7 research outputs found


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    Сучасні промислові технологічні процеси вимагають спеціальної підготовки металевих поверхонь. В даний час існують різні методи обробки поверхні металу. Серед них можна виділити метод електролітно-плазмового полірування (PEP – plasma electrolytic polishing), як інноваційний, завдяки своїм екологічним властивостям, низьким енергозатратами на одиницю оброблюваної поверхні, високою швидкістю модифікації та можливість обробки деталей складної геометричної форми. Основною перевагою даного методу модифікації поверхні є його екологічна чистота, що дозволяє застосовувати дану технологію для харчової та фармацевтичної промисловості. Незважаючи на велику кількість публікацій у журналах, електролітно-плазмове полірування залишається інноваційним методом модифікації поверхні, яку необхідно ретельно вивчати, щоб поліпшити розуміння фізичних процесів та оптимізувати процес модифікації поверхні. У даній статті розглянуто процес електролітно-плазмового полірування мідних виробів у розчині сульфату амонію з додаванням сірчаної кислоти. Експеримент був розділений на два етапи. Спочатку зразки оброблялися протягом 600 секунд кожен для зняття температурних характеристик, при цьому спостерігалася сильна кореляція між струмом навантаження і температурою електроліту. Залежність струму від температури електроліту показала чотири різні режими обробки. Один з режимів показав найкращі результати. Під час другого етапу експерименту проводилася послідовна обробка об'єктів від 30 до 600 секунд. У результаті проведених досліджень були отримані оптимальні режими полірування мідних об'єктів

    Intelligent Decision Support System

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    Here one of the new efficient approaches to solving problems of intelligent support of making decisions of a cooperate enterprise scale is analyzed, bearing in mind that the enterprise is oriented towards integration of two interconnected information technologies: a technology of constructing information storages and a technology of intelligent data analysis. A new conception of the role of informating-controlling systems in controlling and operating pipe manufacturing process is suggested. It broadens a traditional view over information systems just as if it were only an instrument of a computer data analysis. The role of the modern information systems in the manufacturing as an independent scientific and applied direction serving as a connecting link in the triad “raw product – ngineering process – end product” is substantiated. Some problems connected with plantation of the informating-controlling systems in the pipe manufacturing is formulated. It broadens a traditional view over information systems just as if it were only an instrument of a computer data analysis. The practical application of this product permits the operating personnel of the enterprise to control the engineering process, analyze the processes passing in each mill, adjust the PRP mills' engineering characteristics in the pipe-manufacturing process. The suggested approach influences quite strongly the production's quality improving and enables to work stably in the thin-walled pipe grades sphere

    Perspective Technologies of the Treatment of the Wastewaters with High Content of Organic Pollutants and Ammoniacal Nitrogen

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    The paper analyzes the advanced technologies of wastewater treatment with a high content of organic pollutants and ammonium ions. Two different bi-stage scenarios for the treatment of such effluents are proposed. The first scenario includes the pretreatment in aerated lagoons and the final stage at the wastewater treatment plants after appropriate dilution with municipal sewages. The second scenario also includes the first stage in aerated lagoons with a tertiary treatment at the plant for cyanobacteria cultivation with the use of obtained biomass for biofuels production. The effects of the aeration periodicity on the leachate treatment efficiency and also on the composition of microbiocenosis in the aerated lagoons were investigated. Leachates of the Lviv landfill of municipal solid waste (MSW) were used in experimental investigations. Lviv landfill of MSW was used for domestic and industrial wastes deposition for almost six decades, since the 1960's. It was found that the highest effect of ammoniacal nitrogen removal was obtained in the mode of periodic aeration, with the cycle duration of two hours including the one-hour aeration. It is found that microorganisms extracted from the leachates of the Lviv MSW landfill are prospective for the new biotechnologies of treatment of the highly concentrated wastewaters, since this microbiocenosis is resistant to the widespread pollutants, in particular to heavy metal ions

    Improving the Organizational and Economic Support for the Development of Enterprises in the Hospitality Industry in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies

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    Conceptual foundations of organizational and economic support for the development of enterprises in the hospitality industry have been developed, taking into account the level of use of information and communication technologies. It has been determined that the main results of the influence of information technologies on the hospitality industry are the optimization of business processes, as well as the transformation of the target consumer of hospitality services. The types of information and communication technologies are systematized depending on the direction of the business processes of the cycle of providing hospitality services. It has been substantiated that through the active use of information and communication technologies, hospitality industry enterprises satisfy the needs of customers in full in accordance with modern requirements. The relationship was established between the results of assessing the level of organizational and economic support for the development of information and communication technologies and the strategic choice of enterprises in the hospitality industry. Three types of strategies are identified – information expansion, improvement, retention and further development – depending on the low, medium and high level of development of information and communication technologies, respectively. The directions of increasing the level of development of information and communication technologies of the hospitality industry at different levels are proposed. The developed theoretical and methodological provisions can be useful in the formation of the concept of strategic development of the hospitality industry. The use of the proposed toolkit reflects the results, both quantitatively (increasing demand for hospitality services, improving financial performance, etc.) and in a qualitative form (improving the quality of service, creating a positive image, etc.)

    Design of anodes for IT SOFC: Effect of complex oxide promoters and pd on activity and stability in methane steam reforming of Ni/YSZ (ScSZ) cermets

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    Effect of fluorite-like or perovskite-like complex oxide promoters and Pd on the performance of Ni/8YSZ and Ni/ScSZ anode materials in CH4 steam reforming (SR) or selective oxidation (SO) by O-2 into syngas was studied. The spatial uniformity of dopants distribution in composites was controlled by TEM combined with EDX analysis, while the lattice oxygen mobility and reactivity were estimated by CH4 and H-2 temperature-programmed reduction (TPR). The oxide promoters suppress the coke deposition even at stoichiometric H2O/CH4 ratio, while doping by Pd ensures a good performance at moderate (similar to 550 degrees C) temperatures required for the Intermediate -Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT SOFC) operation.</p

    Design of anodes for IT SOFC: Effect of complex oxide promoters and pd on activity and stability in methane steam reforming of Ni/YSZ (ScSZ) cermets

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    Effect of fluorite-like or perovskite-like complex oxide promoters and Pd on the performance of Ni/8YSZ and Ni/ScSZ anode materials in CH4 steam reforming (SR) or selective oxidation (SO) by O-2 into syngas was studied. The spatial uniformity of dopants distribution in composites was controlled by TEM combined with EDX analysis, while the lattice oxygen mobility and reactivity were estimated by CH4 and H-2 temperature-programmed reduction (TPR). The oxide promoters suppress the coke deposition even at stoichiometric H2O/CH4 ratio, while doping by Pd ensures a good performance at moderate (similar to 550 degrees C) temperatures required for the Intermediate -Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT SOFC) operation.</p

    Expanding Synthesizable Space of Disubstituted 1,2,4-Oxadiazoles

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    One-pot synthesis of 3,5-disubstituted 1,2,4-oxadiazoles from carboxylic acids and nitriles was optimized to parallel chemistry. The method was validated on a 141 member library; the desired products were recovered with a high success rate and in moderate yields. Practical application of the approach was demonstrated in the synthesis of bioactive compound pifexole and agonists of free fatty acid receptor 1. A library of 4 948 100 synthesizable drug-like 3,5-disubstituted 1,2,4-oxadiazoles was enumerated based on the method and available validated reagents