9 research outputs found

    Экогуманизмрассказа В.Г. Короленко «Мороз» и новеллы А.В. Геласимова «Всгущающийся туман»

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    The relevance of this article is explained by the humanistic potential of the artistic thought of V.G. Korolenko and A.V. Gelasimov, whose works are united by problematic and thematic identity, despite the time period separating these writers. In this article, environmental thinking, expressed in literary works, is developed methodologically, which is in line with modern literary studies. The purpose of the article is to identify the general and the particular in environmental thinking of Korolenko and Gelasimov, enabling to concretize the concept of these writers’ works. A comparative typological approach is applied in this research. The article proves the existence of typological similarities at different levels of the text: figurative, narrativecompositional and stylistic. It is argued that cold/frost, being a borderline situation in the fate of the heroes, becomes the leading ethicalphilosophical category that forms the ideological center of the literary works. The inner conflict of the reflective hero is manifested through antinomies: love and hate, cowardice and fortitude, alienation and involvement in life, cynicism and decency, depression and a rise in vitality. Cold/frost acts as an eco-indicator, helping to check both the physical and the spiritual strength of a person. Nature and man, representing the unity, are in constant confrontation at the same time, and human ability for self-sacrifice and spiritual rebirth becomes a guarantee of survival for man. Moreover, the northern force of nature stimulates the spiritual growth of a person being put in a situation of choice by extreme conditions. The term “ecometaphor”, having a semantic core and a semantic peripheral domain created by the author is introduced into scientific circulation.La relevancia de este artículo se explica por el potencial humanístico del pensamiento artístico de V.G. Korolenko y A.V. Gelasimov, cuyas obras están unidas por una identidad problemática y temática, a pesar del período de tiempo que separa a estos escritores. En este artículo, el pensamiento ambiental, expresado en obras literarias, se desarrolla metodológicamente, lo que está en línea con los estudios literarios modernos. El propósito del artículo es identificar lo general y lo particular en el pensamiento ambiental de Korolenko y Gelasimov, lo que permite concretar el concepto de las obras de estos escritores. En esta investigación se aplica un enfoque tipológico comparativo. El artículo demuestra la existencia de similitudes tipológicas en diferentes niveles del texto: figurativo, narrativo-compositivo y estilístico. Se argumenta que el frío / helada, al ser una situación límite en el destino de los héroes, se convierte en la principal categoría ético-filosófica que forma el centro ideológico de las obras literarias. El conflicto interno del héroe reflexivo se manifiesta a través de antinomias: amor y odio, cobardía y fortaleza, alienación y participación en la vida, cinismo y decencia, depresión y un aumento de la vitalidad. Frío / escarcha actúa como un eco-indicador, ayudando a verificar tanto la fuerza física como la espiritual de una persona. La naturaleza y el hombre, que representan la unidad, están en constante confrontación al mismo tiempo, y la capacidad humana para el sacrificio y el renacimiento espiritual se convierten en una garantía de supervivencia para el hombre. Además, la fuerza de la naturaleza del norte estimula el crecimiento espiritual de una persona que se encuentra en una situación de elección en condiciones extremas. El término "ecometáfora", que tiene un núcleo semántico y un dominio periférico semántico creado por el autor, se introduce en la circulación científica.Актуальность данной статьи объясняется гуманистическим потенциалом художественной мысли В.Г. Короленко и Андрея Валерьевича Геласимова, произведения которых, несмотря на разделяющий их временной отрезок, объединяет проблемно-тематическая тождественность. В нашей статье экологическое мышление, выраженное в литературном творчестве, получает методологическуюразработку, что находится в русле современной литературоведческой науки. Цель статьи состоит в выявлении общего и особенного в экологических размышлениях Короленко и Геласимова, позволяющих конкретизировать концепцию произведений авторов. В настоящем исследовании применяется сравнительнотипологический подход. В статье доказано наличие типологических сходств на разных уровнях текста: образном, сюжетнокомпозиционном, стилистическом. Утверждается, что холод/мороз, являясь пограничной ситуацией в судьбах героев, становится ведущей этико-философская категорией, формирующей идейный центр произведений. Внутренний конфликт рефлексирующего героя проявляется посредством антиномий: любовь и ненависть, малодушие и сила духа, отчуждение и вовлеченность в жизнь, цинизм и благопристойность, депрессия и подъем жизненных сил. Холод/мороз выступает в роли экоиндикатора, помогающего проверить не только физическую, но и духовную прочность человека. Природа и человек, представляя собой единство, в то же время находятся в постоянном противоборстве, и залогом выживания для человека становится его способность к самопожертвованию и духовному возрождению. Более того, северная природная стихия стимулирует духовный рост человека, поставленного экстремальными условиями в ситуацию выбора. Вводится в научный оборот термин «экометафора», которая имеет семантическое ядро и смысловую периферийную область, созданную автором

    Культурно-исторический контекст формирования архитектурного образа Нахичевани-на-Дону (конец XVIII — начало XX в.)

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    This article focuses on the study of influence of Russian architecture of the Modern Age developed mostly under the influence of the St Petersburg architectural school on the artistic and spatial organisation of Nakhichevan-on-Don. It is not surprising that the architecture of the capital had a considerable influence on the forms and style of architecture of provincial cities. There are many scholarly works on the role of St Petersburg in the formation of the architectural image of provincial Russian cities. However, the role of the architecture of the capital of the Russian Empire remained virtually unnoticed in research devoted to Nakhichevan-on-Don. Hence, it is particularly interesting to examine the city’s architecture as Nakhichevan-on-Don was not a Russian city but one founded in 1779 by the Armenians who moved from Crimea to the Russian Empire.The analysis of the cultural and historical context of the formation of Nakhichevan-on-Don’s architecture aims to reveal the cultural dualism reflected in the architecture of the city and manifesting itself in the integration of the Don Armenians into the Russian cultural space on the one hand, and in their desire for national consolidation on the other hand.The work is based on a comprehensive study of archival materials, historical evidence of contemporaries, and on-site historical and architectural surveys of monuments. The leading methods of the research are comparative analysis, historical-genetic analysis, and stylistic analysis of the architecture of Nakhichevan-on-Don. The authors use a system approach which allows them to consider various aspects of the culture of the Don Armenians and study the architecture of the city in the context of its cultural environment as a whole.Архитектурный образ Нахичевани-на-Дону на протяжении всего изучаемого периода (конец XVIII — начало XX в.) формировался под влиянием идей и норм русской архитектуры Нового времени, выработанных в первую очередь Санкт-Петербургской архитектурной школой. Неудивительно, что столичная архитектура оказывала влияние на формы и стилистику архитектуры малых городов. О роли Петербурга в формировании архитектурных образов провинциальных русских городов написано немало научных работ. Однако в исследованиях, посвященных Нахичевани-на-Дону, эта роль оставалась практически незамеченной. Проведение подобного исследования представляется особо интересным в связи с тем, что Нахичевань-на-Дону не являлась собственно русским городом, а основана в 1779 г. армянами, переселенными из Крыма в пределы Российской империи.Анализ культурно-исторического контекста формирования архитектуры Нахичевани-на-Дону предпринят с целью выявления культурного дуализма, нашедшего отражение в архитектуре города и проявившегося, с одной стороны, в интеграции донских армян в русское культурное пространство, а с другой стороны – в их стремлении к национальной консолидации. В статье на примерах показано обращение армян к архитектуре Санкт-Петербурга и одновременные поиски национального стиля.Данная работа основана на комплексном изучении архивных материалов, исторических свидетельств современников и натурных историко-архитектурных обследованиях памятников. Ведущими методами исследования стали сравнительный, историко-генетический и стилистический анализы архитектуры Нахичевани-на-Дону. Авторы применяли системный подход, позволяющий учитывать различные аспекты культуры донских армян, и изучать архитектуру города в контексте его культурной среды в целом.

    Endothelial progenitor cells in diabetes complications

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    Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a 2- to 4-times higher risk of developing cardiovascular complications compared with non-diabetic controls. Hyperglycemia activates pathophysiological mechanisms that damage the endothelium. According to the current views, circulating progenitor cells derived from bone marrow repair the damage. These cells, known as endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), maintain endothelial homeostasis and contribute to the formation of new vessels. Many clinical studies have reported that EPC population is dysfunctional and declines in numbers in patients with type 1 and type 2 DM. In addition, bone marrow doesn?t respond adequately to mobilizing stimuli in DM. Therefore, EPC alterations might have a pathogenic role in the complications of DM. In this review, EPC alterations will be examined in the context of macrovascular and microvascular complications of DM, highlighting their roles and functions in the progression of the disease


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    There are description of specific social-psychological adaptation through using of the individual peculiarities of adaptation strategies and building a repertoire of social roles. The reseach also examines aggressive behavior, which we treat as a violation of the rights of others and bringing them damage, leading to the destruction of interpersonal relationships and social problems of the individual. Aggressive behavior is one of the early signs of maladaptive personality.В работе дано описания специфики социально-психологической адаптации через рассмотрение особенностей использования личностью адаптационных стратегий и построения социально-ролевого репертуара. В работе также рассматривается агрессивное поведение, которое трактуем как нарушающее права других людей и приносящее им ущерб, приводящее к деструкции межличностных отношений и социальным проблемам личности. Агрессивное поведение является одним из начальных признаков дезадаптивности личности

    Course of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Young People Treated at the Military Hospital of Smolensk Garrison with Detected <i>Mycoplasma pneumoniae</i> Carrying a Macrolide-Resistant Mutation in 23S rRNA Gene

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    We evaluated the effect of macrolide-resistant mutations in the Mycoplasma pneumoniae 23S rRNA gene on the severity of lower respiratory tract infections in immunocompetent young adults treated at the Smolensk Military Hospital between 25 October 2017, and 17 November 2021. All analyzed cases represented a non-severe infection of the lower respiratory tract: 44 case histories with community-acquired pneumonia and 20 cases with acute bronchitis. The presence of mutations in the gene 23S rRNA of M. pneumoniae was determined with standard Sanger sequencing. The macrolide-resistant genotype was found in 4/44 (9.1%) of the samples of the patients with pneumonia and in 3/20 (15%) of the samples of the patients with acute bronchitis. The analyzed cases with identified M. pneumoniae carrying a mutation in the 23S rRNA gene did not show any differences in the clinical presentation in terms of disease severity caused by M. pneumoniae with the wild-type (WT) phenotype

    Markers for gastrointestinal autoimmune disorders in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Aim.  to assess the occurrence of autoantibodies characteristic of autoimmune pancreatitis and gastritis in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), and to analyze clinical features of positive subjects. Materials and Methods.  84 patients (39 male, 45 female) with T1DM were subdivided into two groups and underwent biochemical, immunologic and instrumental examination. Results.  Markers for gastrointestinal autoimmune disorders were found to be highly prevalent in patients with T1DM, even in those asymptomatic according to instrumental diagnostic methods. Conclusion. Our data suggests that T1DM patients are at higher risk of corresponding, possibly asymptomatic autoimmune disorders

    Antimicrobial Activity of Citrate-Coated Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of citrate-stabilized sols of cerium oxide nanoparticles at different concentrations via different microbiological methods and to compare the effect with the peroxidase activity of nanoceria for the subsequent development of a regeneration-stimulating medical and/or veterinary wound-healing product providing new types of antimicrobial action. The object of this study was cerium oxide nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous solutions of cerium (III) nitrate hexahydrate and citric acid (the size of the nanoparticles was 3–5 nm, and their aggregates were 60–130 nm). Nanoceria oxide sols with a wide range of concentrations (10−1–10−6 M) as well as powder (the dry substance) were used. Both bacterial and fungal strains (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Candida albicans, Aspergillus brasielensis) were used for the microbiological studies. The antimicrobial activity of nanoceria was investigated across a wide range of concentrations using three methods sequentially; the antimicrobial activity was studied by examining diffusion into agar, the serial dilution method was used to detect the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations, and, finally, gas chromatography with mass-selective detection was performed to study the inhibition of E. coli’s growth. To study the redox activity of different concentrations of nanocerium, we studied the intensity of chemiluminescence in the oxidation reaction of luminol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. As a result of this study’s use of the agar diffusion and serial dilution methods followed by sowing, no significant evidence of antimicrobial activity was found. At the same time, in the current study of antimicrobial activity against E. coli strains using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry, the ability of nanoceria to significantly inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms after 24 h and, in particular, after 48 h of incubation at a wide range of concentrations, 10−2–10−5 M (48–95% reduction in the number of microbes with a significant dose-dependent effect) was determined as the optimum concentration. A reliable redox activity of nanoceria coated with citrate was established, increasing in proportion to the concentration, confirming the oxidative mechanism of the action of nanoceria. Thus, nanoceria have a dose-dependent bacteriostatic effect, which is most pronounced at concentrations of 10−2–10−3 M. Unlike the effects of classical antiseptics, the effect was manifested from 2 days and increased during the observation. To study the antimicrobial activity of nanomaterials, it is advisable not to use classical qualitative and semi-quantitative methods; rather, the employment of more accurate quantitative methods is advised, in particular, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, during several days of incubation

    Análisis de las características territoriales y de edad de la morbilidad y la disponibilidad de atención médica

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    The growing incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases and the negative demographic situation in the Russian Federation determine the relevance of an in-depth study of the processes that cause negative trends in regional morbidity, the development of organizational and methodological measures and technologies to improve the quality of health care and increase the average life expectancy. The objective is to study the influence of the age factor and the availability of medical care on the changes in the morbidity of the urban population of the Republic of Tatarstan. We applied modern research methods such as bibliographic (content analysis), comparative, analytical, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, time series analysis, and assessing the significance of differences with p &lt;0.05. The research material was data of Rosstat for 2006–2018. An absolute increase in the population in densely populated areas was established due to an increase in the number of children 0-14 years old and older persons. The availability of outpatient facilities and doctors and the increase in the number of primary healthcare cases contribute to an increase in the prevalence and incidence. A decrease in the proportion of people of working age leads to a dynamic growth in the proportion of people over 65 in the region.La creciente incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas y la situación demográfica negativa en la Federación de Rusia determinan la relevancia de un estudio en profundidad de los procesos que provocan tendencias negativas en la morbilidad regional, el desarrollo de medidas organizativas y metodológicas y tecnologías para mejorar la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria y aumentar la esperanza de vida media. El objetivo es estudiar la influencia del factor edad y la disponibilidad de atención médica sobre los cambios en la morbilidad de la población urbana de la República de Tartaristán. Se aplicaron métodos de investigación modernos como bibliográfico (análisis de contenido), estadística comparativa, analítica, descriptiva, análisis de correlación, análisis de series de tiempo y evaluación de la significancia de diferencias con p &lt;0.05. El material de investigación fue información de Rosstat para 2006-2018. Se estableció un aumento absoluto de la población en áreas densamente pobladas debido a un aumento en el número de niños de 0 a 14 años y personas mayores. La disponibilidad de servicios para pacientes ambulatorios y médicos y el aumento del número de casos de atención primaria de salud están contribuyendo a un aumento de la prevalencia y la incidencia. Una disminución en la proporción de personas en edad de trabajar conduce a un aumento dinámico en la proporción de personas mayores de 65 años en la región, lo que contribuye a una disminución de la incidencia y la prevalencia