3 research outputs found

    Information needs and Utilization by Science and Technology Researchers in Edo and Delta State Nigeria

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    This work investigated the information needs and utilization by science and technology researchers in Edo and Delta state Nigeria .Data were collected through through the use of questionnaire and were analyzed using percentage method. The findings revealed that science and technology researcher needs information for their research work, for general knowledge and so on. It was also revealed that text books , professional journals, internet reference materials, abstract and index are sources of information for these set of people. It was also discovered that lack of time, unavailability of relevant information materials, lack of time and fund to source for information are the problems that science and technology faces in their search for information. Based on these findings, recommendations and conclusion were made

    A Survey on the Present State of School Libraries in Benin City

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    Introduction For an educational programme to succeed, adequate attention must be paid to the development of its library services. Ogunrombi (2005) cited Idowu (1988) and stressed that a developing country like Nigeria, even thought faced with the problems of basic social necessities such as food, shelter, among others cannot afford to abandon library services in its educational programme. School libraries must be assisted by proper funding to acquire relevant and varied materials for this purpose. Books and non-book materials must be provided. They must be well organized, and the right caliber of staff must be put in place to disseminate information directly or give assistance to those seeking information on their own. The educational aims of school libraries include: (1) To stimulate and enhance the reading habit, promoting lifelong learning (2) To develop in children the ability to read for information (3) To help pupils to increase and improve their knowledge of reading, speaking, and writing (4) To train children to care for books and make good and intelligent use of the library (5) To enhance children\u27s reading and communication skills (6) To provide children with information, both current and retrospective (7) To provide recreation (Udofia, 1997 cited by Ogunrombi, 2005) In the same vein, the school library prepares both the teacher and pupil to achieve sound and quality education by all or any of the following: (a) The improvement of teaching by enabling the teaching staff to make reference to current books in the preparation of their lessons (b) Providing information for teachers and pupils on current affairs. (c) Providing supplementary reading for teachers, enriching class work. (d) Serving as the laboratory where all books on all disciplines encourage self-reliance, good use of leisure time, and arouses interest in reading (Ekweozoh, 1989 cited by Ogunrombi, 2005) School Library World (2009) summarized the effectiveness of a school library as follows: it is accessible to the total school community, it is cost effective because one book is used by many, it provides flexible scheduling and timely access to the collection by all students, a broad range of materials, add new resources throughout the school year to keep collection dynamic, create a sense of ownership that is shared by the entire school community. The research findings revealed that there is a positive relationship between school libraries and student achievement; it further stated that whether such achievement is measured in terms of reaching scores, literacy, or learning more generally. A school library that is adequately staffed, resourced, and funded can lead to higher student achievement regardless of the socioeconomic or educational levels of the community. Purpose of Study The purpose of this survey research is to discover the state of school libraries in Benin city, and to ascertain whether these libraries meet their aims and objectives of a school library and then make recommendations. Methodology Data for this study were collected using survey method. This study covered secondary schools in Benin City; some secondary schools were selected in the different local government area in Benin City. Data were analyzed using percentage

    An Assessment of Digital Library Functions and Services in Nigerian Academic Libraries

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    dequate access and effective use of information is succinctly linked to sustainable development and empowerment of rural women. Analysis of the situation reveals that Nigerian rural women face marginalization as far as information access is concerned. This chapter identified some channels and preferred sources of information for the rural women with their inherent challenges. Some implications were also discussed ranging from exploitation and trafficking of women, inability to access and harness agriculture and health information, credit facilities and government programs. Some challenges of information provision to rural women as identified include lack of basic infrastructure, poverty, illiteracy, culture, and religion. The study recommended some strategies for improvement as regards quality access to information: establishment of vibrant public libraries in rural areas, continuous research on information seeking behaviour of rural women, information repackaging, provision of adult educational centres. The chapter concluded that neglect of rural women can only portend dange