142 research outputs found

    Leadership and cooperation in Google Docs based group work: A video ethnographic examination of group work in a Danish upper secondary school

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    This paper examines how Google Docs is used and affects group work in the classroom. Methodologically, the study applies video ethnography and focus group interviews with pupils in two first year classes at a Danish upper secondary school. Google Docs is a widely used digital tool at Danish upper secondary schools and has been associated with “considerable potential […] to serve as a platform for collaborative work” (Chu & Kennedy, 2011). However, contrary to these assumptions this case revealed that actual written collaboration on Google Docs was minimal. Instead, in all the examined groups, a leader was identified that dominated the groups' work and writing. Theoretically, the paper take inspiration from Networked Learning and its critical approach towards usage of digital technologies in education. This includes acknowledging that, increasingly, learning combines digital and non-digital forms, and that, generally, technology play an active role in learning (Hodgson & McConnell, 2019; Fawns, 2018). Also, perspectives on affordances (Gibson, 1979; boyd, 2014), socio-material interactions (Sørensen, 2009), and leadership (Goffman, 1981) provide insights into the group work analysis. Video ethnographic method enables a detailed analysis of the group members’ oral as well as written interactions in Google Docs, thus paying “attention to the whole ecology“ of the group work settings (Bhatt, de Roock & Adams, 2015). The aim is to analyse the socio-material interactions in the groups, specifically the interactions between the pupils and Google Docs. This includes 1) how the pupils use Google Docs in relation to their group work, including how they combine oral and written communication, 2) how different leadership roles emerge, and 3) how the hybrid learning spaces (Ellis & Goodyear, 2016) afforded by the material surroundings in the group work settings seem to promote or inhibit collaboration within the groups. In specific, the case discusses how Google Docs configures space in a way that seems to afford cooperation (i.e. divided work among the group members with each person responsible for solving a different portion of the problem) rather than collaboration (i.e. coordinated, synchronous work activity on a shared problem). The final part of the paper will touch upon some didactical implications of the findings in the study

    #walkouton77: football fan activism in Premier League

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    This article provides an analysis and a discussion of a protest over ticket prices among fans of the English football club, Liverpool FC. The protest was organized with the hashtag #walkouton77 and combined social media activity with a massive walkout during a globally televised football match. I explore the #walkouton77 protest from two perspectives: Firstly, how fan-activity transformed a franchised TV football match into a transmedia event. Secondly, how fan activism combines cultural and political dimensions as well as offline and online dimensions. It is suggested that football fan activism holds distinguished fan activism potentials demonstrated by the #walkouton77 movement influencing the LFC owners’ club-as-commodity discourses by promoting a club-as-culture discourse. It is concluded the football fans are able to function as collective cultural critics thereby obtaining a position as co-authors of the club as a cultural institution. &nbsp

    “My sense of nationality goes totally berserk” : Expressions of glocal consciousness among audiences during the Tour de France Grand Départ in Denmark

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    When Denmark hosted the Grand Départ of the Tour de France in 2022, the riders were met by huge crowds and a jubilant atmosphere. On Twitter, Danish and international audiences extended this behavior as co-producers of a transmedia sports event of global reach. Using the theoretical framework of a typology depicting four general discursive tweet modes, this study examines the communicative patterns involved as Danish residents shared their experiences and reactions to hosting the Grand Départ. A content analysis of their tweets revealed that the exceptional circumstances of hosting a major sporting event prompted them to focus more on themes surrounding the event than on the actual cycling. A subsequent qualitative analysis of Danish and international tweets focusing on the inter- play of global and local themes surrounding the Danish Grand Départ identifies evaluative, participatory, humorous/ironic, and emotional dimensions as central expressions of glocal consciousness

    Sports events in a transmedia landscape

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    Exact Periodic Solutions of Shells Models of Turbulence

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    We derive exact analytical solutions of the GOY shell model of turbulence. In the absence of forcing and viscosity we obtain closed form solutions in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. With three shells the model is integrable. In the case of many shells, we derive exact recursion relations for the amplitudes of the Jacobi functions relating the different shells and we obtain a Kolmogorov solution in the limit of infinitely many shells. For the special case of six and nine shells, these recursions relations are solved giving specific analytic solutions. Some of these solutions are stable whereas others are unstable. All our predictions are substantiated by numerical simulations of the GOY shell model. From these simulations we also identify cases where the models exhibits transitions to chaotic states lying on strange attractors or ergodic energy surfaces.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Oecon-uddannelsen på AAUBS - Pluralisme og Problem-based learning

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    Med den seneste internationale finanskrise i 2007/8 som baggrund har der fra forskellig side været sat et særligt fokus på, om de studerende nu bliver undervist i økonomi på den mest givende måde. Hvilke fortællinger om økonomi skal de studerende præsenteres for? Og hvilke undervisningsmæssig tilgange er mest hensigtsmæssige i henseende til at få de studerende gjort til selvstændige og kritisk reflekterende kandidater i økonomi? På Aalborg University Business School har vi i mange år forfulgt en pluralistisk tilgang. Vi bestræber os på at give de økonomistuderende en så fyldig værktøjskasse som muligt indeholdende forskellige økonomiske teorirammer og en flerhed af metoder, ligesom de gives flere muligheder for at skrive projekter i løbet af studiet. Problembaseret læring i Aalborg er velafprøvet og har i virkeligheden været på banen mange år før der blev efterlyst nye undervisningsformer inden for økonomi

    Dannelse som basis for udvikling af moderne matematikundervisning

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    I denne artikel omtales ambitionerne, opbygningen og resultaterne af et nyt pædagogisk projekt om forbedring af undervisningen i matematik for førsteårsstuderende på Økonomisk Institut ved Københavns Universitet. Initiativet er siden efteråret 2007 blevet udbygget og har hentet væsentlige elementer fra klassisk Kant-Humboldtsk dannelsesteori og moderne universitetspædagogik. Efter at initiativet er iværksat, har de studerende ændret studieadfærd: De er blevet mere aktive og engagerede, og eksamensresultaterne er væsentligt forbedret. Initiativet er ikke fagspecifikt, så andre fag vil kunne lade sig inspirere af vores tanker og metoder.   This article considers the ambitions, design, and results of a new education project intended to improve the teaching of mathematics to first-year students in the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. The initiative, which has been in development since 2007, was inspired by the classical Kantian-Humboldtian theory of Bildung and by modern theories of tertiary teaching methodology. Observations made following the intervention reveal that the students have changed their behaviour; they have become increasingly active and engaged, and the examination results have improved considerably. The initiative is not subject specific and other fields of study may find inspiration in our thoughts and methods