89 research outputs found
Survey of planar chromatography and HPLC research in Croatia from 1980-1998
The article presents the fundamental and applied research in planar and high-performance liquid chromatography in Croatia from 1980 to 1998. Fields and subfields of the investigations, as well as the places where they were done, are shown separately. Also, papers of individual investigators are elaborated. On the basis of the data presented, conclusions about the quantity and quality of the papers are drawn
Low-nutrient R2A medium in monitoring microbiological quality of drinking water
The possibility of using low-nutrient R2A medium for determining the total count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was investigated. Sampling of water from particular points of water treatment and distribution at KruÅ”evac drinking water treatment plant was conducted. The samples were inoculated simultaneously on Plate Count Agar (PCA) and R2A media, and incubated at 37 Ā°C and at room temperature. The bacterial count was determined after 48, 72, 120 and 168 h. The statistical analysis of the results showed significantly higher bacterial count on R2A medium compared to PCA. Moreover, a significantly higher bacterial count developed at room temperature compared to the temperature of 37 ļ°C. R2A medium recorded 3.6% of unsafe samples in the distribution system after the 7-day incubation at room temperature. On the basis of the obĀ¬tained results, an optimum method for determining the total count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria for all investigated waters has been defined. The process of incubation is predictable and it can be described by a mathematical model in the form of a polynomial of the second or the third power
Uticaj rase, oca i pola na kvalitet polutki svinja
Investigation of quality variability of pig carcass was carried out on 1443 fatlings (gilts and barrows). They were progenies of 22 (Farm A) and 12 sires (Farm B), 5 breeds-crossbreds (Swedish Landrace, Large White, Duroc Hampshire, Duroc x Hampshire). Animals were fed with standardized feed mixture semi ad libitum. The quality of carcass sides was determined on the slaughter-line according to Regulation (1985). Investigation included following traits: weight of warm carcass (MTP, kg), meat in carcass sides (KMP, kg and SMP, %), total mass and ratio of leg+shoulder+loin (MFO, kg and UFO, %). Obtained results were processed using several models (Harvey, 1990) which included sire genotype, sire, sex progeny and mass of warm carcass (regression effect). All investigated traits varied under the influence of sire genotype (P lt 0.01) on farm B. The effect of sire genotype was significant (P lt 0.01) on KMP and SMP on the Farm A. All traits of carcass quality varied under the influence of sires. Gilts had higher KMP, SMP, MFO and UFO compared to male castrated heads. Difference in Total Breeding Value between best and worst boar was 10.41 (Farm A) and 11.24 index point (Farm B).Ispitivanje uticaja genetskih i negenetskih faktora (genotip oca, otac i pol) na osobine kvaliteta polutki, obavljeno je u 1443 tovljenika koji su vodili poreklo od 5 genotipova oÄeva. Tovljenici su proizvedeni na dve farme svinja (farma A i B). Dobijeni podaci su obraÄeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey,1990). ProseÄna masa toplih polutki tovljenika sa farme A i B je bila 85,78 i 82,59 kg. Genotip oÄeva uticao je (P lt 0,01) na variranje svih ispitivanih osobina potomaka na farmi B. MeÄutim, na farmi A genotip oÄeva nije uticao (P>0,05) na variranje dnevnog prirasta toplih polutki, ukupnu masu i udeo francuske obrade polutki. Ostale ispitivane osobine (DSL+DSK KMP i SMP) su varirale (P lt 0,01) izmeÄu genotipova nerasta. Takodje, oÄevi su uticali na variranje osobina svojih potomaka. Nisu ustanovljena statistiÄki znaÄajna variranja samo osobine DPP izmeÄu ženskih i muÅ”kih kastriranih grla (P>0,05). Sve osobine kvaliteta trupa zavisile su od mase toplih polutki (P lt 0,01). Razlika UPV izmeÄu najboljeg i najloÅ”ijeg nerasta na farmi A je bila 10,41 a na farmi B je bila 11,24 indeksnih poena
Uloga pH vrednosti u muŔkom i ženskom reproduktivnom traktu svinja
For a long time, in practice, and science, has been known that pH values of sperm and vagina are important for successful fertilization. In this investigation this fact was confirmed, and the goal was to investigate the role of pH values through whole reproductive tract of male and female individuals: testis, rete testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, Cowper's gland, vesicula seminalis, prostata, corpus cavernosus, corpus spongiosus, epitel tissue of penis tube, sperm, vagina, uterus, horn of uterus, oviduct, fimbrie ovarica, ovarium, follicular fluid. Measurement was performed in reproductive active males as well as before and after ovulation in females. Porcine reproductive tracts (per 15 female and male individuals) were collected from institute's slaughterhouse, immediately post mortem dissected, homogenised and pH values were measured (according to method Rede&RaheliÄ (1969)). Ovarium and follicular liquid have the highest pH values (7,4) in females, but a small peak in preovulatory oviduct is also present and corresponded to pH of sperm of reproductive fully active male individuals (pH=app.7,2). After fertilization pH in surrounding of zygot (through depolarisation of its membrane) in oviduct, and zygot which then has external decreased pH value moves to less pH values regions by the same principle, that means to uterus, (pH between 7,2 (horn) and 7,07(cervix)) in postovulatory female reproductive tract, where nidation of blastocyst occurs. This investigation could help to elucidate knowledge about reproductive physiology in vivo, giving importance to role of pH values along reproductive tract of male and female individuals.U praksi i nauci je odavno poznato da je pH vrednost sperme i vagine od znaÄaja za uspeÅ”nu oplodnju. U ovom istraživanju je to potvrÄeno, a cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uloga pH vrednosti duž celog polnog trakta mužjaka i ženki svinja: od testisa, epididimisa ductus deferens, Kauperove žlezde, semene kesice, prostate, corpus cavernosus i corpus spongiosus penisa, epitelnog tkiva cevi penisa, sperme vagine, materice, rogova materice, jajovoda, fimbrie ovarica, jajnika, do folikularne teÄnosti jajnika. Merenje je izvrÅ”eno kod polno aktivnih mužjaka i ženki (pre- i postovulatorno). Polni trakt svinja (po 15 ženskih i muÅ”kih jedinki) je uzet iz eksperimentalne klanice instituta, odmah post mortem izvrÅ”ena je disekcija, homogenizacija Ävrstih tkiva i merene su pH vrednosti (prema metodi Rede i RaheliÄ (1969)). Jajnik i folikularna teÄnost jajnika imale su najviÅ”u pH vrednost od 7,4, dok je mali ali znaÄajan porast pH vrednosti u preovulatornom jajniku odgovarao pH vrednosti sperme polno aktivnih mužjaka (pH oko7,2). Nakon oplodnje u okolini zigota (putem depolarizacije membrane) u jajovodu se snižava pH vrednost, Å”to ostaje za dalja istraživanja, i zigot koji tada ima spoljaÅ”nju smanjenu pH, kreÄe se, potpomognut pokretima trepljastog epitela, ka regionu niže pH vrednosti, odnosno materici (u rasponu pH od 7,2 u rogu materice do 7, 07 u cerviksu) u postovulatornom polnom traktu ženki i u materici se odvija nidacija odnosno ugnježÄivanje blastule ukoliko je oplodnja uspeÅ”na. Ova istraživanja bi mogla da rasvetle znanja o polnoj fiziologiji in vivo, dajuÄi znaÄaj pH vrednostima duž polnog trakta muÅ”kih i ženskih jedinki
Uticaj razliÄitih fiksnih faktora na osobine kvaliteta trupa i mesa svinja
Objective of the paper was to investigate the effect of the sire breed (Swedish landrace and Large Yorkshire) and sex (female animals and male castrates) on quality of carcass and pig meat. Established fat thickenss was the highest at withers (33,21 mm) and the thinnest at rump in the center of m. gluteusa medius (18,48 mm). Sire breed had influence (p (lt) 0,01) on back fat thickness in the central part, whereas sex influenced (p (lt) 0,05) backfat thickenss at withers. Lean meat of Swedish Landrace progeny established by partial dissection EU was 52,91 % and according to current Regulation 42,89 % and it was higher compared to progeny (SLxLY) whose sires were Large Yorkshire breed. Established difference in share of meat between sire breeds by application of these two methods was 10,02 and 8,83 %. Higher share of meat (EU 53,20 %) was established in female progeny by 2,27 % in comparison to male progeny (p (lt) 0,05). Also, sire breed influenced (p (lt) 0,05 and p (lt) 0,01) pH, water binding capacity, softness and thickenss of muscle fibre, whereas the sex influenced (p (lt) 0,01) colour of musculus longissimus. Sire breed and sex had no influence on investigated chemical traits of m. longissimus (p>0,05).Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj rase oca (Å”vedski landras i veliki jorkÅ”ir) i pola (ženski, muÅ”ki kastrati) na kvalitet trupa i mesa svinja. UtvÄena vrednost debljine slanine je bila najveÄa na grebenu (33,21 mm) a najtanja na krstima na sredini m. gluteusa medius (18,48 mm). Rasa oca je uticala (p (lt) 0,01) na debljinu slanine na sredini leÄa dok je pol uticao (p (lt) 0,05) na debljinu slanine na grbenu. Mesnatost potomaka Å”vedskog landrasa utvrÄena parcijalnom disekcijom EU iznosi 52,91 % a po važeÄem Pravilniku 42,89 % i veÄa je u odnosu na potomake (Å LxVJ) Äiji su oÄevi rase veliki jorkÅ”ir. UtvrÄena razlika udela mesa izmeÄu rasa oÄeva primenom ova dva metoda iznosi 10,02 i 8,83 %. VeÄi udeo mesa (EU 53,20 %) imali su ženski potomci za 2,27 % u odnosu na muÅ”ka (p (lt) 0,05). TakoÄe, rasa oca je uticala (p (lt) 0,05 i p (lt) 0,01) na pH, sposobnost vezivanja vode, mekoÄu i debljinu miÅ”iÄnog vlakna dok je pol uticao (p (lt) 0,01) na boju m. longissimus dorsi. Rasa oca i pol nisu uticali na ispitivane hemijske osobine m. longissimus dorsi (p>0,05)
Characteristics, outcome and predictors of one year mortality rate in patients with acute heart failure
Background/Aim. Acute heart failure (AHF) is one of the most common diseases in emergency medicine, associated with poor prognosis and high in-hospital and longterm mortality. The aim of this study was to investigate characteristics, outcomes and one year mortality of patients with AHF in the local population. Methods. This prospective study consisted of 64 consecutive unselected patients treated in the Coronary Care Unit of the Emergency Centre (Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade) and were followed for one year after the discharge. Results. Mean age of the patients was 63.6 Ā± 12.6 years and 59.4% were males. Acute congestion (43.8%) and pulmonary edema (39.1%) were the most common presentations of AHF. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 39.7% Ā± 9.25%, while 44.4% of the patients had LVEF ā„ 50%. At discharge, 55.9% of the patients received therapy with Ī²-blockers, 94.9% diuretics, out of which 47.7% spironolactone, 94.9% patients were given ACE-inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blokcers (ARB). The 12-month all-cause mortality was 26.5%. Independent predictors of one year mortality were previous hospitalization due to heart disease, reduced LVEF, reduced fraction of shortening (FS) and a higher tricuspid velocity. Conclusion. One year mortality of our patients with AHF was high, similar to the known European studies. Independent predictors of one year mortality were previous hospitalization due to heart disease, reduced LVEF and LVFS and a higher tricuspid velocity
Ocene priplodne vrednosti nerastaoca metodom probita
Objective of this paper was to evaluate breeding value of boarsires based on four traits of their offspring (average life daily gain and share of meat in carcass sides (%) of offspring-fatteners, number of live born piglets and number of weaned piglets - boars' daughters). Investigation included sires of Swedish Landrace breed and Large White. Breeding value was evaluated on the level of population and within the breed of investigated boars. Data was processed by method of Least Squares (Harvey, 1990), and breeding values of boars evaluated using modified Probit values (PetroviÄ et al., 1995). Obtained results show that the highest total breeding value was established for boar No. 1 (20,832). Its offspring were superior in three of four traits and he is at the same time the first ranked boar. Contrary to this boar, two Large White boar-sires (No. 5 and 6) had offspring with bellow average values for three of four traits. Therefore, these sires influenced improvement of only one trait in their offspring.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se oceni priplodna vrednost nerasta-oÄeva na osnovu Äetiri osobne potomaka (proseÄan životni dnevni prirast i udeo mesa u polutkama (%) potomaka-tovljenika, broj živoroÄene prasadi i broj zaluÄene prasadi kÄeri nerasta). Ispitivanjem su obuhvaÄeni oÄevi rase Å”vedski landras i veliki jorkÅ”ir. Priplodna vrednost je ocenjena na nivou populacije i unutar rase ispitivanih nerasta. Podaci su obraÄeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), a priplodne vrednosti nerasta ocenjene su primenom modifikovane vrednosti probita (PetroviÄ et al., 1995). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je najveÄu ukupnu priplodnu vrednost imao je nerast br. 1 (20,832). Njegovi potomci su bili nadmoÄniji u tri od Äetiri osobine. On je i prvo rangirani nerast. Suprotno od njega, dva nerastaoca rase veliki jorkÅ”ir (br. 5 i 6) su imali potomke koji su za tri od Äetiri osobine bili ispod proseka. Prema tome ovi oÄevi su uticali na poboljÅ”anje samo jedne osobine potomaka
Ocene priplodne vrednosti nerastaoca metodom probita
Objective of this paper was to evaluate breeding value of boarsires based on four traits of their offspring (average life daily gain and share of meat in carcass sides (%) of offspring-fatteners, number of live born piglets and number of weaned piglets - boars' daughters). Investigation included sires of Swedish Landrace breed and Large White. Breeding value was evaluated on the level of population and within the breed of investigated boars. Data was processed by method of Least Squares (Harvey, 1990), and breeding values of boars evaluated using modified Probit values (PetroviÄ et al., 1995). Obtained results show that the highest total breeding value was established for boar No. 1 (20,832). Its offspring were superior in three of four traits and he is at the same time the first ranked boar. Contrary to this boar, two Large White boar-sires (No. 5 and 6) had offspring with bellow average values for three of four traits. Therefore, these sires influenced improvement of only one trait in their offspring.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se oceni priplodna vrednost nerasta-oÄeva na osnovu Äetiri osobne potomaka (proseÄan životni dnevni prirast i udeo mesa u polutkama (%) potomaka-tovljenika, broj živoroÄene prasadi i broj zaluÄene prasadi kÄeri nerasta). Ispitivanjem su obuhvaÄeni oÄevi rase Å”vedski landras i veliki jorkÅ”ir. Priplodna vrednost je ocenjena na nivou populacije i unutar rase ispitivanih nerasta. Podaci su obraÄeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), a priplodne vrednosti nerasta ocenjene su primenom modifikovane vrednosti probita (PetroviÄ et al., 1995). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je najveÄu ukupnu priplodnu vrednost imao je nerast br. 1 (20,832). Njegovi potomci su bili nadmoÄniji u tri od Äetiri osobine. On je i prvo rangirani nerast. Suprotno od njega, dva nerastaoca rase veliki jorkÅ”ir (br. 5 i 6) su imali potomke koji su za tri od Äetiri osobine bili ispod proseka. Prema tome ovi oÄevi su uticali na poboljÅ”anje samo jedne osobine potomaka
Prilog prouÄavanju ocene kvaliteta svinjskih trupova po metodi datoj u preporuci EU sa posebnim osvrtom na debljinu slanine na grebenu
The quality traits of Swedish landrace pig carcasses were investigated. According to short procedure of the method pf partial dissection described in detail by Walstra and Merkus (1996) the highest relative yield of muscle tissue in leg/ham, shoulder, back-loin section and belly-rib fat in carcasses of pigs with thinner withers fat - I group ( 65,76; 66,32; 50,70 and 53,95%). The highest relative share of intermuscular fat in shoulder, back-loin section and belly-rib fat was established in pigs with thicker withers fat - II group (3,16; 5,63 and 7,96%). Differences were significant at the level of 5%. Higher yield of muscle tissue in carcasses was determined in fatteners with thinner withers fat - I group (57,83%) and differences between I and II research groups werenāt significant (p>0,05).Ispitivane su osobine kvaliteta svinjskih trupova Å”vedskog landrasa po skraÄenom postupku metodom parcijalne disekcije, koju su detaljno opisali Walstra i Merkus (1996). UtvrÄen je najveÄi relativni prinos miÅ”iÄnog tkiva u butu, pleÄki, leÄno-slabinskom delu i trbuÅ”no-rebarnoj slanini u trupovima svinja sa tanjom slaninom na grebenu - I grupa (65,76; 66,32; 50,70 i 53,95%). NajveÄi relativni udeo intermuskularne masti (3,16; 5,63 i 7,96%) u pleÄki, leÄno-slabinskom delu i trbuÅ”no-rebarnoj slanini imale su svinje sa debljom slaninom na grebenu - II grupa. Razlike su bile znaÄajne na nivou 5%. VeÄi prinos miÅ”iÄnog tkiva u trupovima utvrÄen je kod tovljenika sa tanjom slaninom na grebenu- I grupa (57,83%) a razlike izmeÄu I i II ispitivane grupe nisu bile signifikantne (p>0,05)
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