41 research outputs found


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    The attitude to the healthy eating and eating habits takes its roots in the family. When becoming a grown-up, a person prefers eating the favorite and habitual food. It depends only on a person’s own choice to observe the basic laws of the healthy eating and keeping to them and in this way to support own health. As opposed to healthy, balanced, diversified, regular and sufficient amount of food there are the strategies that can cause eating disorders if to follow them. Among such disorders might be neurotic anorexia, neurotic bulimia, compulsive overeating and other unspecified eating disorders. The prevalence of eating disorders nowadays is connected with the influence of increased stress, an enlarged information load, an awareness of modern beauty standards as a result, eating disorders risks are increasing. Prompt information and provision of knowledge for teachers, parents and students on eating disorders prevalence, manifestation and the importance of timely recognition for successful treatment is the most important element of preventive measures. The topicality of the research on eating disorders among students is justified by the fact that the early detection of students’ eating disorders can promote timely recognition of the problem and the beginning of treatment reducing serious physical and psychological complications and even fatal cases. The primary goal of this research was to find out eating disorders risks among the 12th grade students. The second goal was to determine eating disorders risks among the 12th grade students due to the gender differences of students. To gain the results of the research the quantitative research method  with the research tool – EAT-26 test (Garner et al., 1982) was used. Two hundreds of the 12th grade students were involved into the research as respondents. The results of the survey show that the 5th part of the respondents have got eating disorders risks indicators. There are statistically significant differences between men and women (р0.001).

    Sisters of Charity Training on the Latvian Territory in the 19th Century

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    In 1772 Daugavpils(Dyneburg) was incorporated into the Russian Empire and remained the main city of the province of Daugavpils. In 1796 it was incorporated into Belarus province and later in 1802 into Vitebsk province. In 1864 16 countries joined officially the First Geneva Convention,,For the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field”. In 1867 Russia including Latvia also joined the Geneva Convention. That yearthe Russian association for wounded and sick soldiers care wasestablished. Over timethe Russian association for wounded and sick soldiers carechanged its original name. In 1879 it was given the new official name, the Russian Red Cross Society”.The Committeesof the Russian Red Cross were established in all the provincesof Russiangubernias, so in Vidzeme and Kurzeme they were in Riga and Jelgava, but Latgale was under the control of the Committee of Vitebskgubernia. The communities of the Red Cross charity of Mercywerefounded to prepare the female sanitary staff for the medical care of the sick and the wounded during the war and to provide nursing care in hospitals, military hospitals and private homes during peacetime. The Vitebsk local committee of the Russian Red Cross supported the activities of Charity Nurses Community in Vitebsk.


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    Elderly research suggests inappropriate food intake as a one of the health issue. Malnutrition may have an undesirable effect on the health of the body. Elderly people are most at risk because they are often the result of loss of appetite, difficulties with daily shopping, meal preparation, somatic disorders and mental disorders such as depression. The purpose of the study was to investigate malnutrition among the elderly who are staying in social care institutions and to assess its association with anxiety and depression. The data from the study were obtained using the Universal Malnutrition Screening, Geriatric Alert Scale and the Geriatric Depression Scale as tools. Overall, 102 respondents from two social care institutions participated in the study. The majority were women 64.7% (35.3% were male). Respondents ranged in age from 65 to 91 years. There were 27.44% of participants with malnutrition risk and 45.10% with signs of anxiety. Depression symptoms were detected 60.78% of respondents. Within the research sample, a statistically significant relationship between malnutrition and depression was found (r = 0.302, p 0.01). Prevention of malnutrition and the early detection of depression among seniors will contribute to the improvement of the quality of their life and quality of health care.

    Model of registration of road accidents: problems of law enforcement

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    This publication focuses on the theoretical investigation of issues arising in the Russian Federation in law enforcement related to the recently introduced digital procedure for the registration of road accidents through the “DTP.Europrotokol” electronic application running on the Android or Apple iOS operating systems. The purpose of the study is to examine the above method of independent registration of a road accident without authorized police officers, developed by the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with a substantiation of the possibility of subsequent attaching evidentiary value to the information contained in such an application in legal proceedings for the recovery of insurance compensation in connection with the occurrence of this road accident. The authors assessed the effectiveness and feasibility of this digital traffic accident model, including the lack of sufficient regulatory guarantees for the safety of the information uploaded by the user to the mobile application, the existence of virtually unlimited powers of the application developer to control its functioning. They drew attention to certain enforcement problems associated with the assessment of the information available from the “DTP.Europrotokol” application, which is not possible to use in all cases, data the accuracy of which depends on many technical factors

    Business administration as a basis for development of global entrepreneurship

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    The purpose of the article is to determine the role and meaning of business administration in development of global entrepreneurship. The work uses the proprietary methodology of evaluation of global competitiveness of enterprise and the proprietary methodology of evaluation of efficiency of business administration of enterprise, as well as method of correlation analysis. The authors determine the role of business administration in management of factors of development of global enterprise and offer the proprietary structural and logical model of organization of the process of business administration of global enterprise as a perspective tool for provision of global competitiveness of business and development of global entrepreneurship on the whole. The authors come to the conclusion that business administration is a basis for development of global entrepreneurship and plays an important role in this process, which consists in managing other internal and external factors of functioning of global business.peer-reviewe

    Quality of Life and its Relation to Stressors Elderly Nursing Home Rezidents in Latvia

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    There is a lot of talk about global aging in society and, as people start to live longer, the society has to take care about their well- being in old age too. There are developed a series of definitions about life quality and designed a variety of methods for assessing quality of life of different groups of people and society as a whole over the time. At such a group of people belongs also those who lives in a nursing home and for various reasons they are aging in one of the nursing homes in Latvia. A study has been made to examine the correlation between stressors and quality of life of nursing home residents. The study objective was quantification method - survey, using two research instruments - questionnaires and 134 nursing home residents were interviewed. The results show that there are both positive and negative relationship between stressors and indicator of quality of life. Overall, the results after the quality of life index characterize the situation as good, the figure is described as an adequate quality of life for the majority of respondents, but for a part of respondents in several, important areas of life there is needed an improvement.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Anxiety and Depression Rates Among the Unemployed Citizens of Latgale Region

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    Employment status can substantially influence emotional, social and financial welfare of an individual, protects an individual from obvious negative influence on a person’s life quality. This is connected with a loss of work, instability and low income, as well as worsening of life quality. According to the gained data, unemployed people feel depression and anxiety symptoms very often and it is not paid enough attention to these symptoms. Taking into consideration the fact, that in Latgale region the level of unemployment is the highest one, it would be important to define the signs of depression and anxiety among the unemployed people. The second purpose of the research is to find out the connection between anxiety and depression indexes among the unemployed people and the duration of an unemployed person’s status. 100 participants were involved in the research. To gain the data the quantative method of reseach was used. The two types of instruments were used: Spielberg’s self-assessment anxiety test and Beck depression scale. The connection between the duration of unemployed status and depression and anxiety symptoms was not verified.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    “The Soft Power” of European Universities: Gender and Sexuality Policies

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to the problematization and conceptualization of influence, as well as the potential for participation of higher education institutions, as educational and scientific centers, in the formation and implementation of gender and sexual policies in modern European countries, which are widely debated and ambiguously perceived in society. Methods. The article conceptualizes the concepts of gender and sexual policy in two senses: as a sphere of the struggle for power, as well as a system of technologies and actions in solving socially important problems. As a theoretical and methodological framework, the principles of social constructionism are used in interpreting the content, meaning and research of technologies for the formation of public representations and culture on issues of intimate and inter-sexual relations. Based on the use of general scientific methods and the heuristic potential of the Overton window concept, a scheme is proposed for explaining and studying the participation of universities in the “promotion” of relevant policies and politics. Results. The heuristic potential of the concept of “Overton’s Window” to the political science problematization, interpretation and explanation of the “soft power” potential of modern universities in shaping, discussing the social and political agenda on sexual and gender culture in Europe is revealed. It is shown that sexual and gender policies in society can be aimed at changing the values, perceptions and norms of the organization of interactions in the relevant areas of life, both at the level of individual practices and social institutions. Social and communicative technologies (informed discussion, events, creation of terms, name-calling) that are (un)intentionally used in the framework of higher education institutions to normalize and politicize ideas, perceptions and values regarding gender issues, the organization of sexual life can be interpreted as important tools for transforming unthinkable practices and beliefs into the category of not only acceptable, eligible on the existence of a pluralism of views, but also dominant in political discourse. Discussion. The issue of the ethical principles of the implementation of the “soft power” strategy by European universities, as well as the political and social sense and consequences of radical transformations in gender and sexual culture and the structure of society, present in the discourses of European academic science and education, remains open and poorly studied

    Project management challenges and labour migration: opportunities for sustainable development

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    The management of projects faces numerous challenges, including those related to labour migration. Labour migration has been a common phenomenon across the globe, and it presents both challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. This literature review is a vital component of an ongoing research project aimed at examining the impact of labour migration on sustainable development. The underlying objective of this paper is to address the apparent disparity between the perceptions of policymakers and project managers regarding the challenges posed by labour migration, and the actual opportunities that it presents for sustainable development. In this article we explore the challenges faced by project managers in dealing with labour migration and the opportunities it presents for sustainable development. The paper findings indicate that project managers face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and legal issues in dealing with migrant workers. However, labour migration presents opportunities for sustainable development by enhancing cultural exchange, skills transfer, and economic growth. The implications of these findings for project management practices and labour migration policies are discussed. The study recommends that project managers and policymakers have to collaborate to develop effective strategies to address the challenges and harness the opportunities presented by labour migration for sustainable development. This study contributes to the existing literature on project management and labour migration by highlighting the need for a sustainable approach to managing projects that involve migrant workers