23 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Desa Tangguh Bencana

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     Lam Teungoh village is one of the most affected areas during the tsunami 2004. Twelve years after the tsunami, most of the tsunami preparedness facilities in Lam Teungoh Village, such as evacuation signs and information on tsunami hazards are found in poor conditions. This activity aims to improve the capacity and resilience of apparatus and community of Lam Teungoh Village in the facing disaster. This activity is carried out through participatory survey methods, lectures, discussions, simulation, observation, mentoring, and evaluation. This activity involves several partners including Aceh Besar District Disaster Management Agency, village and community governments, schools, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The outcomes of this activity include: i) Increased community understanding on disaster management, ii) Hazards, vulnerabilities, and capacities of Lam Teungoh Village on facing disaster are identified, iii) Disaster Management Plan Document, Disaster Risk Map, and Disaster Evacuation Map are formulated, iv) Disaster Risk Reduction Forum in Lam Teungoh Village is established, and v) Training needs of women and youth group in improving community economic status are identified

    Improving Student Internalization of Disaster Knowledge by Participating in Learning Package Development

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    In the subject of disaster education, it is crucial to establish a practical approach to give an impactful impression for the student so that it can increase self-awareness as well as for it to be applicable in daily life and memorized longer in each individual. This community services program titled "Development of Learning Packages by and for Students towards a Smart and Resilience Generations in dealing with Disaster." aims at developing creative and innovative disaster education learning packages that meet the needs and characteristics of students. This activity was carried out using a participatory method, through three (3) stages, namely: i) design phase, ii) production stage, and iii) evaluation phase. This activity adopts the experiential learning process, to assist the students in internalizing disaster knowledge in order for them to be able to apply the principles and develop the characters and competencies needed when disasters occur. The implementation of the program has resulted in the compilation of creative and innovative disaster education learning packages that meet the needs and characteristics of students, namely posters, poems, short stories, videos, and dances

    Empowerment and Development of Kajhu Village as a Disaster Resilient Village Based on Fasterization and Ecotourism

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    Kajhu Village is a coastal area within the Baitussalam District of Aceh Besar. In 2004, the village suffered significant damage due to an earthquake and ensuing tsunami, resulting in loss of life and damage to infrastructure. Despite the inherent disaster risk, Kajhu Village possesses great potential, including the scenic beauty of its coastline and the abundance of mangrove ecosystems. These natural resources can be harnessed to develop environmental and disaster-based tourism opportunities. In recognition of this potential, the Fasilitator Tangguh Bencana (FASTANA) - Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center at Universitas Syiah Kuala (TDMRC USK), an organization dedicated to community service and disaster mitigation, launched a disaster risk reduction program aimed at empowering the community and reducing the risk of disaster in Kajhu Village. Data collection involved observation and interviews with local residents. Community service activities focused on education and empowerment, including disaster preparedness education for the community and schools, promotion of the importance of protecting coastal ecosystems, and training and empowering the creative economy. Additionally, disaster literacy corners were established in schools within Kajhu Village. Through these programs, the goal was to create a community that is resilient to disaster and economically self-sufficient. By providing support and empowerment to the community, it is hoped that a new mindset can be fostered, resulting in greater independence and resilience. The disaster education provided aims to help individuals and families understand and implement effective disaster prevention strategies. The implications of the community service program in Kajhu Village are increasing community resilience and preparedness in dealing with natural disasters and developing the potential of coastal ecosystems to become sustainable ecotourism attractions, providing inspiration for communities in other areas to adopt a participatory and structured approach in an effort to increase resilience and disaster preparedness and developing the potential of coastal ecosystems

    How schools can aid children's resilience in disaster settings: The contribution of place attachment, sense of place and social representations theories

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    Disasters incurred by natural hazards affect young people most. Schools play a vital role in safeguarding the wellbeing of their pupils. Consideration of schools' psychosocial influence on children may be vital to resilience-building efforts in disaster-vulnerable settings. This paper presents an evidence-based conceptualization of how schools are psychosocially meaningful for children and youth in disaster settings. Drawing on Social Representations and Place Attachment Theories, we explore the nature of group-based meaning-making practices and the meanings that emerge concerning school environments in disaster settings. We contribute a novel understanding of how schools may mitigate psychosocial risk for young people by considering how schools are conceptualised at four levels: (1) as physical environment, (2) as social arena, (3) as a place with individual and (4) group-based significance. In each of these domains schools can foster disaster resilience in young people. This paper highlights the evidence concerning the functions of schools beyond their capacity as educational institutions, critically considering their social and physical functions in their communities. This evidence can inform stakeholders involved in disaster resilience building

    Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Preparedness of Visually Disabled People

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    This study aims to assess the level of preparedness of visually disabled people in terms of the emergency response plan for earthquake and tsunami. This study uses analytical methods, cross-sectional design, and questionnaires as data collection tools. The sample of this study was 54 visually disabled people who were living in Banda Aceh. The analysis revealed that the level of preparedness of the emergency response plan, the majority of visually disabled people has a low level of preparedness to plan an emergency response (63%), especially the total blindness group (46.3%). The Mann-Whitney test results showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the visual impairment group and total blindness group on the preparedness of the emergency response plan (p = 0.016). Hence, this study suggests some recommendations, including a disaster preparedness program that is sensitive to people with disabilities, increasing the participation of people with disabilities in DRR education, and increasing the accessibility of people with disabilities to DRR teaching/learning materials

    Integrating psychosocial and WASH school interventions to build disaster resilience

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    This paper reviews the key disaster risk management (DRM) frameworks used for protecting children's wellbeing in disaster settings and identifies a lack of consideration for (1) psychosocial and (2) water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) needs. It also demonstrates that these two domains are meaningfully linked, as access to adequate WASH provision may protect psychosocial wellbeing and promote community resilience. As support in both domains is vitally important to children's wellbeing, these gaps warrant immediate attention. Schools are uniquely situated to support these needs as part of disaster risk management and resilience building. Therefore, we consider the ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety (ACFCSS), which is an adaptation of the Comprehensive School Safety Framework (CSS) implemented in schools across the ASEAN region. While the CSS explicitly considers WASH, it only briefly considers psychosocial support; the ACFCCS lacks consideration of both domains. We argue revisions of the ACFCSS should prioritise the inclusion of psychosocial and WASH support and consider the role of schools beyond their capacity as educational institutions. We present an adaptation of ACFCSS with an additional framework pillar to guide this revision. Overall, we advocate for an integrated approach to DRM in schools based on an evidence-based, interdisciplinary perspective. We provide a series of evidence-based recommendations for DRM frameworks to consider, especially for those that intend to safeguard the wellbeing of children

    Islamic psycho-immunological approaches in increasing immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on mental health because it can increase the risk of panic, anxiety, and fear in society. New normal conditions with various limitations require people to be adaptive in order to cope with stressors that arise during the pandemic. This condition could interfere with mental health and adversely affect the body’s immunity. Stress, through the nervous system, functions to help individuals move actively. In individuals who experience stress, the sympathetic system will activate various organs of the body causing the increment of blood sugar, blood pressure, muscle activities and metabolism which can reduce the immunity of individuals. Besides that, various efforts have been made as a form of controlling the spread of infection such as the application of health protocols, the concept of Iman (Faith), Imun (Immune), Aman (Secure), and vaccination. In addition, there are other efforts done by the Islamic religious people that hold approaches in the form of beliefs and daily life rituals, namely the concept of Dua, Ikhtiar, Tawakkul, and Tawadhu in facing the COVID-19 pandemic disaster. This concept is related to the psychoneuroimmunology aspect which, if applied correctly, can have an impact in finding mental resilience

    A structured review of emotional barriers to WASH provision for schoolgirls post-disaster

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    Pubescent girls face unique emotional barriers to returning to school after a disaster concerning water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). This paper explores themes of WASH, gender violence, the lack of dignity and sense of shame arising from inadequate WASH facilities for girls in disaster settings. We conducted a structured literature review of 126 sources to investigate the emotional constraints facing pubescent girls concerning WASH in schools in Indonesia, a region prone to frequent disasters. Findings are synthesised into four major themes: psychological experiences of WASH, challenges faced by girls in schools, barriers to inclusive WASH provision and how to create a holistic approach to WASH. Key conclusions include the need for interdisciplinary research, cross sectoral collaboration, more evidence and research in Indonesia, especially regarding menstrual hygiene management, improved toilet design to reduce the physical barriers linked to emotional barriers and inclusive design for those with disabilities.</p


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    Manajemen bencana adalah ilmu yang berhubungan dengan pencegahan resiko; ilmu yang didalamnya juga menyiapkan, mendukung dan membangun masyarakat ketika terjadi bencana. Kondisi Aceh saat ini tidak lepas dan berbagai ancaman bencana, baik bencana ekologis maupun bencana sosial yang merenggut korban jiwa dan harta benda serta menurunnya derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Kelemahan dalam penanganan bencana membuat munculnya bencana yang baru. Hal ini juga lebih diperburuk lagi oleh belum adanya kesadaran masyarakat Aceh dalam memahami bencana. Kesiapan profesional menuntut perawat untuk lebih memahami tentang manajemen bencana dan merespon dengan cepat terhadap bencana dan akibat yang ditimbulkannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengkajian diri perawat puskesmas tentang manajemen bencana di kota Banda Aceh dengan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dengan besar sampel 43 responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling dengan waktu pengumpulan data mulai tanggal 22-24 Mei 2008. Alat pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner dalam bentuk pilihan berganda yang terdiri dari 30 item pertanyaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara umum disimpulkan bahwa gambaran pengkajian diri perawat puskesmas tentang manajemen bencana di kota Banda Aceh berada pada kategori sedang. dengan usia responden rata-rata pada 21 sarnpai 40 tahun dengan sebagian responden adalah perempuan, pendidikan terakhir pada umumnya adalah AKPER. Ditinjau dari pengkajian diri pada fase pencegahan menunjukkan 65,12% berada pada kategori sedang, pada fase mitigasi menunjukkan 60.47% berada pada kategori sedang, pada fase kesiapsiagaan menunjukkan 46,15% berada pada kategori sedang, pada fase tanggap darurat menunjukkan 62.79% berada pada kategori kurang, dan pada fase pemulihan menunjukkan 51,16% berada pada kategori sedang. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perawat puskesmas di kota Banda Aceh memiliki pengkajian diri yang cukup terhadap manajemen bencana. Untuk itu diharapkan kepada semua pihak untuk bisa mendukung dalam peningkatan kapasitas perawat puskesmas dalam manajemen bencana.Kata Kunci : Manajemen bencana, pengkajian dir