33 research outputs found

    Application of Micro-Genetic Algorithm for Task Based Computing

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    Abstract — Pervasive computing calls for applications which are often composed from independent and distributed components using facilities from the environment. This paradigm has evolved into task based computing where the application composition relies on explicit user task descriptions. The composition of applications has to be performed at run-time as the environment is dynamic and heterogeneous due to e.g., mobility of the user. An algorithm that decides on a component set and allocates it onto hosts accordingly to user task preferences and the platform constraints plays a central role in the application composition process. In this paper we will describe an algorithm for task-based application allocation. The algorithm uses micro-genetic approach and is characterized by a very low computational load and good convergence properties. We will compare the performance and the scalability of our algorithm with a straightforward evolutionary algorithm. Besides, we will outline a system for task-based computing where our algorithm is used. I

    Towards User-Oriented Application Composition

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    International audienceThis paper presents an autonomic system for composing ubiquitous applications at run-time. The applications are composed according to the user preferences collected via a physical user interface. This interface allows users to specify preferences by simple actions of touching with their mobile terminals icons in the environment, instead of explicitly selecting resources and dealing with their properties. In this paper, we present a system prototype and an example multimedia application. We also evaluate the performance of the prototype and the allocation algorithm which is used to compose applications

    CADEAU: Supporting Autonomic and User-Controlled Application Composition in Ubiquitous Environments

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    International audienceNetworked devices, such as consumer electronics, digital media appliances and mobile devices are rapidly filling our everyday environments and changing them into ubiquitous spaces. Composing an application from resources and services available in these environments is a complex task which requires solving a number of equally important engineering challenges as well as issues related to user behaviour and acceptance. In this chapter we introduce CADEAU, a prototype that addresses these challenges through a unique combination of autonomic mechanisms for application composition and methods for user interaction. These methods differ from each other in the degree to which the user is involved in the control of the prototype. They are offered so that users can choose the appropriate method according to their needs, the application and other context information. These methods use the mobile device as an interaction tool that connects users and resources in the ubiquitous space. We present the architecture, the interaction design and the implementation of CADEAU and give the results of a user study that involved 30 participants from various backgrounds. This study explores the balance between user control and system autonomy depending on different contexts, the user's needs and expertise. In particular, the study analyses the circumstances under which users prefer to rely on certain interaction methods for application composition. We argue that this study is a key step towards better user acceptance of future systems for the composition of ubiquitous applications

    A Framework for Composing Pervasive Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe our experiences in developing applica- tion allocation algorithms and a framework for composing pervasive applications. The framework supports applications which consist of a set of components residing on physically distributed devices. We will argue that such composite applications gain additional exibil- ity as they can adapt to the situation at hand. That is, their appli- cation components are dynamically allocated and deployed onto the networking nodes by allocation algorithms that satisfy the resource constraints and optimize the user specied criteria. This paper will present three implemented prototypes and a concrete example of a ubiquitous multimedia application which was implemented to test the feasibility of the composition framework. We will also discuss user feedback collected during initial user evaluation study

    Autonomic Composition of Ubiquitous Multimedia Applications in REACHES

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe our work in developing an autonomic system that supports the composition of ubiquitous applications at run-time. The applications are composed and adapted accordingly to user preferences and user-provided criteria. We have designed a proof-of-concept prototype of the system and an example multimedia application. The application is a multimedia player which users can control on a large screen using the mobile phone's UI as the controller. We present a user evaluation of the prototype's feasibility and also determine what feedback and control mechanisms are required by the end-users. We report initial analysis of how user satisfaction and comfort level are affected by the autonomy of the system

    MEDUSA: Middleware for End-User Composition of Ubiquitous Applications

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    International audienceActivity-oriented computing (AOC) is a paradigm promoting the run-time realization of applications by composing ubiquitous services in the user's surroundings according to abstract specifications of user activities. The paradigm is particularly well-suited for enacting ubiquitous applications. However, there is still a need for end-users to create and control the ubiquitous applications because they are better aware of their own needs and activities than any existing context-aware system could ever be. In this chapter, we give an overview of state of the art ubiquitous application composition, present the architecture of the MEDUSA middleware and demonstrate its realization, which is based on existing open-source solutions. On the basis of our discussion on state of the art ubiquitous application composition, we argue that current implementations of the AOC paradigm are lacking in end-user support. Our solution, the MEDUSA middleware, allows end-users to explicitly compose applications from networked services, while building on an activity-oriented computing infrastructure to dynamically realize the composition

    CADEAU: Collecting and Delivering Multimedia Content in Ubiquitous Environments

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    Adjunct Proceedings, Video papers trackInternational audienceThe aim of our research is to support users in composing applications from various multimedia resources provided by the ubiquitous environment. In order to approach this goal, we present CADEAU, a prototype for Collecting And DElivering multimediA content in Ubiquitous environments. This paper introduces the user control techniques, basic technologies and a concrete application which demonstrates how the CADEAU prototype can be used

    High Triglycerides Are Associated with Low Thrombocyte Counts and High VEGF in Nephropathia Epidemica

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    Nephropathia epidemica (NE) is a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Several reports have demonstrated a severe alteration in lipoprotein metabolism. However, little is known about changes in circulating lipids in NE. The objectives of this study were to evaluate changes in serum total cholesterol, high density cholesterol (HDCL), and triglycerides. In addition to evaluation of serum cytokine activation associations, changes in lipid profile and cytokine activation were determined for gender, thrombocyte counts, and VEGF. Elevated levels of triglycerides and decreased HDCL were observed in NE, while total cholesterol did not differ from controls. High triglycerides were associated with both the lowest thrombocyte counts and high serum VEGF, as well as a high severity score. Additionally, there were higher levels of triglycerides in male than female NE patients. Low triglycerides were associated with upregulation of IFN-γ and IL-12, suggesting activation of Th1 helper cells. Furthermore, levels of IFN-γ and IL-12 were increased in patients with lower severity scores, suggesting that a Th1 type immune response is playing protective role in NE. These combined data advance the understanding of NE pathogenesis and indicate a role for high triglycerides in disease severity

    Automated and interactive composition of ubiquitous applications

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    Abstract Application composition refers to the creation of applications by using Web Services and resources such as mobile devices, displays, and various augmented everyday objects as building blocks. This approach is especially useful for ubiquitous applications which focus on supporting users' needs and everyday activities. This thesis proposes to compose these applications by choosing the appropriate set of resources and services and their configuration as dictated by the users themselves, together with their needs and other contexts. This thesis studies automated and interactive application composition. The first approach enables the system to act upon users' needs and intentions, while the second enables users themselves to specify their needs and achieve their goals. The research was carried out by designing, implementing and evaluating eight prototypes for automated and interactive application composition. The evaluation methods used included performance analysis and user experiments. The main results include (1) the design and implementation of automated composition mechanisms which rely on evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms, (2) a detailed performance analysis of these mechanisms using synthesized datasets and in a real networking environment; (3) the design and implementation of interactive application composition prototypes which rely on graphical and physical (i.e. touch-based) user interfaces for mobile devices and utilize various contexts; (4) an evaluation of these prototypes in a series of user experiments. The evaluation studied the following issues: users' attitudes towards an automated composition system which makes decisions on their behalf; users' attitudes towards a context-aware composition interface; and the issue of balancing user control and system autonomy.Tiivistelmä Sovellusten kokoamisella tarkoitetaan sovellusten luomista käyttäen rakennuselementteinä Web Services -ohjelmistojärjestelmää, sekä muita resursseja, kuten mobiililaitteita, näyttölaitteita ja monenlaisia lisävarusteltuja tavanomaisia esineitä. Tämä menetelmä on erityisen käyttökelpoinen sellaisten jokapaikan tietoteknisten sovellusten luomisessa, joiden tarkoitus on tukea käyttäjän tarpeita ja päivittäisiä toimia. Tutkimuksessa esitetään, että tällaisia sovelluksia voidaan koota valitsemalla sopivia palvelu- ja resurssipaketin sekä niiden konfiguraation käyttäjien vaatimusten mukaan, ottaen huomioon heidän tarpeensa sekä muut kontekstit. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan automatisoitua ja vuorovaikutteista sovellusten kokoamista. Automatisointi mahdollistaa sen, että järjestelmä toimii käyttäjän tarpeiden ja päämäärien mukaisesti, kun taas vuorovaikutteisuuden ansiosta käyttäjä voi määritellä tarpeensa ja pääsee näin haluamaansa lopputulokseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin suunnittelemalla, toteuttamalla ja arvioimalla kahdeksan automatisoidun ja vuorovaikutteisen sovelluksen kokoonpanon prototyyppiä. Arviointimetodeina käytettiin suorituskykyanalyysiä ja käyttäjäkokeita. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä tuloksia ovat (1) evoluutiolaskentaan ja geneettisiin algoritmeihin perustuvien automatisoitujen kokoamismekanismien suunnittelu ja toteutus; (2) näiden mekanismien yksityiskohtainen suorituskykyanalyysi syntetisoitujen tietoaineistojen ja todellisten verkkoympäristöjen avulla; (3) graafisille ja fyysisille (l. kosketus) mobiililaitteiden käyttöliittymille perustuvien ja monenlaisia konteksteja hyödyntävien vuorovaikutteisten kokoamissovellusten prototyyppien suunnittelu ja toteutus; (4) prototyyppien arviointi erilaisin käyttäjäkokein. Arvioinnissa tutkittiin käyttäjien asenteita käyttäjän puolesta päätöksiä tekevää automatisoitua kokoamisjärjestelmää kohtaan, käyttäjien asenteita kontekstitietoista kokoamiskäyttöliittymää kohtaan, sekä käyttäjälle jäävän kontrollin ja järjestelmän autonomian välistä tasapainoa