24 research outputs found

    Physical Activity as a Health Need

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    The scientific concept of human needs has an interdisciplinary nature and is associated with the standards of living and development, health and disease status, quality of life, and life satisfaction. Research results indicate that systematic physical activity at any ontogenesis period is of vital importance for optimal development and maintenance of physical efficiency, fitness, and health. Therefore, it has been assumed that physical activity is a health need of each man. The aim of the study is to find relationships between physical activity and health needs. The analysis was intended to reveal the importance, functions, and consequences of the impact of physical activity on the psychophysical condition of man based on examples from available literature. The relationships between physical activity and health needs have been presented from the perspective of public health and promotion targeted at improvement of public health in a way to ensure the best fulfilment of conscious and unconscious needs. According to WHO, health needs are disturbances in the health status or social well-being that require intervention measures such as treatment, rehabilitation, or social assistance as well as prevention measures. Systematic moderate physical activity is one of the most important factors with a beneficial effect on human physiological processes and improves the quality of life. The National Health Programme for 2016–2020 recommends increased physical activity among children, adolescents, and the elderly

    Analysis of capability of air pollution monitoring from an unmanned aircraft

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    Satellite monitoring systems can be used for remote monitoring of the atmosphere over a given area but they do not provide information on the state of pollution at a given time. Additional information could only be obtained after several days. Measurements from an aircraft may be obtained almost at real-time and in different geometries – vertical and horizontal. The future of this type of monitoring is remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles (airplanes, helicopters and balloons tethered), equipped with telemetric monitoring

    Samoloty Su-22 oraz MiG-29 jako platformy do wynoszenia rakiet z ładunkiem kosmicznym

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    The work is an announcement on the current state of the research project implementation. The study presents the results of an analysis of the project’s research area. On this basis, the two-stage micro-satellite launch system was selected. The system, a space-kit is based on an adopted combat aircraft carrying a satellite-laden rocket that is fired at the maximum altitude. As a potential transport platform, two withdrawn supersonic aircraft were selected: the MiG-29 and the Su-22. A dedicated mission-laden rocket is to be carried under the fuselage. Preliminary analyses have shown that the aircraft indicated with the proposed mission profile will successfully carry out the task of launching a hypothetical rocket with a payload of at least 10 kg into low earth orbit. This confirmed the merits of the basic thesis of the research project. For the analysis of the aeromechanical properties of the kit, both 3D digital models for computer simulations and physical models scaled for tunnel tests were developed. Laser scanners were used to map aircraft geometry, and measurements were made on Su-22 and MiG-29 aircraft in the aviation laboratory of the Military University of Technology. Using three-dimensional scaled models generated in a CAD environment, physical solid models were printed for wind tunnel investigations. Preliminary computer simulations conducted in the ANSYS Fluent system did not point out any negative impact of the rocket on aerodynamic characteristics and stability of the both carrier aircraft.Praca jest komunikatem dotyczącym stanu realizacji projektu badawczego. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano wyniki analizy obszaru badawczego projektu. Na tej podstawie dokonano wyboru platformy-nosiciela rakiety kosmicznej. Dwustopniowy system do wynoszenia mikrosatelity bazuje na zaadaptowanym samolocie bojowym przenoszącym rakietę z ładunkiem satelitarnym, która odstrzeliwana jest na maksymalnie osiąganej wysokości. Jako potencjalną platformę transportową wytypowano dwa wycofywane ze służby bojowe samoloty naddźwiękowe: MiG-29 oraz Su-22. Wybrana rakieta z ładunkiem misyjnym ma być przenoszona pod kadłubem. Wstępne analizy wykazały, że wskazane samoloty przy zaproponowanym profilu misji z powodzeniem wykonają zadanie wyniesienia hipotetycznej rakiety z ładunkiem użytecznym o masie co najmniej 10 kg na niską orbitę okołoziemską. Potwierdziło to zasadność podstawowej tezy projektu badawczego. Dla potrzeb analizy własności aeromechanicznych zestawu opracowano zarówno modele cyfrowe 3D do symulacji komputerowych, jak i fizyczne modele skalowane do badań tunelowych. Do odwzorowania geometrii samolotów wykorzystano skanery laserowe, a pomiary wykonano na egzemplarzach samolotów Su-22 oraz MiG-29 znajdujących się w zasobach bazy laboratoryjnej Instytutu Techniki Lotniczej WML WAT. Wykorzystując trójwymiarowe modele skalowane wygenerowane w środowisku CAD, wydrukowano fizyczne modele bryłowe do badań w tunelu aerodynamicznym. Wstępne symulacje komputerowe przeprowadzone w systemie ANSYS Fluent nie wykazały negatywnego wpływu rakiety kosmicznej na charakterystyki aerodynamiczne i stateczność samolotu-nosiciela

    The analysis of “more electric engine” technology to improve the environmental performance of aircraft jet engine

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    In aviation, there is now a dynamic development of aircraft equipment related to the implementation of “more electric aircraft” technology. This concept offers the ability to improve the use of on-board systems, e.g. environmental operating conditions of aircraft jet engine. This technology is named “more electric engine”. It allows the use of magnetic levitation technology at engine turbine shaft bearing. The development of this technology relates to the dynamic change of electronic power systems for civilian transport aircraft, the use of adaptive control methods and new materials in aviation technology. All technologies are improved the environmental operating conditions of the on-board system, e.g. operational flexibility, technological potential growth. [1] In the paper will be presented the TS-21 aircraft jet engine. This engine is modernized in the Jet Engine Laboratory of the Military University of Technology. The paper is presented a digital engine control system, the operating parameters acquisition system and magnetic bearing system. It is described the concept of active magnetic suspension of the turbine engine shaft support. The magnetic suspension technology allows eliminate mechanical bearing arrangements with an oil installation, friction forces and classical, mechanical bearings. The paper contains the simulation and experimental results of a modernized jet engine TS-21

    The analysis of “more electric engine” technology to improve the environmental performance of aircraft jet engine

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    In aviation, there is now a dynamic development of aircraft equipment related to the implementation of “more electric aircraft” technology. This concept offers the ability to improve the use of on-board systems, e.g. environmental operating conditions of aircraft jet engine. This technology is named “more electric engine”. It allows the use of magnetic levitation technology at engine turbine shaft bearing. The development of this technology relates to the dynamic change of electronic power systems for civilian transport aircraft, the use of adaptive control methods and new materials in aviation technology. All technologies are improved the environmental operating conditions of the on-board system, e.g. operational flexibility, technological potential growth. [1] In the paper will be presented the TS-21 aircraft jet engine. This engine is modernized in the Jet Engine Laboratory of the Military University of Technology. The paper is presented a digital engine control system, the operating parameters acquisition system and magnetic bearing system. It is described the concept of active magnetic suspension of the turbine engine shaft support. The magnetic suspension technology allows eliminate mechanical bearing arrangements with an oil installation, friction forces and classical, mechanical bearings. The paper contains the simulation and experimental results of a modernized jet engine TS-21

    Application of the Protective Coating for Blade’s Thermal Protection

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    This paper presents an algorithm applied for determining temperature distribution inside the gas turbine blade in which the external surface is coated with a protective layer. Inside the cooling channel, there is a porous material enabling heat to be transferred from the entire volume of the channel. This algorithm solves the nonlinear problem of heat conduction with the known: heat transfer coefficient on the external side of the blade surface, the temperature of gas surrounding the blade, coefficients of heat conduction of the protective coating and of the material the blade is made of as well as of the porous material inside the channel, the volumetric heat transfer coefficient for the porous material and the temperature of the air flowing through the porous material. Based on these data, the distribution of material porosity is determined in such a way that the temperature on the boundary between the protective coating and the material the blade is made of is equal to the assumed distribution To. This paper includes results of calculations for various thicknesses of the protective coating and the given constant values of temperature on the boundary between the protective coating and the material the blade is made of

    Exhaust emissions of jet engines powered by biofuel

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    Biofuel use is one of the basic strategies to reduce the negative impact of aviation on the environment. Over the past two decades, a number of biofuels produced from plants, lubricants and maintenance products have been developed and introduced. New fuels must have specific physicochemical parameters and meet stringent standards. his article presents a comparative analysis of the exhaust emissions measurement results from jet engines powered by traditional aviation kerosene and its blends with ATJ (Alcohol to Jet) biofuel. The concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were measured. Measurements were conducted in laboratory conditions for various engine load values. Based on the analysis, it was found that the use of biofuel increases the concentration of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas relative to aviation kerosene. The use of biofuel did not result in an increase in fuel consumption and related carbon dioxide emissions. Based on the conducted research, it was found that biofuel use did not affect the ecological properties of the engine significantly. In addition, a correlation analysis of the measurement results from both engines was carried out

    Integration and Investigation of Selected On-Board Devices for Development of the Newly Designed Miniature UAV

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    The article is a development of the topic generally presented in the conference proceedings issued after the 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace. In contrast to topics presented in the conference, the article describes in detail avionic equipment and on-board systems integration process and their in-flight adjustment in regard to the newly designed miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (mini-UAV). The mini-airplane was constructed and assembled in the course of the research project, the purpose of which was to show implementation of a totally new mini-UAV design. The intention of the work was to develop a new unmanned system including an originally constructed small airplane with elements purchased from open market. Such approach should allow to construct a new aerial unmanned system, which technologically would not be very advanced but should be easy to use and relatively inexpensive. The demonstrator mini-airplane has equipment typical for such an object, i.e., electric propulsion, autopilot system, camera head and parachute device for recovery. The key efforts in the project were taken to elaborate an original but easy to use system, to integrate subsystem elements and test them so to prove their functionality and reliability

    Ewolucja koncepcji ratownictwa medycznego na terenie Polski oraz Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki – próba porównania

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    Ratownictwo medyczne jakie znamy dzisiaj jest kierunkiem stosunkowo nowym. To zaledwie 35 lat działalności. Aby podjąć dyskusje na temat ratownictwa medycznego trzeba poznać korzenie tejże dziedziny. Rozwój nowych technologii, czy rozwiązań, mających pomóc człowiekowi szedł często w parze z konfliktami zbrojnymi. Tak też było w przypadku ratownictwa medycznego. Już w starożytnej Grecji czy też w Rzymie po stoczonej walce rannych zabierano z pola bitwy. Istnieją przesłanki, iż sam Cezar posiadał lekarzy, którzy zaopatrywali poszkodowanych. Od starożytności musiało jednak minąć wiele wieków by ludzkość doszła do wniosku, iż rannego żołnierza nie należy spisywać na straty, gdyż poddany odpowiedniej opiece medycznej może skutecznie uczestniczyć w kolejnej bitwie. Pionierem takiego rozwiązania był główny lekarz Napoleona – Dominik Jean Larrey. On to właśnie w 1797 roku stworzył pierwszy system przedszpitalny, który opierał się na segregacji medycznej oraz transporcie rannych z pola bitwy. Armia francuska utworzyła pierwszy korpus medyczny, który był odpowiedzialny za znoszenie poszkodowanych z placu bitwy, przy użyciu wyznaczonych ludzi, zaopatrzonych w specjalne wózki. Z powyższego przykładu pomocy doraźnej na polu bitwy korzystano po pierwszym roku starć Wojny Secesyjnej na terenie tworzących się Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej (http:// www.emsglobal.org/Polish/historiaEMS.aspx udostępniono 25.11.2013, 19:18). Ratownictwo medyczne jako idea w Polsce zaczęło rozwijać się znacznie później. Historia służb ratowniczych rozpoczyna się w XIX wieku, kiedy to ziemie nasze znajdowały się jeszcze pod zaborami wrogich państw. Pierwszą jednostką, która w sposób zorganizowany udzielała pierwszej pomocy było Towarzystwo Ratunkowe od Ognia – pierwowzór obecnej Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej. Od tamtego czasu rozwój ratownictwa nabierał szybkości wraz z pojawieniem się nowych technologii. Ewolucja ratownictwa medycznego na terenie Polski trwała do czasu II wojny światowej. Po wprowadzeniu nowego ustroju polityczno - gospodarczego rozwój ratownictwa medycznego został wstrzymany. Dopiero po 1989 roku, ratownictwo medyczne zaczęło ponownie funkcjonować. Krokiem milowym w budowaniu nowoczesnego systemu Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego była ustawa z 25 lipca 2001 roku. Zawierała jednak szereg błędów i luk prawnych, które zostały poprawione w ustawie z 2006 roku. Jednym z głównych postanowień nowego projektu ustawy było opracowanie szczegółowych definicji dotyczących ratownictwa medycznego (Guła, Paździoch, 2008)