92 research outputs found

    Public investment for private enterprise: a study of the role of parastatals as an actor and indicator of social change in Kenya

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    Public enterprise is a common feature of many economies throughout the world. It is a formula that has been applied in both socialist and capitalist states and is pervasive in Africa. The study of the phenomenon in Africa reveals that public Enterprise in not only an instrument of economic policy, it also has set social and political goals. The case of African Countries seems that after the euphoria of political independence, the exigencies of economic independence called for increased state intervention. In Kenya this intervention has been motivated by a desire to promote private (indigenous mainly and to a lesser extent, other) enterprise. The consequences have been the perpetuation and amplification of social and regional disparities that were already in existence or incipient at independence. The paper is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with the theoretical and historical origins of state enterprise, as well as the definition of the concept. The second part deals with the results - economic and social of this-type of intervention in Kenya

    Dialogue as a management tool for conflict resolution at Rongo University

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    Other approaches have been used for decades to solving issues in Kenyan public universities, but the methods have been found to be less humane and costly. The need to embrace dialogue is a better approach in conflict resolution and should be encouraged towards a transformed society. This study investigates dialogue as a management tool for conflict resolution at Rongo University. It raises the need for knowledge of what dialogue is, competence in how to employ dialogue and its use for it to be a tool in conflict resolution. Employees move beyond any one individual’s understanding to gain new insights and create new ideas in ways that cannot be achieved individually. It describes the dialogue process and explores how it shifts both individuals and a group to a collective, shared understanding. In dialogue all parties involved are givers and takers, dialogue can be carried out at different levels at which participants are influenced or influence others. The study was guided by the following objectives; to identify the importance of dialogue in conflict resolution at Rongo University, investigate the requirements for dialogue in conflict resolution at Rongo University and examine if dialogue can be used as a sustainable management tool in conflict resolution at Rongo University. Data was collected from employees of Rongo University. Descriptive study was applied, and purposive sample used. The target population was a total of 500 employees and a sample size of 217 using Krejcie and Morgan sampling table. It was anchored by dialogue theory. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were adapted using questionnaires and observation. Tables, graphs and pie charts were used in data presentation. Results indicated that some of the approaches used in conflict resolution were due to delays, fear of dialogue, and insensitivity of management. The conclusion from the study was that dialogue had not been fully embraced and lack of dialogue was due to the attitude that has developed over time. Employees have not been adequately informed on the importance of embracing dialogue as a better approach to conflict resolution

    Assessment of GFR in the evaluation of potential living kidney donors at the Wits Donald Dordon Medical Center (WDGMC) and Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH)

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Medicine Johannesburg, 2018.Equations that estimate GFR (eGFR) are widely used in clinical practice to estimate kidney function in sub-Saharan Africa, but have not been validated for use in this region. This study assessed the performance of eGFR equations in adults evaluated for suitability for live kidney donation against a gold standard radionuclear GFR measurement (mGFR) and determined their usefulness for screening live kidney donors in South Africa. This study was a retrospective record review of 350 adults evaluated for living kidney donation from 1996 – 2013 at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) and Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre (WDGMC). Their eGFR was calculated using CG, 4-v MDRD and CKD-EPI equations. Plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA was used as a reference method for mGFR. The 4-v MDRD (with and without ethnicity adjustment) and the CKD-EPI (without ethnicity adjustment) equations underestimated the mGFR (negative bias of -8 mL/min/1.73m2, -16 mL/min/-1.73m2 and -6.4 mL/min/1.73m2 respectively).However, the bias associated with the average mGFR using the CG and CKD-EPI (with ethnicity adjustment) equations was not significant (2.3 mL/min/1.73m2 and 0.6 respectively).Use of the ethnicity factor resulted in overestimation of mGFR for both the 4v-MDRD equation (by 24.2ml/min/1.73m2 compared to 6.8 ml/min/1.73m2 without it) and the CKD-EPI equation (by 21.8ml/min/1.73m2, compared to 7.6ml/min/1.73m2, without the ethnicity factor). In conclusion, this study showed that almost half of adults screened for living donation in Johannesburg were not eligible due to comorbid hypertension, diabetes and unexplained kidney disease. In addition, the error statistics worsened as mGFR increased and all four prediction equations had a low sensitivity for determining individuals with a GFR <80 ml/min/1.73m2. Based on the findings in this study, use of a gold standard measured GFR should be the preferred method for assessing kidney function in potential living kidney donors in South Africa.LG201

    RNA – Sustainable Marine & Freshwater Economic Development (SMAFED)

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    In a knowledge-based economy, the capacity to compete in the global market is highly dependent on the ability to innovate and apply the relevant technologies to industries and productive sectors. Investment in Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) and its integration into the social, economic and governance policies can increase global market competiveness, create employment and increase productivity, which are key components for achieving S. African Vision 2030. It is against this National background that Walter Sisulu University (WSU) has established RNAs. The general theme of the RNA is; Marine & Freshwater Resource Management & Economic Development. Hence, the name the proposed name (SMAFED

    Automation of Cellular Network Faults

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    RNA – Sustainable Marine & Freshwater Economic Development (SMAFED)

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    In a knowledge-based economy, the capacity to compete in the global market is highly dependent on the ability to innovate and apply the relevant technologies to industries and productive sectors. Investment in Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) and its integration into the social, economic and governance policies can increase global market competiveness, create employment and increase productivity, which are key components for achieving S. African Vision 2030. It is against this National background that Walter Sisulu University (WSU) has established RNAs. The general theme of the RNA is; Marine & Freshwater Resource Management & Economic Development. Hence, the name the proposed name (SMAFED

    Modelling of reliable service based operations support system (MORSBOSS)

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe underlying theme of this thesis is identification, classification, detection and prediction of cellular network faults using state of the art technologies, methods and algorithms


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    "No English Abstract"L'entreprise publique joue un róle décisif dans la stratégie de développement de nonbreux pays d'Afrique. De plus, et ceci est tout a fait rernarquable, la prolifération du phénomène conduit a penser qu'il existe urie croyance générale que la promotion de la croissance économique est beaucoup trop importante pour u'elle soit abandonnée aux mains du secteur privé. Dans ces conditions, l'intérêt croissant que suscite parmi les chercheurs le facteur d'entreprise publique ne saurait done être surestimé.Le développement économique dépassait les compétences normales de l'administration classique. La réponse concrete a cette difficulté fut l'établissement d'entreprises publiques, unites autonomes ou quasi -autonomes, recevant mandat d'opérer - du moms pour La plupart - comme des organisations commerciales servant les demandes de la nation, telles que les expriment les diriqeaints politiques.Dans ce conte6te, on doit z'egretter non seulement lemanque de recherchs sur l'entreprise publique en Afrique, mais égalerpent le caractère partiel des etudes me-flees jusqu'à une période récent

    Morphology, histology and histochemistry of the digestive tract of the Banded tilapia, Tilapia sparrmanii (Perciformes: Cichlidae)

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    ABSTRACT. This study described anatomical, histological and histochemical features of the mucosal layer of the digestive tract of Tilapia sparrmanii Smith, 1840, an omnivorous freshwater fish endemic to Southern Africa. This species exhibited a short thick oesophagus with long deep longitudinal folds (466.68 ± 16.91 µm), and a thick (173.50 ± 10.92 µm) muscular layer that allow the passage of large food items. The mucosa was lined with stratified secretory epithelium rich in goblet cells that secreted neutral and acid mucins. The stomach was a sac-like structure with simple tubular glands surrounded by connective tissue. The mucosa was lined with simple columnar epithelium and the lamina propria exhibited a well-developed layer of gastric glands that occupied the entire length of the cardio-fundic region. The stomach mucosa consisted of epithelial cells with intense neutral mucin secretion which protects against gastric juice. Neck cells of gastric glands synthesized neutral and acid mucins. The intestine was highly coiled and presented a complex pattern of transversal folds internally (villi). Villi length decreased progressively from the anterior to the posterior intestine (p < 0.0001). Tunica muscularis of the mid-intestine had the thinnest thickness among all parts of the intestine (p < 0.0001). Goblet cells whose numbers increased towards the rectum secreted both acid and neutral mucins. The results indicate structural similarities of T. sparrmanii GIT with other tilapia species and will be useful for understanding the physiology of the digestive systems as well as functional components of the GIT
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