144 research outputs found

    Quantitative measurement of mammalian cell invasion by bacteria using flow cytometry

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    Purpose of this RFC is to provide method of measurement of bacterial invasion into mammalian cells. Also this RFC defines Percent of INvasion (PIN) unit

    The temperature of caffeine administered during pregnancy and foetal morphometric parameters

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    Background: Caffeine is one of the most frequently ingested (at various temperatures) xenobiotics by people. A number of studies have confirmed the negative effect of high doses of caffeine ingested during pregnancy both for the mother and the developing foetus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between caffeine’s toxicity on development and the administered solution’stemperature.Materials and methods: The research was conducted on rats. The fertilised females were randomly divided into two main groups: an experimental (E) and a control group (C). The experimental groups received caffeine (30 mg/day) in10 (E1), 25 (E2) and 45°C (E3). The females in the control group were given water at the same temperature (C1, C2 and C3). On the 21st day of pregnancy, the pregnant females were killed by decapitation using a specially prepared laboratory guillotine and were assessed morphometric parameters of foetuses.Results and Conclusions: Based on this work showed that: the embryotoxic effect of caffeine was only confined to a reduction in the number of offspring; the greatest changes in the morphometric parameters occurred in foetuses whose mothers received caffeine at 10°C; in the control groups, the greatest changes were observed in foetuses whose mothers were given water at 10°C during pregnancy

    The evaluation of mechanical properties of animal tendons after corticosteroid therapy.

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of systemic glucocorticosteroids administration on mechanical properties of animal tendons. Twenty female Wistar rats were divided into two groups and those that formed experimental group were subjected activity of hydrocortisone given to the peritoneum. Mechanical tests were performed. Hydrocortisone administration caused reduction of force value and the increase of strain, also the value of elasticity module was significantly smaller comparing to the control group. The results of biomechanical tests suggested that glucocorticoids produce less stiffness tendon, which fails in maximum point of load. This study revealed that systemic hydrocortisone administration changes significantly mechanical properties of tendons, which may cause frequent failure of the tendon

    The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats

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    The influence of pregnancy on bone tissue metabolism is not completely understood. Caffeine also has a potentially negative influence on bones. The aim of this study was the evaluation of changes in the bones of pregnant rats under the influence of caffeine. The experiment was carried out on Wistar rats. The evaluation of rats’ bone tissue quality was performed based on bone density measurements and resistance examinations. It analyzed the impact of caffeine on the degree of bone tissue mineralization and the composition of the bones. The mean value of pelvises ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ densities in a group of pregnant rats with caffeine intake was lower compared to the control group. The deformation in maximal load point of the femur shaft in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group. In the experimental group, the percentage of water in the bones was significantly higher, while the content of inorganic phase was significantly lower compared to the control group. The changes of biomechanical parameters in the group of pregnant rats with caffeine intake indicate its negative influence on the bone. Our results show higher plasticization of the bone shafts of the animals under the influence of caffeine. Higher deformation of bone shafts may have an effect on the statics of the skeleton. The administration of caffeine significantly affected the quantitative composition of the bone. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 504–511

    Arum-type of arbuscular mycorrhizae, dark septate endophytes and Olpidium spp. in fine roots of container-grown seedlings of Sorbus torminalis (Rosaceae)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the mycorrhizal status of nursery seedlings of the wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis), which belongs to the Rosaceae family. Its mycorrhizal associations are still fragmentarily known, and data from the few existing studies indicate that it forms ectomycorrhizal symbiosis (ECM). We analyzed the degree of mycorrhizal colonization of thirty 2-year-old container-grown S. torminalis nursery seedlings, which belonged to three single-tree progenies. The roots were dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), with the morphology of the Arum-type containing arbuscules, vesicles and hyphae; however, no ECM structures were found. The degree of root colonization of the analyzed seedlings by AM fungi was 83.6% and did not differ significantly between the three single-tree progenies. In addition to AM, structures of dark septate endophytes (0.7%) and sporangia of Olpidium spp. (1.1%) were found in wild service tree roots. In agreement with previous studies, we confirmed arbuscular mycorrhizae for S. torminalis. Moreover, this is the first report that roots of this Sorbus species show the Arum-type morphology of AM and are associated with Olpidium species

    Fatty foci within the heart and the accompanying changes in the coronary arteries diagnosed in electrocardiogram-gated multislice computed tomography of the heart

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    Background: The purpose of our study was to analyse the relationship between fatty foci within the heart and the accompanying changes in the coronary arteries supplying the relevant heart chambers in a large group of patients referred to multi-slice computed tomography with electrocardiogram-gating examinations (ECG-MSCT) for various clinical reasons. Materials and methods: The ECG-MSCT examinations of 1,830 consecutive patients were analysed. The examinations were performed using 8-row (1,015 patients) and 64-row (815 patients) MSCT, in pre- and postcontrast scanning. In the group of patients with fatty foci within the heart the concomitant changes in the coronary arteries were assessed. It was analysed: the type of changes in the arteries; the relationship between the locations of the fatty deposits and the occurrence and type of changes in the coronary arteries. Results: In 200 (10.9%) subjects fatty foci within the heart (112 men; 88 women; mean age 57.8) were detected. The distribution of the fat was as follows: right ventricle (RV) — 32.5%, left ventricle (LV) — 22.0%, biventricular — 45.5%. One hundred and seventy-two patients had concomitant changes in the coronary arteries. In patients with normal coronary arteries, significantly more often fatty deposits were localised within RV. Fat was primarily located subendocardially in the LV in patients with atherosclerosis in the left anterior descending artery (p < 0.001), in the right coronary artery (RCA) (p = 0.003), and in the left circumflex artery (LCX) (p < 0.001). Subpericardial locations of fatty deposits in RV significantly correlated with RCA bridging (p < 0.02); the subpericardial location of fat in LV significantly correlated with LCX bridging (p = 0.001). Conclusions: Fatty replacement of the myocardium is common, occurring in up to 10% of diagnosed patients and the majority of this group had concomitant changes in the coronary arteries. However, in the group of patients without changes in the coronary arteries, the fatty deposits locate themselves significantly more frequently within the RV

    Measurement of bacterial promoter absolute activity and determination of dynamic performance in cell-free expression system by qPCR

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    The purpose of this RFC is to provide standard methodology for the measurement of the absolute strength of bacterial promoters. The absolute activity can be experimentally measured in Moles of RNA per Moles of DNA in time, and therefore it is can be expressed in PoPS [1

    APPL endosomes are not obligatory endocytic intermediates but act as stable cargo-sorting compartments

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    Endocytosis allows cargo to enter a series of specialized endosomal compartments, beginning with early endosomes harboring Rab5 and its effector EEA1. There are, however, additional structures labeled by the Rab5 effector APPL1 whose role in endocytic transport remains unclear. It has been proposed that APPL1 vesicles are transport intermediates that convert into EEA1 endosomes. Here, we tested this model by analyzing the ultrastructural morphology, kinetics of cargo transport, and stability of the APPL1 compartment over time. We found that APPL1 resides on a tubulo-vesicular compartment that is capable of sorting cargo for recycling or degradation and that displays long lifetimes, all features typical of early endosomes. Fitting mathematical models to experimental data rules out maturation of APPL1 vesicles into EEA1 endosomes as a primary mechanism for cargo transport. Our data suggest instead that APPL1 endosomes represent a distinct population of Rab5-positive sorting endosomes, thus providing important insights into the compartmental organization of the early endocytic pathway

    Wolumetryczne badania struktur mózgowia metodą rezonansu magnetycznego u dzieci z zespołem Downa

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    Background and purpose Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation with deficits in language and memory. Mental retardation of varying degrees is the most consistent feature of DS. The objective of this study was to use high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to investigate the volumes of the hippocampus, amygdala, and temporal and frontal lobes in children with DS compared with healthy children. Material and methods MRI of 49 patients was reviewed prospectively. The study included 23 children with DS (9 girls and 14 boys, mean age 6.7 ± 3.7 years) and 26 healthy children (11 girls and 15 boys, mean age 8.3 ± 2.4 years). Volumes of the right and left hippocampus, the right and left amygdala, temporal and frontal lobes and the total brain volume were measured by a radiologist who was unaware of the diagnosis. Results Total brain volume in children with DS was significantly lower compared with controls. It was associated with significantly lower volume of the frontal and temporal lobes. Children with DS had a significantly smaller right and left hippocampus volume and a significantly smaller right and left amygdala volume than did the control group. We also found a negative correlation between mental retardation and volume of the right hippocampus. Conclusions The presence of these abnormalities from an early age contributes to the specific cognitive and developmental deficits seen in children with DS.Wstęp i cel pracy Zespół Downa (ZD) jest najczęstszą genetyczną przyczyną upośledzenia umysłowego, deficytów mowy i pamięci. Upośledzenie umysłowe różnego stopnia to najbardziej stała cecha zespołu Downa. Celem pracy było wykorzystanie techniki badania rezonansu magnetycznego (RM) wysokiej rozdzielczości do porównania objętości hipokampów, ciał migdałowatych, płatów skroniowych i czołowych dzieci z ZD w porównaniu z dziećmi zdrowymi. Materiał i metody Ocenie poddano 49 badań RM. Badaniem objęto 23 dzieci z ZD (9 dziewczynek i 14 chłopców, średnia wieku: 6,7 ± 3,7 roku). Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 26 dzieci zdrowych (11 dziewczynek i 15 chłopców, średnia wieku: 8,3 ± 2,4 roku). Objętość prawego i lewego hipokampa, prawego i lewego ciała migdałowatego, płatów skroniowych i czołowych oraz całkowita objętość mózgu były mierzone manualnie przez radiologa nieznającego rozpoznania. Wyniki Całkowita objętość mózgu w grupie dzieci z ZD była istotnie mniejsza w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Wiązało się to z istotnie mniejszą objętością płatów czołowych i skroniowych. Grupa dzieci z ZD miała istotnie mniejszą objętość prawego i lewego hipokampa oraz prawego i lewego ciała migdałowatego w porównaniu z dziećmi zdrowymi. Wykazano jednocześnie ujemną korelację pomiędzy stopniem upośledzenia umysłowego a objętością prawego hipokampa. Wnioski Obecność opisanych zaburzeń od najmłodszych lat przyczynia się do konkretnych deficytów poznawczych i rozwojowych u dzieci z ZD

    Open licensing of BioBrick parts

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    This document provides recommendations for licensing of community-created biological parts, especially in BioBrick standard