6 research outputs found

    Ligand-guided investigation of a series of formamidine-based thiuram disulfides as potential dual-inhibitors of COX-1and COX-2

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The data that support the findings of this study are available in the supplementary material of this article.A series of thiuram disulfides 1–6 which had been previously synthesized and characterized, were studied for their potential therapeutic properties. Target-fishing analyses through HitPick and SwissTarget prediction identified COX1 and COX2, which are essential biomolecules in cancer-related inflammations, as the possible targets for compounds 1 and 4 among all the compounds tested. These two proteins have enjoyed interest as targets for treating some neoplastic cancer types such as breast, colorectal, skin, pancreatic, haematological and head cancers. The inhibitory potency of 1 and 4 as lead anticancer drug candidates with dual-target ability against COX1 and COX2 was examined through molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation and post-MD analyses such as binding energy calculation, RMSD, RMSF, and RoG. The two compounds had better docking scores and binding energies than the known inhibitors of COX1 and COX2. Insights from the RMSD, RMSF, and RoG suggested that both 1 and 4 showed observable influence on the structural stability of these targets throughout the simulation. The reported observations of the effects of 1 and 4 on the structures of COX1 and COX2 indicate their probable inhibitory properties against these target proteins and their potential as lead anticancer drug candidates.The College of Agriculture, Science, and Engineering, the University of Kwazulu-Natal, Olabisi Onabanjo University and the National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa.http://www.cb.wiley.comam2024BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Knowledge, attitude and practices about malaria among members of a university community in Kwara State, Nigeria

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    Malaria is still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in many tropical regions despite global efforts towards its eradication. This study investigates knowledge and practices about malaria among members of Kwara State University community, Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to 518 undergraduate students and 91 staff randomly from the university community. Majority (99.63 %) of students and staff (98.91 %) agreed that malaria is caused by mosquito bite, two hundred and twenty two (42.09 %) of the students and 69.23 % of staff identified the female Anopheles mosquito as the vector of malaria. A total of 32.82 % picked stagnant water; 27.03 % water retaining containers and 38.19 % plant/vegetation as mosquito vector habitat. The majority of students (83.78 %) and staff (97.80 %) also responded that night was the common vector biting period. On malaria symptoms the respondents ranked fever (71.81 %), body pain (31.85 %) and headaches (29.53 %) while staff responses followed similar trends. On the medication employed for the treatment of malaria, ACT, (53.86 %), Artesunate (25.09 %), Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (15.44 %) and paracetamol (10.81%) attested to by the students while those of the staff was in the order 53.84 % ACT, 29.67 % Artesunate and 18.68 % Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine. The result elucidates that most respondents had fair knowledge about malaria, its vector, habitat, prevention and control, but the majority had poor practices towards malaria. Therefore, education and interventions aimed at social and behaviour change are necessary to address and fill the gaps highlighted, conscious efforts toward enlightenment of the people of the university community and its environment is a necessary step among suggestions proffered.Keywords: Malaria, Community, Container survey, Knowledge, Practic

    First record of Foulassi Screeching Frog, Arthroleptis adelphus (Perret, 1966) (Anura, Arthroleptidae, Arthroleptinae), from Nigeria, with notes on its phylogenetic position

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    We report the first known occurrence of the Foulassi Screeching Frog, Arthroleptis adelphus (Perret, 1966), from Nigeria. A specimen of A. adelphus was collected during herpetological survey work conducted in Cross River National Park, south-eastern Nigeria. Morphometrics and mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene confirm identity of the specimen. Matrilineal genealogy reveals a sister relationship of A. adelphus from Nigeria with individuals from south-western Cameroon. Genetic analysis further shows geographic structuring and divergence among populations of A. adelphus from the Guineo–Congolian forest region. We offer updates to the IUCN geographic range of A. adelphus

    Assessment of histopathological damages in Swiss albino male mice induced by automobile waste leachate

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    The activities of auto-mechanic workshops in Nigeria are known to adversely affect the environment and pose threat to its biodiversity. This present study examined the testes, liver and kidney histopathological damages in Swiss albino male mice caused by automobile waste leachate from Ipata-Oloje, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Six treatment groups of 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25% leachate and a positive control each containing four mice per replicate were intraperitoneally administered 0.5 mL leachate sample as well as negative and positive control for 5 consecutive days. The result of heavy metal analysis of the sample presented elements such as Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Cu, Fe and Zn at concentrations above the permissible limits. The histology of kidney, liver and testes show gross structural abnormalities compared to the negative control. Testes histopathological damage includes shrinking of the tubular epithelium, slight vacuolation, degeneration of the tubular epithelium and atrophy of the germinal epithelium. Liver damages include distorted liver tissue architecture with infiltration, unevenly distributed sinusoids around the hepatic and portal tracts. This study showed organ toxicity arising from automobile waste and will help in proper management and disposal of this waste. Keywords: Mice, Automobile waste, Histopathological damages, Vacuolation, Tubular epithelium, Sinusoids, Heavy metal

    Activity of mound-building Macrotermes Bellicosus (Isoptera: Termitidae) around Kwara State University campus Guinea Savannah ecozone, Nigeria

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    This study was designed to investigate Macrotermes bellicosus, nesting mounds, abundance and activity in the savannah ecological zone of Kwara State, North-Central, Nigeria. The research was conducted at four randomly selected villages around and including Kwara State University. A systematic survey of visible mounds of M. bellicosus was carried out over the entire study area. Also, the heights of mounds were measured using a measuring tape. M. bellicosus collection was conducted using baited traps consisting of cardboard, toilet tissue, wooden stakes and wood shaving. These were embedded or placed on ground within plots at a regular distance of 10 m and checked twice weekly. The samples collected per baited trap per plot per location were preserved in 90 % ethanol and identified. Similarly, survey of physically damaged items was conducted and recorded to observe termite activity. The result from the four different locations of the study showed that the number of M. bellicosus mounds in urban area was the highest in urban site (74.33 ± 5.93) and was significant when compared to the other locations. Farmland had the tallest M. bellicosus mound (17.3 cm) followed by uncultivated land mass (15 cm), while the least mean height (12 cm) was encountered at the urban area. The abundance and distribution of the M. bellicosus showed no significant difference when comparing the study locations except in urban site. Proper precautions on protection of the building and barns are recommended.Keywords: Macrotermes bellicosus, Nesting mounds, Importance, Savannah ecological zone, Damag

    Actividad enzimática in vivo e inducción de daño en el ADN en ratones machos albinos suizos por lixiviación de desechos de automóviles

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    The rapid growth of motor vehicles use, together with poor waste disposal, produce environmental and biological threats. We evaluated the genotoxicity and enzyme activity of simulated automobile waste leachate in Swiss albino male mice (Mus musculus). Four mice per group were intraperitoneally treated with four leachate concentrations (10%, 15%, 20% and 25% v/v: simulant (IOASL)/distilled water), as well as a negative control (0.5mL UILSL); and a positive control (cyclophosphamide 20mg/Kg body weight) for five consecutive days. There was a concentration-dependent increase in sperm abnormality compared to the negative control (except at 10% and 15%; p<0,05). Heavy metal (Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Cu, Fe and Zn) exceeded permissible limits for waste water. Significant variability was also recorded in liver serum enzyme activity (AST, ALP, ALT and ALB) and in the frequencies of micronuclei (p<0,05). The interaction of some of these components with the genetic constitution of the cell during spermatogenesis might be responsible for the abnormalities. El rápido crecimiento del uso de vehículos automotores, junto con la eliminación deficiente de residuos, producen amenazas ambientales y biológicas. Evaluamos la genotoxicidad y la actividad enzimática del lixiviado de residuos de automóviles en ratones machos albinos suizos (Mus musculus). Cuatro ratones por grupo fueron tratados por vía intraperitoneal con cuatro concentraciones de lixiviados (10%, 15%, 20% y 25% v/v: simulante(IOASL)/agua destilada), como control negativo (0,5mL UILSL); y un control positivo (ciclofosfamida 20mg/Kg de peso corporal) durante cinco días consecutivos. Hubo un aumento dependiente de la concentración en la anormalidad del esperma en comparación con el control negativo (excepto al 10% y 15%, p<0,05). El metal pesado (Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Cu, Fe y Zn) excedió los límites permisibles para las aguas residuales. También se registró una variabilidad significativa en la actividad enzimática del suero hepático (AST, ALP, ALT y ALB) en las frecuencias de micronúcleos (p<0,05). La interacción de algunos de estos componentes con la constitución genética de la célula durante la espermatogénesis podría ser responsable de las anomalías