118 research outputs found

    Contemporary Conditions of Efficient Implementation of Inclusive Education at the University

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    The paper analyzes the conditions of introducing inclusive education at universities. The suggested classification of necessary conditions may be applied in practice for efficient inclusion at higher educational institutions. We used the methods of descriptive analysis, observation, and Pearson’s chisquared test (χ2). The research findings include the identified efficient conditions of inclusive education, such as (1) creating a column about “Inspiring stories” on the website of the educational institution; (2) conducting group psychological training for students, joint activities, and the so-called “student hour”; (3) establishing a department of distance and inclusive education; (4) developing further education courses for teachers with a focus on communication with students with disabilities and health-related conditions; (5) designing courses for tutors and assisting students with disabilities and health-related conditions to provide them with comprehensive support within the entire period of study at universities; and (6) creating online and offline courses for teachers to develop their readiness to introduce inclusive education at universities by five criteria

    Modern and fossil diatom assemblages from Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago, Arctic Siberia)

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    This article discusses the results of a taxonomic and ecological investigation into diatoms from polygonal ponds and quaternary permafrost deposits of Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago) and the reconstruction of climatic changes on the island during Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition using fossil diatom assemblages from the permafrost deposits. The taxonomic list of diatoms includes 159 diatom species. The main ecological factors that determine the distribution of diatoms in the investigated data set are mean air temperature in July, рН, conductivity, water depth, and the concentration of Si4+ and Al3+. An increase in water depth and stable lacustrine conditions in the Lateglacial–Holocene in the ancient thermokarst lake relate to Lateglacial warming before 11860 ± 160 years BP and during the early Holocene between 11210 ± 160 and 7095 ± 60 years BP

    The Mennonites in the Civil War (1918–1920s): Survival Practices of an Ethno-Confessional Group

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    Introduction. The article examines the survival practices of the Mennonites during the Civil War (based on the materials of the European part of the Russian state). Methods and materials. The memoirs, letters and diaries of the Mennonites; analytical materials on the situation of the Mennonites, prepared by commissions of the RCP(b) were the source base of the study. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the principles of historicism and objectivity, as well as special-historical methods: historical-comparative, historicalgenetic. Analysis. Analysis of the behavior of various regional groups of Mennonites during the Civil War revealed different practices of their response to wartime conditions and the nationwide crisis caused by them: political neutrality, the organization of self-defense units, active support of opposing forces, internal migration, emigration, attempts to preserve the traditional economic structure, mutual assistance. The following regional factors were identified that influenced the position of the Mennonites during the War: the brutality and proximity of hostilities; the land policy of the Bolsheviks and the acuteness of the agrarian question; the level of ethnophobia towards German-speaking citizens; the scale of repressions, confiscations; activities of the occupying German-Austrian forces, white governments, Makhnovist bands. Results. The article shows that in the south of Ukraine, where the Mennonites found themselves in the epicenter of fierce battles between Whites, Reds and Makhnovists, emigration abroad began earlier than in other regions; self-defense detachments acted in an organized manner. Ukrainian Mennonites took an active part in the activities of the German-Austrian and White armies. In other regions, the activities of self-defense detachments were less significant, instead of mass emigration abroad, the Mennonites chose internal migration to quieter areas in 1918–1920. T.P. Nazarova analyzed regional material on the development of Mennonite groups, revealed the nature of their relationship with warring political forces. O.Yu. Redkina analyzed historiography, considered the problem of the activities of the Mennonite self-defense units

    Christian Sectarians in the Civil Service in 1909–1914: On the Issue of the Admission of Mennonites and Molokans to the Postal and Telegraph Service

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    Introduction. The relevance of the research topic is due to the weak elaboration in the works of modern historians of the problem of participation in civil service in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century of representatives of non-Orthodox Christian denominations (Mennonites and Molokans). Methods and materials. The article presents correspondence of the Main Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire on the issue of admission to the postal and telegraph service of Molokans and Mennonites in 1909–1914. This set of documents reflects the practical implementation of the principle of freedom of conscience in the Russian Empire during the period of gradual abandonment of civil rights and freedoms declared in the course of the Revolution of 1905. The documents also record the transformations that took place in the worldview of Mennonites and Molokans. The research uses historical-comparative, problem-chronological methods, methods of archeography and historical source studies. Analysis. The purpose of the article was to identify the attitude of state bodies to the admission to the civil service (on the example of the postal and telegraph department) of candidates from among sectarians (Mennonites and Molokans) after the revolution of 1905–1907. An active liberal reform of the Russian religious legislation there was in 1905–1912. However, the religious factor continued playing a role in entering the civil service. The documents reflect the negative attitude towards the admission of sectarians (primarily Molokans) to the civil service of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Department for Foreign Confessions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They focused on the anti-state tenets of the Molokan creed. The management of the Main Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs in 1914 decided to ban Molokans from taking positions in the postal and telegraph department. It is noted that in the Mennonite ethnoconfession, a revision of the attitude to family and marriage, to the role of women, to civil service begins. Molokans at the beginning of the twentieth century also rejected some tenets of faith, in particular, pacifism and denial of the state oath. Authors’ contribution. O.Yu. Redkina identified and prepared archival documents for publication, conducted a historical source and archeographic description. T.P. Nazarova considered the transformation in the worldview of Mennonites and Molokans at the beginning of the twentieth century, their attitude to civil service, to the position of women in the family and society

    Import substitution in forest engineering as an indicator of the development of the forest sector of the Russian economy in modern conditions

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    The purpose of this article is to substantiate the need for the development of domestic engineering for the forest industry, to study the problems and tasks of developing domestic engineering for enterprises in the forestry sector of the economy. The necessity of import substitution in the production of equipment for key branches of the domestic timber industry is argued. Possible ways to bring the industry out of the crisis are proposed based on: the need to analyse the causes of the destruction of domestic forestry engineering; determining measures to ensure the revival of branch science and the development of forestry engineering. As a result, proposals are presented on regulatory and legal support, the purchase of samples of imported equipment in order to study and independently manufacture a similar product in the future. Further development of the industry should be based on resource-saving technologies and “green” technologies for waste processing and a circular economy. On the basis of educational institutions or as independent organizations, it is necessary to create research, research and production centres of the industry. The sanctions announced to Russia are a challenge of the times, contributing to the development of domestic science and forestry engineering. Right now it is necessary to develop the economic base of the timber industry and forestry. The aggressive policy of foreign manufacturers of forestry equipment to conquer the Russian market exacerbates the task of restoring the competitiveness of forestry engineering on innovative principles and increasing its role in the Russian timber industry

    Resettlement of the Mennonites in the Black Sea Region in the 19th Century: Particularities of Solving the Land Issue

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    Introduction. The article considers the processes of resettlement of the Mennonites in the Black Sea region in the 19th century and solving the land issue which is closely connected with it. Methods and materials. The archival documents of funds of the State archive of the Republic of Crimea and published materials from collections, first of all the acts devoted to the issue of foreign colonization in the Russian Empire formed the source base of the research. The general historical principles of historicism and objectivity and also specific methods are the methodological basis of the research: historical and comparative, historical and genetic, historical and system methods. Analysis. The analysis of the colonization legislation concerning foreign immigrants shows high interest of the government in involving the Mennonites to settling of Novorossiysk region. The land issue was resolved differently: till the 1840s all lands were given to the Mennonites to “eternal” possession of the whole colony, without the right of alienation to third parties; also because of the shortage of free state lands the colonists were granted the permission to buy lands; the government also bought comfortable lands to treasury for its distribution among the Mennonites. Results. The authors underline the following features of land management in Mennonite settlements: land plots were distributed by household and family, without splitting (sixty five tithes per family); there was a minority right, which led to an increase in the number of landless. In the second half of the 19th century resettlement of the Mennonites went due to the land purchase or long-term rent with the subsequent repayment, land plots began to be split


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    O artigo apresentado é dedicado à questão da organização do ensino de educação para alunos aprendentes em instituições de ensino superior. Baseado nos trabalhos de I.A. Zimnyaya, T.I. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I. Ya. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov e outros pesquisadores, os autores esclareceram o conceito de "ensino de educação para estudantes universitários", analisaram seus componentes, sistematizaram a experiência nacional e estrangeira na organização do ensino de educação para estudantes em instituições de ensino superior. O artigo também apresenta o complexo de condições pedagógicas do autor que promove a organização do ensino de educação para estudantes universitários. O complexo inclui os seguintes componentes: correção das orientações de valor dos alunos no processo educacional de uma universidade; o desenvolvimento da atividade cognitiva dos estudantes e a construção do processo educacional em uma universidade, levando em consideração os requisitos de uma abordagem centrada no aluno.El documento presentado está dedicado al tema de la organización de la enseñanza de la educación para los estudiantes que aprenden en instituciones de educación superior. Basado en los trabajos de I.A. Zimnyaya, T.I. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, yo. Ya. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov y otros investigadores, los autores aclararon el concepto de "enseñanza de educación para estudiantes universitarios", analizaron sus componentes, sistematizaron la experiencia nacional y extranjera en la organización de la enseñanza de educación para estudiantes en instituciones de educación superior. El documento también presenta el complejo de condiciones pedagógicas del autor que promueve la organización de la enseñanza de educación para estudiantes universitarios. El complejo incluye los siguientes componentes: corrección de las orientaciones de valor de los estudiantes en el proceso educativo de una universidad; El desarrollo de la actividad cognitiva de los estudiantes y la construcción del proceso educativo en una universidad teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de un enfoque centrado en el alumno.The presented paper is devoted to the issue of organization of upbringing teaching for students which are learners in higher educational institutions. Based on the works of I.A. Zimnyaya, T.I. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I. Ya. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov and other researchers, the authors clarified the concept of "upbringing teaching for university students", analysed its components, systematised domestic and foreign experience in organizing upbringing teaching for students in higher educational institutions. The paper also presents the author’s complex of pedagogical conditions that promotes the organization of upbringing teaching for university students. The complex includes the following components: correction of students' value orientations in the educational process of a university; the development of cognitive activity of students and the construction of the educational process at a university taking into account the requirements of a learner-centred approach.   &nbsp

    Tax revenues and balanced budgets

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    The balance of the budget system, as well as the reality of economy development planning contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of the state. By achieving a balanced budget system is a guarantee of the financial stability of the state. In this context, the search for a mechanism and tools to ensure the balance of the budget system confirms the relevance of the present study. The article analyzes the financial state of the budgets of the Russian Federation regions, and the ways of achieving balance of regional budgets and tax policy as a tool for its implementation through the analysis of data of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, as well as foreign and domestic scientific literature. In consequence of the expert survey, the conclusions are drawn about the ways of reforming tax legislation and tightening fiscal management, which include changing the mechanism of establishing tax benefits, as well as reforming the taxation of individuals and small businesses.peer-reviewe

    Solving the problem of credit defaults in retail sector

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    The article analyzes dynamics of the volume and annual rate of loan delinquency of the country’s population for intermediate quarter dates, compares default retail credit portfolios with similar portfolio of organizations, and determines the main reasons for appearance of population’s debts before banks. It is concluded that it is necessary for banks to focus on development of their own tools and technologies of payment recovery, related to determination of early problematic debt for the purpose of taking preventive measures for preventing the appearance of past-due debts, which is possible under the condition of investing money assets into own analytical and technological tools. An approach to segmentation of debts and factors that could be used as indicators in the process of accompanying and servicing of credits are offered.peer-reviewe