272 research outputs found

    Preliminary study on the concentration of some heavy metals around a proposed cement factory in Kogi State Nigeria

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    The analysis of soils from a cement mine site and the surrounding farmland for Ni, Pb, Co and Cd at different depths show concentrations that are generally below the maximum acceptable limits for land applications. Observed mean concentrations at the mine site are 0.3367 mg/kg, 0.1982 mg/kg and 0.1100 mg/kg for Ni, Pb and Co respectively. Cd was not detected. The observed mean concentrations in the surrounding farmland are 0.3800 mg/kg, 0.1705 mg/kg, 0.1143 mg/kg and 0.0064 mg/kg for Ni, Pb,  Co and Cd respectively. Thus the mine site land was not suspected to contributing to the heavy metal content in the agricultural land. The results obtained could act as a benchmark for future determinations on same study area when mining activities eventually commences. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: FAAS, Heavy metals, cement, mine soil, agricultural land

    Direct investigation of the adsorption capacities of coconut, date palm and palm kernel shell charcoals commonly found in some North Central States, Nigeria

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    Adsorption capacities of three charcoals were investigated using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results showed that Palm kernel shell charcoal has the highest adsorption capacity followed by the Date palm and Coconut shell charcoals. For the metals adsorption studied, recoveries ranged from 80.99 - 83.98% for Cu, 99.10 - 99.17% for Mg and 99.96 - 100% for Pb. It was also observed that longer contact time may lead to desorption. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: FAAS, charcoal, adsorption capacity, heavy metals

    Assessment of some imported apple fruits (Malus domestica) commonly sold in Nigeria for alkaline and trace metal contents

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    Three different apples were analysed for their heavy metal and alkaline metal contents. Results of this study using Flame Atomic Absorption  Spectrophotometer and flame photometer indicated heavy metal rangesfrom 0.04 – 0.08 µg/g (Zn), 3.20 – 3.70 µg/g (Pb), 1.62 – 1.76 µg/g (Ni), 0.09 – 0.21 µg/g (Cr), 2.70 – 2.80 µg/g (Ca), 0.37 – 0.52 µg/g (Fe), 0.04 – 0.06 µg/g (Cd) and 0.12 – 0.17 µg/g (Cu). This study showed that Pb, Ni, Cr, Fe and Cu have objectionable concentrations that are higher than the acceptable permissible limits by WHO. Cultivation of these apples may have occurred on polluted soils.Keywords: Flame photometer, apples, heavy metals, alkaline metals, AAS

    Monitoring the distribution of cadmium in sediment samples from Obajana stream in North central Nigeria

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    The distribution of cadmium species in sediments of different depths from Obajana stream was investigated by sequential extraction procedure and flame atomic absorption spectrometric detection. Index of geoaccumulation was used to assess the level of sediment pollution and it was found not to be polluted. However, the speciation results were found to contain Cd in the order exchangeable > organic matter/sulphide > residual > carbonate bound > Fe-Mn oxide at top soil and 5 cm depths. For 10 cm, 15 cm and 25 cm depths the observed trend in Cd concentration is Fe-Mn oxide bound > exchangeable > organic matter/sulphide > residual > carbonate bound. The order of decreasing concentration of Cd at 20 cm and 30 cm is Fe-Mn oxide > exchangeable > residual > organic matter/sulphide > carbonate bound. The Cd species in the exchangeable fraction occurs mostly at the topsoil followed by 5 cm and decreases progressively as the depth is increased. Thus plants and animals that may be exposed to this environment may, as a result of bioaccumulation, have concentrations of Cd in their systems beyond the acceptable limits prescribed by world health orgnisation.Keywords: Speciation, cadmium, pollution, sediment, geoaccummulation

    Method for the recovery of Cr and Co species from effluents using agricultural adsorbent – immobilized E. coli, S. aureus and S. typhi isolates and FAAS detection

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    Microbial chromium and cobalt reduction was investigated for application in their recovery from industrial wastewater using flame atomic absorption technique. This paper presents the development of a routine method for the recovery of Cr and Co species in microbial-treated industrial wastewater using agricultural adsorbents and silica gel. E. coli, S. typhi and S. aureus were used in reducing these heavy metals. Results indicate that the palm kernel shell charcoal exhibited a good recovery capacity in the presence of the bacterial strains. Recovery rates of Cr in the activated charcoal and a bacterial optimum growth at pH 7.2 – 7.4 and 37 °C are 99.72% (S. typhi), 99.61% (E. coli) and 99.64% (S. aureus), while that of silica gel are 98.08% (S. typhi), 98.79% (E. coli) and 98.02% (S. aureus). The recovery of Co using the palm kernel shell charcoal is 99.71% (S. typhi), 99.58% (E. coli) and 99.60% (S. aureus). The results using the silica gel are 98.36% (S. typhi), 98.82% (E. coli) and 99.42% (S. aureus). In comparison to silica gel the palm kernel shell exhibited a higher recovery rate of Cr and Co in the presence of the bacterial strains.Keywords: Bacteria, adsorbent, heavy metal, wastewater, biosorption

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    Bronchial foreign body misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Retained and neglected foreign bodies in the respiratory tract in children are a common occurrence. Undiagnosed foreign bodies can cause  mechanical effects or chemical reactions and may present as chronic pulmonary infection, bronchiectasis, asthma, and lung collapse or lung abscess. Delay in diagnosis, appears to result from a failure to give  serious consideration to the diagnosis, normal chest roentgenographic findings, and negative bronchoscopic findings. A case of left bronchial foreign body aspiration is herein reported to illustrate the causes and complications of the delayed diagnosis. It is hoped that  this will help sensitize the medical practitioner of the need for a high index of suspicion in children presenting with symptoms suggestive of foreign body aspiration. This study will also serve as advocacy  for the provision of adequate bronchoscopic equipments for paediatric practice in our health facilities

    Effect of flooding on the physicochemical quality of Mehmeh stream, Lokoja, Nigeria

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    The effect of flooding on the physicochemical quality of Mehmeh River in Lokoja Nigeria was studied. The metallic content of the river was carried out using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Results of this study indicated an increase in the concentrations of the parameters studied. A comparative study on the concentrations before and during the flood indicated  objectionable increase in the values of the parameters due to the upsurge in the particulate matter as the water traverses its course. Parameters such as temperature, turbidity, conductivity, total solids were higher in  concentration during the flooding than before the flood. The pH and alkalinity were less during the flood than prior to the flood plausibly due to the large volume of total soluble solids. The pH range during the flood was 6.3-6.9, while 6.89-7.8 was recorded before the flood. Heavy and alkaline metals were observed to increase tremendously during the flood than before the flood. Such increase occurred in the metals: Cu, Pb, Fe, Cr, Ni, Ca, K and Na. However, Cd and Zn were not detected. It was also observed that anthropogenic activities contributed to these increase in metal concentration as wastewater from both industrial and domestic sources are discharged into the water body by inhabitants living around the area.Keywords: Flood, pollution, heavy metals, physicochemical, FAAS

    Assessment of some selected heavy metals in soot from the exhaust of heavy duty trucks and power generating plants in Nigeria by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer

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    Some selected heavy metals were determined in soot samples collected from heavy duty automobiles and diesel power generating plants in Idah Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. The results ind 0icated a high concentration of Pb, Cr, Cu and Mn in all the samples. Cadmium was observed in six of the samples and was not detected in samples MB3 and G1. Of all the parameters analysed, Pb had the highest concentrations of 12.1352±5.007 ppm in sample T 2, followed by MB 3 at 5.1573±0.604 ppm. However the average discharge of Pb to the environment was 4.4511 ppm. Average discharge of Cd in the soot samples was 0.3964 ppm, while that of Cr, Cu and Mn were 0.4898 ppm, 0.8612 ppm and 1.8851 ppm respectively. These values are far above the World Health Organization maximum acceptable limits for air and water emissions and are therefore high source of pollution with its attendant health risks as previously reported in literature.© 2009 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Soot, FAAS, Pollution, Heavy metals

    A Dynamic Analysis of The Relationship Between Monetary Policies and Loan Risk Exposures in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks

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    This work investigated the effects Monetary Policy has on Loan Risk Exposure in Nigeria Commercial Banks. Nigerian banks do not believe much in giving out loans and advances to much of the countries manufacturing and agro based businesses because of the perceived risk associated with lending to these businesses. This has prevented funds from getting to businesses that can help grow the economy. The data analysis of this study was carried out with ordinary least square multivariate regression perspective within the confinement of a vector error correction model (VECM) framework. The result of this study reveals that lending rate does not play significant role in support of loans and advances. However, monetary policy rate reveal the most significant effect on commercial banks loans and advance confirmed by its efficient estimate. This means that monetary policy rate is a competent parameter in measuring the performance of banks in the allocation of their credit facilities. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the monetary authorities give opportunity for the full interplay of the market forces of supply and demand in the allocation of credit .This interplay should be closely monitored to prevent banks from creating artificial scarcity of funds in order to hike their lending rate
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