3 research outputs found

    Idoneidad de la prescripci贸n antibi贸tica en atenci贸n primaria en la Comunidad Aut贸noma Vasca

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    ObjetivoEstudiar la variabilidad e idoneidad de la prescripci贸n antibi贸tica en atenci贸n primaria en la Comunidad Aut贸noma Vasca (CAV).Dise帽oEstudio descriptivo, prospectivo.EmplazamientoCentros de atenci贸n primaria de la red reformada y no reformada de la CAV.Mediciones y resultados principalesSe estudiaron 3.182 infecciones obtenidas de consultas sobre enfermedad infecciosa mediante muestreo estratificado por 谩rea sanitaria durante febrero, marzo y abril de 1998. La idoneidad de la prescripci贸n de antibi贸ticos (ATB) se compar贸 con unos patrones elaborados tras una extensa revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Un 68,6% de las consultas son infecciones que no requieren ATB (catarro de v铆as altas [IRA], bronquitis aguda, gripe y gastroenteritis). Se utilizan ATB en un 28,5% de estos casos (IC, 26,6-30,5). Destaca la bronquitis aguda, con un 90,7% (IC, 87,3-93,4). La prescripci贸n innecesaria supone un 39,7% de la prescripci贸n total antibi贸tica (IC, 37,2-42,1%), suponiendo un gasto anual innecesario de 1.155 millones de pesetas.En el 31,4% de las infecciones que requieren tratamiento con ATB, se opta por uno no adecuado en un 23,7% (IC, 21-26,7%).En total, la idoneidad del tratamiento global fue del 72,2% (IC, 70,6-73,8). El hecho de trabajar en la red reformada se asoci贸 a una mejor prescripci贸n en todos los casos. Los pediatras prescriben mejor en el caso de las infecciones no susceptibles de tratamiento con ATB.ConclusionesLa prescripci贸n de ATB no se realiza conforme a la evidencia cient铆fica disponible. Los tratamientos incorrectos tienen lugar sobre todo en procesos benignos y autolimitados. Es necesaria una pol铆tica local de uso de ATB que incluya colaboraci贸n multidisciplinaria y formaci贸n continuada efectiva.ObjectiveTo study the variability and suitability of antibiotic prescription in primary care in the Basque Country.DesignProspective, descriptive study.SettingBasque Country health care centres both within and not in the reformed network.Measurements and main results3182 infections from consultations for infectious disease were studied through sampling stratified by health area during February, March and April 1998. The appropriateness of antibiotics (ATB) prescription was compared with some standards after an extensive bibliographic review. 68.6% of consultations were infections not needing ATB (infections of respiratory airways, acute bronchitis, flu and gastro-enteritis). ATB were used in 28.5% of these cases (CI: 26.6-30.5), especially in acute bronchitis (90.7%) (CI: 87.3-93.4). Unnecessary prescription supposes 39.7% of total antibiotic prescription (CI: 37.2-42.1%), which means unnecessary annual expenditure of 1155 million pesetas. In 31.4% of the infections that require ATB treatment, in 23.7% inappropriate treatment was chosen (CI: 21-26.7%). Overall appropriateness of treatment was 72.2% (CI: 70.6-73.8). Working in the reformed system was linked to better prescription in all cases. Paediatricians prescribed better in the case of infections not susceptible to ATB treatment.ConclusionsATB prescription is not consistent with the available scientific evidence. Incorrect treatments occur especially in benign and self-limiting processes. A local policy of ATB use that includes multi-disciplinary collaboration and effective ongoing training is necessary

    Phenotypic correlations in a large single center cohort of patients with BSCL2 nerve disorders: a clinical, neurophysiological and muscle MRI study

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    Background: BSCL2 heterozygote mutations are a common cause of distal hereditary motor neuropathies (dHMN). We present a series of BSCL2 patients and correlate clinical, neurophysiological and muscle-MRI findings. Methods: 26 patients from 5 families carrying the p.N88S mutation were ascertained. Age of onset, clinical phenotype (dHMN, Charcot-Marie-Tooth/CMT, spastic paraplegia), physical examination, disability measured as modified Rankin score (mRS) and neurophysiological findings were collected. A whole body muscle-MRI had been performed in 18 patients. We analyzed the pattern of muscle involvement on T1-weighted and STIR sequences. Hierarchical analysis using heatmaps and a MRI Composite Score (MRI CS) were generated. Statistical analysis was carried out with STATA SE v.15. Results Mean age was 51.54+/-19.94 years and 14 patients were males. dHMN was the most common phenotype (50%) and 5 patients (19.23%) showed no findings on examination. Disease onset was commonly in childhood and disability was low (mRS=1.34+/-1.13) although median time since onset of disease was 32 years (range=10-47). CMT-like patients were more disabled and disability correlated with age. On muscle-MRI, thenar eminence, soleus and tibialis anterior were most frequently involved, irrespective of clinical phenotype. MRI CS was strongly correlated with disability. Conclusion: Patients with the p.N88S BSCL2 gene mutation are phenotypically variable, although dHMN is most frequent and generally slowly progressive. Muscle-MRI pattern is consistent regardless of phenotype and correlates with disease severity, probably serving as a reliable outcome measure for future clinical trials