12 research outputs found

    Каспийский регион в системе международных регионов

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    The given research paper presents an attempt to analyze the Caspian region from the point of view of its cross-border specifics. In contrast to the traditional understanding of the Caspian region as the region of heightened geopolitical significance the authors analyze its peculiarities and potential in the context of the cross-border cooperation dynamics. It is especially emphasized that the Caspian region may be considered as a cross-border region which, despite the substantial similarities is different from international transnational regions. The authors focus attention on a key contradiction of the Caspian region. On the one hand, national interests and foreign policy of the states-members of the Caspian region (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan) have a national country and regional importance, since their implementation will form an effective regional security system. On the other hand, the Caspian region attracts the attention of the world powers, becoming a subject of their interest, as it is of great importance for world energy markets and has status of a transit zone between Europe and Asia. For Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan the Caspian status is combined with their most important characteristic of post-Soviet states - shared long historical stage of development within the Soviet Union. The article distinguished and analyzed four main periods of establishment of cross-border cooperation in the Caspian region. The national specificity of modernization reforms in all the countries of the Caspian region have interrelations with further development of cross-border cooperation, the priority of that performs convergence of Caspian states on a number of strategic issues, including economic cooperation and security. (author's abstract

    Armed Conflict as a Media Project of the 21st Century: Ukrainian Case

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    Introduction. Modern armed confrontation has an obligatory information component and, moreover, can be a kind of media project in a situation where the confrontation is based on a contradiction between military and political goals. Based on the results obtained, the authors concluded that new media are a mechanism for implementing a media project to transform “real” reality, change the media and supra-real (cognitive, mental, or reflective) realities. Methods and materials. During the study, over 1900 images and videos were analyzed posted in the network communities of social media VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and Twitter, as well as the Telegram communication messenger, from February to May 2022. Analysis. Modern armed confrontation is a new type of social connection since the Internet, social media, and politics form new political and communicative ties in society, which, in turn, create or destroy political forces and change political regimes and economic players for markets. Result. The authors propose a model connecting physical, informational, and virtual spaces, explaining network communication creation and functioning. This model influences politics, economics, resources, and territories through people’s mass consciousness. Authors’ contribution. G.V. Kosov developed the theoretical basis of the study and carried out the general scientific editing of the article. O.V. Yarmak analyzed the dominant trends in modern media projects and the Ukrainian case. O.M. Litvishko interpreted the results of theoretical and empirical studies characterizing the process of forming a new media project. A.E. Gapich organized studies of images and videos posted in the network communities of social media (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter), as well as the Telegram messenger

    Лікування діафізарних переломів кінцівок в умовах травматологічного відділення притрасової ЦРЛ

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    The article describes experience of treating 256 casualties with diaphyseal fractures of extremities at Chuguiv District Hospital within 2006–2010. The following methods for fixing fragments were used: external fixation devices – 131, plates – 53, plaster bandages or orthoses – 77, intramedullary rods – 2, screws – 3. Nonunions were most common after plate osteosynthesis of the femur (26 %), tibia and fibula (22 %). Nonunions with external fixation devices were recorded in 5.6 % (femur) and 8 % (tibia and fibula) of cases.Представлен опыт лечения 256 пострадавших с диафизарными переломами костей конечностей в Чугуевской ЦРБ за 2006–2010 гг. Использованы такие способы фиксации отломков: аппарат внешней фиксации — 131, пластина — 53, гипсовая повязка или ортез — 77, интрамедуллярный стержень — 2, винты — 3. Наиболее часто несращения фиксировали после накостного остеосинтеза бедренной кости (26 %) и костей голени (22 %). Возникновение несращений при использовании аппаратов внешней фиксации установлено в 5,6 % (бедренная кость) и 8 % (кости голени) случаев.Представлено досвід лікування 256 постраждалих з діафізарними переломами кісток кінцівок у Чугуївській ЦРЛ за 2006–2010 рр. Використано такі способи фіксації відламків: апарат зовнішньої фіксації — 131, пластина — 53, гіпсова пов’язка або ортез — 77, інтрамедулярний стрижень — 2, гвинти — 3. Найчастіше незрощення траплялися після накісткового остеосинтезу стегнової кістки (26 %) і кісток гомілки (22 %). Виникнення незрощень у разі використання апаратів зовнішньої фіксації встановлено в 5,6 % (стегнова кістка) та 8 % (кістки гомілки) випадків

    Bilingual Textbook as Driver of Knowledge Transfer in Modern Educational Environment

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    Realities of modern education actualize the need to change the approach to developing textbooks for higher education. Bilingual textbooks are becoming more highly-demanded as they provide for achieving a dual purpose – teaching both a foreign language and a professional discipline. Despite the spread of CLIL approach in elementary and secondary levels, it has not been introduced in higher education as widely as traditional teaching methods. It is mostly employed in Master’s programmes, whereas bachelor-level programmes are completely uninvolved in this regard. Scarcity of appropriate teaching materials alongside with the lack of reliable materials in the Russian language accounts for the limited scope of CLIL implementation in our country. The textbook developed by the authors is an attempt to introduce CLIL techniques into the curriculum of the second year of study in the Legal Department of Pyatigorsk State University in teaching a professional discipline – Financial Law by means of a foreign language, namely English. The textbook is innovative in its nature as it promotes meta-knowledge, problem solving and critical thinking, collaboration and communication thus serving as the driver of knowledge transfer in modern Russian educational environment

    Environmental law: Discourse complexity indices

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    The problem of the complexity of legal texts has been a highlydemanded topic in modern cross-disciplinary research. Considering the fact that environmental law and its language is objectively recognized as complex due to its ongoing development, substantive nature and the diversity of the subject matter, an integrative character of the branch of law under study. the authors propose investigating the analysis of complexity of legal texts applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The authors conduct the research into the development and the specifics of environmental law supported by the analysis of its language features. The authors come to conclusion that apart from purely legal complexity factors, the language of environmental law possesses some features that may also be viewed as discourse complexity indices

    Частота незрощення та уповільненого зрощення відламків у разі ізольованих діафізарних переломів довгих кісток кінцівок

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    Protocols of examination of 1,239 casualties with isolated diaphyseal fractures of the extremities by the Kharkiv Interdistrict Traumatological Medical-Social Expert Commission within 2008-2010 were analysed. Among the above cases there were 726 patients, referred to the Commission for the first time, and 477 disabled people, who came for the second time because of persistent consequences of injuries. Of the patients, who appeared for the first time, the femoral bone was fractured in 226 cases, the shin bones in 416, the humerus in 69, and the forearm bones in 51. It was found out that the rate of nonunion after plate osteosynthesis was from 12.5 to 26 % depending upon the segment, after intramedullary one from 17 to 23 %, resulting from use of external fixation devices within 7-13 %, and after plaster bandage or skeletal traction from 2.6 to 4 %.Проанализированы протоколы осмотра 1 239 пострадавших с изолированными диафизарными переломами Харьковской МСЭК за период 2008–2010 гг. Среди указанных лиц было 726 больных, первично направленных на комиссию, и 477 инвалидов, которые обращались повторно из-за стойких последствий травм. Среди больных, обратившихся первично, перелом бедренной кости был у 226 человек, костей голени — у 416, плечевой кости — у 69, костей предплечья — у 51. Установлено, что частота случаев несращений перелома после накостного остеосинтеза составила от 12,5 до 26 % в зависимости от сегмента, после интрамедуллярного — от 17 до 23 %, вследствие использования аппаратов внешней фиксации — от 7 до 13%, гипсовой повязки или скелетного вытяжения — от 2,6 до 4 %.Проаналізовано протоколи огляду 1 239 постраждалих з ізольованими діафізарними переломами кінцівок Харківської МСЕК за період 2008–2010 рр. Серед зазначених осіб було 726 хворих, первинно направлених на комісію, і 477 інвалідів, які зверталися повторно через стійкі наслідки травм. Серед хворих, що звернулися первинно, перелом стегнової кістки був у 226 осіб, кісток гомілки — у 416, плечової кістки — в 69, кісток передпліччя — у 51. Встановлено, що частота випадків незрощення перелому після накісткового остеосинтезу склала від 12,5 до 26 % залежно від сегмента, після інтрамедулярного — від 17 до 23 %, внаслідок використання апаратів зовнішньої фіксації — від 7 до 13 %, гіпсової пов’язки або скелетного витягнення — від 2,6 до 4 %

    Digitalization of financial sector in Russia: Key components and concepts

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    The article is devoted to the study of key components of financial sector in Russia and key concepts related to them. The authors believe these key components are focused on achieving the strategic goals set by the Russian government in the national project “Digital economy” which include; increasing the availability and quality of financial services and services for citizens and businesses; creating a competitive environment; further development of competition in the financial market; increasing the availability, quality and range of financial services; reducing risks and costs in the financial sector; increasing the competitiveness of Russian technologies while ensuring cybersecurity and maintaining financial stability. The authors analyse the economic situation that is developing in the country under the influence of the spread of digital technologies pointing out that Russia is one of the world leaders of digitalization in the sphere of finance. Using diachronic approach, the authors traced the history of digitalization in the world in general and Russia in particular, which allowed them to determine major trends and priorities. Further analysis of the language means representing the key concepts conducted with the help of linguocognitive modelling revealed the nature of the process of digital transformation of financial sector

    IT technologies in the digital transformation of separate branches of economy: Semiotic perspective

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    The article is devoted to the study of the influence of IT technologies on modern processes of digitalization of economy, which gives quite an extensive research material for various theoretical studies including economics, finance, sociology, linguistics. It is noted that not all social or communicative phenomena can be explained exclusively with the help of categories of one or another school of thought. The authors propose looking at the impact of IT technologies on economic phenomena through the lens of semiotic analysis to understand the results of implementing advanced IT technologies in such socio-economic process as digitalization. The results of the research show that semiotic analysis not only reveals the range of sign systems used in the representation of digitalization but also serves as an explanatory tool for learning specific characteristics and objective patterns of polycode texts present in digital products such as websites or mobile applications. The authors are convinced that drawing the methodological tools of semiotics to the analysis of the influence of IT technologies on the process of digitalization of retail financial services will significantly contribute to cross-disciplinary studies of such topical phenomenon as IT technologies and their successful implementation in separate branches of economy