8 research outputs found

    Media activity of TOP Russian universities in the Internet space: global positioning trends

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    The goal of the study is to evaluate global trends in the positioning of modern universities, their media activity in the Internet space. For the study, the top ten Russian universities included in the 2021 QS World University Rankings were selected.The main indicators of effective positioning of a modern university and its media activity in the Internet space are the university's presence in global and national rankings, availability of network programs and international accreditation of educational programs, an increase in the number of international students, MOOCs on Coursera and edX platforms, etc. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there is a direct and/or indirect relationship between the media activity of a modern university and the strengthening of the university's position in global and national rankings

    Творчество и правотворчество: онтологический аспект

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    In this article the author explores the specifics of creativity and lawmaking as it’s variant, basing on the works of different philosophers, and turns to ontological issues. The purpose is to study creativity / lawmaking in the ontological aspect. Ontological aspect of the research involves identification of the essential nature of the studied object (creativity / lawmaking), its ontological foundations, disclosure of the specifics of phenomena of creativity and lawmaking. Creativity and lawmaking are considered to be connected with the ontological Foundation of the existence. The ontological reality of creativity / lawmaking is proved by its subordination to the objective laws, by involvement in development process. The ontological aspect of investigation, connected with detecting essential nature of subject matter (creativity / lawmaking), is examined from a position of interdisciplinarity in correlation with categories of other areas of knowledge. The author concludes that regularities of the process of law-making, as a vital way of organization of social life and people being, are in connection with the objective laws of existence, and the results of law-making relate to objective reality. In law-making the logical ability of reason is projected on created legal reality for the purpose of regulation of people being by legal regulations. This is the ontological nature of lawmaking, it’s essential difference from other types of creativity. The field of application of results is philosophy, and in particular branches – ontology, philosophy of creativityВ статье автор, опираясь на труды многих философов, исследует специфику творчества и его разновидности правотворчества, выходя на онтологическую проблематику. Цель – исследование творчества/правотворчества в онтологическом аспекте. Онтологический аспект исследования предполагает выявление сущностной природы изучаемого объекта (творчества/правотворчества), его онтологических оснований, раскрытие специфики феноменов творчества и правотворчества. Творчество и правотворчество характеризуются с точки зрения причастности к онтологическим основаниям бытия. Онтологичность творчества/правотворчества обосновывается через подчиненность объективным законам, включенность в процесс развития. Онтологический аспект исследования, связанный с выявлением сущностной природы изучаемого объекта (творчества/правотворчества), исследуется с позиции межпарадигмальности, междисциплинарности, во взаимосвязи с категориями других областей знания. Автор приходит к выводу, что закономерности процесса правотворчества как жизненно важного способа организации жизни социума, бытия людей находятся в связи с объективными законами бытия, а результаты правотворчества относятся к объективной реальности. В правотворчестве логическая способность разума проецируется на создаваемую правовую реальность с целью упорядочения бытия людей правовыми нормами. В этом онтологичность правотворчества, его существенное отличие от других видов творчества. Область применения результатов – философия, раздел – онтология; философия творчеств

    Понимание творчества и его критериев в классической и неклассической философии

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    This article gives comparative analysis of approaches to understanding the creativity and its criterions in classical and non-classical philosophy. As a result of the analysis we found that rational foundations of creativity have formed classical conception of creativity, where the creativity is treated from the position of general categories and where the theory of creative being is a theory about being of the search for general, necessary and regular. Changes in the understanding of creativity phenomenon in non-classical conception are, first of all, connected with the understanding of reality in its processuality, movement and formation. Consequently, non-classical conceptions treat creativity in opposition to mechanical rationalism, where mind is replaced by will, intuition, instincts and etc. In classical tradition creativity is defined as activity, which has a feature of effective novelty. That is why novelty comes out as the main and universal criterion of creativity in classical philosophy. Non-classical philosophical conceptions take novelty as criterial characteristic of creativity in its processuality, but not as a result of activity; processuality of creativity exposes itself with the help of such concepts as duration, intersubjectivity, polyphony, diversity, interparadigmality etc. Besides, in non-classical tradition the process of creation and its results are supplemented by anthropological and social dimensions. Field of results application – philosophy, section – ontology, philosophy of creativityВ статье дан сравнительный анализ подходов к пониманию творчества и его критериев в классической и неклассической философии. В результате анализа было выявлено, что рациональные основания творчества сформировали классическую концепцию творчества, в которой творчество трактуется с позиций всеобщих категорий, а учение о творческом бытии есть учение о бытии поисков всеобщего, необходимого и закономерного. Изменения в понимании феномена творчества в неклассической концепции связаны, прежде всего, с пониманием реальности в ее процессуальности, движении, становлении. Следовательно, творчество в неклассических концепциях трактуется как противоположность механическому рационализму, где место разума занимает воля, интуиция, инстинкты и др. В рамках классической традиции творчество определено как деятельность, которой присущ признак результативной новизны, поэтому основным и универсальным критерием творчества в классической философии выступает новизна. Неклассические философские концепции творчества видят новизну как критериальную характеристику творчества не в результате деятельности, а в процессуальности творчества, раскрываемого с помощью таких понятий, как длительность, междусубъектность, полифоничность, многоплановость, межпарадигмальность и др. Кроме того, в неклассической традиции процесс творчества и его результаты дополняются антропологическим и социальным измерениями. Область применения результатов – философия, раздел – онтология; философия творчеств

    Творчество и правотворчество: онтологический аспект

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    In this article the author explores the specifics of creativity and lawmaking as it’s variant, basing on the works of different philosophers, and turns to ontological issues. The purpose is to study creativity / lawmaking in the ontological aspect. Ontological aspect of the research involves identification of the essential nature of the studied object (creativity / lawmaking), its ontological foundations, disclosure of the specifics of phenomena of creativity and lawmaking. Creativity and lawmaking are considered to be connected with the ontological Foundation of the existence. The ontological reality of creativity / lawmaking is proved by its subordination to the objective laws, by involvement in development process. The ontological aspect of investigation, connected with detecting essential nature of subject matter (creativity / lawmaking), is examined from a position of interdisciplinarity in correlation with categories of other areas of knowledge. The author concludes that regularities of the process of law-making, as a vital way of organization of social life and people being, are in connection with the objective laws of existence, and the results of law-making relate to objective reality. In law-making the logical ability of reason is projected on created legal reality for the purpose of regulation of people being by legal regulations. This is the ontological nature of lawmaking, it’s essential difference from other types of creativity. The field of application of results is philosophy, and in particular branches – ontology, philosophy of creativityВ статье автор, опираясь на труды многих философов, исследует специфику творчества и его разновидности правотворчества, выходя на онтологическую проблематику. Цель – исследование творчества/правотворчества в онтологическом аспекте. Онтологический аспект исследования предполагает выявление сущностной природы изучаемого объекта (творчества/правотворчества), его онтологических оснований, раскрытие специфики феноменов творчества и правотворчества. Творчество и правотворчество характеризуются с точки зрения причастности к онтологическим основаниям бытия. Онтологичность творчества/правотворчества обосновывается через подчиненность объективным законам, включенность в процесс развития. Онтологический аспект исследования, связанный с выявлением сущностной природы изучаемого объекта (творчества/правотворчества), исследуется с позиции межпарадигмальности, междисциплинарности, во взаимосвязи с категориями других областей знания. Автор приходит к выводу, что закономерности процесса правотворчества как жизненно важного способа организации жизни социума, бытия людей находятся в связи с объективными законами бытия, а результаты правотворчества относятся к объективной реальности. В правотворчестве логическая способность разума проецируется на создаваемую правовую реальность с целью упорядочения бытия людей правовыми нормами. В этом онтологичность правотворчества, его существенное отличие от других видов творчества. Область применения результатов – философия, раздел – онтология; философия творчеств

    Понимание творчества и его критериев в классической и неклассической философии

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    This article gives comparative analysis of approaches to understanding the creativity and its criterions in classical and non-classical philosophy. As a result of the analysis we found that rational foundations of creativity have formed classical conception of creativity, where the creativity is treated from the position of general categories and where the theory of creative being is a theory about being of the search for general, necessary and regular. Changes in the understanding of creativity phenomenon in non-classical conception are, first of all, connected with the understanding of reality in its processuality, movement and formation. Consequently, non-classical conceptions treat creativity in opposition to mechanical rationalism, where mind is replaced by will, intuition, instincts and etc. In classical tradition creativity is defined as activity, which has a feature of effective novelty. That is why novelty comes out as the main and universal criterion of creativity in classical philosophy. Non-classical philosophical conceptions take novelty as criterial characteristic of creativity in its processuality, but not as a result of activity; processuality of creativity exposes itself with the help of such concepts as duration, intersubjectivity, polyphony, diversity, interparadigmality etc. Besides, in non-classical tradition the process of creation and its results are supplemented by anthropological and social dimensions. Field of results application – philosophy, section – ontology, philosophy of creativityВ статье дан сравнительный анализ подходов к пониманию творчества и его критериев в классической и неклассической философии. В результате анализа было выявлено, что рациональные основания творчества сформировали классическую концепцию творчества, в которой творчество трактуется с позиций всеобщих категорий, а учение о творческом бытии есть учение о бытии поисков всеобщего, необходимого и закономерного. Изменения в понимании феномена творчества в неклассической концепции связаны, прежде всего, с пониманием реальности в ее процессуальности, движении, становлении. Следовательно, творчество в неклассических концепциях трактуется как противоположность механическому рационализму, где место разума занимает воля, интуиция, инстинкты и др. В рамках классической традиции творчество определено как деятельность, которой присущ признак результативной новизны, поэтому основным и универсальным критерием творчества в классической философии выступает новизна. Неклассические философские концепции творчества видят новизну как критериальную характеристику творчества не в результате деятельности, а в процессуальности творчества, раскрываемого с помощью таких понятий, как длительность, междусубъектность, полифоничность, многоплановость, межпарадигмальность и др. Кроме того, в неклассической традиции процесс творчества и его результаты дополняются антропологическим и социальным измерениями. Область применения результатов – философия, раздел – онтология; философия творчеств

    Criteria for assessing food consumption patterns in the brics countries in accordance with sustainable development goals

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    Achieving quality nutrition, food security, ending hunger, combating climate change and other challenges facing the world. These problems can be solved by building a sustainable food pattern. The aim of the article was to assess food patterns in accordance with sustainable development goals (2,3,12): the level of energy consumption and the structure of consumption (WHO recommendations gap), sustainable pattern gap, the share of imported food, the amount of harmful emissions. From the results obtained, the BRICS countries have not yet reached the goals of sustainability in the food system and require measures to change the food pattern: development of local farming, reducing the consumption of ultra-processed products, increasing organic products, reducing poverty and unemployment in the country, reducing the consumption of products that polluted the environment, reducing food waste and losses, buying rational quantities of products for eliminated the risk of product spoilage. These changes will help move towards sustainable food consumption

    Social networks as an educational resource

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    The article deals with the problem of the use of social networks as an educational resource as a necessary aid for learning. Interest in this problem is caused by a high degree of involvement in the information space through social networks of precisely young people. The purpose of this article is to examine the problem of directly applying popular social networks in the educational process of a university. The subject of the study is social networks and their capabilities as an educational resource. The article based on the analysis of the research results revealed an educational resource of social networks. The educational resource of social networks consists of the fact that various programs and projects are being implemented through social networks, including individual trajectories of development of students based on individual educational programs. The inclusion of social networks in the educational process provides a wide popularization of cultural and national traditions, the involvement of students in creative activities, the creation of conditions for their self-education, career development. The authors of the article explore the possibilities of using modern educational technologies when social networks are included in the educational process on the examples of debates, social design, a forum, and new information technologies. In order to engage students in a virtual educational environment, a coordinator is needed, who has the necessary competencies, who own effective methods for carrying out this type of activity. The authors of the article justify the need for the direct use of social resources on the Internet in education

    Bilingual practices as a means of intercultural communication under the globalization

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    The article is devoted to the problem of intercultural communication and identifying the significance of bilingual practices in the context of globalization. A review of the research on this issue proposes to consider bilingual practices as a means of intercultural communication. A review of the research on this issue proposes to consider bilingual practices as a means of intercultural communication. It is proved that the basis of bilingual practices of students of the university is social action. The results of a theoretical analysis of the problem and practical activities in this area confirm the possibility of designing bilingual practices as an effective means of intercultural communication. The novelty of the research consists in substantiating the potential of bilingual practices for solving intercultural communications that are significant for students of the university. The bases of this study performed on the methodological foundations of the activity and socio-cultural approaches. The results of the inclusion of bilingual practices as educational and extracurricular events in the communicative activities of students through training on the educational programs of the university, organization of project activities aimed at developing their intercultural competence are formulate