154 research outputs found

    A Review and Some Consideration of the Studies on Identity of Artists with Visual Impairments

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    This paper surveys and reviews clinical psychological studies on the identity of artists with visual impairments from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes the field of rehabilitation. It also discusses differences and similarities between the identity of artists with visual impairments and others. Looking at the studies of other countries, interest in rehabilitation and the acceptance of disabilities among those facing them has been increasing since the 1950s. A few reports actually exist that describe psychological studies conducted in the United States on persons with visual impairments. In recent years, we also find a few studies on measurement of psychological adaptation and counseling for developing coping strategies for persons with visual impairments, but no studies have yet been carried out on an ongoing basis with a view to long-term psychological support. Due to the close link between artistic expression and clinical psychology, especially psychoanalysis, some research has dealt with the relation of identity to literature and other works. However, the number of studies focusing on artistic expression ‒ particularly painting ‒ by persons with visual impairments remains insignificant. When we survey studies of identity conducted in Japan and overseas, many of these relate to adolescence. Rather, this study relates to research focusing on the process of identity development in middle aged people, when this identity is most prone to serious psychological crisis. Throughout history, many painters are known to have suffered from visual impairments that shook the foundations of their artistic identity. However, the artists in this study used their own crisis of identity as a turning point and developed two paradoxical identities ‒ an identity as a person with visual impairment and an identity as a visual artist ‒. There is a need for empirical research into the process of how the identity of artists with visual impairments develops in relationship with others

    Model-Informed Vancomycin Dosing Optimization to Address Delayed Renal Maturation in Infants and Young Children with Critical Congenital Heart Disease

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article, Shimamoto Y., Fukushima K., Mizuno T., et al. Model-Informed Vancomycin Dosing Optimization to Address Delayed Renal Maturation in Infants and Young Children with Critical Congenital Heart Disease. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 115, 239 (2024), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpt.3095. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.Ensuring safe and effective drug therapy in infants and young children often requires accounting for growth and organ development; however, data on organ function maturation are scarce for special populations, such as infants with congenital diseases. Children with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) often require multiple staged surgeries depending on their age and disease severity. Vancomycin (VCM) is used to treat postoperative infections; however, the standard pediatric dose (60–80 mg/kg/day) frequently results in overexposure in children with CCHD. In this study, we characterized the maturation of VCM clearance in pediatric patients with CCHD and determined the appropriate dosing regimen using population pharmacokinetic (PK) modeling and simulations. We analyzed 1,254 VCM serum concentrations from 152 postoperative patients (3 days–13 years old) for population PK analysis. The PK model was developed using a two-compartment model with allometrically scaled body weight, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and postmenstrual age as covariates. The observed clearance in patients aged ≤ 1 year and 1–2 years was 33% and 40% lower compared with that of non-CCHD patients, respectively, indicating delayed renal maturation in patients with CCHD. Simulation analyses suggested VCM doses of 25 mg/kg/day (age ≤ 3 months, eGFR 40 mL/min/1.73 m2) and 35 mg/kg/day (3 months < age ≤ 3 years, eGFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m2). In conclusion, this study revealed delayed renal maturation in children with CCHD, could be due to cyanosis and low cardiac output. Model-informed simulations identified the lower VCM doses for children with CCHD compared with standard pediatric guidelines

    The Current Situation and Issues of Sexual Health Education by School Nurses in Muntinlupa City, Philippines

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    Cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and teenage pregnancy have been increasing among adolescents in the Philippines. School nurses (SNs) are expected to deliver quality healthcare services and provide relevant sexual health education for students. This study explores the current situation of providing sexual health education by SNs in Muntinlupa City toward health promotion and gains understanding of school health issues in the Philippines. This study employed a cross sectional research design using anonymous self-administered questionnaires, which were distributed to 23 SNs. Then, a semi-structured interview was conducted with them in Muntinlupa City. Among the 23 SNs, 30.4% of them were affiliated to high schools. The most frequent health issues experienced by primary school students were malnutrition, gastrointestinal pain due to hunger, upper respiratory tract infection, and poor hygiene. In high schools, the most frequent health issues were poor mental health, malnutrition and early pregnancy. SNs lacked knowledge on STI, mental health, sex education, safe sex, teenage pregnancy and nutritional care for children. In conclusion, SNs lack knowledge about sex education (early pregnancy and STIs) and mental health. Therefore, seminars should be provided for all SNs to gain adequate knowledge and skills to teach students of all types of school

    Attempts to create the amenity from the nursing point of view - Through approach by using the wrapping skills -

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    病院におけるアメニティの重要性は十数年前から言われているが,それは建物の建築の時だけでなく,その後療養の場所をどのように維持し,快適環境を患者にいつまでも提供していくかである。これまで日常の看護業務において掲示物やパンフレットの置き方,床頭台のあり方などは整理整頓の一環で病棟管理の中にあった。だが,もう一つの流れがある。ウイリアム・モリスは生活の中における芸術化を考え,生活用品そのものに美しきと手作りの良さがあることを提唱した。こうした生活デザインの流れの中で,本研究では本学科棟内において床頭台のディスプレイや掲示の仕方,パンフレットの置き方など,ラッピング技法を使用し,入院生活上のアメニティの創出を試みた。その後,ラッピング技法を用いたアメニティ創出の試みは患者の心を癒す可能性のあることを明らかにした。また,ラッピング技法使用上の留意点についても指摘した。The importance of producing the comfortable environment, namely to create the amenity for the patients admitted in the hospitals, has been recognized recently. In this study, to create the better amenity for admitted patients' daily life by the nurses, we examined the influence of the ways of displaying, placing and decorating the daily materials, such as booklets, tea cups, letters and etc. on a bed side table, using the wrapping skills. As a result, we found out that creating the amenity using the wrapping skills might be useful for the admitted patients' care and their mental healing. Furthermore, we indicated some important points when using the wrapping skills, such as selecting appropriate materials and methods suiting for each subjected matter

    Network Centrality and Foreigu Direct Investment Withdrawal of Japanese Firms

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    日本国内の需要の低迷とアジアなどの新興国経済の成長を背景に、日本企業の海外進出が増加している。海外進出企業は本国の景気動向や親会社の業績に左右される状況下にあるため、様々なリスクが存在する。その結果、海外進出したものの撤退する企業の問題も生じている。これまでこのような問題が表面化してこなかったのには、海外進出を行う日本企業が一部の大手に限られていたことや、業種も製造業を中心としていたことなどの要因があげられる。また実証面でのデータの制約などの要因によっても、海外進出企業の資金調達について踏み込んだ議論は限られていた。どのような企業が海外に行くのかについては、生産性の違いに着目した多くの分析が存在する。近年は海外進出を行ったために生産性が高まったのか、そもそも生産性が高い企業が進出を決定しているのかといった点に注目した研究に蓄積がある。 しかし近年、こうした海外進出企業の撤退問題が取り上げられている。この問題について検証を行った分析は少ない。一方で、日本企業の生産性の問題については、Fujiwara and Aoyama(2011)の一連の研究のようにネットワーク分析という統計物理の手法を用いた新たな視点から研究が進められている。海外進出に企業間ネットワークの存在の影響については多くの研究で指摘されているが、ネットワークの構造を特定化した分析は皆無といえる。 本論では企業の取引ネットワークの構造を特定化し、その上で海外進出と撤退について、こうしたネットワーク構造の違いが、影響を及ぼしているのか検証を行った。結果として、一般に、海外進出をしている企業は、企業規模が大きくて、労働生産性も高く、また企業間ネットワークが広い企業であることがわかった。また平成24-25年にかけて、海外進出を実施した企業では、企業間取引ネットワークの中心性がつよい傾向にあることがわかった。一方で、海外からの撤退をした企業とそうでない企業、および海外企業を継続した企業とそうでない企業との間における、本社企業の企業間取引ネットワークとの関係をみると、この時期海外を継続する企業は、そうでない企業に比べて、平均的な企業間取引ネットワークが大きい傾向にあるが、回帰分析ではその有意性が確認できなかった。論

    Vorstellung einiger Diplomarbeiten 2011

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    Market reaction to the announcement of internal control systems development

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     本稿では、会社法に基づく内部統制システム構築の基本方針についての適時開示に対する証券市場の反応を検証するに当たり、基本方針についての適時開示回数に着目することにより、企業の内部統制システムの構築の積極度によって証券市場の反応が異なるのかどうかを解明している。さらに本稿では、適時開示資料における基本方針の改定理由の記載の有無やその具体的な開示内容に着目することにより、内部統制システムの構築をめぐる企業の開示姿勢や企業が内部統制システムの構築に取り組む背景によっても、証券市場の反応が異なるのかどうかを解明している。 検証の結果、何回も基本方針を改定して内部統制システムの構築に他社よりも熱心に取り組んでいれば、証券市場に好感されることを明らかにしている。また、基本方針の改定についての適時開示に際して改定の理由の内容を問わずただ改定の理由を開示しているというだけでは、情報開示には積極的であるのに証券市場には必ずしも好感されないことを明らかにしている。さらに、証券市場は、基本方針の改定理由の具体的な開示内容から企業の内部統制システムの構築の背景を評価しており、改定理由の内容によっては改定の理由を開示していない場合よりも、証券市場が嫌気してしまう場合さえあることを明らかにしている。 We investigate the market reaction to the announcement of internal control systems development. First, we analyze whether the market reactions vary with the activeness of internal control systems development by focusing on the times of the announcement. Second, we also test whether the market reactions vary with the attitude toward disclosure about internal control systems development by focusing on the presence or absence of disclosure in the announcement regarding the reason why firms revise their basic policy on internal control systems. Third, we additionally examine whether the market reactions vary with the background of internal control systems development by focusing on the disclosed contents in the announcement. We find that market positively reacts with the announcements when firms repeatedly revise their basic policy on internal control systems. This implies that market evaluate their active stance on internal control systems development. We also provide the evidence that market does not necessarily react with the announcements when firms positively disclose the reason why they revise the policy. This suggests that market does not simply react with their active commitment on the disclosure of the reason but evaluate the background of internal control systems development from the disclosed contents. Furthermore, we show the evidence that market sometimes more negatively reacts with the announcements when some firms disclose the reason than when others do not disclose it.論文 (Article

    Preferable lighting conditions for dining and communicating with the family : appropriate conditions for the appearance of dishes and faces and the impression of the dining table

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     This study aims to show the preferable lighting conditions for the appearance of dishes and smooth communications with family in the dining room. We conducted an experiment on the subjective evaluation under 43 lighting conditions in total, which combined light source, light color, and illuminance. 20 subjects evaluated "Brightness", "Visibility", and "Preference of the appearance" for each object ; dishes on the dining table and the faces of those who sit around the dining table. After, they evaluated satisfaction of lighting conditions. Additionally, they evaluated "Impression of the dining table" using 20 pairs of adjectives of the Semantic Differential method. The results showed that illuminance, color temperature, and spectral distribution of light source are major factors in the verification of lighting for the dining room

    Prevalence of Masked Obesity Associated with Lifestyle-Related Habits, Dietary Habits, and Energy Metabolism in Japanese Young Women

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    We investigated the prevalence of Masked Obesity (MO) and the correlations between MO and lifestylerelated habits (e.g., exercise habits, dieting habits), dietary habits, energy metabolism, and seasons. The subjects were 131 young Japanese college students. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance method and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) was measured by an indirect calorimeter. Subjects with a BMI in the normal range (n=110) were divided into the MO (percentage of body fat to Body Weight [BF]≥30%) and control (C) (BF&lt;30%) groups. Dietary energy and nutrient intakes were calculated from weighed dietary records. A questionnaire on lifestyle habits was obtained individually from the subjects. The percentage of MO was 32% of subjects within normal BMI. The prevalence of MO was the highest in winter, probably due to accumulation of body fat as an adaptation to cold. The MO group had low Fat-Free Mass (FFM) and high BF. RMR of the MO group was significantly lower than that of the C group. The MO group tended to have poor exercise habits, more dieting (restricting calorie intake) experiences and consumed a diet with less vegetables and beans. We concluded that the prevalence of MO was 32%; it was the highest in winter for subjects who had high fat and low FFM. This fact may be due to poor exercise, more dieting experiences and insufficient intake of vegetables and beans. Furthermore, this accumulation of body fat may be partly due to low RMR

    コウコウセイ オ タイショウ トシタ キツエン ボウシ キョウイク ノ コウカ オヨビ カゾク エノ ハキュウ コウカ

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    The aim of this survey was to clarify the effects of smoking prevention education to the highschool students, and its ripple effects to their families. Participants were same group of630students. Questionnaire surveys were conducted, self-reporting and anonymous, immediately before and after the lecture meeting, and after8month in2011‐2012fiscal year. As a result, significant favorable changes were observed in female students regarding the images of smoking and the prediction of behavior associated with smoking in the future. However, favorable outcome was not observed among both male and female students after eight months. As useful educational contents, to help stop smoking behavior in the future, the causes of vulnerability to cancer and strong dependence on nicotine were pointed out. Significantly high rates were observed : male students selected the“economical reasons”“, social responsibility”and“transition of smoking rate”; female students selected the“effect on appearance”and“effect on babies”. Also, the smoking rate of the parents of targeted students was lower than the national average, which revealed that their parents were grappling with the problem of smoking abstinence, caused by the chance of having conversations about smoking with their family members. We conclude that it is necessary to construct the educational contents appropriate for the characteristics of each targeted group including family background in order to make smoking abstinence a success. Future studies are also necessary to develop effective educational continuous and periodical approaches of the lecture meeting, which will trigger the cessation of smoking and promote conversation within the family unit