16 research outputs found

    Determinants of Adoption of NRCRI Cocoyam Production Packages among Small-Holder Women Farmers in Enugu State

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    This study employed a log-linear model derived from the Semi-log functional form as the econometric model specified and the best fit for explaining adoption rate of NRCRI Cocoyam Production packages among women in the study area. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 cocoyam farmers (Females) in the state in 2008. The study found farm size and membership of cooperative society to be positively and significantly related to rate of adoption at 5.0% level of probability. Farming experience coefficient also had a positive relationship with rate of adoption and was significant at 1.0%. Household Size was significant and negatively related to rate of adoption rate at 10.0%. No significant relationship was found between adoption rate and marital status, age, education and extension contact. The results call for policies aimed at redistribution of land by making more land available to the women farmers, encouraging the experienced farmers for increased adoption of cocoyam packages and programmes through the cooperative societies, which will motivate farmers to invest in and increased adoption of these packages

    Determinants of Adoption of NRCRI Cocoyam Production Packages among Small-Holder Women Farmers in Enugu State

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    This study employed a log-linear model derived from the Semi-log functional form as the econometric model specified and the best fit for explaining adoption rate of NRCRI Cocoyam Production packages among women in the study area. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 cocoyam farmers (Females) in the state in 2008. The study found farm size and membership of cooperative society to be positively and significantly related to rate of adoption at 5.0% level of probability. Farming experience coefficient also had a positive relationship with rate of adoption and was significant at 1.0%. Household Size was significant and negatively related to rate of adoption rate at 10.0%. No significant relationship was found between adoption rate and marital status, age, education and extension contact. The results call for policies aimed at redistribution of land by making more land available to the women farmers, encouraging the experienced farmers for increased adoption of cocoyam packages and programmes through the cooperative societies, which will motivate farmers to invest in and increased adoption of these packages

    An Analysis of the Supply for Seed Yams in Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of Northern and Southern Nigeria using the supply function analysis. A cost-route approach was adopted in eliciting data from 120 seed yam farmers and marketers spread across the six states studied in 2006 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Results show that price of seed yam and age had a significant relationship with value of seed yam supplied at the 1.0% level. Disposable income was significant at the 5.0% level, while labour cost and supplier experience were negatively related with value of seed yam supplied at the 10.0% and 1.0% levels respectively. Price of substitute and credit had a negative relationship with value of seed yam. The elasticity of supply of seed yam with respect to income is positive but inelastic while the elasticity of supply with respect to years of experience and labour were negative and elastic. Price of seed yam had positive price elasticity. Result of the field work show that there were no commercial structures for supply of seed yam in Nigeria. Farmer’s only sell seed yams after satisfying own requirements. The results therefore call for policies aimed at ensuring framers entitlement to productive resources and to target farmers in credit and large-scale farm enterprise.Seed Yams in Nigeria, Determinants of Supply and Supply Elasticities

    Socio-Economic Determinants of Livingstone Potato (Plecthranthus Esculentus) Production at Farmers Fields in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the problems of Livingstone Potato (Plecthranthus esculentus) production at farmers fields in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Two Local Government Areas (BarkinLadi and Shendam) were purposively sampled. Three communities each were randomly selected from the two Local Government Areas. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages), and multiple regression analysis

    An Analysis of the Supply for Seed Yams in Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of Northern and Southern Nigeria using the supply function analysis. A cost-route approach was adopted in eliciting data from 120 seed yam farmers and marketers spread across the six states studied in 2006 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Results show that price of seed yam and age had a significant relationship with value of seed yam supplied at the 1.0% level. Disposable income was significant at the 5.0% level, while labour cost and supplier experience were negatively related with value of seed yam supplied at the 10.0% and 1.0% levels respectively. Price of substitute and credit had a negative relationship with value of seed yam. The elasticity of supply of seed yam with respect to income is positive but inelastic while the elasticity of supply with respect to years of experience and labour were negative and elastic. Price of seed yam had positive price elasticity. Result of the field work show that there were no commercial structures for supply of seed yam in Nigeria. Farmer’s only sell seed yams after satisfying own requirements. The results therefore call for policies aimed at ensuring framers entitlement to productive resources and to target farmers in credit and large-scale farm enterprise


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    The chemical and functional characteristics of kidney bean and wheat flour blends were examined. The kidney bean flour (KF) was composite with wheat flour (WF) at the levels of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The flour blends were analysed for their chemical composition and functional characteristics. From the results, the protein content of the blends increased with increasing supplementation with kidney bean flour from 22.74% in 50.50 (KF:WF) to 27.24% in 90:10 (KF:WF) samples, while the carbohydrate decreased. Contrarily, the energy content of the blends increased gradually as the level of fortification with kidney bean flour decreased from 360.60KJ in 90:10 (KF:WF) to 362.15KJ in 50:50 (KF:WF). The results also showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in emulsion capacity, and oil and water absorption capacities of the blends

    Comparative study of some mechanical and release properties of paracetamol tablets formulated with cashew tree gum, povidone and gelatin as binders

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    The mechanical and release properties of paracetamol tablets formulated with cashew gum (CAG), povidone (PVP) and gelatin (GEL) as binders were studied and compared. The parameters studied were tensile strength (TS), brittle fracture index (BFI), friability (F), disintegration time (DT) and percentage drug released (PDR). Results showed that the TS and BFI values of tablets formulated with CAG were the lowest at all binder concentrations. The friabilities of all formulations were within accepted limits

    ABO Blood Group as a Biomarker of Preeclampsia among Antenatal Clinic Attendees in Nigeria

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    Background: The clinical application of the ABO blood group is not limited to transfusion medicine but extends to other aspects of medicine. Its&nbsp; impact on preeclampsia is controversial. Aim: To determine the association of ABO blood group type with preeclampsia. Subjects and Methods: This was a cross‑sectional analytical study of 66 women with preeclampsia and 81 apparently healthy women controls carried out in a tertiary health institution. The case and control groups were consecutively recruited during antenatal clinic visits and matched for age, parity, and gestational age. Data on demographics and the ABO blood group of the two groups of individuals were obtained. The analysis was both descriptive and inferential using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21 (Chicago Il, USA). A P value of &lt;0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the participants was 30.6 (4.9), 95% CI: 27.76–33.95. The majority of the women were ≤40 years (98.5%) and multigravidae constituted 81.8%. Forty‑six (69.7%) women with preeclampsia had blood group O and 20 (30.3%) had a non‑O blood group. Forty‑nine (60.5%) of the controls had blood group O and 32 (39.5%) had a non‑O blood group. The observed difference was not statistically significant (OR 1.50; 95% CI: 0.75–3.0; P = 0.26). The odds ratio for developing preeclampsia was 0.83 (95% CI: 0.37–1.91; P = 0.67) for the&nbsp; primigravidae. The non‑O blood groups were more likely to present with symptoms than the O group (P &lt; 0.01). Twenty‑six (39.4%) women with preeclampsia had a mild disease while 40 (60.6%) had severe disease. Conclusion: Women with non‑O blood groups are not at increased risk of developing preeclampsia but are more likely to be symptomatic than the&nbsp; O group. Keywords: ABO blood group, preeclampsia, severe hypertension, symptomati

    Geo-electric Investigation for Groundwater Potential in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria

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    Geoelectric investigations for groundwater exploration in Awka area were made using vertical electrical sounding technique. This study is aimed at delineating the aquiferous units in parts of Awka and environs by determining their depths, thicknesses, lateral extent, resistivity of the aquiferous layers and the potential borehole depth at various locations within the area. Twenty vertical electrical soundings were carried out during the geophysical survey using the Schlumberger Array. The data was interpreted using the conventional curve matching and computer iteration method. The results revealed eight different curve types namely; K, H, QH, HK, KH, QK, KQ and KHK-curve types. 65% of all the sounding curves belong to HK and H-types whereas the remaining 35% belongs to other six curve types within the study area. The results also revealed that depths to the water saturated sandstones (aquifer) within the study area range from 30.83m at Kenneth Dike memorial Seconadry School Awka to 225.03m at UNIZIK Science Village. The aquifers are therefore capable of yielding enough water that would serve the immediate environs

    Spontaneous and controlled fermentation to improve nutritional value of Ikpakpa beans, Phaseolus vulgaris

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    The red kidney beans found in the Esanland of Edo State, Nigeria, popularly known as Ikpakpa, are a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris. However, a lack of awareness about this indigenous legume and a lack of easy culinary applications are factors that lead to its low use. The very long hours of cooking, coupled with frequent changing of the cooking water, makes it very unattractive to the present generation. In this work, a novel attempt is made to have a culinary product from ikpakpa via spontaneous and controlled fermentation of the beans (Ikpakpa) and investigate their impact on the product’s nutritional value. Endogeneous microorganisms were used for spontaneous fermentation, while Bacillus subtilis was used for the control fermentation. Two routes of Ikpakpa preparation were followed: viz; beans were boiled for 8 hours to be soft, dehulled, and fermented; and the raw beans soaked overnight and dehulled, boiled for 4 hours fermented. After 5 days of fermentation, the proximate analysis results showed better results for the spontaneous fermentation via route 1, increasing protein and carbohydrate content by 18% and 36%, respectively. Both spontaneous and controlled fermentation were not favoured via route 2 as a decrease in protein and carbohydrate content by 13.5%/77.4% and 54.2%/66,4%, respectively. The duration for fermentation may have been too long to sustain the protein and carbohydrate content. It is, therefore, recommended that more research on the optimal fermentation duration be investigated and shelf-life studies conducted on the products