123 research outputs found

    Spiral patterns on the Neolithic pottery of East Asia and the Far East

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    The paper focuses on the investigation of East Asian and Far East Neolithic spiral patterns, with the application of some mathematical principles. The basis of the research is published data on pottery assemblages from Japan, Eastern China, and the Amur River basin from the 6th to the beginning of the 1st mil. BC. We suggest a descriptive order of spiral patterns based on the typology of spiral figures used in geometry. This approach permits us to see the regional and cultural diversity of Neolithic spiral patterns within the research area.V članku se ukvarjamo z matematičnimi principi vzhodnoazijskih in daljnevzhodnih spiralnih vzorcev. Raziskava temelji na objavljenih zbirih lončenine iz Japonske, vzhodne Kitajske in območja reke Amur od 6. do 1. tisočletja p.n.š. V članku predlagamo opis in razvrščanje spiralnih vzorcev na podlagi tipologije spiral v geometriji. Skozi ta pristop lahko opazujemo regionalno in kulturno raznovrstnost neolitskih spiralnih vzorcev na študijskem območju

    Специфика индивидуально-авторского стиля создания цветовой сенсорной образности в поэтическом тексте: лингвокультурологический анализ

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    Sensory perception of the world is the ontological basis of human existence that helps an individual to be oriented in the world. It also helps one to find the path in the most difficult circumstances of social communication. This makes it relevant to pay attention to sensory mechanisms and their functions in various fields of knowledge, from psychology to linguacultural studies. In modern linguistics, the category of sensory imagery is one of the complex phenomena, based on the author’s individual sociocultural experience. This experience is especially vividly realized in a poetic text, which is the highest form of sensory expression. In a poetic text, one can single out an independent block of color information, deliberately embedded in the content by its creators as an additional visual means. At the same time, this functionality of color is determined primarily by the peculiarities of individual author’s style in the creation of sensory visual color imagery.Sensory perception of the world is the ontological basis of human existence that helps an individual to be oriented in the world. It also helps one to find the path in the most difficult circumstances of social communication. This makes it relevant to pay attention to sensory mechanisms and their functions in various fields of knowledge, from psychology to linguacultural studies. In modern linguistics, the category of sensory imagery is one of the complex phenomena, based on the author’s individual sociocultural experience. This experience is especially vividly realized in a poetic text, which is the highest form of sensory expression. In a poetic text, one can single out an independent block of color information, deliberately embedded in the content by its creators as an additional visual means. At the same time, this functionality of color is determined primarily by the peculiarities of individual author’s style in the creation of sensory visual color imagery.Чувственное мировосприятие есть онтологическая основа существования человека, помогающая ему ориентироваться в природном мире. Она же помогает ему ориентироваться и в более сложных обстоятельствах социальной коммуникации. Все это делает актуальным внимание к сенсорным механизмам и их функционированию в самых разных областях знания, от психологии до лингвокультурологии. В современной лингвистике категория сенсорной образности выступает одним из сложных феноменов, в основе своей опирающийся на индивидуальный социокультурный опыт автора. Особенно ярко данный опыт реализуется в поэтическом тексте, представляющим собой наивысшую форму чувственной экспрессии. В таком тексте можно выделить самостоятельный блок информации, передающейся с помощью цвета, сознательно вложенный в содержание его создателями в качестве дополнительного изобразительного средства. При этом подобное функционирование цвета определяется, в первую очередь индивидуально-авторскими особенностями в создании сенсорной зрительно-цветовой образности


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    Abstract. Modern advertising in all its diversity plays a significant role in the life of modern society, affecting all its areas. A huge social and cultural influence is rendered by advertising on a single consumer, prompting him to act at the expense of memorizing simple advertising slogans, providing, stipulating, and in some way constructing the automatism of his behavior. This is a special kind of communication between the advertiser and the consumer, directly affecting on the addressee, regulating his behavior, contributing to the formation of assessments, referring to the psychology of man with the aim of more stimulating the fulfillment of the communicative, original will of the advertiser. This kind of communication has firmly entered and consolidated in our life. The main tools for the distribution of advertising are television, radio and print media. Advertising envelops all spheres of life of modern man and become an indispensable attribute of his social activities. The article examines the features of social advertising in the modern world. Currently, advertising agencies create stunning social advertisements, real art-projects that make you think about the problems of the world around you. Social advertising is a communication complex, the means of information delivery here are text and visual image, merging into a single whole for a fuller, quicker and accurate delivery of the main idea of the authors. Thus, it plays a huge role in the formation of the communicative competencies of students.Key words: communicative competence, advertising, social advertising, text, advertising message, metaphor, non-verbal and verbal means of communication.Abstract. Modern advertising in all its diversity plays a significant role in the life of modern society, affecting all its areas. A huge social and cultural influence is rendered by advertising on a single consumer, prompting him to act at the expense of memorizing simple advertising slogans, providing, stipulating, and in some way constructing the automatism of his behavior. This is a special kind of communication between the advertiser and the consumer, directly affecting on the addressee, regulating his behavior, contributing to the formation of assessments, referring to the psychology of man with the aim of more stimulating the fulfillment of the communicative, original will of the advertiser. This kind of communication has firmly entered and consolidated in our life. The main tools for the distribution of advertising are television, radio and print media. Advertising envelops all spheres of life of modern man and become an indispensable attribute of his social activities. The article examines the features of social advertising in the modern world. Currently, advertising agencies create stunning social advertisements, real art-projects that make you think about the problems of the world around you. Social advertising is a communication complex, the means of information delivery here are text and visual image, merging into a single whole for a fuller, quicker and accurate delivery of the main idea of the authors. Thus, it plays a huge role in the formation of the communicative competencies of students.Key words: communicative competence, advertising, social advertising, text, advertising message, metaphor, non-verbal and verbal means of communication

    Structure of social relations in the novel \emph{The Master and Margarita} by M. A. Bulgakov: A network analysis of verbal communications

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    A network analysis of the structure of social relationships in one of the most popular Russian novels of the Soviet era The Master and Margarita by M. Bulgakov has been carried out. The structure of the novel is complex (`a story within a story'); the real-world- and the other-world-characters are interacting. A complex and unusual structure of the character network is expected. Presumably, the network may be split in two subgraphs owing very different properties. This complex and unusual composition makes the novel especially attractive for a network analysis. In our study, only paired verbal communications between explicitly present and acting characters have been taken into account. Based on a character pair verbal communication matrix, a graph has been constructed, the vertices of which are the characters of the novel, while the edges correspond to the connections between them. Taking only dialog into account leads to the result, that the character network can be described by an ordinary, rather than a directed graph. Since the activity of the dialogs was out of our scope, the edges have been given no weights. The largest connected component of the graph consists of 76 characters. Centralities were computed to characterize the network. The assortativity coefficient of the network under consideration is negative -0.133, i.e., the network does not demonstrate the properties of a social network. The structure of the communities in the network was also analysed. In addition to the obvious large communities - the characters from the Yershalaim part of the novel and the characters of the Moscow part - the analysis also revealed a fine structure in the Moscow component. Using the analysis of centralities, a group of main characters has been detected. The central characters of the novel are Bezdomny, Woland, Levi Matthew, Koroviev, Azazello, Behemoth, Bosoi, Warenukha, Master, and Margarita.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables, 39 reference

    Studying Properties of Prospective Biologically Active Extracts from Marine Hydrobionts

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    Biologically active substances (BAS) extracted from marine hydrobionts are characterized by high diversity and efficiency. They are represented by carotenoids, phospholipids, saponins and other compounds possessing high antioxidant (AOA), antitumor, immunomodulatory, radioprotective, and hypolipidemic activities. Because of extremely high marine BAS activity, the BAS dose necessary for treatment and prevention of many diseases is very small.  The aim of present work was to assess biological properties of BAS complexes extracted from Black Sea marine inverterbrates for their following using in pharmacological preparations including liposomal drug delivery. BAS complexes were extracted from marine invertebrate tissues by two-phase extraction in combination with ultrasonication. Antioxidant activity of BAS extracts was determined with potassium permanganate discoloration method in an aqueous sulfuric acid medium. Antimicrobial activity was investigated by germination of BAS extracts.  BAS influence on lymphocyte proliferative activity was studied with help of cytogenetic analysis. In this paper, the assessment of antioxidant, antimicrobial and mitogenic activities of biologically active complexes extracted from marine invertebrate tissues is presented. BAS properties in the oil  and alcohol-water phases are compared. For the first time BAS complexes from Black Sea invertebrates are extracted by the resource-light method of two-phase extraction in combination with ultrasonication. Conditions for obtaining BAS extracts with optimal characteristics are proposed

    Factors of improving performance of social services in Russian Federation

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    This article discusses the methodological approach to evaluating the effectiveness of budget funds for social services (case study health care), identified factors that influence the final results of the functioning of the health sector. The authors have developed a system of indicators that assist to provide comprehensive evaluation of availability of health care services and expediency of budgetary expenditures for its provision. The direction of regional policy was formulated

    Особенности современной семьи: модель взаимоотношений в России и мире

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    Modern society is currently undergoing the stage of transition. Such a change has an impact on all social institutions, including the family and family-marital relations. People are becoming increasingly liberated and independent. This affects marital relations, which are currently being built according to new paradigms associated with greater responsibility for oneself and less for the partner. All these are new phenomena of our social reality, requiring a new understanding and development of new social practice. To validly disclose the features of the modern model of family relations, we will build our considerations in line with evolutionary, functional, empirical and interactionist approaches, based on the assertion that the family is, first of all, a small social group, where each partner has their own, often opposing, interests, and which at the same time acts as an integral social system.Современное общество в настоящее время переживает переходный этап. Такое изменение оказывает влияние на все социальные институты, включая семью и семейно-брачные отношения. Люди становятся все более раскрепощенными и независимыми. Это сказывается на супружеских отношениях, которые в настоящее время строятся в соответствии с новыми парадигмами, связанными с большей ответственностью за себя и меньшей степени за партнера. Все это - новые явления нашей социальной реальности, требующие нового понимания и развития новой социальной практики. Чтобы достоверно раскрыть особенности современной модели семейных отношений, мы строим наши рассуждения в русле эволюционного, функционального, эмпирического и интеракционистского подходов, основанных на утверждении, что семья — это прежде всего небольшая социальная группа, где каждый партнер имеет свои, часто противоположные, интересы и которая в то же время выступает как целостная социальная система

    Histone H3 Acetylation is Asymmetrically Induced Upon Learning in Identified Neurons of the Food Aversion Network in the Mollusk Helix Lucorum

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    Regulation of gene expression is an essential step during long-term memory formation. Recently, the involvement of DNA-binding transcription factors and chromatin remodeling in synaptic plasticity have been intensively studied. The process of learning was shown to be associated with chromatin remodeling through histone modifications such as acetylation and phosphorylation. We have previously shown that the MAPK/ERK (mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase) regulatory cascade plays a key role in the food aversion conditioning in the mollusk Helix. Specifically, command neurons of withdrawal behavior exhibit a learning-dependent asymmetry (left–right) in MAPK/ERK activation. Here, we expanded our molecular studies by focusing on a potential MAPK/ERK target – histone H3. We studied whether there is a learning-induced MAPK/ERK-dependent acetylation of histone H3 in command neurons RPa(2/3) and LPa(2/3) of the right and left parietal ganglia and whether it is asymmetrical. We found a significant learning-dependent increase in histone H3 acetylation in RPa(2/3) neurons but not in LPa(2/3) neurons. Such an increase in right command neurons depended on MAPK/ERK activation and correlated with a lateralized avoidance movement to the right visible 48 h after training. The molecular changes found in a selective set of neurons could thus represent a lateralized memory process, which may lead to consistent turning in one direction when avoiding a food that has been paired with an aversive stimulus