31 research outputs found

    Socio-economic aspects of domestic groundwater consumption, vending and use in Kisumu, Kenya

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    Shallow hand-dug wells are commonly used to supplement partial or intermittent piped water coverage in many urban informal settlements in sub-Saharan Africa. Such wells are often microbially contaminated. This study aimed to quantify the amount of such groundwater consumed, identify the socio-economic profile of well owners and consumers, and patterns of domestic water usage in informal settlements in Kisumu, Kenya. Building on a previous study, 51 well owners and 137 well customers were interviewed about well water abstraction, water usage and handling patterns, asset ownership, and service access. An estimated 472m3 of groundwater per day was abstracted in two informal settlements, with most groundwater consumers using this water for purposes other than drinking or cooking. According to an asset index, well owners were significantly wealthier than both the customers purchasing their groundwater and those drinking or cooking with untreated groundwater. This suggests that shallow groundwater sources provide poorer urban households with a substantial volume of water for domestic purposes other than drinking and cooking. Ongoing challenges are thus to raise awareness of the health risks of such water among the minority of consumers who consume untreated groundwater and find means of working with well owners to manage well water quality

    A longitudinal study of long-term change in contamination hazards and shallow well quality in two neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya

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    Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing rapid urbanisation and many urban residents use groundwater where piped supplies are intermittent or unavailable. This study aimed to investigate long-term changes in groundwater contamination hazards and hand-dug well water quality in two informal settlements in Kisumu city, Kenya. Buildings, pit latrines, and wells were mapped in 1999 and 2013-2014. Sanitary risk inspection and water quality testing were conducted at 51 hand-dug wells in 2002 to 2004 and 2014. Pit latrine density increased between 1999 and 2014, whilst sanitary risk scores for wells increased between 2002 to 2004 and 2014 (n = 37, Z = -1.98, p = 0.048). Nitrate levels dropped from 2004 to 2014 (n = 14, Z = -3.296, p = 0.001), but multivariate analysis suggested high rainfall in 2004 could account for this. Thermotolerant coliform counts dropped between 2004 and 2014, with this reduction significant in one settlement. Hand-dug wells had thus remained an important source of domestic water between 1999 and 2014, but contamination risks increased over this period. Water quality trends were complex, but nitrate levels were related to both sanitary risks and rainfall. Given widespread groundwater use by the urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa, the study protocol could be further refined to monitor contamination in hand-dug wells in similar settings

    A participatory methodology for future scenario analysis of sub-national water and sanitation access: case study of Kisumu, Kenya

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    This study pilots a participatory methodology for sub-national spatial planning of urban and peri-urban water and sanitation services. Three groups of key informants were presented with evidence on national historic and future service provision trajectories and asked to map water and sanitation access in the city of Kisumu, Kenya, by 2030, assuming current trends continue. Comparison of the groups’ outputs suggests greater certainty among participants regarding service access in Kisumu’s urban core compared to peri-urban areas. We discuss extensions to this preliminary methodology, including the potential benefits of its application to Kenya’s rapidly expanding small towns as suggested by participants

    AFRICLIM: high-resolution climate projections for ecological applications in Africa (https://www.york.ac.uk/environment/research/kite/resources/)

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    A growing body of research shows the importance of land use/cover change (LULCC) on modifying the Earth system. Land surface models are used to stimulate land–atmosphere dynamics at the macroscale, but model bias and uncertainty remain that need to be addressed before the importance of LULCC is fully realized. In this study, we propose a method of improving LULCC estimates for land surface modeling exercises. The method is driven by projectable socio-ecological geospatial predictors available seamlessly across sub-Saharan Africa and yielded continuous (annual) estimates of LULCC at 5 km  ×  5 km spatial resolution. The method was developed with 2252 sample area frames of 5 km  ×  5 km consisting of the proportion of several land cover types in Kenya over multiple years. Forty-three socio-ecological predictors were evaluated for model development. Machine learning was used for data reduction, and simple (functional) relationships defined by generalized additive models were constructed on a subset of the highest-ranked predictors (p ≤ 10) to estimate LULCC. The predictors explained 62 and 65 % of the variance in the proportion of agriculture and natural vegetation, respectively, but were less successful at estimating more descriptive land cover types. In each case, population density on an annual basis was the highest-ranked predictor. The approach was compared to a commonly used remote sensing classification procedure, given the wide use of such techniques for macroscale LULCC detection, and outperformed it for each land cover type. The approach was used to demonstrate significant trends in expanding (declining) agricultural (natural vegetation) land cover in Kenya from 1983 to 2012, with the largest increases (declines) occurring in densely populated high agricultural production zones. Future work should address the improvement (development) of existing (new) geospatial predictors and issues of model scalability and transferability

    Modelling seasonal household variation in harvested rainwater availability:a case study in Siaya County, Kenya

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    Rainwater harvesting reliability, the proportion of days annually when rainwater demand is fully met, is challenging to estimate from cross-sectional household surveys that underpin international monitoring. This study investigated the use of a modelling approach that integrates household surveys with gridded precipitation data to evaluate rainwater harvesting reliability, using two local-scale household surveys in rural Siaya County, Kenya as an illustrative case study. We interviewed 234 households, administering a standard questionnaire that also identified the source of household stored drinking water. Logistic mixed effects models estimated stored rainwater availability from household and climatological variables, with random effects accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. Household rainwater availability was significantly associated with seasonality, storage capacity, and access to alternative improved water sources. Most households (95.1%) that consumed rainwater faced insufficient supply of rainwater available for potable needs throughout the year, with intermittencies during the short rains for most households with alternative improved sources. Although not significant, stored rainwater lasts longer for households whose only improved water source was rainwater (301.8 ± 40.2 days) compared to those having multiple improved sources (144.4 ± 63.7 days). Such modelling analysis could enable rainwater harvesting reliability estimation, and thereby national/international monitoring and targeted follow-up fieldwork to support rainwater harvesting

    Area selection for post-hoc impact evaluation of the delegated management model of urban water service delivery in Kisumu, Kenya

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    Background: delegated management, also known as a water operator partnership, is a model under which a utility delegates operational responsibility for urban water services to a small-scale provider. The model is currently operational in parts of Maputo(Mozambique), Arusha ( Tanzania), and Kisumu in Kenya. To date, studies of the impact of delegated management model have focused on expansion of services, pipeline breakages and supply interruptions, and revenue recovery, but have not considered its impacts on water quality and thereby ultimately health.Aim: this study therefore aims to evaluate the impact of delegated management on microbiological water quality at kiosks through to point-of-consumption in the home in off-grid neighbourhoods of Kisumu.Methods: this post hoc impact evaluation study will compare E. coli contamination of household stored water in a matched sample of Enumeration Areas (EA) under delegated management versus a control group. Characteristics of urban EAs under delegated management (including metered water connections per household; kiosks per capita; population density; proximity to sewerage lines; and probability of built-up land cover measured via Sentinel-2 satellite imagery) were collated within a GIS and compared with those not under delegated management using logistic regression. To minimise differences between EAs under delegated management and control EAs, a balanced sample of EAs will be selected using coarsened exact matching based on these characteristics. Within selected EAs, E. coli will be measured in water at kiosks, in vendors’ hand-carts, and in water stored by consumers, targeting 90 households in intervention and control groups. Final analysis will examine the effect of delegated management on E. coli in household stored water using logistic or multinomial regression, controlling for risk factors related to the vendor (e.g. vessel cleaning and handwashing), the household (e.g. water storage and handling practices), and the piped supply (e.g. adequate residual chlorine).Preliminary results: of 342 urban EAs in Kisumu County, the 16 under delegated management had significantly less built-up land cover (mean probability of built-up land cover 19.7% compared to 27.6% in comparison EAs, p=0.008). Examination of other EA characteristics indicated non-significant differences in mean population density and imbalance in their joint distribution, indicating the need to select comparable EAs for the control group. Final EA selection and fieldwork is ongoing.Conclusions: these preliminary findings suggest there are systematic differences between EAs under delegated management and those directly managed by the utility. Such differences need to be controlled for in developing evidence concerning the impact of delegated management on the quality of water services in Kisumu.<br/

    Effect of Inter-Observer Variation on the Association between Contamination Hazards and the Microbiological Quality of Water Sources: A Longitudinal Study

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    Sanitary risk inspection protocols are often used to identify contamination hazards at water sources; however, different observers sometimes struggle to record hazards consistently. This study aimed to assess the effect of inter-observer variation in hazard observations on the strength of relationships between observed hazards and the bacterial contamination of water sources, particularly relationships with animal-related hazards. In a longitudinal study, five surveyors independently recorded hazards at 93 water sources used by 234 households in Siaya County, Kenya, in both wet and dry seasons. One surveyor collected samples from sources for subsequent Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci testing. The relationship between each surveyor&rsquo;s hazard observations and high bacterial contamination was examined using logistic regression. After controlling for water source type and preceding rainfall; percentage scores for animal-related hazards were significantly related to high contamination with enterococci and E. coli for one surveyor (odds ratio 1.02; 95% confidence intervals 1.00&ndash;1.03 for both parameters), but not for the remaining four surveyors. The relationship between observed contamination hazards and the microbiological contamination of water sources is sensitive to variation in hazard recording between surveyors. Sanitary risk protocols should be designed to enable robust and consistent observation of hazards

    Groundwater microbiology and chemistry of shallow wells, boreholes and springs in Kisumu, Kenya in 2014

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    This dataset contains free residual chlorine, turbidity, nitrate, chloride, sulphate, fluoride, phosphate and thermatolerant coliform concentrations in groundwater from a variety of sources within two neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya. A total of 73 groundwater sources were tested between February and March 2014. The data were collected as part of the Groundwater2030 project, which aims to reduce the health problems that result from consumption of contaminated groundwater in urban areas of Africa. The project was co-ordinated by the University of Southampton, with partners at the University of Surrey, the Victoria Institute of Research on Environment and Development (VIRED) International, and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. The project was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Department for International Development as part of the Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro) programme.,Samples were collected using a standardised protocol and analysed within seven hours of collection. Laboratory analyses were conducted by the same individual using calibrated instrumentation. Blanks were run for each analytical method and, where the number of samples allowed, duplicate analyses were carried out on the first and last sample of each batch to measure analytical repeatability.</span