120 research outputs found

    Combining ability for grain yield, agronomic traits and Striga lutea tolerance of maize hybrids under artificial striga infestation

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    A study was carried out using diallel crosses in maize to determine the general and specific combining abilities in the mode of inheritance of tolerance to Striga lutea. Ten inbred parents of varying toleranceto S. lutea were crossed in half diallel to generate 45 F1 hybrids. The hybrids were evaluated in three striga endemic locations of Southwestern Nigeria under artificial infestation in 1998 growing seasons. The results showed that general combining ability effects were significant for almost all traits under infested and uninfested conditions. Progeny performance showed that hybrids were 86 and 40% better than their parent inbreds for striga tolerance rating and maize grain yield under artificial infestation.General combining ability (gca) effects for striga syndrome ratings were generally low with negative gca effects of -080. -0.40, -0.21,-0.15 and -0.26 in parents Tzi 97, Tzli100, Tzpi43-22, Tzmi105 and Tzpi260, respectively. Parents inbreds Tzpi97, Tzmi104, Tzpi57 and Tzli10 are good sources of gene for higher grain yield. Specific combining ability (sca) effects were also generally low for striga syndrome rating with values of -0.94, -0.77, -1.14 and 0.83 showing good tolerance. These tolerant inbreds may beadopted for commercial hybrid maize production for S. lutea endemic areas of south western Nigeria

    Combining ability for maize grain yield and other agronomic characters in a typical southern guinea savanna ecology of Nigeria

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    Field experiments were conducted at the University of Ilorin Teaching and Research Farm in 2005 and 2006 cropping seasons with the objective to evaluate the combining ability for maize grain yield andother agronomic characters in 10 open pollinated maize varieties, which have been selected for high yield and stress tolerance. General combining ability (gca) and year (y) effects were significant for allthe parameters except plant height, while specific combining ability (sca) and gca x year effects were significant only for grain yield. However, Tze Comp4 Dmr Srbc2, Tze Comp4 C2 and Acr 94 Tze Comp5 which are good general combiners for maize grain yield, also showed positive significant gca x year effects for flowering traits. Significant sca x year interaction effects were recorded for maize grain yield and days to flowering, with Hei 97 Tze Comp3 C4 combining very well with 3 parents (Acr 90 Pool 16-Dt, Tze Comp4-Dmr Srbc2 and Tze Comp4 C2). These parents and their hybrids probably have genes thatcan be introgressed into other promising lines in developing early maturing and high yielding varieties for cultivation in the Nigeria savannas

    Response of maize (Zea mays L.) to varied moisture levels under Striga lutea (Lour) infestation in Nigeria

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    Laboratory and glasshouse trials were used to determine the response of maize plants to varied moisture levels under Striga lutea infestation. Six moisture levels (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 ml) were applied to striga seed for germination count in the laboratory, while five moisture levels (300, 600, 900, 1200 and 1500 ml) were applied to two maize varieties infested with Striga lutea to assess their tolerance to striga in the glasshouse. The results showed decline in striga germination counts with increased moisture supply in the laboratory and daily moisture application. Supply of 2.00 ml of moisture seemed enough for optimum striga germination. Results from a glasshouse trial also showed significant effects of moisture on striga and maize agronomic characters, except for maize flag leaf length and grain yields. The maize varieties also differed significantly for striga syndrome rating, plant height, and maize grain yield, while variety × infestation as well as variety × moisture differed significantly for almost all the traits assessed. The interactive effects of variety × moisture were significant for all variables except grain yield. Similarly, gradual increase in striga emergence at higher moisture levels from 1.3 (300 m1) to 52.0 (1500 ml) were recorded. Striga syndrome ratings were significantly reduced with increased moisture, thereby enhancing higher grain yield. The use of striga- resistant genotypes in addition to adequate soil moisture will probably boost maize production in striga-endemic areas.Les essais de laboratoire et de serre se sont déroulés à l'Institut de Recherche et de Formation Agricole, Université d'Obafemi Awolowo, Plantation de Moor, Ibadan, Nigeria. Le but était de déterminer la réaction des plantes de maïs aux niveaux différents d'humidité sous l'infestation de Striga lutea. Six niveaux d'humidité (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, et 4.0 ml) sous une situation de laboratoire, étaient appliqués aux graines de Striga pour le compte de germination, alors que cinq niveaux d'humidité (300, 600, 900, 1200 et 1500 ml niveaux d'humidité) sous condition de serre étaient appliqués aux deux variétés de maïs infestées de Striga lutea pour l'évaluation de leur tolérance au Striga. Les résultats montraient une baisse des comptes de germination de Striga avec une augmentation en provision d'humidité sous condition de laboratoire et d'application d'humidité quotidiennement. Provision de 2.00 ml d'humidité semble être suffisant pour la germination optimale de Striga. Les résultats de l'essai d'une serre montraient aussi des effets considérables d'humidité sur striga et les caractères agronomiques de maïs sauf l'iris de maïs, longueur de feuille et les rendements de grains. Les variétés de maïs aussi différaient considérablement pour l'estimation de syndrome de striga, taille de plante et le rendement de grain de maïs, alors que variété × infestation ainsi que variété × humidité différaient considérablement pour presque tous les traits évalués. Les effets interactifs de variété × humidité étaient considérables pour toutes les variables sauf le rendement de grain. De la même façon, les augmentation graduelles de l'émergence de Striga aux niveaux d'humidité plus élevée de 1.3 (300 ml) à 52.0 (1500 ml) étaient enregistrées. Les estimations de syndrome de Striga étaient considérablement réduites avec l'augmentation d'humidité améliorant de cette façon le rendement plus élevé de grain. L'utilisation de génotypes résistants au Striga en plus d'humidité adéquate du sol pourrait probablement accroitre la production de maïs dans les zones endémique de Striga. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (1) 2006: pp. 3-1

    Combating Financial Crimes Through Forensic Accounting in Nigerian Public Sector

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    Financial crimes are a global issue which remains unresolved.  These crimes have plagued every corner of the world economy. The adverse effect of these crimes is immense in Nigeria. Continuous research confirmed a strong demand for the forensic accounting of preventing, detecting and arresting of financial crimes menace in Nigeria and the rest of the world. However, the studies of combating financial crimes through forensic accounting are very few in literature and not fully explored in Nigerian public sector. This study therefore, sets to examine the impact of forensic accounting techniques for combating financial crimes in Nigerian public sector. This study employs a survey research design and purposive sampling technique to select the sample of eighty six (86) accountants and auditors of the three selected ministries in Osun State, Nigeria. Both primary and secondary data were collected. The primary data was collected through a designed structured questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools. It was found that combating of financial crimes in Nigerian public sector through the application of forensic accounting is possible as the. p–value = 0.00 < 0.01. This study therefore concluded that, government of Nigeria should increase the interest in and facilitate the growth of forensic accounting by giving legal backing for proper monitory and investigation of alleged cases of financial crimes. This study recommended that, all government ministries, agencies and parastatals should establish forensic accounting unit to help strengthen internal controls and ensure thorough investigation in order to prevent, deter and detect financial crimes and the University regulatory body as well as the accounting professional bodies should ensure that forensic accounting courses are included in the curricula to ensure the training and increased awareness of forensic accounting in Nigeria. Keywords: Forensic Accounting, Financial Crimes, Nigerian Public Sector. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-11-05 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Efficacy of modified polycross method in development of sugarcane progenies

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    There has not been appreciable progress in development of productive commercial sugarcane varieties in Nigeria due to low technological development. Consequently, a modified polycross breeding scheme was developed to generate superior progenies that could replace existing low yielding varieties. The objective of this study therefore was to test the efficacy of the breeding scheme by  assessing  the genetic variability and inheritance  of  characters  associated  with  economic sugarcane traits  (cane  yield  and  sucrose content) among the progenies as well as identify those with superior performance over the best checks. The results showed significant differences (P 0.05 < 0.001) for all the traits as well as the presence of high genetic variability for the studied traits except for brix among the progenies. Rank summation index based on the combination of cane yield and brix, identified three progenies USRI/08/12, USRI/08/22 and USRI/08/25 as being superior to the highest yielding check varieties. The results showed that the modified polycross method is as efficient as the Hawaiian polycross technique and more economical in the development of high yielding commercial sugarcane varieties in low technological developed sugarcane breeding programme.Key Words: Crop cycles, Heritability, Rank Summation Index, Saccharum officinarum L

    Gender and innovation in agriculture: a case study of farmers varietal preference of drought tolerant maize in southern Guinea Savannah region of Nigeria

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    Maize is one of the worlds’ three primary cereal crops, sustainable increasing production of this crop is important to farmers to be able to meet the ever increasing consumption of maize which is one of the major reasons for the development of Drought tolerant maize variety (DTMA). The study analyses farmers’ varietal preference of drought tolerant maize in Southern Guinea Savannah region of Nigeria. It specifically determined the socioeconomic characteristics of farmers, identified their gender based preference for Drought Tolerant maize variety and elucidated the reasons for preference. Three-stage stratified sampling technique was used. Well-structured questionnaire was used to collect information from a total of 48 farmers. Descriptive, Ranking and LSD were used to analyse the data collected. The result of the analysis showed that majority of the male and female farmers have primary education and are youths. The result of varietal preference differs between genders in some locations Male farmers identified big cobs with full grains, big seed, and multiple cobs as the main reasons for their preference while female farmers identified yellow colour of seed, nutrient fortified seed and big cobs with full grains as the main reasons for their preference. It is therefore recommended that effort should be made to involve male and female farmers in the varietal selection procedure as to facilitate easy adoption of hybrid maize. The women are more concerned with the food security of their family and hence are important segment in maize innovation that improve the food security of farming households. It is therefore imperative that Programmes and policies should not exclude female farmers

    Analyses of moisture deficit grain yield loss in drought tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm accessions and its relationship with field performance

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    Development of drought tolerant maize cultivars is prerequisite to achieving stable grain yield in drought–prone ecologies of Nigeria’s Guinea savanna. However, success has been limited mainly dueto lack of maize genotypes that show clear differences in response to well defined moisture deficit condition. Two sets of drought tolerant (DT) maize germplasm were evaluated under screenhouse andfield conditions between 1999 and 2002. In the screenhouse study, performances of the genotypes were compared under well-watered condition and moisture deficit imposed at different growth stages.Under field conditions, the first set comprising 11 accessions along with a check were evaluated for 4 growing seasons while the second set which comprised 3 DT varieties were evaluated along with 2check varieties using monthly plantings between April and August of 2001 and 2002, respectively. In the first set, post anthesis moisture deficit significantly reduced grain yield by 25 to 73.5% in the openpollinated varieties (OPVs) and by 20 to 64% in the hybrids. Grain yield under field conditions ranged from 2.48 to 3.49, 2.82 to 3.73 and 3.58 to 4.76 tons/ha-1 for 1999, 2000 and 2001 full growing seasons,respectively, and 2.03 to 2.50 tons/ha-1 for 2000 late growing season. In the second set, pre and post anthesis moisture deficits reduced grain yield by 77.6 and 95.8%, respectively, of well watered condition while in the field, grain yields in the genotypes were highest for plantings made in April and July (1.90 - 2.5 t/ha), lowest for August (0.7 -1.8 t/ha) when moisture deficit coincided with reproductive phase. Yield stability exhibited under moisture deficit and on the field by 8522-2, Oba super 2 and AK9943-DMRSR in the first set as well as DT-SR-Y C0 and DT-SR-W C0 in the second set, indicates their suitability either as cultivars per se or as potential source of DT alleles fordevelopment of DT maize varieties for Nigeria’s savanna ecologies

    Stacking tolerance to drought and resistance to a parasitic weed in tropical hybrid maize for enhancing resilience to stress combinations

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    Open Access JournalMaize is a food security crop cultivated in the African savannas that are vulnerable to the occurrence of drought stress and Striga hermonthica infestation. The co-occurrence of these stresses can severely damage crop growth and productivity of maize. Until recently, maize breeding in International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has focused on the development of either drought tolerant or S. hermonthica resistant germplasm using independent screening protocols. The present study was therefore conducted to examine the extent to which maize hybrids simultaneously expressing resistance to S. hermonthica and tolerance to drought (DTSTR) could be developed through sequential selection of parental lines using the two screening protocols. Regional trials involving 77 DTSTR and 22 commercial benchmark hybrids (STR and non-DTSTR) were then conducted under Striga-infested and non-infested conditions, managed drought stress and fully irrigated conditions as well as in multiple rainfed environments for 5 years. The observed yield reductions of 61% under managed drought stress and 23% under Striga-infestation created desirable stress levels leading to the detection of significant differences in grain yield among hybrids at individual stress and non-stress conditions. On average, the DTSTR hybrids out-yielded the STR and non-DTSTR commercial hybrids by 13–19% under managed drought stress and fully irrigated conditions and by −4 to 70% under Striga-infested and non-infested conditions. Among the DTSTR hybrids included in the regional trials, 33 were high yielders with better adaptability across environments under all stressful and non-stressful testing conditions. Twenty-four of the 33 DTSTR hybrids also yielded well across diverse rainfed environments. The genetic correlations of grain yield under managed drought stress with yield under Striga-infestation and multiple rainfed environments were 0.51 and 0.57, respectively. Also, a genetic correlation between yields under Striga-infestation with that recorded in multiple rainfed environments was 0.58. These results suggest that the sequential selection scheme offers an opportunity to accumulate desirable stress-related traits in parents contributing to superior agronomic performance in hybrids across stressful and diverse rainfed field environments that are commonly encountered in the tropical savannas of Africa

    Fisherfolks’ Perception of the Agricultural Radio Programme Filin Mainoma in Kainji Area of Niger State

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    The study examined fisherfolks’ perception of the agricultural radio programme FILIN MAINOMA in Kainji Area of Niger State. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 252 respondents from the study area. Primary data were collected using structured interview guide. Data collected wereanalysed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) and Chi-Square analysis (c2).  Results showed that the mean age of the respondents was 25.50 years while majority (96.60%) was male. Also 63.10% had no formal education while 22.70% had primary school education. Also, Majority (99.20%) of the respondents was aware of and listened to the radio programme FILIN MAINOMA. All (100.00%) of the respondents had access to radio. Majority (98.80%) of the respondents opined that the message was interesting, 67.10% spent one hour listening to the radio programme in the morning every day. In addition, 38.90% of the respondents viewed fishing information on the radio programme as relevant, while 26.90% indicated that the format of presentation of the programme aroused their interest. Chi-Square analysis revealed that sex (c2 = 78.70, (p<0.05), df = 1), educational status (c2 = 2.41, df = 4), had significant association with the respondents perception of the programme. Also, correlation analysis results revealed a significant and positive relationship between the household size (r = 0.21, p<0.05), and year of membership association (r = 0.24, p<0.05), and respondents’ perception of the radio programme. The study concluded that FILIN MAINOMA had impact on fisherfolks cash per unit effort. The study recommended that the programme should be strengthened and sustained while other similar programmes can be initiated in other radio stations in the area


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    This study is aimed at isolating and characterizing micro-organisms of Macrobranchium spp. gotten from markets in Abeokuta. Twelve different samples of whole smoked prawns (Macrobranchium spp.) were purchased from two different locations each in six major markets (Itoku, Omida, Iberekodo, Lafenwa, Panseke and Olomore) within the Abeokuta metropolis in Ogun State. Their microbial load was analyzed using Mac-Conkey agar (MA), Deoxycholate citrate agar (DCA), Nutrient agar (NA), and Mannitol salt agar (MSA) for bacteria isolation while Potato Dextrose agar (PDA) was used to isolate the fungi in the microbiology laboratory of the department of Microbiology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Staphylococcus aureus and Citrobacter spp (22.22% each) dominated the samples while the fungal specie that occurred most frequently in the samples was Aspergillus niger (31.03%). The total bacterial counts for all the samples ranged from 9x102 to 1.0x103 cfu/g and fungal count were between 21%-90% in terms of frequency of occurrence. These microorganisms cause food spoilage and poisoning and the occurrence of such microorganisms may be as a result unhygienic handling of prawns during processing as some of the microorganisms may be post-harvest contaminants. Adequate cooking could help in reducing microorganism of smoked prawn.Â