5 research outputs found

    “Why You Gotta Be So Rude?”: The Transformation of Indonesian’s Taboo Words into English

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    In translation practice, the quality of the translated manuscript is influenced by the translators’ competencies by bringing culture, languages, social life, and language psychology (psycholinguistics) into account. Thus, the rendering process of taboo words frequently poses problems in translation. This study aimed at probing the emergence and transformation of taboo words as the impact of the translation of Indonesian novels to English. This study used two material objects. They were an original Indonesian novel, ‘Cantik Itu Luka’ (CIL, 2020/2002 by Eka Kurniawan published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama as the Source Text (ST) and its English translation entitled ‘Beauty is A Wound’ (BIAW, 2015) translated by Annie Tucker published by Pushkin Press as the Target Text (TT). In conducting this research, researchers were stepping on Slamia (2020) on taboo words classification and Ávila-Cabrera (2015) on the tension of taboo loads for detecting taboo words transformation. Meanwhile, data were generated using documentation techniques through content analysis and scrutinized using descriptive-qualitative methods. This study led to conclusions that the transformations of taboo words were manifested and reflected by toning up or increasing, toning down or decreasing, maintaining, neutralizing, as well as omitting the SL’s taboo word in the TL. Therefore, we also found through the findings that the concept of transformation is not always appropriate for translation due to the deviation of meanings and references as taboo words in the literary text were rich in aesthetic and poetic values. These findings indicate that although translators have the authority to carry out the transformation, it was not always appropriate to be used in some context

    Peningkatan Respon Imun Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) Melalui Kombinasi Vitamin D3, Mineral Ca Dan Mg Pada Pakan

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    Udang vaname merupakan biota perikanan yang tidak memiliki kekebalan tubuh spesifik. Sehingga dalam teknis pembudidayaan udang lebih menerapkan prinsip pencegahan terhadap serangan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peningkatan respon imun udang vaname melalui penghitungan jumlah total hemosit dan pengamatan perbedaan jenis hemosit yang dipelihara selama 60 hari. Pengujian dilakukan dengan perlakuan kombinasi vitamin D3, mineral Ca dan Mg (Hyperol) pada pakan antara lain kontrol (pemeliharaan udang tanpa suplementasi Hyperol) dan pemeliharaan udang dengan penambahan suplementasi Hyperol pada pakan sebanyak 0,25 mL/kg pakan (A); 0,5 mL/kg pakan (B); 0,75 mL/kg pakan (C); dan 1 mL/kg pakan (D). Hasil terbaik yang didapatkan adalah perlakuan dengan penambahan suplementasi Hyperol 1 mL/kg pakan dengan jumlah total hemosit 65,41±1,90 x 106 sel/mL. Hal ini menunjukkan penggunaan Hyperol 1 mL/kg pakan dapat meningkatkan respon imun pada udang vaname. Vannamei shrimp is fisheries commodity who doesn’t have specific immunity in their body, so principle of prevent against disease was the most important thing to be applied in shrimp farming techniques. The aims of this study is to see an increase in the immune response of vannamei shrimp through counting the total number of hemocytes and observing the different types of hemocytes maintained for 60 days. Tests were carried out with a combination treatment of vitamin D3, minerals Ca and Mg (Hyperol) on the feed, including controls (raising shrimp without Hyperol supplementation) and rearing shrimp with the addition of Hyperol supplementation to feed as much as 0.25 mL/kg feed (A); 0.5 mL/kg feed (B); 0.75 mL/kg feed (C); and 1 mL/kg feed (D). The best results obtained were treatment with the addition of 1 mL/kg Hyperol supplementation with a total hemocyte count of 65.41 ± 1.90 x 106 cells/mL. This shows that the use of Hyperol 1 mL/kg of feed can increase the immune response in vannamei shrimp.


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    Kegiatan Pengabdian bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada masyarakat Desa Sawah memperkenalkan, mengajarkan, dan mensosialisasikan produk olahan rumahan yang bisa menghasilkan pundi rupiah dan bisa membuka peluang bisnis melalui pelatihan pembuatan Selai Jeruk tanpa bahan kimia. Adapun kegiatan ini memiliki beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahapan pertama pendahuluan, tahapan kedua sosialisasi. Adapun target yang akan dicapai dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini ialah (1) dalam pelaksanaannya masyarakat Desa Sawah mampu memproduksi selai jeruk dengan memberikan pemahaman tentang selai jeruk (2) masyarakat mampu dan mengerti cara pembuatan selai jeruk (3) menciptakan peluang bisnis (4) dapat meningkatkan produktifitas masyarakat. Berdasarkan pengamatan selama kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, diperoleh hasil yang positif yaitu peserta yang ikut dalam kegiatan sosialisasi ini menunjukkan pertahatian yang baik dan sangat antusias dalam menerima materi yang disampaikan pemateri. Dengan demikian pengabdian mahasiswa kepada masyarakat Desa Sawah Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar berjalan dengan baik dan lancar

    Cisoka biru Cisoka baru

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    Saya sebagai ketua yayasan islam H. Bani Kojali merasa senang atas kehadirannya paraq mahasiswa melaksanakan KKN di kampung saya. Saya mengucapkan terima kasihke pada para mahasiswa atas bantuan yang diberikan kepada yayasan dan kampung saya

    Bladder injury in an incarcerated inguinal hernia in a pediatric patient

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    Bladder injury is a relatively uncommon side effect of inguinal hernia surgery. One of the causes is bladder ears, i.e., protrusions of the urinary bladder across the deep inguinal ring. Here, we presented a case of bladder injury during inguinal hernia surgery that was found intraoperative and successfully repaired without any sequelae for long-term follow up after surgery. A 10-month-old male came to the emergency department with a chief complaint of swelling and pain on the groin and profuse vomiting. Fluid resuscitation and manual reduction was performed but failed. Therefore, we decided to perform emergency surgery. We accidently opened the bladder during the surgery since mimicking the hernia sac. Fortunately, this injury was found intraoperatively. Subsequently, we repaired the bladder injury, followed by hernia repair. The patient was discharged uneventfully on a post-operative day 7. The patient was regularly followed up for approximately two years after surgery. No sequelae were noted. In conclusions, bladder injury is a rare case that might be occurred during an incarcerated inguinal hernia repair. Surgeons, particularly young surgeons or trainees should be aware of the possibility of bladder ears that might mimic the hernia sac and injured during the hernia repair