11 research outputs found

    Pengukuran Kadar Hormon Progesteron dan Deteksi Birahi pada Sapi Perah yang Disinkronisasi dengan CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release)

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    Deteksi birahi dan program perkawinan merupakan cara yang tepat untuk dapat mengoptimalkan performa reproduksi pada sapi perah. Rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pretest-postest design. Terdiri dari empat macam perlakuan yaitu P1C1, P1C2, P2C1, dan P2C2, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Faktor yang diujikan adalah faktor P: usia korpus luteum 15 hari (P1) dan 10 hari (P2), faktor C: pencabutan atau pelepasan implan progesterone pada hari ke-9 (C1) dan pada hari ke-13(C2). Hasil yang diperoleh dengan uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara perbedaan usia korpus luteum dengan perbedaan waktu pencabutan atau pelepasan implan controlled internal drug release (CIDR) (p>0.05). Dari total sampel 16 ekor sapi perah, 13 sampel menunjukkan tanda birahi tiga hari setelah implan controlled internal drug release (CIDR) dilepaskan. Persentase total dari keseluruhan sampel yang menunjukkan tanda birahi adalah 81.25%

    The Excellence of Performance, Semen Quality and Testosterone Levels on Bull in Teaching Farm, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

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    Study on performance, semen quality and testosterone levels of 2 young bulls (age range 3-5 years) Limousine and Simental and 2 old bulls (age range 6-8 years) types Limousin and Simental have been carried out in the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. This study aimed to determine the performance, semen quality and testosterone levels can be used as a guideline whether or not the ejaculate of young and old bulls should be continued into frozen semen. Performance tests were carried out using measuring sticks and weight bands, semen quality tests included macroscopic and microscopic tests, semen concentration using a spectrophotometer and testosterone test using the Sandwich-ELISA method. The mean results of the performance test in young bulls were, while the mean for older bulls were: body weight 700 kg; hump height 136.5 cm; circumferens of chest 213 cm; body length 171 cm and scrotal circumference 35.5 cm. The performance test for old bulls is body weight 840 kg; hump height 143 cm; circumferens of chest 225.5 cm; body length 177.5 cm and scrotal circumference 40.25 cm. Mean macroscopic of semen examination for young bulls, mean volume 8 cc; milky white color; characteristic odor; The degree of acidity was 6.5 and mucous consistency, while for the old bulls the volume was 6.85; milky white color; characteristic odor; 6.5 degrees of acidity and mucous consistency. The mean microscopic examination for young bulls was mass movement ++ / +++; individual movement 80/3; concentration 745.5 million / ml; abnormalities 3% and 92.25% viability, for old bulls: movement mass ++ / +++; individual movement 77.5 / 3; concentration 1291.5 millon / ml; abnormalities 5% and viability 90%. Examination of serum testosterone levels using the Sandwich-ELISA technique was obtained by an average of 1.299 ± 0.1598 ng/ml in young bulls and 1.101 ± 0.1502 ng/ml in older bulls. This study concluded that young bulls and old bulls in the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga in terms of performance, semen quality and testosterone levels are suitable for processing into high quality frozen semen

    Therapy of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Hormone in Dairy Cattles that Have Repeat Breeder on Pregnancy Rate in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to prove that giving hCG injection at the time of artificial insemination and five days after artificial insemination in dairy cows with repeat breeder can cause pregnancy. This study employed 30 dairy cows with repeat breeder. All samples of dairy cows were divided into two treatments, P1 using hCG at a dose of 100 IU given intramuscularly at the time of artificial insemination and P2 using hCG at a dose of 100 IU intramuscularly given five days after artificial insemination. The results were analyzed using the Chi- Square test. Analysis using Chi-Square showed that all treatments caused pregnancy (100%). In summary, hCG injection at the time of artificial insemination and five days after artificial insemination in dairy cows experiencing repeat breeding can cause pregnancy. Keywords: Artificial Insemination, Dairy Cows, hCG, Pregnancy, Repeat Breede

    Potensi Bakteri Lactococcus sp. dan Lactobacillus sp. untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Limbah Kulit Kacang Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Pakan

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    This study aims to determine the increasing of nutrient content in the fermentation of feed stuff derived from peanut wastes as an alternative feed material for livestock and fish. The study consisted of three treatments and five replications, namely P0: peanut peel + 0% isolate, P1: peanut peel + 1% Lactococcus sp, P2: peanut peel + 1% Lactobacillus sp. The fermentation process was carried out for 5 days under a facultative anaerobic condition. The results showed that there was a significant difference between treatments (p <0.05). The use of Lactococcus sp and Lactobacillus sp isolates can increase the nutritional content of peanut peel wastes. There was a decrease in crude fiber content (CF) of 3.80 to 7.70%, there was an increase of Nitrogen free extract (NFE) of 3.925 to 4.38%, there is an increase in digestible energy (DE) content of 7.13% to 9.30%, there was the increasing metabolizable energy (ME) of 7.13% to 9.12% compared to control. Based on the results it can be concluded that the using of 1% Lactococcus sp and 1% Lactobacillus sp. can increase nutritional value of peanut peel waste that can be used as an alternative ingredients of animal and fish. Keywords : Lactococcus sp. , Lactobacillus sp., peanut peel waste

    Bacterial Isolates From The Cervical Mucus of Dairy Cattle at Follicular and Luteal Phases

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    The research aimed to identify the bacteria present in the reproductive tract of dairy cattle at follicular and luteal phases of the estrus cycle. Seven samples of cervical mucus were each obtained from the reproductive tract, at follicular and luteal phase, of fourteen healthy cattle, 2-3 years of age, with body condition scores of 2.0-8.3. Sporet, motility, triple sugar iron agar, mannitol and glucose tests were done to obtain gram characteristics and bacterial morphology, which enabled identiftcation at the genus level. Non-speciftc bacteria isolated at follicular phase were Staphylococcus (50%), Corynebacterium (25%) and Escherichia (25%). At luteal phase, Staphylococcus (45.5%), Escherichia (45.5%) and Corynebacterium (9%) were isolated. The results suggest that a number of bacteria can be found in the reproductive tract of dairy cattle, both at follicular phase and luteal phase. Key words: bacteria, dairy cattle, follicular phase, luteal phase, reproductive trac

    Effect of Green Tea Extract Supplementation in The semen Extender on Post-Thaw Sperm Quality of Simmental Bulls

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of green tea extract as antioxidant in the extender of frozen semen on the viability, motility, integrity of plasma membrane, percentage of necrosis and apoptosis of spermatozoa. Ejaculates collected from four Simmental bulls were evaluated and placed in 37°C water bath before the cryopreservation process was started. The semen samples were diluted in milk-egg yolk supplemented with green tea extract of 0 (P0) as control, 0.05 (P1), 0.1 (P2), and 0.15 (P3) mg/100 ml extender, respectively. Diluted semen packed in 0.25 ml straws were cryopreserved and stored in liquid nitrogen for four weeks. Cryopreserved semen packed in straws were thawed individually in 37°C water bath for 30 sec then evaluated microscopically. The results showed that P2 had the highest post-thaw sperm viability, motility, and integrity of plasma membrane compared to the other groups (P<0.05). In addition, the percentage of necrosis and apoptosis of sperm were lowest in P2 (P<0.05) compared to the other groups. The results of the study suggest that semen samples diluted in milk-egg yolk supplemented with green tea extract at the rate of 0.1 mg/100 ml extender had the highest semen quality. Thus, green tea extract can potentially act as antioxidant to maintain the quality of post-thaw bull spermatozoa Key words: apoptosis, bull, green tea extract, necrosis, post-thaw, sperm qualit

    Keunggulan Performan, Kualitas Semen dan Kadar Testosteron Sapi Pejantan di Taman Ternak Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Airlangga

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    Penelitian tentang performan, kualitas semen dan kadar testosteron 2 ekor sapi pejantan muda umur 3-5 tahun jenis Limousine dan Simentaldan 2 ekor sapi pejantan tua umur 6-8 tahun jenis Limousin dan Simental telah dilakukan di Taman Ternak Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Airlangga. Tujuan untuk mengetahui performan, kualitas semen dan kadar hormon testosteron sebagai pedoman kelayakan semensapi pejantan muda dan tua untuk pembuatan semen beku.Uji performandilakukan dengan menggunakan tongkat ukur dan weight band, uji kualitas semen meliputi uji makroskopis dan uji mikroskopis, konsentrasi semen menggunakan alat spektrofotometer dan uji hormon testosterone menggunakan metode Sandwich-ELISA.Rata-ratahasil uji performan pada pejantan muda, yakni berat badan 700 kg; tinggi gumba 136,5 cm; lingkar dada 213 cm; panjang tubuh 171 cm dan lingkar skrotum 35,5 cm. Sedangkan pada pejantan tua, yakni berat badan 840 kg; tinggi gumba 143 cm; lingkar dada 225,5 cm; panjang tubuh 177,5 cm dan lingkar skrotum 40,25 cm. Rata-ratapemeriksaan makroskopis untuk pejantan muda, rata-ratavolume 8 cc; warna, putih susu; bau khas; derajatkeasaman 6,5 dan konsistensi kenatal. Sementara itu, pejantan tua volume 6,85; warna putih susu; bau khas; derajad keasaman 6,5 dan konsistensi kental. Rata-rata pemeriksaan mikroskopis untuk pejantan muda adalah gerakan masa ++/+++; gerakan individu 80/3; konsentrasi 745,5 jt/ml; abnormalitas 3% dan viabilitas 92,25%.Pada pejantan tua gerakan masa ++/+++; gerakan individu 77,5/3; konsentrasi 1291,5 jt/ml; abnormalitas 5% dan viabilitas 90%. Pemeriksaan kadar testosteronserum dengan teknik Sandwich-ELISAdidapat rata-ratapadapejantan muda sebesar 1,299 ± 0,1598 ng/ml dan pejantan tua sebesar 1,101 ± 0,1502ng/ml. Disimpulkanbahwa pejantan muda dan pejantan tua di Taman Ternak Pendidikan,Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan,Universitas Airlangga dalam hal performan, kualitas semen dankadartestosteron layak untuk diproses menjadi semen beku yang berkualitas. Kata kunci: performan, kualitas semen, testosteron, sapi janta

    Serum Amyloid A Concentrations of Healthy and Clinically Diseased Japanese Black Breeding Cattle—Preliminary Measurements for Determining the Cut-Off Concentrations

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    The present study aimed to compare serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations of Japanese Black (JB) breeding cows in both clinically normal and diseased cows diagnosed by veterinarians using modified latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay (LATIA) to determine the cut-off values for healthy and diseased JB cows. For the comparison, a total of 289 serum samples of healthy cows without any clinical symptoms intended for the metabolic profile test and 66 serums from diseased cows clinically diagnosed by veterinarians were measured for the SAA concentrations. A significant difference (p-value = 6.68 × 10−29) was observed in the mean SAA concentrations between the healthy (2.8 ± 3.2 mg/L) and diseased (54.8 ± 76.8 mg/L) groups, and the median concentrations of the healthy and diseased groups were 1.5 mg/L and 31.2 mg/L, respectively. Finally, the cut-off SAA concentrations at each probability were 2.9 mg/L (p = 0.05), 5.7 mg/L (p = 0.1), 13.7 mg/L (p = 0.5), and 21.8 mg/L (p = 0.9), respectively, and 6.5 mg/L (p = 0.122) based on evaluation performed using the receiver operating characteristic curve. The results indicated that, with the practical application of the obtained cut-off value, the measurement of SAA concentrations for JB breeding cows with LATIA could be potentially beneficial in the early evaluation of inflammatory diseases in JB breeding cows and possibly useful in the prevention of not only metabolic diseases but also non-nutritional diseases during the perinatal period of JB breeding cows

    Usefulness of Measuring Serum Amyloid A Concentration in Japanese Black Cattle in Clinical Practice

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    This study investigated the concentration of serum amyloid A (SAA), an acute phase protein, in Japanese Black cattle. Four practical trials were performed to evaluate the transition of SAA and sialic acid before and after dehorning, the relationship between the SAA concentration and other blood test parameters, the SAA dynamics in the diseased cattle, and the blood test results, including the SAA concentrations, of the two cases with a follow-up. The SAA concentration increased with dehorning but decreased 7 days after dehorning. The SAA concentration is positively correlated with the α-globulin, sialic acid, and fibrinogen concentrations and negatively correlated with the serum iron concentration. The SAA concentration in the deceased herd was significantly higher than that in the cured outcome herd. In addition, the SAA concentration in the cured group decreased significantly from the first test to retesting but increased significantly in the disuse group. Thus, SAA is a sensitive index of inflammation and a monitoring tool in Japanese Black cattle, and its measurement is considered useful in clinical practice

    Practical Application of Urinary Zearalenone Monitoring System for Feed Hygiene Management of a Japanese Black Cattle Breeding Herd&mdash;The Relationship between Monthly Anti-M&uuml;llerian Hormone and Serum Amyloid A Concentrations

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    This study addresses an advantageous application of a urinary zearalenone (ZEN) monitoring system not only for surveillance of ZEN exposure at the production site of breeding cows but also for follow-up monitoring after improvement of feeds provided to the herd. As biomarkers of effect, serum levels of the anti-M&uuml;llerian hormone (AMH) and serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations were used. Based on the results of urinary ZEN measurement, two cows from one herd had urinary ZEN concentrations which were two orders of magnitude higher (ZEN: 1.34 mg/kg, sterigmatocystin (STC): 0.08 mg/kg in roughages) than the levels of all cows from three other herds (ZEN: not detected, STC: not detected in roughages). For the follow-up monitoring of the herd with positive ZEN and STC exposure, urine, blood, and roughage samples were collected from five cows monthly for one year. A monitoring series in the breeding cattle herd indicated that feed concentrations were not necessarily reflected in urinary concentrations; urinary monitoring assay by ELISA may be a simple and accurate method that reflects the exposure/absorption of ZEN. Additionally, although the ZEN exposure level appeared not to be critical compared with the Japanese ZEN limitation in dietary feeds, a negative regression trend between the ZEN and AMH concentrations was observed, indicating that only at extremely universal mycotoxin exposure levels, ZEN exposure may affect the number of antral follicles in cattle. A negative regression trend between the ZEN and SAA concentrations could also be demonstrated, possibly indicating the innate immune suppression caused by low-level chronic ZEN exposure. Finally, significant differences (p = 0.0487) in calving intervals between pre-ZEN monitoring (mean &plusmn; SEM: 439.0 &plusmn; 41.2) and post-ZEN monitoring (349.9 &plusmn; 6.9) periods were observed in the monitored five cows. These preliminary results indicate that the urinary ZEN monitoring system may be a useful practical tool not only for detecting contaminated herds under field conditions but also provides an initial look at the effects of long-term chronic ZEN/STC (or other co-existing mycotoxins) exposure on herd productivity and fertility