6 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi secara objektif mengenai pembinaan budi pekerti siswa SMP Negeri 1 Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak melalui mata pelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan bentuk deskriptif. Subjek penelitian siswa ini adalah kelas VIIA, VIIC dan VIIE, kelas VIIIB, VIIIC dan VIIID, kelas IXA, XIC dan IXF SMP Negeri 1 Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak tahun pelajaran 2018/ 2019 yang berjumlah 9 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik observasi dan teknik pengukuran. Adapun alat pengumpul data pada penelitian ini melalui wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Guru Pendidikan Pancasila dan kewarganegaraan sudah berperan aktif dalam pembinaan budi pekerti siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak baik yang dilakukan melalui proses pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai moral yang berhubungan dengan budi pekerti siswa, seperti kejujuran, kesopanan serta kedisiplinan maupun melalui pendekatan-pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan cara mencontohkan cara berbicara yang sopan dan cara berpakaian yang rapi; (2) Hasil pembinaan budi pekerti siswa SMP Negeri 1 Sengah Temila Kabupaten landak belum terimplementasi secara maksimal. Masih ada siswa yang yang kurang memahami pentingnya memiliki budi pekerti yang baik
Identification of professionalism behaviour blueprint assessment medical students with Eastern and Islamic culture in the profession program
Background: Medical institutions have a role and responsibility in training medical students to have the knowledge and skills needed to become a reliable doctor in terms of mastering knowledge, skills in the field of medicine. One thing that is often overlooked by medical institutions is forgetting aspects of professional behaviour. Professional behaviour is indispensable in creating a new generation of doctors who have professionalism and character. For medical institutions as a starting point in professional behaviour, it is very important to be able to formulate indicators of professional behaviour for medical students. Previous research is limited to the assessment of professional behaviour that is still generally conveyed and does not relate aspects of eastern and Islamic culture. The purpose of this study is to create a blueprint assessment of professional behaviour in the profession program of medical students.Methods: This research using a qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted with semi structured interviews and conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Pabelan, Kartasura, Central Java, Indonesia. Data analysis is done by general inductive approach.Results: This study formulated three major themes that influenced professionalism in professional students including professionalism in terms of cognitive/knowledge, skills/behavior, and attitude. Based on the results using semi structured interview, 18 items of instruments were formulated related to professionalism assessment in professional students including three cognitive assessments, seven assessment items about professionalism in terms of skills, and eight items of evaluation on professionalism in terms of attitude.Conclusions: Professionalism in Islamic and eastern culture of medical students includes cognitive abilities, skill abilities and attitudes. The instrument for evaluating the medical professionalism of Islamic and eastern culture was determined for 18 assessment items
Empowering Communities through Enhancing Environmental Awareness: A Case Study of Cikelat Village, Sukabumi, West Java in Community Service Activities
This article highlights a community service initiative titled "Empowering Communities through Enhancing Environmental Awareness: A Case Study of Cikelat Village, Sukabumi, West Java in Community Service Activities". In response to the pressing need for sustainable development, this project was undertaken with the aim of elevating environmental consciousness within the community. The primary objectives were to foster a deep understanding of environmental issues, instill sustainable practices, and stimulate community participation. Employing a participatory approach, the engagement encompassed workshops, awareness campaigns, and skill-sharing sessions, fostering a sense of ownership among residents. Collaborative partnerships with local stakeholders formed the bedrock of the strategy, promoting shared responsibility. The outcomes revealed a substantial surge in environmental awareness among villagers, leading to the adoption of eco-friendly practices. The success of the initiative underscores the potential of community-driven efforts to drive sustainable development by intertwining environmental consciousness and active engagement
Education is important for humans because a basic human need knowledge learned to be applied in the needs of life that will be faced. The number of teachers or educators who are few and lack competence has resulted in uneven learning in Indonesia, coupled with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic which caused learning to be disrupted and constrained by circumstances that made it impossible to meet and gather so that time and space for learning became limited. Kemdikbudristek created Kampus Mengajar Program as an effort to make learning in Indonesia better. Kampus Mengajar Program has partner schools, which are places where participants of Kampus Mengajar Program are placed. Selected partner school was the State Elementary School 1 Mlandangan. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of Kampus Mengajar Program on teaching activities, technology adaptation and administration at placement partner schools, State Elementary School 1 Mlandangan. The research method used is qualitative. There is an Implementation Stage in Kampus Mengajar program activities in the form of an initial stage, preparation stage, implementation stage and final result stage. The final result of this research is the implementation of teaching activities, technology adaptation and administration at SDN 1 Mlandangan.Pendidikan merupakan hal yang penting bagi manusia karena merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia akan ilmu yang dipelajari untuk diaplikasikan dalam kebutuhan hidup yang akan dihadapi. Jumlah guru ataupun tenaga pendidik yang sedikit dan kurang mempunyai kompetensi menyebabkan pembelajaran yang kurang merata di negara Indonesia, ditambah dengan munculnya pandemi Covid-19 yang menyebabkan pembelajaran terganggu dan terkendala oleh keadaan yang tidak memungkinkan untuk bertatap muka dan berkumpul sehingga waktu dan ruang untuk belajar menjadi terbatas. Kemdikbudristek membuat Program Kampus Mengajar sebagai upaya agar pembelajaran di Indonesia menjadi lebih baik. Program Kampus Mengajar ini terdapat sekolah mitra, yaitu tempat di mana anggota atau peserta dari Program Kampus Mengajar ini ditempatkan. Dalam penelitian ini sekolah mitra yang dipilih adalah Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Mlandangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan atau implementasi Program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 3 terhadap kegiatan mengajar, adaptasi teknologi dan administrasi pada sekolah mitra penempatan, yaitu pada sekolah dasar negeri 1 Mlandangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Terdapat Tahap Pelaksanaan dalam kegiatan Program kampus mengajar berupa tahap awal, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap hasil akhir. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini terlaksananya implementasi kegiatan mengajar, adaptasi teknologi dan adminitrasi pada SDN 1 Mlandangan
The Current Issues and Trends of Teachıng Grammar Through Flipped Classroom The State of The Art
Teaching grammar is a crucial aspect of foreign language teaching while it is known as the most difficult issues of language teaching. Besides, the most effective way to teach grammar is debated. Teachers' perceptions about teaching grammar and how it should be taught influence their teaching.
For this reason, this article aims to present current issues in teaching grammar by reviewing some research studies reveal related to teaching grammar, especially in flipped classroom. Moreover, this article also elaborates the trends of teaching grammar through flipped classroom whether its great changes or problem that it has been carrying out. The finding shows that teaching grammar through flipped classroom not only gives some great changes but also problems whether for teachers or learners. It is expected that this article could provide an outline of the teaching grammar and overcoming its problems to prepare a better teaching grammar
The Current Issues and Trends of Teachıng Grammar Through Flipped Classroom The State of The Art
Teaching grammar is a crucial aspect of foreign language teaching while it is known as the most
difficult issues of language teaching. Besides, the most effective way to teach grammar is debated.
Teachers' perceptions about teaching grammar and how it should be taught influence their teaching.
For this reason, this article aims to present current issues in teaching grammar by reviewing some
research studies reveal related to teaching grammar, especially in flipped classroom. Moreover, this
article also elaborates the trends of teaching grammar through flipped classroom whether its great
changes or problem that it has been carrying out. The finding shows that teaching grammar through
flipped classroom not only gives some great changes but also problems whether for teachers or
learners. It is expected that this article could provide an outline of the teaching grammar and
overcoming its problems to prepare a better teaching gramma