14 research outputs found
Claw lesions and lameness in zero-grazed cattle fed on brewer\'s grain in Uganda
Une évaluation des conséquences directes de l'alimentation des bovins en stabulation avec des drêches de brasserie sur les onglons a été faite lors d'une étude conduite dans le district de Kampala. Les pattes de 218 bovins dans 35 unités de stabulation ont été examinées de juin 2003 à juin 2004. Les bovins dans 20/35 unités de stabulation étaient servis de drêches de brasserie, tandis que ceux dans les 15 autres n'en recevaient pas. Les unités étaient soigneusement choisies.
La comparaison des animaux nourris de drêches de brasserie à ceux qui n'en étaient pas servis, a révélé que les lésions dues à la fourbure aiguë étaient deux fois plus fréquentes chez les derniers. Les lésions dues à la fourbure aiguë constituaient 66,6% des lésions observées chez les bovins servis de drêches de brasserie et 33,4% chez les autres qui n'en recevaient pas. Pendant l'enquête qui a duré une année, la boiterie due aux lésions des onglons affectait 36,7% des animaux. Quarante- sept pour- cent (47,8%) des bovins nourris de drêches de brasserie souffraient de boiterie à cause des lésions des onglons, comparé à 24% chez ceux qui n'en recevaient pas. La boiterie était fortement liée à l'alimentation avec des drêches de brasserie (Χ²(0,05 ; 1) = 3,84< 13,86 ; RP = 2,86). Il a été conclu que les lésions dues à la fourbure aiguë sont les principales causes de boiterie à Kampala ; par ailleurs, la boiterie constitue un problème majeur chez les bovins servis de rations contenant une forte proportion de drêches de brasserie.
Mots-clés: Bovins en stabulation, drêche de brasserie, fourbure aiguë, boiterie, élevage périurbain.
An assessment of the direct consequenses of feeding brewer's grain on claws of zero-grazed cattle was undertaken in an incidence study in Kampala District. Feet from 218 cattle in 35 zerograzing units were studied from June 2003 to June 2004. Cattle in 20 of the zero-grazing units were fed brewer's grain while 15 of the units did not feed brewer's grain. The units were conveniently selected. Comparing brewer's grain fed and non-grain fed animals, the prevalence of laminitis associated lesions was doubled in the former. Laminitis-associated lesions constituted 66.6% of all lesions in cattle fed on brewer's grain and 33.4% in those not fed brewer's grain. Within the one year of investigation, 36.7% of the animals studied suffered lameness as a result of claw lesions. Fortyseven percent (47.8%) of cattle fed on brewer's grain suffered from lameness due to claw lesions compared to 24.0% of those not fed on brewer's grain. Lameness was strongly associated with the feeding of brewer's grain (Χ²(0.05, 1) =3.8
Prevalence and risk factors associated with lameness in zero-grazed cattle in Uganda
No Abstract. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Vol. 52 (2) 2004: pp. 63-7
An evaluation of non-surgical castration by single intratesticular injection of lactic acid in adult mubende goats (capra hircus)
On a utilisé quarante chèvres (5 groupes de 8) pour évaluer les effets de l\'injection intratesticulaire d\'acide lactique pour la castration. Le 1er groupe (groupe-témoin) a reçu une injection intratesticulaire d\'eau isotonique, tandis que le 2ème groupe était castré à l\'aide de la chirurgie. Les 3è, 4è et 5è groupes ont reçu chacun une seule injection
bilatérale de 88% d\'acide lactique à raison de 1, 2 et 3 ml/10kg de poids vif, respectivement.
Les chèvres ont fait l\'objet de contrôle quotidien pour observer les réactions de stress
telles que les changements d\'appétit, la démarche et le comportement. Le sang était
prélevé chaque semaine pour l\'hématologie, le test de cortisol dans le plasma et le
prolan A (FSH). On a également effectué une évaluation du sperme et des tests d\'enzymes
de tissu testiculaire: la glutamyl-transptidase (GTP) et la déshydrogénase de l\'acide
lactique (LDH).
Les traitements par la chirurgie et l\'acide lactique ont considérablement augmenté
Prevalence of common gastro-intestinal nematode infections in commercial goat farms in Central Uganda
Gastro-intestinal nematode (GIN) infections are the leading cause of production losses in commercial goat farms worldwide. This study determined the level of gastro-intestinal nematodes (GIN) infection and identified the common GIN parasites in commercial goat production in Central Uganda. Faecal egg counts and morphological larval identification in coprocultures were used to estimate the burden of common GIN of goats in Central Uganda. Egg shedding was detected in 43% of the goats. Worm burdens were highest (498 -713 epg) in goats 3-5 and 8-9 months old. Goats of 6-8 and older than 9 months showed relatively lower egg counts (254- 491epg). Haemonchus (56%), Oesophagostomum (33%) and strongyloides species (11%) were the only nematode species identified on coprocultures.Key words: Gastro-intestinal nematode, Haemonchus species, Oesophagostomum, worm
Preliminary studies on antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from cattle and children in the pastoral community of Nyabushozi, Uganda
No Abstract. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa Vol. 54(1) 2006: 79-8
Evaluation of Pinhole castration as an alternative technique for goat sterilization
La ligature in situ du cordon spermatique (Castration Pinhole) a été décrite comme une technique originale peu invasive de castration des veaux. La présente étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer le stress, la morphologie des testicules et l’efficacité de la méthode sur des boucs adultes cliniquement sains. Les animaux (n = 15, âgés de 1 à 1,5 ans) ont été divisés en 3 groupes de 5. Groupe 1 = contrôle (aucun traitement), groupe 2 = castration chirurgicale et groupe 3 = castration pinhole. Les animaux ont été surveillés quotidiennement à travers des examens cliniques de stress et d’un dosage du cortisol plasmatique. L’efficacité de la méthode a été évaluée par l’étude des caractéristiques séminales et des changements morphologiques de testicules. Les boucs qui ont subi la castration pinhole ont montré une élévation du cortisol plasmatique et des le 7ème jour,ont été azoospermiques et ont manifestés l’atrophie testiculaire. Les sections histologiques ont montré une nécrose ischémique complète.Nous avons conclu que la castration pinhole est applicable chez les boucs car elle est simple, peu invasive, efficace et moins stressante par rapport à la chirurgie. Elle peut être employée comme une alternative convenable à la castration chirurgicale chez les chèvres.In situ spermatic cord ligation (Pinhole castration) has been described as a novel, minimally invasive technique in calf castration. The current study evaluated stress, testicular morphology and effectiveness of the method in clinically healthy adult goats. Bucks (n = 15, 1-1.5 years old) were divided in to 3 groups of 5. Group 1 = control (no treatment), group 2 = surgical castration and group 3 = pinhole castration. In situ spermaticcord ligation (pinhole technique) was performed in accordance with the procedure described by Ponvijay (2007). Animals were monitored through daily clinical examinations for behavioral indicators of stress in addition to assay of plasma cortisol. Effectiveness of method was assessed through evaluation of seminal characteristics and testicular morphologic changes. All pinhole castrated goats showed elevation in plasma cortisoland by day 7, were azoospermic and manifested testicular atrophy. Histological sections revealed complete ischemic necrosis.We concluded that pinhole castration is applicable in goats for it is simple, minimally invasive, effective and less stressful compared to surgery. It may be employed as a suitable alternative to surgical castration in goats
Small intestinal obstruction and perforation by undigested straw and cortical bone in a captive lion cub: a case report
No Abstract.Animal Production Research Advances Vol. 3 (4) 2007: pp. 282-28
Welfare and health of captive african grey parrots in Kampala, Uganda
A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the living environment, feeding and health care of parrots kept as pets in homes within Kampala city, Uganda between January and May 2005. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted to test the significance of housing attributes on the occurrence of feather loss and reported as adjusted odds ratios (AOR). A total of 148 parrots were studied in 97 homes, where 56 (38%) of the birds were in solitary confinement, while 82 (62%) were paired. All the parrots except a pair were apparently caught from the wild. Many (41%) cages were less than 1m2 in floor area while 44% of the cages had no perches. Most owners fed fresh unpelleted peanuts (91%), sugar cane (69%) and pepper (67%). Feather loss was the most prevalent condition observed with the risk of feather loss higher in birds kept solitary (AOR = 2.18: CI, 1.24, 3.98), those in small cages (AOR = 2.15: CI, 1.21, 2.47) and those in cages without perches (AOR = 2.12; 95% CI: 1.13-3.47). We observed that more than 40% of grey parrots kept as pets in Uganda were not provided comfortable living cages and were all fed principally on unprocessed seeds and grains, posing risks of malnutrition. Keywords: African grey parrots; pets; welfare; UgandaAnimal Production Research Advances Vol. 2 (3) 2006: pp. 139-14
An Evaluation of Pinhole Castration as an Alternative Technique for Dog Population Control in Resource-Poor Communities
We evaluated pinhole castration as an alternative technique for dog population control in resource poor rural communities of Gulu, Northern Uganda. Through a campaign dubbed ‘Big Fix Gulu’, households in selected communities were mobilized using radio announcements, posters and school visits, to present dogs for mass sterilization during community mobile spay/neuter clinics. All male dogs presented were sterilized using the pinhole method under xylazine-thiopental anesthesia. Castrated dogs were closely monitored for up to five days after castration. In 12 days, 278 dogs were castrated. The mean duration for pinhole procedure was 11.4 minutes. Duration of pinhole castration reduced significantly (p<0.05) with increase in dog weight. Each pinhole procedure cost approximately 2.12 United States dollars. The cost significantly (p<0.05) increased with increase in dog weight. Post-operative complications were reported in 23 (8.30%) dogs 2-3 days after castration. These included painful swelling of the testes and dullness of castrated dogs. There was unilateral testicular atrophy in two (0.72%) cases three (3) months after castration. We concluded that pinhole castration is indeed a simple, cheap and effective alternative for mass dog castration; the technique could be adopted for dog population in developing countries.Keywords: Dogs, mass sterilization, poor communities, pinhole castratio