44 research outputs found

    Optimizing Manage Mobile Application Projects with Limited Resources in P.T. XYZ

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    XYZ Company was established in1999 and since 2003 focuses on mobile and internet technology. Their vision is to become a leading provider for mobile-service-platform and value-added service solutions and its mission is to helps brands, content providers, portals and media companies to enable themselves and their contents to be “mobile ready”. Their experiences combined with extensive R&D make them able to provide their clients a head start in their new media and mobile business initiatives. They are also cooperating with prominent vendor like EA and Disney as a reseller of mobile content for Indonesia market. Currently they have around 70 employees that divided into 3 divisions: Content Division (selling mobile content), Solution Division (help clients to find solutions using mobile technology) and R & D division (research against latest mobile technology). Mobile application industry growing very fast in line with high demand of smartphone, and now mobile applications also become one of company\u27s marketing tool. This condition can be maximized by XYZ Company through partnering with advertising agency that makes them flooded with many mobile application projects that makes them facing “good problem” related with limited mobile programmers. In other hands they are facing “real problem” in content division, the total revenue dropped significantly up to 65% due to government policy meanwhile company avoid to do lay-off and hope the revenue from this division will raise again. In normal situation, this good problem can be solved by in-house with hire new programmers (if the project related with company\u27s core competence) or outsourcing (if the project not too related with company\u27s core competence), but adding with dropped revenue from content division makes this problem become more complex. This final project purposes is to find out which one better in-house or outsourcing a project and whether any other alternatives that fit with XYZ Company\u27s current condition. In order to find the solutions, data collected through direct interview to related parties and accredited media such as newspaper and website. The results from data analysis show additional problems where between programmer quite difficult to share knowledge and also several programmers resigned and move to other companies due to high competition. Through project management, knowledge management and business strategy theory approach, this final project recommend that company has to do improvement in project management through establish project management office, and implement good knowledge management system to easier sharing knowledge between programmers. In addition of that, company also has to able to increase their programmers\u27 commitment by developing their skill with training and education to improve their competencies and find a way to make content division\u27s revenue rise again. This recommendation need to be supported and socialize well to all stake holders

    Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Eksekusi Benda Jaminan Grosse Akta Pengakuan Utang

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    Kehidupan manusia tidak luput dari hubungan antara sesame, yang ada kalanya mempunyai akibat hukum, demikian halnya dalam perjanjian utang piutang pada lembaga perbankan dengan jaminan akta pengakuan utang dari debitur. Akta pengakuan utang merupakan pernyataan sepihak debitur yang dibuat dihadapan notaries bahwa debitur mempunyai sejumlah utang tertentu. Akta pengakuan utang pada dasarnya selalu mencantumkan suatu benda tertentu yang dianggap sebagai jaminan yang dapat dijual kreditur manakala debitur wanprestasi, tanpa melalui proses hukum terlebih dahulu. Kedudukan akta pengakuan utang sebagai akta otentik, memberikan kedudukan istimewa kepada kreditur oleh karena dipersamakan dengan putusan hakim yang berkekuatan tetap karena terdapat prase “Demi Keadilan Berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa”, prase ini yang memberikan nilai eksekutorial

    Penggalian Nilai-nilai Antikorupsi Dari Peribahasa Minangkabau Sebagai Upaya Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa

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    Penggalian nilai-nilai antikorupsi dari peribahasa Minangkabau sebagai upaya pembangunan karakter bangsa dapat dikelompokkan menjadi delapan kategori. Pertama, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang bertentangan dengan sikap dan perilaku korupsi. Kedua, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan situasi, Ketiga, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan keinginan yang tidak bertepi atau nafsu para pelaku korupsi. Keempat, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung elemen-elemen makna yang dapat menjelma menjadi nilai yang dapat disalahtafsirkan oleh manusia dan dibelokkan sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Kelima, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan keberpihakan kepada pelaku korupsi. Keenam, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang mencerminkan bagaimana pelaku korupsi bersikap dan berperilaku setelah pada akhirnya mereka terbukti melakukan korupsi atau perbuatan mereka diketahui oleh masyarakat. Ketujuh, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang tetap menjaga, memelihara, dan menghargai sisi-sisi kemanusiaan dari pelaku korupsi. Dan kedelapan, peribahasa Minangkabau mengandung nilai-nilai yang meng-gambarkan penyesalan pelaku korupsi setelah melakukan suatu tindakan atau perbuatan korupsi

    Perbandingan Tingkat Stres Antara Mahasiswa Program Lanjutan Dan Reguler Dihubungkandengan Insomnia Mahasiswa Semester Akhirdalam Penyelesaian Skripsidi Programstudi Ilmu Keperawatan Unsrat Manado

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    : Stress is a fact of life, not always lead to the negative. Stress with small intensity can be a driving force or motivation for a person to behave in a better direction. The purpose of research to compare the level of stress among students and regular follow-up program associated with insomnia.The study design analytic with a cross-sectional method, sample selection using purposive sampling. The number of samples used was 48 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with the Pearson chi square test and test the T-test (α = 0.05). The results showed a mean 29.37 and 31.16 student advanced programs mean regular students. The Probabilities value of comparison stress levels of advance and regular program students was 0.566. The conclusions from this study that there was no difference in the level of stress among students of advanced and regular program associated with the insomnia of the final semester students in the completion of a thesis in Nursing Science Program Unsrat Manado. Recommendations of this research that health promotion on the prevention of stress and insomnia needs to be done for prevention of stress and insomnia in order to have the academic success

    Analisis Konsepsi dan Miskonsepsi Siswa Kelas XII IPA SMA Don Bosco Sanggau pada Materi Evolusi

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    This study was aimed to discover 12th grade of science students' conception in evolution in SMA Don Bosco Sanggau. The method that used in this research was a descriptive method with 38 students as the sample. Ten multiple choice questions in three-tier was given to find out the distribution of students' conceptions. They were divided into four categories that are understanding concept, lack of knowledge¸ error, and misconception. The analysis results show that the average percentage of students' conceptions on each category were understand concept (55%), lack of knowledge (10%), error (1.8%), and misconception (33.5%). After students' misconceptions revealed, interview was conducted in order to figure out the causes. Based on the result of the interview, misconception which was experienced by students caused by internal and external factors

    Survei Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Kompetensi Sosial Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    This study aimed to describe personal competence and social competence of teachers of physical education high schools in the city of Pontianak. The purpose of the research was to determine the competence of Personality and Social Competence owned State High School physical education teacher as the city of Pontianak. The method used to describe this research using quantitative descriptive type of survey research. Descriptive percentage is used to describe the research data. The samples studied are physical education teachers who teach at the National High School in the city of Pontianak as many as 10 people. The researchers' work of social competence and personality show, that the teacher of Physical Education Senior High School in the city of Pontianak classified in three classifications that teachers are included in the category of very high by 5 or by 50% while the number of teachers high category as many as four people or 40%. Teachers are included in the category of being counted 1 by 10%