8 research outputs found

    Interrelationship of Psychotherapy, Psychocorrection and Psychoconsultation

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    Modern neurorehabilitation is focused primarily on the restoration of speech and cognitive mental processes, considering the rehabilitation of the individual as a task of psychotherapy. The article shows that a gentle attitude, a change in "body image" and neurotic experiences, characteristic of most patients with organic brain lesions, significantly affect the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation focuses on the restoration of speech and cognitive processes, considering the rehabilitation of the individual as an object of psychotherapy. On the basis of clinical cases, it has been shown that the weakened attitude, body image changes, and neurotic experiences characteristic of most patients with idiophrenic disease affect the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation. The article examines the theoretical and methodological principles and defines the main concepts of the topic. The relevance of the article is determined by the new innovative social needs in solving problems of a psychological nature, taking into account the neurological features of human thinking. Scientific intelligence in the field of neurorehabilitation provides grounds for determining the most effective methods of psychocorrection. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between psychotherapy, psychocorrection and psycho-counseling based on neurorehabilitation. After studying the data, it was determined that the ischemic attack of the brain was unspecified, it was suggested that the observed neurological symptoms (disorders of speech, movements, emotional sphere) are related to residual (residual) symptoms after a transient ischemic attack, which requires a detailed study.</p

    Psychotherapeutic Counseling in Promoting Personal Development

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    The article presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of psychotherapeutic counseling support of the process of personal development of the client. Psychotherapeutic support of the process of personal development as a complex integrative and dynamic process is considered. An attempt to substantiate psychotherapeutic counseling is made. Psychotherapeutic counselling is considered for the first time as culturological training providing personal growth of both the client and the counsellor. The relationship between psychological counseling and psychotherapy is considered. The requirements for the personality of the consultant are defined as the main criterion of the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic counseling. The correspondence of psychotherapeutic technology of personal development to the model of a holistic and self-sufficient person is reflected. The significance of the issue of the theory of personality change on the optimization of personal functions of self-development in the context of the integration of psychotherapeutic and counseling practice is emphasized. It is offered to carry out the psychotherapeutic process of development of an integral personality in neuropsychocorrective support, in combination with modern psychotherapeutic methods. Contemporary methods of psychotherapy and psychological counseling for the personal development of the client are reviewed.</p

    The Psychodrama Method of Group Psychotherapy

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    The article presents a theoretical-methodological analysis of the psychodrama method of group psychotherapy. It examines the aim, objectives, advantages, peculiarities and structure of classical psychodrama as a method of group psychotherapy. Also, the article attempts to define psychodrama as a group psychotherapy process. It studies the links between psychodrama and methods of various psychological approaches. Importantly, the article suggests a phenomenological approach to studying the interaction among the participants in psychodramatic psychotherapy groups to develop effective technologies for implementing psychodramatic techniques. It justifies the methodological and methodical essence of psychodramatic technologies in group psychotherapy, its main characteristics and goals. From the perspective of an integrative approach, psychodramatic technologies in group psychotherapy ensure the interrelation and interdependence of its psychodiagnostic and psychodevelopmental components. Meanwhile, the article considers the organizational, methodical and structural-dynamic features of using the interactive and role-playing method in group psychotherapy depending on the type of psychodrama. It shows how one can practically apply the “mirroring” psychotechnique in combination with the fairy tale metaphor (the method of enacting a fairy tale) in all types of psychodrama, along with an analysis of the advantages of its use and resourcefulness. Finally, the article discusses a methodical combination of psychodrama and transactional analysis within the “psychodramatic triangle” technique. It provides methodical recommendations for emotional disorder correction using the psychodrama method. The relevant indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the psychodrama method in group psychotherapy include catharsis, insight, expressions of trust and a sense of comfort in the space of group interaction and feedback, as an existing objective reality.</p

    Keramiikka ja valo : lÀpikuultavan posliinin kÀyttö valaistussuunnittelussa

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    OpinnÀytetyössÀni esittelin materiaalitutkimuksiani lÀpikuultavasta posliinista ja sen soveltumisesta valaistussuunnittelussa. Kyseisten materiaalien kÀyttö on ympÀristöystÀvÀllistÀ ja niitÀ hyödyntÀmÀllÀ voidaan mm. vÀhentÀÀ muovin kÀyttöÀ valaistussuunnittelussa. Posliini tarjoaa lukuisia hyödyntÀmismahdollisuuksia muotoilussa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, kuinka hyvin posliinin lÀpikuultavuus soveltuu valon kulkuun materiaalin lÀpi. Työni koostuu neljÀstÀ vaiheesta: 1. taustatutkimus 2. materiaalitutkimus 3. tuotesuunnittelu materiaalitutkimuksen pohjalta 4. tutkimustuloksi

    Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Children and Adolescents Temporarily Displaced from the Territories of Permanent Residence

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    Many children and adolescents experience traumatizing occurs including but not limited to military attacks, death of close people, demolition of houses, witness to the death of others, refugee status etc. These people need help and support of specialists to restore their psycho-emotional state, to overcome the consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder. This need increases the role of educational institutions, namely the professional activity of teachers and practical psychologists, which require improvement of existing and development of new methods of social adaptation and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents temporarily displaced from the ATO zone (Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone) in Ukraine to overcome symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Teachers and students of the Berdiansk State Pedagogical University actively participate to develop pedagogical assistance and support for children and adolescents, who temporarily displaced from the territory of the ATO zone, to overcome the consequences of traumatic events and solve their own psychological problems. By elaborating this experience, this study concludes that the optimal development of the child occurs in a family where each member has influence on him; the restoration of the state of mind is possible if the qualified psychological and pedagogical support will be organized; overcoming of psychotrauma will be effective when social contacts with other people will be established. The close cooperation of psychologists and teachers with parents, the educational environment will speed up the process of rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adolescents who are experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder

    The Experimental Study of the Efficiency of the Gasification Process of the Fast-Growing Willow Biomass in a Downdraft Gasifier

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    In this work, a study was performed on the influence of the ratio of height to the diameter of the reduction zone of a small-size downdraft gasifier as well as of the fuel fraction sizes on the gas quality (the quality was evaluated for CO content). The ratio of a full side area to the volume of a fuel fraction (SVR) was used as a fuel parameter. The maximum CO concentration was observed when using a small fuel fraction with SVR—0.7–0.72 mm−1 and when adhering to the ratio of height to the diameter of the reduction zone H/D—0.5–0.6. The maximum electric power for gasoline generators (nominal power equaled 4 kW) when using the gas received from the fast-growing hybrid willow biomass equaled 2.4 kW. This power is 37.5% lower than when using gasoline and 7.0% lower than when using the gas received from the hardwood biomass. The emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere by the gasoline generator engine equaled 0.12–0.14% CO and 24–27 mln−1 CxHy. The emissions were 64.8 times less for CO and 8.5 times less for CxHy when compared with using gasoline

    A Theoretical Model of the Gasification Rate of Biomass and Its Experimental Confirmation

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    The gasification rate of fuel, biomass gasification in particular, is an important parameter which is worth considering in the process of creating a gasifier with a continuous operation process. The gasification of biomass is a complex thermochemical process. The theoretical and practical studies of the gasification rate of biomass are complicated because of a high thermochemical rate of reactions in the functioning zones of a gasifier. The complexity of the study prevents the achievement of the required accuracy of the analytical model of the gasification rate of biomass. The known theoretical models of the gasification rate only partially describe the dynamics of the gasification rate of biomass. Moreover, most scientific studies are focused on establishing the effects of gasifier parameters and the gasification process on the quality indicators of the received gas but not on the gasification rate of fuel. To build an accurate model of the gasification rate the authors propose a series of experimental studies in a well-defined range of the parameters of a gasifier. The paper suggests a simple mathematical model of the gasification rate of biomass, which is proportional to the amount of plant biomass that remained non-gasified. The coefficients of the gasification rate for straw pellets, wood pellets and wood in pieces have been determined. Under a minimal air supply into an active zone of a gasifier (0.00088 m3/s) a coefficient of gasification rate is nearly the same for the test fuel materials and it differs by 4.7% between wood pellets and straw pellets. When the air supply increases, the gap between the coefficients increases as well and it reaches 9.44 × 10−5 c−1 for wood pellets, 1.05 × 10−4 c−1 for straw pellets and 8.64 × 10−5 c−1 for wood in pieces under air supply into an active zone of a gas generator of 0.01169 m3/s. Straw pellets have the highest gasification rate and wood in pieces has the lowest gasification rate

    An Algorithm for Managerial Actions on the Rational Use of Renewable Sources of Energy: Determination of the Energy Potential of Biomass in Lithuania

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    This paper offers an algorithm to account for potential actions on the efficient production of renewable energy. The algorithm consists of a substantiated choice of a certain type of renewable energy, the evaluation of its potential, and the regulation of the processes of obtaining that renewable energy. Also, potential resources for agricultural biofuel production have been analyzed and it has been determined that there is real biomass potential in Lithuania. It will thus be beneficial to make appropriate managerial decisions on the methods of biofuel processing and consumption, as well as on means of receiving the economic, energy and environmental effects. The total potential of by-product biomass of crop production was determined, and the thermal and electric potential of the crop by-products were calculated. Additionally, the potential for production of gas-like types of fuel (biomethane, biohydrogen, and syngas) from crop by-products was determined. The potential for the production of diesel biofuel from oil crop waste (bran) was also found, and the potential for livestock by-products for receiving gas-like types of fuel (biomethane, biohydrogen) was established. The corresponding thermal and electric equivalents of the potential were found and the potential volumes of the biomethane and biohydrogen production were calculated. The total energy equivalent equals, on average, 30.017 × 106 GJ of the thermal energy and 9.224 × 106 GJ of the electric energy in Lithuania. The total potential of biomethane production (taking into account crop production and animal husbandry wastes) on average equals 285.6 × 106 m3. The total potential of biohydrogen production on average equals 251.9 × 106 m3. The cost equivalents of the energy potential of agrarian biomass have been calculated. The average cost equivalent of the thermal energy could equal EUR 8.9 billion, electric energy—EUR 15.9 billion, biomethane—EUR 3.3 billion and biohydrogen—EUR 14.1 billion. The evaluation of the agricultural biomass potential as a source of renewable energy confirmed that Lithuania has a large biomass potential and satisfies the needs for the production of renewable energy. Thus, it is possible to move to the second step, that of making a decision concerning biomass conversion