ancient lacustrine environment in Gale crater, is more than 300 m thick. VRR itself is composed of two stratigraphic members within the Murray formation, the Pettegrove Point member overlain by the Jura member. The Pettegrove Point member overlies the Blunts Point member of the Murray formation. Areas of gray coloration are observed in the Jura member predominantly, but also in the Pettegrove Point member. Generally, gray areas are found in local topographic depressions, but contacts between red and gray rocks crosscut stratigraphy. Additionally, cm-scale dark concretions with very high iron-content are commonly observed in gray rocks, typically surrounded by a lighttoned zone that is conversely depleted in iron. A key goal for the VRR campaign was to characterize geochemical variations in the ridge-forming rocks to investigate the role of primary and diagenetic controls on the geochemistry and morphology of VRR. Here, we present observations by the ChemCam instrument on VRR and compare these to the full Murray formation chemostratigraphy. This work was recently submitted to a special issue of JGRPlanets that detail the full VRR campaign

    Geochemical diversity in first rocks examined by the Curiosity Rover in Gale Crater: Evidence for and significance of an alkali and volatile-rich igneous source

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    International audienceThe first four rocks examined by the Mars Science Laboratory Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer indicate that Curiosity landed in a lithologically diverse region of Mars. These rocks, collectively dubbed the Bradbury assemblage, were studied along an eastward traverse (sols 46-102). Compositions range from Na- and Al-rich mugearite Jake_Matijevic to Fe-, Mg-, and Zn-rich alkali-rich basalt/hawaiite Bathurst_Inlet and span nearly the entire range in FeO* and MnO of the data sets from previous Martian missions and Martian meteorites. The Bradbury assemblage is also enriched in K and moderately volatile metals (Zn and Ge). These elements do not correlate with Cl or S, suggesting that they are associated with the rocks themselves and not with salt-rich coatings. Three out of the four Bradbury rocks plot along a line in elemental variation diagrams, suggesting mixing between Al-rich and Fe-rich components. ChemCam analyses give insight to their degree of chemical heterogeneity and grain size. Variations in trace elements detected by ChemCam suggest chemical weathering (Li) and concentration in mineral phases (e.g., Rb and Sr in feldspars). We interpret the Bradbury assemblage to be broadly volcanic and/or volcaniclastic, derived either from near the Gale crater rim and transported by the Peace Vallis fan network, or from a local volcanic source within Gale Crater. High Fe and Fe/Mn in Et_Then likely reflect secondary precipitation of Fe3+ oxides as a cement or rind. The K-rich signature of the Bradbury assemblage, if igneous in origin, may have formed by small degrees of partial melting of metasomatized mantl