24 research outputs found

    Morphological and antioxidant characteristics of quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) and chinese quince fruit (Pseudocydonia sinensis Schneid.)

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    Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) is a fruit species, whose fruits have a high therapeutic value and therefore are used in many countries in traditional medicine. Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis Schneid.) is a lesser used species, although it is a relative of quince. The aim of the study was to evaluate some morphological characters of both kinds of fruit and antioxidant activity of morphological parts of the fruit. For these experiments, two genotypes were used from each species growing in the Arboretum Mlyňany (Slovakia). We determined the antioxidant activity of different parts by the DPPH method. In the genotypes from the evaluated species C. oblonga/P. sinensis we determined the average weight of the fruit in the fresh condition to be in the range 147.61 - 253.27 g / 197.85 - 466.38 g, the exocarp weight 28.50 - 43.89 g / 24.85 - 45.10 g, the mesocarp weight 116.36 - 204.99 g / 160.30 - 389.80 g, the seed weight 1.05 - 1.54 g / 9.22 - 17.42 g, the height of fruit 74.09 - 80.88 mm / 98.06 - 124.48 mm, average of fruit 60.11 - 81.51 mm / 62.33 - 88.64 mm. In aqueous extracts we determined antioxidant activity of the species C. oblonga / P. sinensis in dry exocarp in the range 43.52 - 67.73% / 52.76 - 82.20%, in fresh mesocarp 7.36 -14.78% / 15.30 - 23.50%, in dry mesocarp 30.92 - 41.30% / 41.68 - 50.15% and dry endocarp 55.19 - 76.44% / 91.20 - 92.72%. We determined antioxidant activity in methanolic extracts of the species C. oblonga / P. sinensis in dry exocarp in the range 93.29 - 93.32% / 91.87 - 93.25%, in fresh mesocarp 10.29 - 36.0% / 17.10 - 17.11%, in dry mesocarp 54.55 - 74.11% / 80.39 - 84.11% and in dry endocarp 95.14 - 95.39% / 94.97 - 95.62%. Results document that the fruits of both species can be practically used in the preparation of many dishes, while they can be used as raw material for pharmaceutical and cosmetic use

    Constituents of the essential oil in Solidago canadensis L. from Eurasia

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    Hydro distilled essential oils in air-dry samples of aerial parts of Solidago canadensis L., (Asteraceae) from eight local invasive populations were investigated by GC-MS analysis. A comparative study on quantity and composition of the essential oils obtained from plants, growing in different ecological and climatic conditions, ontogenesis phase and different plant organs was carried out The major compounds detected in oil samples of S. canadensis were α-pinene (1.3 - 61.27%), limonene (0.5 - 22.5%), bornyl acetat (3.4 - 29.8%) and germacrene D (1.8 - 39.2%). Samples from inflorescences contained the maximal percentage of monoterpene hydrocarbons, while the leaves' samples showed the maximal cumulative percentage of sesquiterpene and monoterpene hydrocarbons. Data obtained from our studies confirm the availability of alien invasive species Solidago canadensis for medicine and many other purposes. The variability of the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential oils in different geographical locations will allow futher selection of form containing the maximum amount of active substances

    Morphological characteristics for fruits of aronia mitschurinii A.K. Skvortsov & Maitul.

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    The aim of this study was to determine morphometric characteristics of fruits within some phenotypes of Aronia mitschurinii A.K. Skvortsov & Maitul. Their morphometric parameters were following: weight from 0.75 g (AM-03) to 1.52 g (AM-04), length from 9.46 mm (AM-03) to 12.73 mm (AM-04), diameter from 10.49 mm (AM-03) to 13.73 mm (AM-04), fruits number in the corymb from 11.33 (AM-07) to 20.13 (AM-03), cumulative weight of fruits in the corymb from 10.42 g (AM-07) to 21.73 g (AM-04), volume of fruits from 0.55 (AM-03) to 1.26 (AM-04) cm3. The shape index of the fruits was found in the range of 0.87 (AR-01, AR-05, AR-07) to 0.93 (AM-02). The analysis of coefficient of variation showed the difference of variability in morphological characteristics between Aronia mitschurinii samples. Data showed that the most variability of important selection characteristics are the average cumulative mass of fruits in a сorymb - from 12.34 (AM-03) to 38.61 (AM-02) % and fruit number of fruits in the сorymb - from 14.56 (AM-03) to 36.88 (AM-02) %. The other characteristics are more or less stable. The introduction population of the Aronia mitschurinii, was created in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden in Kyiv, has a sufficient potential for successful selection work

    Approaches to the determination of antioxidant activity of extracts from bee bread and safflower leaves and flowers

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    The main objective of this study was to develop approaches for the determination of total antioxidant activity of natural products (bee bread and safflower extracts) using DPPH radical scavenging assay. Considering that analytical procedures and results related to this assay and reported by many authors are significally differed between each other and depend on many factors (the nature of tested extracts, the nature of solvents for extraction, a reaction time of DPPH with a sample, DPPH solvents and concentration, ratio between DPPH and an extract, etc.), the methodology of the evaluation of antioxidant capacity of different origin extracts by DPPH radical scavenging assay was developed. Ascorbic acid (AA) was used as standard antioxidant and the correlation between the percentage of DPPH scavenging and AA concentration was determined at two different initial absorbances of DPPH solution. Average concentration of AA which inhibited 50% of DPPH radicals (IC50) was equal to 156.0 - 171.26 µg.mL-1. The reaction kinetics of DPPH inhibition by bee bread and safflower extracts was described by the curves of the dependence of the total antioxidant activity on time with squared correlation coefficients (R2) in the range of 0.89 - 0.98. The reaction times for these extracts were from 40 to 70 min at the correct ratio of volumes between the tested extracts and a DPPH solution. These studies demonstrated that the extracts obtained from bee bread of 2016 year of pollen collection had significantly higher the total antioxidant activity compared with the extracts of bee bread of pollen collection of 2015 considering the ratio of bee bread and the solvent in the extracts and volume of the extract for the procedure. This fact is explained not only botanical origin bun also the time of the storage of bee bread before the preparation of extracts. There was not found significant differences in the total antioxidant activity of extracts from flowers of safflower sown in fall and in spring. Antioxidant activity of the extracts from leaves of spring sown safflower was higher compared with the total antioxidant activity of the extracts from fall sown plants. Ascorbic acid equivalents of the tested extracts could be ranged as follows: bee bread of 2016 pollen collection >bee bread of 2015 pollen collection >leaves of safflower spring sown >flowers of safflower spring sown >flowers of safflower fall sown >leaves of safflower fall sown.&nbsp

    Variation in morphometric traits of fruits of Mespilus germanica L.

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    According to the International Program for the Botanic Gardens Conservation, botanic gardens contribute to the conservation plant species, which are of great socio-economic importance, and develop and implement a policy to use herbal products derived from sustainably developing sources. The aim of this study was to determine morphometric parameters of fruits of seven genotypes of Mespilus germanica L., which are growing in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv). Their morphometric parameters were following: fruit weight from 35.29 to 39.12 g, fruit length from 27.69 to 42.29 mm, fruit diameter from 24.98 to 44.75 mm, length of calyx basin from 17.55 to 32.46 mm. The shape index of the fruits was found in the range of 0.79 to 1.23. It was found that fruit diameter positively correlated with traits such as fruit weight and calyx basin length. Fruit weight was also highly correlated with calyx basin length and fruit length. Using the cluster analysis with Euclidian distances allowed to establish the relationships among the fruits Mespilus germanica germplasm and arranged the genotypes into five relatively homogenous clusters. Hence, the introduction population characterized by quite variability and contains plants with almost all types of fruits. Obtained data can be used for breeding programs and introducing of cultivars in Mespilus germanica. <!--[endif] --

    Morphological characteristics and determination of volatile organic compounds of Diospyros virginiana L. genotypes fruits

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    The aim of this study was to determine morphometric differences of fruits and seeds between 19 selected American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana L.) genotypes. The genotypes of American persimmon have been growing more than 15 years in Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine. They are well adapted to the climatic and soil conditions. The fruits were collected at the period of their full maturity (October). The population differs in a weight, shape, size and color of fruits and seeds. Their morphometric parameters were following: fruit weight from 2.30 to 81.30 g, fruit length from 8.84 to 49.73 mm, fruit width from 12.84 to 55.34 mm, seed weight from 0.1 to 1.0 g, seed length from 8.30 to 20.88 mm, fruit width from 7.04 to 14.88 mm, seed thickness from 1.98 to 7.09 mm and number of seeds in the fruit from 1 to 8. Partenocarpic fruits are found in some genotypes. The shape indexes of fruits and seeds were found ranging from 0.74 to 1.10 and from 1.01 to 1.77, respectively. During the analysis of qualitative composition and quantitative content of volatiles of fruits from the 4 perspective genotypes of Diospyros virginiana 106 compounds were detected. From them 83 compounds were identified. The identified compounds belong to alcohols, saturated and unsaturated aldehydes, ketons, fatty acids, esters, terpenoids etc. The fruits are rich in fat acids. The outcome of the research points to the fact that the genepool of Ukrainian Diospyros virginiana is a rich source of genetic diversity and might be used in selection for creation a new genotypes and cultivars

    Variation of fruits morphometric parameters and bioactive compounds of Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal germplasm collection

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological parameters and bioactive compounds (antioxidant activity, total polyphenol, flavonoid, and phenolic acid content) of 6 genotypes of dry Asimina triloba (L.) fruit from Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia). Genotypes were obtained from the seeds that were sown in the year 2000. Their morphometric parameters were following: fruit weight from 59.00 to 241.19 g, fruit length from 50.14 to 140.11 mm, fruit diameter from 37.55 to 64.67 mm, number of fruits per cluster from 2 to 8, seed weight from 0.06 to 1.80 g, seed length from 16.33 to 29.11 mm, seed width from 9.56 to 18.33 mm, seed thickness from 4.98 to 9.75 mm, number of seeds in fruit from 4 to 16. The shape indexes of fruits were found ranging from 1.53 to 2.16. The variability of important is the average seeds weight from 7.40 to 35.61%, fruit weight from 14.84 to 32.95%, number of fruits per cluster from 18.21 to 32.54% and a number of seeds in fruit from 13.49 to 27.72%. The other characteristics are more or less stable. Total polyphenol content ranged from 22.13 to 37.36 mg GAE per g, total flavonoid content from 15.10 to 32.03 mg QE per g and phenolic acids content from 0.23 to 0.76 mg CAE per g. All tested samples exhibited DPPH radical scavenging activities with values from 2.84 to 7.04 mg TEAC per g. Antioxidant activity by molybdenum reducing antioxidant power method ranged from 97.25 to 275.41 mg TEAC per g of dry matter. Differences between the genotypes were significant in all observed parameters. This species is potential for propagation and practice used in the Slovak Republic

    The morphological and antioxidant characteristics of inflorescences within wild-growing genotypes of elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the basic morphological characteristics (weight, length) and antioxidant activity (using DPPH method) of elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) inflorescences as well as some elderberry-derived food products prepared from fresh (honey, alcoholic extract, tea infusions) and dried inflorescences (syrup). For the study of problematic, it was used 113 wild-growing genotypes of elderberry from 56 locations in Slovakia growing at an altitude of 98.15 - 712.32 m. The weight of fresh inflorescences ranged from 0.45 to 57.59 g (75.65% coefficient of variation value), the total length of inflorescences ranged from 19.0 to 282.0 mm (22.42%), the length of inflorescence&acute;s stems from 9.0 to 197.0 mm (31.51%), a number of petals predominated pentanumerous petals. Variability in primary and secondary branching reported a&nbsp;low to high degree of variability among as well as within the genotypes. Results showed significant differences in the shape of inflorescences and the colour of flowers among each genotype. Antioxidant activity by DPPH method in elderberry inflorescence water extract was between 85.12 and 89.29%. Activation of tea infusions and beverages was ensured using a&nbsp;mechanism Kalyxx based on galvanic effect. In beverages made from 10% diluted honey prepared from fresh inflorescences in the carbohydrate-based extract, anti-radical activity was determined in the range of 16.81 - 24.16%. In an alcoholic extract from fresh inflorescences, anti-radical activity was between 90.99 and 93.16%. In beverages acquired from the syrup of flowers, we identified antioxidant activity ranging from 37.92 (10%) to 62.82% (40%). Results indicated that elderberry inflorescences and elderberry-derived food products can be attractive to consumers and in future can increase the assortments of healthy products. <br /