125 research outputs found


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    This study evaluated the phytotoxic effects of lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) as Pb(NO3)2  and Zn(NO3)2 on maize  (Zea mays L) considering the  plants’ growth indices, biomass as well as soil parameters and soil microorganisms after treatment. The results showed that plant growth significantly reduced with increasing concentrations (100,150 and 200 mgkg-1) of Pb and Zn contamination. The results indicated significant inhibitory effect on the growth parameters (stem height, root length, leaf area, fresh and dry weight) measured, compared to control experiment. This study therefore revealed that the heavy metals have harmful effects on maize’s growth.  Consequently, the consumption of such contaminated cereal by man and animals can lead to their death after the metals have biomagnified in their systems. Lead and Zn application in general, affected the vegetative growth; both fresh and dry weights were reduced with increasing concentrations of the metals. These results show that these metals are toxic to human and animal health. As a result, farmers should be encouraged to use water from good source for irrigation and also cultivate on metal-free soils if possible to save lives.     &nbsp

    In-silico identification of differentially expressed genes in Type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    The incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus T1DM varies markedly in different geographical populations but seems to be increasing globally. The focus of this research is to screen for T1D-associated differentially expressed genes (DEGs). A meta-analysis was conducted using the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) datasets. The datasets included samples from T1DM and normal patients. The Robust Multichip Averaging (RMA) procedure was used for background correction, normalization and summarization to obtain expression level data and to discover differentially expressed genes. Box plots, Density plots, RNA degradation plots and recommended procedures from Affymetrix for quality control were implemented. The DEGs were screened and the exclusively expressed genes were uncovered through the Venn diagrams and heat maps functions in R language. 3,824 genes were classified, as DEGs of which 2,030 were upregulated and 1,794 were downregulated. Seven key genes (TLN1, ANPEP, F13A1, SPARC, SPTBN1, IGHA2 and IGHA1) were exclusively expressed in the whole progression. 58 DEGs were revealed through the Venn diagrams while the Heatmaps showed the differential expression data for 35 genes. IGHA1, IGHA2, IGKV4-1 were significantly expressed and upregulated. Although some of these genes have been previously associated with T1D, many other genes were identified for further studies

    Surface Mixed Layer Profile of Physical and Biogeochemical Variables in the Subpolar North-West and -East Atlantic Ocean: A Data-Model Comparison Study

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    This paper presents a study of physical and biogeochemical variables using numerical model and mixed layer oceanographic data from a 2 - 3 year in situ measurements in the Northwestern and Northeastern sites of the Atlantic Ocean. Model outputs are presented and indicated that very good estimates may be obtained. The outputs showed considerable agreement in reproducing seasonal distributions of pCO2, pCO2-T, pCO2-nonT, mixed layer temperature, and chlorophyll-a in both winter and summer, and therefore provide useful physical and theoretical understanding of their biogeochemistry. The model pCO2 indicated a distinct temporal variability with seasonal changes coinciding with the change in sea surface temperature. It also provides an agreement that there is a strong seasonal cycle of mixed layer parameters filliped by nonthermal and physical factors. As an outgrowth of this work, the pCO2 model outputs affirm the North Atlantic Ocean capacity as an important oceanographic sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxid

    Microorganisms in Soil and Groundwater of Epe and Laje Solid Waste Dumpsites in Ondo Town, Nigeria

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    The menace of open dumps is a serious concern in Nigeria because of its associated health hazards.  In this work, microorganisms in soil and groundwater of Epe and Laje dumpsites which are two major dumpsites in Ondo metropolis, Nigeria were investigated using standard techniques. Bacteria isolates were later identified based on their colonial morphology, cellular morphology and their biochemical characteristics while cotton in blue lactophenol technique was used for fungal identification. Epe had higher bacteria counts (cfu/ml) in both top soil (122.0 ×106) and subsoil (72.0 ×106) when compared with bacteria counts in Laje top soil (97.0 ×106) and subsoil (52.0 ×106). Similarly, Epe also had higher fungi counts (sfu/ml) in both top (25.5× 106) and subsoil (11.5× 106), comparably with fungi counts in Laje top soil (17.0×106) and subsoil (9.5×106)). Meanwhile, total heterotrophic bacteria counts (cfu/ml) of the ground water samples was higher in Epe (42.0 x106 ) and Laje (27.0x106) in comparison with total heterotrophic fungi count (sfu/ml) in Epe (14.0x106) and Laje groundwater samples (10.5x106). Identified isolates included Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Proteus spp (bacteria) and Mucor spp, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium spp (fungi). Remarkably, these isolates are organisms of medical importance, suggesting serious health threats to the residents around the dumpsites

    Detection of Leakages in a Pipeline Network based on Hydraulic Laboratory Modelling with Artificial Intelligence

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    Pipeline transportation of resources is considered a vital method due to low operational cost, and simple design and implementation. However, the presence of leakages within pipeline networks gives rise to noteworthy jurisdiction regarding environmental impact, economic implications, and safety considerations. The prompt identification and precise localization of such leakages are of utmost importance in order to get rid of their potential consequences on human existence. This project aims to detect leakages in a pipeline network based on hydraulic laboratory modelling with artificial intelligence systems. The dataset from both the hydraulic laboratory network and EPANET simulation respectively were used to train and test a model, then validate using for leakage prediction and localization using artificial neural network. The results shows that pressure is a more valid parameter to detect leakages to flowrate in a pipeline network. Also, artificial neural network developed model performed very well in predicting leak sizes with an accuracy of 96.89% respectively. The model developed based achieved validation accuracies which vary broadly between about 85% and 90%. Also, the F-score ranged between 80% and 91% which makes the model is valid to be used to predict and localize the leaks in real time


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    Alternate medicine which has a long history has been relegated to the background by the evolution of modern medicine. In recent times, however, alternative medical therapy has been growing in popularity and getting increasing attention and interest. This study assessed the knowledge, attitude and use by urban dwellers of alternative medical therapies. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study which used a semi-structured questionnaire to gather information from 812 randomly selected urban respondents. Majority 734 (90.4%) of the respondents were aware of an alternative way of getting treatment for their ailments apart from the orthodox medicine. The forms of alternative medical therapy (AMT) respondents were aware of include: concoction (herbal preparations) 683 (94.2%); herbalists/traditionalists 616 (85.0%); traditional bone setters therapy 434 (59.9%); among others. The main source of information was through radio 439 (70.9%). About half 403 (54.9%) of the respondents were aware of side effects from AMT and these include diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting which accounts for 69.7%; 42.2% and 40.2% respectively. About 347 (47.3%) think AMT could be injurious to health. About a third 262 (35.7%) of the respondents who were aware of AMT prefers it to orthodox medicine. Reasons given for the preference were that: AMT is cheap 56 (21.4%); accessible 43 (16.4%) and acceptable 35 (13.4%) to them. About half 367 (50.0%) also believed AMT alone could cure their illness without resort to orthodox medical therapy (OMT). Over half 401 (54.6%) of the 734 respondents that were aware of AMT had patronized or taken one form of alternative medical therapy or the other in the last 12 months prior to the study. Of these number, 323 (80.5%) had taken concoction (herbal preparations). However, there was no relationship between respondents’ age, sex, educational level or religion and the patronage of AMT as all test of associations were not statistically significant p>0.05. This study has revealed that the use of alternative medical therapies is quite popular among the studied population and a high proportion of the respondents use AMT notwithstanding that they live in the urban communities where they have better access to orthodox medical care and medical practitioners. Regulations should be made concerning the advertisement of alternative medicine and practices as orthodox medicine and practices are usually not advertise

    Gross architecture of ovarian specimens from a southwest Nigerian tertiary healthcare facility

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    Background: The aim of our study is to describe the gross morphology of ovarian specimens and to see if some entities can be distinguished based on their gross morphology. Methods: We did a cross-sectional study of all ovarian specimen received by the department of morbid anatomy and forensic medicine of Obafemi Awolowo university teaching hospitals complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Nigeria from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2022 (Five-year period). OAUTHC is situated in the southwestern part of Nigeria. Results: We examined 225 right ovarian specimens. Non- neoplastic lesions were the most common lesions of the right ovary accounting for 52 cases followed by malignant tumour accounting for 25 cases. We examined 233 specimens of the left ovary of which 133 were normal. Eighteen (72%) of malignant tumors of the left ovary had cystic cut surfaces. The spectrum of lesions of both ovaries has different average widest diameters with significant overlap in their distribution. Metastatic carcinoma is seen to involve both ovaries and found to mainly have a solid cut surface. We found that the average widest diameter of a normal left ovary is 3.6 cm while that of a normal right ovary is 4.9 cm. Conclusions: The ovarian lesions have different widest diameters and are usually larger than that of a normal ovary. Benign ovarian tumours are generally larger than their malignant counterparts but cannot be distinguished based on size alone. Metastatic carcinoma involved both ovaries and had a predominantly solid-cut surface. The normal left ovaries were smaller than the normal right ovaries

    Assessment of water and sediment around a lead-acid battery plant dumpsites in South-Western Nigeria

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    In a quick assessment carried out around dumpsites of a battery manufacturing plant, heavy metals content of sediment, surface water and ground water samples from seven ponds, three streams and a well were assessed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Some physicochemical parameters of the samples were also investigated. Metal concentration in pond and stream sediment samples ranged from 25.71-75,843 μg/gPb, 0.74-4.13 μg/gCd, 32.35-385.31 μg/gCu, 3.17-28.5 μg/gNi, 558.25-908.42 μg/gFe and 10.01-53.59 μg/gZn and these metal concentrations exceeded allowable guidelines for sediment by USEPA. For water samples in general, concentration of metals ranged as Pb(0.001-5.69 mg/L), Cd(0.0006-0.0699 mg/L), Cu(0.001-0.09 mg/L), Ni(0.001-0.38 mg/L), Fe(0.0399-17.099 mg/L) and Zn(0.001-0.14891 mg/L). Physicochemical parameters in water were pH (4.54-7.59), Temperature (25-28 OC), DO (2.49-6.45 mg/L), TS (296-35,100 mg/L), TSS (2.0-281 mg/L), TDS (290-34,800 mg/L), Cl- (12.2-52.5 mg/L), NO3- (3.2-800 mg/L), PO43- (0.14-1.58 mg/L) and SO42- (76.0-5,300 mg/L). Results obtained for TSS, TDS, NO3-, SO42-, Pb, Cd and Fe in water, especially in ponds at Ile-Igbon and Ni in Aweere Stream, exceeded limits set by standard organisations as well as results from similar work

    Environmental Susceptibility and Resistance to Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19): A Review

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    It is believed that certain environmental factors modulate coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19). This review outlines the role of environmental factors in COVID-19 infectivity, spread, and severity. Relevant articles were retrieved from Google Scholar, SpringerLink, and Scopus, then pooled and duplicates removed with EndNote software. Available information reveals that temperature, relative humidity (RH), sunlight, pollutants, and population density modulate COVID-19 infectivity and pathogenicity. COVID-19 spread is promoted by low temperature (< 25 °C) and RH (< 40%), whereas it is inhibited by high temperature (> 25 °C) and RH (> 40%). Sunlight exposure alters the virus’s genetic material and boosts the host’s immune function by raising serum vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitanim D), reducing the virus’s viability and replication. Prolonged indoor stays with poor ventilation cause re-breathing of the air and increase carbon dioxide concentration, particularly in crowded rooms, predisposing to COVID-19. Pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and sulphur dioxide, may overexpress the virus’s receptor called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), thereby increasing the virus’s infectivity. Pollutants may also induce inflammation of the respiratory tract, weakening the immune function and thereby increasing susceptibility to COVID-19. High population density increases body contact and thus susceptibility to the virus. To stem the incidence and mortality of COVID-19, the mentioned environmental factors must be kept at healthy levels
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