20 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy analysis of segmental dynamics in Actin filaments

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    We adapt Fluorescence Correlation spectroscopy (FCS) formalism to the studies of the dynamics of semi-flexible polymers and derive expressions relating FCS correlation function to the longitudinal and transverse mean square displacements of polymer segments. We use the derived expressions to measure the dynamics of actin filaments in two experimental situations: filaments labeled at distinct positions and homogeneously labeled filaments. Both approaches give consistent results and allow to measure the temporal dependence of the segmental mean-square displacement (MSD) over almost five decades in time, from ~0.04ms to 2s. These noninvasive measurements allow for a detailed quantitative comparison of the experimental data to the current theories of semi-flexible polymer dynamics. Good quantitative agreement is found between the experimental results and theories explicitly accounting for the hydrodynamic interactions between polymer segments

    Sequence sensitivity of breathing dynamics in heteropolymer DNA

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    We study the fluctuation dynamics of localized denaturation bubbles in heteropolymer DNA with a master equation and complementary stochastic simulation based on novel DNA stability data. A significant dependence of opening probability and waiting time between bubble events on the local DNA sequence is revealed and quantified for a biological sequence of the T7 bacteriophage. Quantitative agreement with data from fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is demonstrated.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Universality of Persistence Exponents in Two-Dimensional Ostwald Ripening

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    We measured persistence exponents θ ( ϕ ) of Ostwald ripening in two dimensions, as a function of the area fraction ϕ occupied by coarsening domains. The values of θ ( ϕ ) in two systems, succinonitrile and brine, quenched to their liquid-solid coexistence region, compare well with one another, providing compelling evidence for the universality of the one-parameter family of exponents. For small ϕ , θ ( ϕ ) ≃ 0.39 ϕ , as predicted by a model that assumes no correlations between evolving domains. These constitute the first measurements of persistence exponents in the case of phase transitions with a conserved order parameter

    End-Monomer Dynamics in Semiflexible Polymers

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    Spurred by an experimental controversy in the literature, we investigate the end-monomer dynamics of semiflexible polymers through Brownian hydrodynamic simulations and dynamic mean-field theory. Precise experimental observations over the last few years of end-monomer dynamics in the diffusion of double-stranded DNA have given conflicting results: one study indicated an unexpected Rouse-like scaling of the mean squared displacement (MSD) 〈r2(t)〉 ~ t1/2 at intermediate times, corresponding to fluctuations at length scales larger than the persistence length but smaller than the coil size; another study claimed the more conventional Zimm scaling 〈r2(t)〉 ~ t2/3 in the same time range. Using hydrodynamic simulations, analytical and scaling theories, we find a novel intermediate dynamical regime where the effective local exponent of the end-monomer MSD, α(t) = d log〈r2(t)〉/d log t, drops below the Zimm value of 2/3 for sufficiently long chains. The deviation from the Zimm prediction increases with chain length, though it does not reach the Rouse limit of 1/2. The qualitative features of this intermediate regime, found in simulations and in an improved mean-field theory for semiflexible polymers, in particular the variation of α(t) with chain and persistence lengths, can be reproduced through a heuristic scaling argument. Anomalously low values of the effective exponent α are explained by hydrodynamic effects related to the slow crossover from dynamics on length scales smaller than the persistence length to dynamics on larger length scales

    Breathing dynamics in heteropolymer DNA

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    While the statistical mechanical description of DNA has a long tradition, renewed interest in DNA melting from a physics perspective is nourished by measurements of the fluctuation dynamics of local denaturation bubbles by single molecule spectroscopy. The dynamical opening of DNA bubbles (DNA breathing) is supposedly crucial for biological functioning during, for instance, transcription initiation and DNA's interaction with selectively single-stranded DNA binding proteins. Motivated by this, we consider the bubble breathing dynamics in a heteropolymer DNA based on a (2+1)-variable master equation and complementary stochastic Gillespie simulations, providing the bubble size and the position of the bubble along the sequence as a function of time. We utilize new experimental data that independently obtain stacking and hydrogen bonding contributions to DNA stability. We calculate the spectrum of relaxation times and the experimentally measurable autocorrelation function of a fluorophore-quencher tagged base-pair, and demonstrate good agreement with fluorescence correlation experiments. A significant dependence of opening probability and waiting time between bubble events on the local DNA sequence is revealed and quantified for a promoter sequence of the T7 phage. The strong dependence on sequence, temperature and salt concentration for the breathing dynamics of DNA found here points at a good potential for nanosensing applications by utilizing short fluorophore-quencher dressed DNA constructs.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Nuclear Import of Ho Endonuclease Utilizes Two Nuclear Localization Signals and Four Importins of the Ribosomal Import System *

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    Activity of Ho, the yeast mating switch endonuclease, is restricted to a narrow time window of the cell cycle. Ho is unstable and despite being a nuclear protein is exported to the cytoplasm for proteasomal degradation. We report here the molecular basis for the highly efficient nuclear import of Ho and the relation between its short half-life and passage through the nucleus. The Ho nuclear import machinery is functionally redundant, being based on two bipartite nuclear localization signals, recognized by four importins of the ribosomal import system. Ho degradation is regulated by the DNA damage response and Ho retained in the cytoplasm is stabilized, implying that Ho acquires its crucial degradation signals in the nucleus. Ho arose by domestication of a fungal VMA1 intein. A comparison of the primary sequences of Ho and fungal VMA1 inteins shows that the Ho nuclear localization signals are highly conserved in all Ho proteins, but are absent from VMA1 inteins. Thus adoption of a highly efficient import strategy occurred very early in the evolution of Ho. This may have been a crucial factor in establishment of homothallism in yeast, and a key event in the rise of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto. Ho endonuclease initiates a mating type switch in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related yeasts by making a site-specific double strand break in a 24-bp cognate site in the mating type gene, MAT. Repair of the double strand break is by gene conversion using one of the silent cassettes of mating type information (HML␣ or HMRa) as a template. Repair occurs before replication of the MAT locus and each daughter cell has the new mating type with a regenerated Ho cognate site (1). Ho activity is tightly regulated: HO is transcribed briefly at the end of G 1 , its transcription is restricted to haploid mother cells, i.e. cells that have divided at least once (2), and the protein is rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-26 S proteasome system (3). Cells in which Ho is retained in the nucleus beyond its normal time window of activity show perturbation of the cell cycle (4). Ho is marked for degradation by functions of the DNA damage response (DDR), 7 specifically the MEC1, RAD9, and CHK1 pathway (5). Despite being a nuclear protein, Ho must exit the nucleus to be degraded in the proteasomes. The DDR functions are important for Ho phosphorylation: phosphorylation of threonine 225 is crucial for Ho nuclear export and additional phosphorylations are required for recruitment of Ho for ubiquitylation. Ho is ubiquitylated by the SCF (Skp1-Cdc53-F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, to which it is recruited by the F-box protein Ufo1 (6). In mec1 mutants Ho is stabilized and accumulates in the nucleus; conversely trapping Ho in the nucleus by deletion of its nuclear exportin, Msn5, leads to stabilization of the protein (4). Ddi1 binds ubiquitylated Ho and is required for interaction of Ho with the proteasome; in its absence Ho is stabilized. The finding that Ho is not degraded within the nucleus, but in the cytoplasm, is further strengthened by the direct demonstration of accumulation of ubiquitylated Ho in the cytoplasm of ⌬ddi1 mutants (7). Ho nuclear import is very rapid and efficient. Ectopic expression of HO leads to rapid cleavage of MAT (8), and to a mating type switch at any phase of the cell cycle in both mother and daughter cells. This indicates that there is no impediment to its nuclear import (9). Macromolecules are conveyed through nuclear pore complexes in the nuclear envelope by soluble karyopherins. Karyopherins comprise two structurally related families, ␣-and ␤-karyopherins. These recognize specific nuclear localization sequence (NLS) peptide motifs in the cargo molecule: NLSs may comprise a short stretch of basic residues (classical/ cNLS), or two basic clusters 10 -12 residues apart (bipartite NLS) (10). Cargoes may be recognized by an adaptor protein, ␣-karyopherin/Srp1, which mediates their binding to the transport receptor, ␤-karyopherin/ Kap95 (11). Additionally, a family of about 14 ␤-karyopherins bind an array of cargoes directly and also makes contacts with the nucleoporin subunits of the nuclear pore complexes. Directionality of transport is determined by interaction with the GTPase Ran/yeast Gsp1. RanGTP is at a high concentration in the nucleus due to the asymmetric distribution of the Ran regulators. The nuclear guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RanGEF/yeast Prp20, converts RanGDP to RanGTP, whereas the GTPase activating protein, RanGAP/yeast Rna1, is localized in the cytoplasm and catalyzes the hydrolysis of RanGTP. Importin-cargo complexes assemble in the cytoplasm and after translocation into the nucleus they dissociate upon binding of RanGTP to the importin (12). To investigate how the efficient nuclear import that supports the unique biological function of Ho is achieved we located and analyzed its nuclea

    Imaging Cytokine Concentration Fields Using PlaneView Imaging Devices

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    We describe here a method to visualize concentration fields of cytokines around cytokine-secreting cells. The main challenge is that physiological cytokine concentrations can be very low, in the pico-molar range. Since it is currently impossible to measure such concentrations directly, we rely on cell’s response to the cytokines–the phosphorylation of a transcription factor–that can be visualized through antibody staining. Our devices aim at mimicking conditions in dense tissues, such as lymph nodes. A small number of secreting cells is deposited on a polylysine-coated glass and covered by multiple layers of cytokine-consuming. The cells are left to communicate for 1 h, after which the top layers are removed and the bottom layer of cells is antibody labeled for the response to cytokines. Then a cross-section of cytokine fields can be visualized by standard fluorescence microscopy. This manuscript summarized our method to quantify the extent of cytokine-mediated cell-to-cell communications in dense collection of cells in vitro