16 research outputs found

    Pengukuran Kinerja Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Provinsi Bengkulu dengan Pendekatan Maslahah Performa (MAP)

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    Zakat merupakan instrumen keuangan Islam yang menjadi kewajiban seorang muslim sesuai dengan apa yang telah diatur dalam Al-Qur'an. Pentingnya zakat yang merupakan salah satu rukun Islam selalu disebutkan secara paralel dengan shalat yang menunjukkan betapa eratnya hubungan antara keduanya. Keislaman seseorang tidak akan sempurna kecuali dengan dua hal ini. Kehadiran BAZNAS dalam mengelola zakat harus didasarkan pada pencapaian kemaslahatan bagi umat. Dalam hal ini perlu dilakukan pengukuran kinerja berdasarkan maslahah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan memperoleh data langsung dari lapangan melalui teknik observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan performance problem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu telah melaksanakan kinerja mashlahah dengan memenuhi orientasi ibadah, orientasi proses internal, orientasi bakat, orientasi pembelajaran, orientasi pelanggan, orientasi kekayaan. Selain itu, penilaian kinerja mashlahah BAZNAS juga didukung oleh Kementerian Agama yang menyatakan bahwa BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu mengalami kemajuan yang sangat baik dari tahun ke tahun. BAZNAS selalu berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Agama dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan melibatkan Kementerian Agama dalam rapat koordinasi dan program BAZNAS lainnya


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    The rapid growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises sector(SMEs) in Indonesia increases business competition become strict and complicate among them. Competition of existing businesses tends to be unhealthy and ignore the ethical values. It makes the discourse of business ethics at SMEs is indispensable in order to form the basis for operations and avoid deviations ethical values. As a manufacturer of fish processing has been certified halal by the MUI,SMEs XYZ should be able to apply Islamic business ethics in its activities. So it is not only profit oriented, but also pay attention to ethical values. This study aimed to describe the implementation of Islamic business ethics which consists of four (4) axiomswhich areunity, equilibrium, free will, and responsibility in SMEs XYZ. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis through the 4 (four) stages of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result in this study is SMEs XYZ was implemented Islamic business ethics on its operations

    Analisis Strategi BAZNAS Provinsi Bengkulu Dalam Upaya Mempertahankan Eksistensi UMKM Dengan Pendekatan Maqashid Syariah

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    The Covid-19 pandemic that has been going on for the last 2 years has become a global issue, including in Indonesia. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, BAZNAS Bengkulu Province played a role in assisting affected MSME actors by providing training, roles in education, social and humanitarian fields. In this paper, we will discuss the strategy of the Bengkulu province baznas in an effort to maintain the existence of MSMEs with a maqashid sharia approach. By using field research methods and qualitative approaches, the data will be obtained and analyzed through qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Data obtained through in-depth observation, interviews and documentation. The results show that BAZNAS Bengkulu has several strategies to maintain the existence of MSMEs in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, including consumptive and productive strategies, such as the rice ATM assistance, the zakat kyai program and the Immune maintenance program and productive economic assistance for the affected pesantren. from Covid-19

    Program Corporate Social Responsibility Perbankan Syariah Di Bidang Pengolahan Ikan Sebagai Alternatif Pemberdayaan Umkm Jangka Panjang

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    The growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia increasingly show the seriousness of the financial institutions in providing services to the community. However, the Islamic banking program of CSR does not aware yet the field of fish processing. Currently, Indonesian government began intense to empower the processed fish for the benefit of society. In Yogyakarta, the government is conducting “Gemarikan” to increase public interest in fish consumption. Based on these opportunities, the Islamic banking CSR program is directed to provide capital for SMEs conducting production activities in the field of fish processing

    Pengaruh volume pembiayaan bagi hasil dan pembiayaan murabahah terhadap kinerja keuangan Bank Umum Syariah periode 2015-2020

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    This study aims to determine the effect of profit-sharing volume and murabahah financing on the performance of Islamic commercial banks for the 2015-2020 period. This research uses ECM (Error Correction Model) analysis with Eviews 8 software. The sample used in this study is 13 Islamic commercial banks that have been registered with the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK). The sampling technique used the purposive sampling method because researchers needed certain criteria, namely Islamic commercial banks that have published financial ratios. The data used in this study are secondary data with documentary data collection techniques and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the R square value is 0.0362370 indicating that 36% of changes in the ROA variable can be explained by independent variables and 64% are explained by other factors outside the model.

    Peran BMT Syari’ah Jaya Abadi dalam Peningkatan Pendapatan Usaha Mikro di Kecamatan Giri Mulya Kabuapaten Bengkulu Utara

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    The purpose of this study 1) to determine the role of BMT Syari'ah Jaya Abadi in increasing micro business income in Giri Mulya District, North Bengkulu Regency. 2) To find out what are the obstacles of BMT Syari'ah Jaya Abadi in increasing micro business income in Giri Mulya District, North Bengkulu Regency. The approach used in this research is non-participant qualitative and descriptive analysis method. Data was collected through direct explanations from the head of BMT Syari'ah Jaya Abadi, Managers and Customers of Syari'ah Jaya Abadi as the unit of analysis for this research. The results of this study indicate that 1) The role of BMT Syari'ah Jaya Abadi, Giri Mulya District, North Bengkulu Regency, namely first, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in the community. Second, being able to suppress the practice of usury in the midst of society. Third, improve people's welfare. 2) The obstacles to BMT Syari'ah Jaya Abadi, Giri Mulya District, North Bengkulu Regency, namely the delay in returning customers' capital money and the large number of customers who have not been able to manage their finances

    Analisis Penetapan Fee (Ujrah) Pada Produk Pembiayaan BSI Hasanah Card di PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem penetapan fee (ujrah) pada produk pembiayaan BSI Hasanah Card di Bank Syariah Indonesia. Jenis pendekatan penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian lapangan (field research). Dalam penelitian ini, data primer dan sekunder digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Secara khusus, metode Miles dan Huberman digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk analisis data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa sistem penetapan fee (ujrah) pada BSI Hasanah Card  dipengaruhi oleh limit kartu, fasilitas yang didapatkan nasabah dan jumlah pemakaian nasabah. Dan penetapan fee BSI Hasanah Card juga berdasarkan surat keputusan peraturan Bank Indonesia

    Potensi Kontribusi Institusi Pendidikan Islam Terhadap Perkembangan Bank Syari'ah di Indonesia

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    Banking is a functioning institution in gathering and channeling public funds effectively and efficiently in order to improve equity, economic growth and national stability towards improving the standard of living of the people. Market share (market share) of Islamic banking in Indonesia is considered still small when compared to other majority Muslim countries. Currently the Indonesian sharia banking market share is only around 5.7 percent. But so far, the form of support from the Government to strengthen the role of Islamic education institutions in the utilization of Islamic banking in Indonesia is still very minimal. Therefore, this paper will reveal the potential of Islamic education institutions in developing Islamic banking in Indonesia. With the library method, an in-depth study of the topics discussed is conducted. The results of his discussion that the number of PTKIN in Indonesia as many as 58 PTKIN spread throughout Indonesia both UIN, IAIN, and STAIN. To increase the rate of development of Islamic banking, namely the Political Will Government to provide great support in the field of cooperation in Islamic Education Institutions with Islamic banking as a service used for payment traffic and community Break Up Trust towards Islamic banking by directing students especially to become sharia banking customers


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    In order to build an Islamic economic system in Islamic state, a state should manage its finance based on the principles of Sharia, both in the terms of earning or incomes and their allocations on the earnings side, a state should manage their incomes according to Islamic way. Than the result of their incomes should be allocated in order to achieve their goals, which is the prosperity of society. Tax is a policy which is settled by a government and decided according to the needs or necessities of state its self. For example, Malaysia has decided and managed their incomes sources such as tax, zakat, and awqaf. And they were allocated according to the needs or necessities of a state such as infrastructure, salaries, subsidies, and also to eight parts of zakat receiver

    Pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun Tentang Kebijakan Fiskal Khusus Pajak Dan Relevansinya Dalam Menghadapi Resesi Di Indonesia

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    Ibn Khaldun is an Islamic scholar with various works, especially in the muqaddimah book which explains the principles of taxation. According to Ibn Khaldun, the imposition of low taxes on the people will make the people more incentivized to do business and develop the business world. On the other hand, the imposition of high taxes on the people will be reluctant to pay taxes so that the production done by the people will decrease and affect the tax revenue itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Ibn Khaldun's theory and the current downturn in economic growth. This research method is library research research with a descriptive qualitative approach with the data source used is secondary data consisting of the book "muqaddimah" and other theories derived from books, journals, and official websites that are relevant to the research. The data that has been collected is analyzed using the Content Analysis Method. This study concludes that Ibn Khaldun's thoughts are very relevant when applied in facing the recession in Indonesia