130 research outputs found

    Graeco-Italic amphorae in the region of Ostia: archaeology and archaeometry

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    Recent excavations carried out by the Soprintendenza archeologica di Ostia in the Ager Portuensis near Ostia brought to light a number of republican sites which are thought to be connected to the production and commercialization of salt. This region has played an important role in Rome’s history, because of the presence of the salt marshes and its strategic position on the mouth of the Tiber. The excavated contexts contain graeco-italic wine amphorae of types 5, 5-6 and 6 of van der Mersch’s classification associated with black-slip ware and local common wares. The circulation of wine and amphorae in Northern Latium in general has not been studied yet, and these excavations provide the opportunity for an assessment of the situation in the republican period (www.immensaaequora.org). The archaeometric study comprises petrographical and chemical analyses (X-ray Fluorescence WDS) chosen among amphorae from various sites. The provenance determination relies on existing databases of kiln sites of Roman Amphorae (Università La Sapienza, Facoltà di Lettere, Roma, Project Immensa Aequora; Laboratoire de céramologie de Lyon; Dpt of geosciences of the University of Fribourg)

    Safe Pet

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    Este trabajo de investigación nace por el amor a nuestras mascotas, el querer darles una mejor calidad de vida y la necesidad que tenemos los dueños de mascotas de tener una atención inmediata y de calidad para nuestros amigos peludos cuando pase alguna emergencia. De esa necesidad es que nace el seguro para mascotas SAFE PET, que ofrece un paquete estándar que incluyan varios beneficios y coberturas para las mascotas afiliadas. La principal fuente de ingreso de SAFE PET será la venta de nuestras pólizas, nuestra inversión inicial será de s/ 124,890 que la financiaremos el 60% los 4 socios de la empresa y 40% con un préstamo a una entidad financiera. Por las investigaciones que realizamos mediante encuestas a dueños de mascotas, estos en su mayoría nos manifestaba el querer tener un seguro para su mascota, y luego gracias nuestra landing page pudimos observar que del 100% de visitas a nuestra landing el 54.6% dejó sus datos porque le interesa nuestro seguro, este porcentaje es mucho mayor al que esperábamos y eso nos alienta mucho más a ser uno de los primero en el país en dedicarnos exclusivamente en seguro integral de mascotas. Finalmente, luego del estudio financiero realizado a nuestra empresa hemos considerado en el análisis de sensibilidad COK (89.71%) y un costo promedio ponderado de capital de WACC (74.53%), para terminar después de todo nuestro plan financiero podemos concluir que SAFE PET, es una empresa viable económicamente.This research was born for our love to pets and we want to give them a better life quality and the need that pet owners to have immediate and quality care for our furry friends when an emergency happens. From that need is born SAFE PET, that is a pet insurance, which offers a standard package that includes many benefits and coverages for affiliated pets. The main source of income for SAFE PET will be the sale of our policies, our initial investment will be S/ 124,890 which will be financed by 60% the 4 partners of the company and 40% with a loan to a financial institution. Due to the research we conducted through surveys of pet owners, most of them told us that they wanted to have insurance for their pet, and then thanks to our landing page we could observe that of 100% of visits to our landing, 54.6% left their data Because you are interested in our insurance, that percentage is much higher than we expected and that encourages us much more to be one of the first in the country to dedicate ourselves exclusively to comprehensive pet insurance. Finally, after the financial study carried out on our company, we have considered in the sensitivity analysis COK (89.71%) and a weighted average cost of capital of WACC (74.53%), to finish after all our financial plan we can conclude that SAFE PET, it is an economically viable company.Trabajo de investigació

    Ceramiche comuni di origine tirrenica centro-meridionale tra il II secolo a.C. e il I d.C: problemi aperti. L’evidenza dei reperti di Albintimilium

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    1. Introduzione Le giornate di studio di Napoli hanno fornito l’occasione a chi si occupa di ceramiche comuni, forse per la prima volta oggetto di un convegno, di mettere a confronto materiali provenienti da più aree geografiche, ma anche metodi di studio diversi. In questo articolo vengono prese in considerazione un gruppo di ceramiche rinvenute ad Albintimilium, isolate sulla base di uno studio archeologico e archeometrico, probabilmente prodotte da officine ο centri differenti dell’area ti..
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