7 research outputs found

    Conservative medicine in war conditions in the Slavonian-brod hospital (until july 31, 1992)

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    Zbog ratnih zbivanja učinjena je preobrazba nekih službi KM, kako bi smjeÅ”tajem, organizacijom i opsegom rada mogla optimalno odgovarati novonastaloj teÅ”koj situaciji. Da bi se zaÅ”titili bolesnici i zdravstveni djelatnici od djelovanja topničkih i minobacačkih granata, premjeÅ”teni su na sigurnija mjesta: podrumske prostorije bolnice, prigradska naselja ili udaljenija mjesta. Veći dio bolničkih zgrada učvrŔćen je drvenim gredama i vrećama pijeska. Organizirano se reducira broj bolesničkih postelja u svim djelatnostima konzervativne medicine, od 267 u miru na 126, tj.za 53% u ratu. Iz sigurnosnih razloga i bitno smanjenih kapaciteta bolničkih odjela hospitalizirani su samo vitalno ugroženi i teÅ”ki bolesnici. U svezi s time broj od 5 284 hospitaliziranih u miru pao je u ratu na 3 110 bolesnika, tj. za 41%. Upravo selekcija samo teÅ”kih bolesnika za prijem na bolničko liječenje, hospitalizacija prognanih i izbjeglih kroničnih neliječenih, zapuÅ”tenih i izgladnjelih staraca, bitno je utjecala na znatan porast smrtnosti. Tome je posebno pridonio porast broja rođene nedoneÅ”ene i nezrele djece, ne samo iz naÅ”eg područja nego i susjednih općina istočne i zapadne Slavonije i Bosanske Posavine. Registriran je porast smrtnosti od 60%. u miru na 140% u promatranim ratnim mjesecima, a to je porast od 80%. U Službi za hemodijalizu doÅ”lo je u ratu do skoka broja liječenih i porasta smrtnosti, poglavito ranjenika. Naime, dosadaÅ”nje mirnodopsko preživljavanje bilo je oko 500%, a u ratnoj godini ono je palo na 375%, tj. mortalitet je porastao na 625%. NajviÅ”a smrtnost u toj jedinici zapažena je upravo u ranjenika (820%). Zbog ratnih zbivanja doÅ”lo je do pada broja specijalističkih ambulantnih pregleda za 60% - od 69 132 u mirnodopskim mjesecima na 27 549 u ratu.Before the beggining of the war the services of the conservative medicine: for internal diseases, pediatry, infectology, neurology and hemodialysis had suitable rooms, number of beds, various and up-to date equipment and sufficient number of medical staff so they could, through polyclinical services and hospital departments give optimal health protection to the people of our and neighbouring communities of Bosanska Posavina. The capacity of the mentioned departments was 267 beds in adequate up-to-date and functional space. An adequate number (13) of specialist physicians and subspecialists (3 doctors, 4 magisters and a remarkable number of physicians with postgraduate study and diploma) with modern outfit for clinical, laboratorial and X-rays diagnostics enables fast and precise diagnosis, an adequate and efficient treatment and scientific work. The agression on our Republic had its influence on the work of health service as a whole, and on the work of conservative medicine in Health Center in Slavonski Brod as well. First attacks on our town began on September 15th, 1991 from the neighbouring Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and from the barracks of the former Yugoslav National Army in Slavonski Brod. In the same time the war extended in Eastern and Western Slavonia and more and more wounded were daily accepted in our hospital. Therefore more beds were located in surgeon department and utmost readiness of all vital services was commanded. The number of the beds in majority of conservative services was lessened and only heavy and urgent cases were accepted. For the security the large part of the building was protected by logs and sandbags. To shelter patients and medical staff from artillery and trench mortar blasts, some services of conservative medicine were dislocated to more secure places in cellars in suburban settlements or far away places. Due to the war the number of beds on departments of conservative medicine was reduced from 267 at the peacetime to 126 in wartime and this is reduction of 53%. The biggest number of beds was reduced in pediatry - for 80 to 20 or from 75%, and the least on internal department - from 89 to 69 or for 25%. From the reasons of security and because of reduced capacities only vitally endangered and heavy patients are accepted. In peacetime the number of hospitalized patients was 5 284 but in the wartime it fell to 3110 patients i. e. for 41% as it is shown on graph 1. The number of hospitalized was: 136 (4%) members of Croatian Army and police, 315 (10%) banished persons and refugees, and 2 959 (86%) civilians The biggest number of Croatian soldiers and policeman (103/136) or 76% were treated on Department of infective diseases. The biggest number of banished persons and refugees was cured on Children department: 195/315 i. e. 62%. The growth of mortality was from 60% in peacetime to 140% in wartime, and it is shown (by departments) on graph 2. The growth of mortality for 80% in war is understandable as only heavy patients were accepted to hospital. The hospitalization of banished and refugees with chronic diseases, many of them uncured, famished and psychicly destroyed old persons added a great deal to the growth of mortality. The growth of the number of prematurely born children from our and neighbouring communities of East and West Slavonia and Bosanska Posavina added to high mortality. In Service for hemodialysis there were more treated but also more passed away, especially wounded. Namely, in peacetime 500% stayed on life but in war it fell to 374% i. e. the mortality grew on 625%. The highest mortality in this service was with wounded (820%). It should be stressed that there were no important differences of the sick of some acute contagious diseases in war and peacetime. There were no records of any classical war contagious disease as were: abdominal typhus, spotted typhusor Q-fever. Also it should be recognized that up to now there have not been registrated epidemics of contagious diseases in spite of transit and permanent stay of large number of refugees and banished persons, nor with hospitalized, neither with out patients

    Highly Contiguous Assemblies of 101 Drosophilid Genomes

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    Over 100 years of studies in Drosophila melanogaster and related species in the genus Drosophila have facilitated key discoveries in genetics, genomics, and evolution. While high-quality genome assemblies exist for several species in this group, they only encompass a small fraction of the genus. Recent advances in long-read sequencing allow high-quality genome assemblies for tens or even hundreds of species to be efficiently generated. Here, we utilize Oxford Nanopore sequencing to build an open community resource of genome assemblies for 101 lines of 93 drosophilid species encompassing 14 species groups and 35 sub-groups. The genomes are highly contiguous and complete, with an average contig N50 of 10.5 Mb and greater than 97% BUSCO completeness in 97/101 assemblies. We show that Nanopore-based assemblies are highly accurate in coding regions, particularly with respect to coding insertions and deletions. These assemblies, along with a detailed laboratory protocol and assembly pipelines, are released as a public resource and will serve as a starting point for addressing broad questions of genetics, ecology, and evolution at the scale of hundreds of species

    Highly contiguous assemblies of 101 drosophilid genomes

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    Over 100 years of studies in Drosophila melanogaster and related species in the genus Drosophila have facilitated key discoveries in genetics, genomics, and evolution. While high-quality genome assemblies exist for several species in this group, they only encompass a small fraction of the genus. Recent advances in long-read sequencing allow high-quality genome assemblies for tens or even hundreds of species to be efficiently generated. Here, we utilize Oxford Nanopore sequencing to build an open community resource of genome assemblies for 101 lines of 93 drosophilid species encompassing 14 species groups and 35 sub-groups. The genomes are highly contiguous and complete, with an average contig N50 of 10.5 Mb and greater than 97% BUSCO completeness in 97/101 assemblies. We show that Nanopore-based assemblies are highly accurate in coding regions, particularly with respect to coding insertions and deletions. These assemblies, along with a detailed laboratory protocol and assembly pipelines, are released as a public resource and will serve as a starting point for addressing broad questions of genetics, ecology, and evolution at the scale of hundreds of species

    Need satisfaction in intergroup contact:A multinational study of pathways toward social change

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    none43siFinanziamenti esterni a vari co-autoriWhat role does intergroup contact play in promoting support for social change toward greater social equality? Drawing on the needs-based model of reconciliation, we theorized that when inequality between groups is perceived as illegitimate, disadvantaged group members will experience a need for empowerment and advantaged group members a need for acceptance. When intergroup contact satisfies each group's needs, it should result in more mutual support for social change. Using four sets of survey data collected through the Zurich Intergroup Project in 23 countries, we tested several preregistered predictions, derived from the above reasoning, across a large variety of operationalizations. Two studies of disadvantaged groups (Ns = 689 ethnic minority members in Study 1 and 3,382 sexual/gender minorities in Study 2) support the hypothesis that, after accounting for the effects of intergroup contact and perceived illegitimacy, satisfying the need for empowerment (but not acceptance) during contact is positively related to support for social change. Two studies with advantaged groups (Ns = 2,937 ethnic majority members in Study 3 and 4,203 cis-heterosexual individuals in Study 4) showed that, after accounting for illegitimacy and intergroup contact, satisfying the need for acceptance (but also empowerment) is positively related to support for social change. Overall, findings suggest that intergroup contact is compatible with efforts to promote social change when group-specific needs are met. Thus, to encourage support for social change among both disadvantaged and advantaged group members, it is essential that, besides promoting mutual acceptance, intergroup contact interventions also give voice to and empower members of disadvantaged groups.mixedHƤssler, Tabea; Ullrich, Johannes; Sebben, Simone; Shnabel, Nurit; Bernardino, Michelle; Valdenegro, Daniel; Van Laar, Colette; GonzĆ”lez, Roberto; Visintin, Emilio Paolo; Tropp, Linda R; Ditlmann, Ruth K; Abrams, Dominic; Aydin, Anna Lisa; Pereira, Adrienne; Selvanathan, Hema Preya; von Zimmermann, Jorina; Lantos, NĆ³ra Anna; Sainz, Mario; Glenz, Andreas; Kende, Anna; OberpfalzerovĆ”, Hana; Bilewicz, Michal; Branković, Marija; Noor, Masi; Pasek, Michael H; Wright, Stephen C; Žeželj, Iris; Kuzawinska, Olga; Maloku, Edona; Otten, Sabine; Gul, Pelin; Bareket, Orly; Corkalo Biruski, Dinka; Mugnol-Ugarte, Luiza; Osin, Evgeny; Baiocco, Roberto; Cook, Jonathan E; Dawood, Maneeza; Droogendyk, Lisa; Loyo, AngĆ©lica Herrera; Jelić, Margareta; Kelmendi, Kaltrina; Pistella, JessicaHƤssler, Tabea; Ullrich, Johannes; Sebben, Simone; Shnabel, Nurit; Bernardino, Michelle; Valdenegro, Daniel; Van Laar, Colette; GonzĆ”lez, Roberto; Visintin, Emilio Paolo; Tropp, Linda R; Ditlmann, Ruth K; Abrams, Dominic; Aydin, Anna Lisa; Pereira, Adrienne; Selvanathan, Hema Preya; von Zimmermann, Jorina; Lantos, NĆ³ra Anna; Sainz, Mario; Glenz, Andreas; Kende, Anna; OberpfalzerovĆ”, Hana; Bilewicz, Michal; Branković, Marija; Noor, Masi; Pasek, Michael H; Wright, Stephen C; Žeželj, Iris; Kuzawinska, Olga; Maloku, Edona; Otten, Sabine; Gul, Pelin; Bareket, Orly; Corkalo Biruski, Dinka; Mugnol-Ugarte, Luiza; Osin, Evgeny; Baiocco, Roberto; Cook, Jonathan E; Dawood, Maneeza; Droogendyk, Lisa; Loyo, AngĆ©lica Herrera; Jelić, Margareta; Kelmendi, Kaltrina; Pistella, Jessic

    Pacemaker optimization guided by echocardiography in cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    Introduction. Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or biventricular pacing is a contemporary treatment in the management of advanced heart failure. Echocardiography plays an evolving and important role in patient selection for CRT, follow-up of acute and chronic CRT effects and optimization of device settings after biventricular pacemaker implantation. In this paper we illustrate usefulness of echocardiography for successful AV and VV timing optimization in patients with CRT. A review of up-to-date literature concerning rationale for AV and VV delay optimization, echocardiographic protocols and current recommendations for AV and VV optimization after CRT are also presented. Outline of Cases. The first case is of successful AV delay optimization guided by echocardiography in a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy treated with CRT is presented. Pulsed blood flow Doppler was used to detect mitral inflow while programming different duration of AV delay. The AV delay with optimal transmittal flow was established. The optimal mitral flow was the one with clearly defined E and A waves and maximal velocity time integral (VTI) of the mitral flow. Improvement in clinical status and reverse left ventricle remodelling with improvement of ejection fraction was registered in our patient after a month. The second case presents a patient with heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy; six months after CRT implantation the patient was still NYHA class III and with a significantly depressed left ventricular ejection fraction. Optimization of VV interval guided by echocardiography was undertaken measuring VTI of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) during programming of different VV intervals. The optimal VV interval was determined using a maximal LVOT VTI. A month after VV optimization our patient showed improvement in LV ejection fraction. Conclusion. Optimal management of patients treated with CRT integrate both clinical and echocardiographic follow-up with, if needed, echocardiographically guided optimization of AV and VV delays, which offers the possibility of additional clinical improvement in such patients