27 research outputs found

    A Disorder of Menstrual Function Regularization and its Influence on a Female Reproductive Potential

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    Obstetric complications in women of reproductive age are often the result of puberty disorders which remain underestimated and not taken into account in pregnancy monitoring programs in such patients, leading to an increase of habitual non-carrying of pregnancy and negative obstetric effects.The objective of the research is to carry out a comprehensive multivariate assessment of the disturbances of the body adaptive processes in teenage girls, taking into account the data of anamnesis regarding the specifics of menstrual function regularization during puberty, and to determine the main factors of complicated pregnancy in this category of patients.Materials and methods. To carry out the task, 110 pregnant women with a disorder of menstrual function regularizationhave been prospectively examined (the main group); the examination was performed at the preconception stage and in the periods of 6-12, 22-24 and 32-36 weeks of pregnancy. The comparison group consisted of 30 patients with a normal menstrual cycle. In order to identify risk factors and predict complications, the odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confidence interval were used.Results. Extragenital pathology plays a significant role in the formation of pathological course of puberty and obstetric complications; 87.27% ofsuch cases were demonstrated in our study. Among the disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, the structural significance is characteristic to the failure of the luteal phase and anovulatory disorders (78.18% of cases). Gynaecologic pathology includes inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (35.45%), cervical background processes (41.66%), ovarian tumour lesions (21.81), and primary infertility(14.54%). The obtained results of the structure of pregnancy complications in patients of the main group show reproductive losses in early pregnancy (11.8%), subchorionic hematoma (28.18%) and the threat of late spontaneous abortion; these data are notedthree times more often than in the comparison group. Many cases of preeclampsia (28.18%), gestational anaemia in more than half of the observations, fetal distress during pregnancy (32.72%) and birth of children with a low weight (17.27%) are associated with the development of the primary placental dysfunction and pathology of vascular and thrombocytic component of haemostasis.Conclusions. Analysis of the obtained data confirmed that pregnant women with a disorder of menstrual function regularization in puberty are characterized by a significant number of complications during pregnancy and delivery, high rates of spontaneous abortions and missed miscarriages; all these factsshould be considered as potential risk factors. The key factors are the following: endocrine imbalance by type of oligomenorrhea and luteal phase deficiency (OR – 9.16; 2.21-23.24), inflammatory diseases of the genital tract, such as asymptomatic bacteriuria and bacterial vaginosis (OR – 14.26; 3.26-32.12), premature deliveryin past medical history, the risk of spontaneous miscarriages and subchorionic hematoma

    Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets

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    This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US

    Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidence from the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets

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    This paper aims to provide preliminary evidence about the existence of horizontal integration between the rapeseed markets in Ukraine (UA) and the European Union (EU). To this end, both a trade analysis and a price analysis were carried out. In particular, the trade analysis was performed using yearly trade flows between the UA and EU, whereas price co-movement was assessed by means of linear vector error correction model (VECM) applied to weekly prices for rapeseed from 2008 to 2018. Our findings provide evidence of strong integration between the UA and EU markets in terms of the trade of rapeseeds, rape cake, and rape oil, as well as high horizontal rapeseed price transmission between the two economies

    Microbiological Assessment of Glycyrrhizic Acid Effectiveness in Bacterial Vaginosis – A Comparative Study

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    Background. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common female diseases, which is currently characterized by an increasing rate of clinical sign reccurence, the appearance of asymptomatic carriers, and atypical forms. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of glycyrrhizic acid administration in the prevention of BV recurrence. Materials and Methods. The study involved 88 women after BV treatment (metronidazole per os for seven days). Participants were randomly divided into two groups: the main group included 46 patients who were administered 0.1% glycyrrhizic acid intravaginally for three months after the main treatment; the control group comprised 42 women who received no anti-recurrence BV course. The effectiveness was assessed three and six months after the beginning of treatment and included gynecological examination and laboratory assessments (pH, amine test, microbiological investigation). Results. After recommended BV treatment without anti-recurrence course, the recurrence of laboratory criteria for BV increased three months after the treatment, including the increase in vaginal pH to > 4.5 in all subjects, positive amine test in 35.7% of patients, the presence of Gardnerella vaginalis at a concentration of 104-105 CFU/ml in 31.0% of women, reduction in the frequency of Lactobacillus detection with worsening of the condition and the onset of clinical manifestations of the disease six months later. In the main group, after glycyrrhizic acid administration, laboratory criteria of BV recovery three months after the treatment, and clinical and laboratory markers of BV recovery six months after the treatment were lower as compared to the control group. Conclusions. The anti-recurrence course of BV (vaginal administration of 0.1% glycyrrhizic acid) demonstrated a decrease in the frequency of complaints, clinical and laboratory markers, stabilization of the species composition of Lactobacillus, and a decrease in facultative anaerobe concentration in the vaginal microbiome as compared to group without anti-recurrence treatment

    Жовчносекреторна функція печінки самок щурів в умовах блокади естрогенових рецепторів тамоксифеном

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    Influence of tamoxifen (57,2 mkg per 100 g of body weight) on secretion of bile and bile acids was studied in acute experiments in female rats. The concentration of bile acids (taurocholic acid, taurochenodeoxycholic and taurodeoxycholic acids, glycocholic acid, glycochenodeoxycholic and glycodeoxycholic acids, cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic and deoxycholic acids) were determine in six samples of bile using thin layer chromatography. Tamoxifen effects on nuclear estrogen receptors. Concentration decreasing of glycocholic acid (27,8–34,3 %, р < 0,01) and cholic acid were observed in female rats bile while such of taurocholic acid increased (16,8–30,7 % (р<0,05). Tamoxifen caused significant changes in the biotransformation and biosynthesis of bile acids in the liver of the experimental female animals, as reflected by changes in the ratio of trihydroxycholic and dihydroxycholic acids. Thus, tamoxifen influencing metabolism and transport of bile acids does not increase its lithogenic characteristics.У гострих дослідах на щурах-самках із канюльованою жовчною протокою, які перебували під тіопента-ловим наркозом (5 мг/100 г), досліджено вплив тамоксифену (57,2 мкг/100 г) при його одноразовому внутріш-ньопортальному введенні на жовчносекреторну функцію печінки. За допомогою тонкошарової хроматографії визначено концентрацію жовчних кислот (вільних і кон’югованих із таурином і гліцином) в отриманих впродовж гострих дослідів п’яти півгодинних пробах жовчі

    Перспективы наращивания производства биогаза в Украине и Польше

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    У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан забезпеченості України та Польщі природним газом. В контексті зменшення залежності від вичерпних мінеральних ресурсів оцінено потенціал відновлюваних джерел енергії, зокрема виробництва біогазу в обох країнах. При цьому визначено, що важливу роль для подальшого його нарощування виробництва відіграє законодавче регулювання. Теоретичною і методичною основою даного дослідження є положення економічної теорії, наукові розробки вітчизняних і зарубіжних інженерів, економістів, експертів з питань розвитку біоенергетичної галузі, законодавчі та нормативні акти України та Польщі, а також статистичні дані обох країн.In the article is analyzed the current state of natural gas provision in Ukraine and Poland. In the context of reducing dependence on mineral resources are considered potential of renewable energy sources, including biogas production in both countries. There is determined that an important role for further increase production plays legislative regulation. Theoretical and methodological basis for this study found on economic theory, scientific development of domestic and foreign engineers, economists, experts in the field of bioenergy, legislative and normative acts of Ukraine and Poland, as well as statistics in both countries.В статье проанализировано современное состояние обеспеченности Украины и Польши природным газом. В контексте уменьшения зависимости от исчерпывающих минеральных ресурсов рассмотрен потенциал возобновляемых источников энергии, в частности, производства биогаза в обеих странах. При этом оценено, что важную роль для дальнейшего его наращивания производства играет законодательное регулирование. Теоретической и методической основой исследования являются положения экономической теории, научные разработки отечественных и зарубежных инженеров, экономистов, экспертов по вопросам развития биоэнергетической отрасли, законодательные и нормативные акты Украины и Польши, а также статистические данные обеих стран

    Przemiany w wyposażeniu technicznym gospodarstw rolnych na Ukrainie w latach 2000-2015

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    Celem opracowania jest analiza zmian stanu wyposażenia ukraińskiego rolnictwa w wybrane środki mechanizacji do produkcji roślinnej w latach 2000-2015. Analizy ograniczono do ciągników rolniczych, kombajnów zbożowych, maszyn do zbioru ziemniaków i buraków cukrowych. W przygotowaniu opracowania wykorzystano materiały statystyczne Państwowej Służby Statystyki Ukrainy (UKRSTAT) oraz dostępną literaturę przedmiotu. Przemiany jakie nastąpiły w rolnictwie Ukrainy spowodowały znaczne uszczuplenie bazy technicznej przedsiębiorstw rolnych. Jednocześnie znacznie wzrosła powierzchnia UR przypadająca na ciągniki rolnicze oraz powierzchnia upraw w przeliczeniu na jedną maszynę do zbioru. Istotnym problemem z którym boryka się ukraińskie rolnictwo jest znaczne zużycie techniczne, moralne i ekonomiczne parku ciągnikowo- maszynowego w gospodarstwach i przedsiębiorstwach rolnych

    Tourist resources and infrastructure as the important components of economic development and tourism in the region

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    However, with all the prerequisites for the development of tourism, Ukraine did not pay due attention to the development of this sector of economy. Due to this situation, the problem of increasing the tourist attractiveness of the territory remains urgent. Having an important potential of natural resources, historical and cultural monuments, considering the great importance of the tourism industry, it has been declared one of the priority directions of development of the national economy at the state level in Ukraine. Among Ukrainian scientists, the development of tourist infrastructure was studied by A. A. Beidik, M. P. Malskaya, A. T. Makarov, F. Kifiak, A. A. Lubitseva, S. P. Kuzyk, I. M. School. Certain infrastructure elements of the tourist and recreational complex of the Kiev region are analyzed in the works of L. M. Volovik, V. L. Glibovets, A. M. Poltavets, S. V. Rogovsky, etc. Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district is a territory of historical land, which is located in the eastern part of the Kiev region. It played a great importance in the processes of formation of Ukrainian nationality and state. This land was a source of inspiration for Taras Shevchenko himself and other outstanding heroes of Ukraine. It is over-saturated with both sad and joyful big events. Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district, without exaggeration, can be called a unique place on the map of our country. The purpose of the study is to assess tourist resources and develop the tourist infrastructure of Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district, to determine its role in creating the basis for the economic growth of the district as a whole and to improve the tourism sector in particular. The study of this problem is based on general scientific methods of knowledge of economic phenomena and processes (analysis and synthesis, system approach, dialectical method, etc.). It was revealed the conditions of formation and the current state of formation of tourist infrastructure in Kyiv region, in particular in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district. It was made the comparison of the state of its components (communication network, accommodation establishments, and mass catering establishments). Without exaggeration, Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district can be called a unique place on the map of our country. Today, there are 51 settlements, 15 objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine, among which is a park-monument of landscape art of a national importance «Tashanskyi» and National natural park «Biloozerskyi», and there are more than 10 large and small rivers and hundreds of potential tourist sites that need to be preserved, promoted and attracted by tourists. It was highlighted the key advantages inherent in the tourism infrastructure of Kyiv region. The value of material and technical base and tourism infrastructure has been established as a determining factor for increasing the tourist attractiveness of Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district. The main reasons for hindering the development of the tourist services market in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district are: the imperfection of the system of state regulation of tourist activity; the low level of investments in the development of the material base of tourism; the inconsistency of tourist establishments with international standards; the insufficient provision of the tourism industry by qualified specialists; the extremely unsatisfactory condition of transport infrastructure; the low awareness of potential consumers of the tourism product. It was highlighted the main problems in the formation and promotion of tourism products of the district, as well as the problems of development of existing tourism potential, which is certainly one of the richest in Ukraine. It was offered the directions of development of tourist infrastructure market in Pereiaslav-Khmelnitsky district and activation of using of tourist potential in the area

    Ukrainian Sunflower Market on the Background of EU and US Markets

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    This paper aims to provide market analysis of the sunflower market in Ukraine (UA) and research the existence of integration between the sunflower oil markets in Ukraine, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). To fulfill the aims in the paper, yearly balances of sunflower seed, sunflower oil and sunflower cake were analyzed and price analysis was conducted. Price integration was assessed with the use of the error correction model (ECM) which was applied to monthly prices for sunflower oil from 2000 to 2020. Our findings provide evidence of high price transmission between the UA and EU markets, conversely lower price transmission was observed between the UA and the US

    Price Behaviour and Market Integration: Preliminary Evidence from the Ukrainian and European Union Rapeseed Markets

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    This paper aims to provide preliminary evidence about the existence of horizontal integration between the rapeseed markets in Ukraine (UA) and the European Union (EU). To this end, both a trade analysis and a price analysis were carried out. In particular, the trade analysis was performed using yearly trade flows between the UA and EU, whereas price co-movement was assessed by means of linear vector error correction model (VECM) applied to weekly prices for rapeseed from 2008 to 2018. Our findings provide evidence of strong integration between the UA and EU markets in terms of the trade of rapeseeds, rape cake, and rape oil, as well as high horizontal rapeseed price transmission between the two economies