25 research outputs found

    MendelianRandomization: an R package for performing Mendelian randomization analyses using summarized data

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    MendelianRandomization is a software package for the R open-source software environment that performs Mendelian randomization analyses using summarized data. The core functionality is to implement the inverse-variance weighted, MR-Egger and weighted median methods for multiple genetic variants. Several options are available to the user, such as the use of robust regression, fixed- or random-effects models and the penalization of weights for genetic variants with heterogeneous causal estimates. Extensions to these methods, such as allowing for variants to be correlated, can be chosen if appropriate. Graphical commands allow summarized data to be displayed in an interactive graph, or the plotting of causal estimates from multiple methods, for comparison. Although the main method of data entry is directly by the user, there is also an option for allowing summarized data to be incorporated from the PhenoScanner database of genotype—phenotype associations. We hope to develop this feature in future versions of the package. The R software environment is available for download from [https://www.r-project.org/]. The MendelianRandomization package can be downloaded from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) within R, or directly from [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MendelianRandomization/]. Both R and the Mendelian Rand omization package are released under GNU General Public Licenses (GPL-2|GPL-3).Stephen Burgess is funded by a fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (grant number 100114)

    Non-Authentic Property Declaring as a Qualifying Feature of a Corruption Offense: The Experience of Eu Countries

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    Declaring property is a method of fighting and preventing corruption. Making it mandatory to provide information about the property causes a number of problems that are related to the inaccuracy of the declaration information. European Union (EU) countries have different approaches to providing information and property information. Significant differences in the requirements for declaring income and assets were revealed. It was done on the basis of the data analysis. The systems of declaration and verification of information on the property of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries were studied in this work. The difference in the procedures of verification of authenticity and establishment of responsibility in case of detection of violation is determined. It is determined that smaller sanctions have been imposed in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with a higher level of corruption. Sanctions mainly relate to the imposition of fines. In Greece, penalties for administrative fines vary considerably in the number of fines and, in some cases, it might be imprisonment for up to 10 years. The system of verification of declarations also varies significantly within Central and Eastern Europe: from verification of declarations, in particular randomly or automatically, the usage of risk assessment methodology for inaccurate information of the declarant to the notification of unjustified amount of property. It is determined that the inspection takes place as a result of bringing a person to justice in 6 countries

    Natural recreation and tourist resources of the Podilia region

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    In the presented publication are analyzed natural tourist resources of the Podilia region. The ball estimation of natural resources is conducted for to the science-geographical areas. It is distinguished the most favorable and the least favorable science - geographical areas for recreation and tourist activity

    Підвищення результативності роботи системи управління охороною праці на промисловому підприємстві

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    Мета роботи: дослідження впливу помилок і невідповідностей на результативність управління Системою охорони праці в умовах промислового підприємства. Метод: застосовується метод - “Functional Resonance Analysis Method” (метод аналізу функціонального резонансу, далі - метод “FRAM”). Теоретична цінність дослідження: визначені основні функції Системи охорони праці на промисловому підприємстві, які залежать від аналізу умов праці, обґрунтування показників результативності, перевірки адекватності та особливостей оцінки професійних ризиків з урахуванням вхідних даних, часу виробничого процесу, можливих передумов, необхідних ресурсів і відповідного рівня контролю. Запропоновано для опису мінливості функцій розглянути чотири сценарії розвитку подій, виходячи зі своєчасного і точного їх виконання, що дало змогу представити можливі помилки в Системі охорони праці та їх наслідки для ефективності захисту працівника з огляду на розвиток декількох можливих як позитивних, так і негативних результатів її виконання. Розглянуті можливі причини погіршення ефективності Системи охорони праці, викликані помилками та продиктовані мінливістю функцій, що дозволило обґрунтувати кроки для зменшення ймовірність виникнення професійних ризиків. Практична цінність дослідження: запропоновано шкали для визначення мінливості процедур, своєчасності їх виконання та оцінювання результативності Системи управління охороною праці на промисловому підприємстві. Цінність дослідження: запропоновано визначати результативність управління Системою управління охороною праці на промисловому підприємстві як добуток якості виконання процедури з урахуванням вхідних аспектів (наявності контролю, ресурсів і передумов) з їх мінливістю та своєчасністю виконання. Тип статті: практичний

    Analysis of pressure difference changes in respirator filters while dusting

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    Objective is to determine the relation between pressure difference of a filter and parameters of a filtering layer to lengthen the protection period. The study involved elements of system analysis and mathematical modeling. Basic statements of the theory of nonstationary filtration and aerohydrodynamics were applied to develop a dust-loaded filter model. Dependence of pressure difference in a filter upon certain changes in packaging density of dust-loaded fibers has been determined; the dependence makes it possible to define minimum fiber packaging density to provide maximum dust capacity. To provide maximum dust capacity and high protective efficiency, the number of filtering layers in multilayered filters depends upon dust concentration within the air of the working zone, specified protection level of a respirator, air loss, and maximum dust volume which may be accumulated in the finishing filtering layer in terms of fiber packaging density being determined according to the minimum pressure difference in a filter at final time of respirator operation. A model of changes in pressure difference in filtering respirators in the process of aerosol particles depositing on filters has been improved; contrary to other available models, that one takes into consideration changes in fiber packaging density while dusting, filtration coefficient, and the amount of aerosol particles

    Studying the efficiency of a complex individual protective device

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    Objective is to study efficiency of a complex protective device including coefficients of penetration and suction of aerosols for dust half-masks of various designs. The half-masks were tested experimentally on specially designed laboratory stands with the help of volunteer-testees; the tests included specifications according to EN 149, EN 352-1, ISO 6942. The studies have demonstrated that a complex protective device for workers is rather efficient providing average coefficient of suction being 1.5% that is almost by 30% less than the values of standard filtering respirators of similar protection class. Noise attenuation within the range of 4000 – 8000 Hz is from 19 to 26.7 dB; within the range of speech frequency (0.5÷2.0 kHz), acoustic efficiency is up to 8÷16 dB helping preserve the possibility of communication and timely reaction to warning signals. Use of thermal protecting elements makes it possible to reduce temperature of head heating by 80% comparing to the results obtained without the protective device application. The developed balaclava with the built-in dust respirator and hearing protection devices may be used in the context of the corresponding filter class up to 12 MAC in terms of the most hazardous aerosols, when noise level is up to 14 dB within 2000 – 8000 Hz frequency range; moreover, it provides slow temperature rise up to 2 ºС per minute

    Analysis of pressure difference changes in respirator filters while dusting

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    Objective is to determine the relation between pressure difference of a filter and parameters of a filtering layer to lengthen the protection period. The study involved elements of system analysis and mathematical modeling. Basic statements of the theory of nonstationary filtration and aerohydrodynamics were applied to develop a dust-loaded filter model. Dependence of pressure difference in a filter upon certain changes in packaging density of dust-loaded fibers has been determined; the dependence makes it possible to define minimum fiber packaging density to provide maximum dust capacity. To provide maximum dust capacity and high protective efficiency, the number of filtering layers in multilayered filters depends upon dust concentration within the air of the working zone, specified protection level of a respirator, air loss, and maximum dust volume which may be accumulated in the finishing filtering layer in terms of fiber packaging density being determined according to the minimum pressure difference in a filter at final time of respirator operation. A model of changes in pressure difference in filtering respirators in the process of aerosol particles depositing on filters has been improved; contrary to other available models, that one takes into consideration changes in fiber packaging density while dusting, filtration coefficient, and the amount of aerosol particles

    Evaluation of the probability of miners’ protection while using filtering respirators

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    Objective of the research is to evaluate the probability of deterioration of the protection of miners’ respiratory organs while using filtering respirators in terms of coal mines under the coal mine conditions and to elaborate recommendations for the reduction of possible occupational disease risks. A Markovian process theory has been applied to solve the formulated problem. It has been determined that the probability of deterioration of the protection of a worker wearing a filtering respirator is up to 50%, which is stipulated by the lack of corresponding training as for the correct filtering respirator use, negligence of the physical load and its duration during the respirator selection, and possible mistakes during its operation. Reduction of the occupational disease risks is possible only in terms of the use of high-quality filtering respirator under conditions of its correct selection, maintenance and use by the trained miners with the preliminary checking of its relevance to the coal mine conditions. It has been shown that the development of a respiratory protection programme at an enterprise is the efficient tool to provide a miner with high-quality and appropriate filtering devices for the respiratory protection

    Analysis of pressure difference changes in respirator filters while dusting

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    Objective is to determine the relation between pressure difference of a filter and parameters of a filtering layer to lengthen the protection period. The study involved elements of system analysis and mathematical modeling. Basic statements of the theory of nonstationary filtration and aerohydrodynamics were applied to develop a dust-loaded filter model. Dependence of pressure difference in a filter upon certain changes in packaging density of dust-loaded fibers has been determined; the dependence makes it possible to define minimum fiber packaging density to provide maximum dust capacity. To provide maximum dust capacity and high protective efficiency, the number of filtering layers in multilayered filters depends upon dust concentration within the air of the working zone, specified protection level of a respirator, air loss, and maximum dust volume which may be accumulated in the finishing filtering layer in terms of fiber packaging density being determined according to the minimum pressure difference in a filter at final time of respirator operation. A model of changes in pressure difference in filtering respirators in the process of aerosol particles depositing on filters has been improved; contrary to other available models, that one takes into consideration changes in fiber packaging density while dusting, filtration coefficient, and the amount of aerosol particles