14 research outputs found

    Media and Communication's Effects on Cultural Philosophy

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    The relationships between philosophy, communication, media, and culture have always piqued the curiosity of researchers, especially in this age of new media and the internet. This study's objective is to look at this symbiosis and see how each idea indirectly influences the other. To construct the inquiry, content analysis and George Herbert Mead's Symbolic Interactionism Theory which holds that three principles are responsible for the feeling of self were both used. Thought, language, and meaning are these three driving principles. Researchers looked at a large number of connected texts to ascertain this relationship, and the findings revealed that the three concepts are mutually intermingled. This study may be useful in assisting people and decision-makers to fully comprehend philosophy's role in societal evolution given the growth and scepticism linked with the development of new media and the challenge it has provided to philosophy and culture. Keywords: Philosophy media, communication, culture, relationship, Internet. DOI: 10.7176/JPCR/56-05 Publication date:May 31st 202

    The Role of Policy in the Development of the Creative Industries: A Review of Government Involvement in Nigeria’s Creative Industries

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    The Nigerian economy’s rich creative industry is underdeveloped despite several government and business initiatives. This investigation examined validity of the claim. Determining if this claim is true is the main goal of this investigation. This study was developed using the Investment Theory of Creativity by Sternberg and Lubber and the Process Theory of Policy by Harold Lasswell. To ascertain the truth of the claim, oral interviews and textual content analysis were used. Nvivo QSR was used for the Content Data analysis and data presentation. The conclusion was that this economic sector has been neglected by the Nigerian government. Of the N=250 participants in the research, 75% felt that the government had not provided enough support for the creative industries, 15% felt the opposite, and 10% were unclear about their opinion. This paper’s discourse is pertinent given the current economic difficulties in Nigeria. The government should tweak its policies in this area for optimum impact, especially in this era of the digital economy, according to the results and recommendations

    Radiative Microwave Heating of Hyperthermia Therapy on Breast Cancer in a Porous Medium

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    Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, yet much is still unknown about its mechanism of establishment and destruction. Recently, studies had shown that tumor cells cannot survive under the high temperature conditions. This treatment technique is called Hyperthermia. This report presents the case of radiative microwave heating of hyperthermia therapy on breast cancer in a porous medium. In this study, the steady state is solved analytically while unsteady state is solved using semi-implicit finite difference to get a more accurate prediction of blood temperature distributions within the breast tissues. A moderate temperature hyperthermia treatment is apply which results into cell death due to an increase in the level of cell sensitivity to radiation therapy and blood flow in tumor and oxygen. The results show that by applying metabolic heat generation rate of 3.97X105Wm−3, it takes upto 2 minutes for the tumor cells to get the require therapeutic temperature poin

    Dynamic model of COVID-19 disease with exploratory data analysis

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    Novel Coronavirus is a highly infectious disease, with over one million confirmed cases and thousands of deaths recorded. The disease has become pandemic, affecting almost all nations of the world, and has caused enormous economic, social and psychological burden on countries. Hygiene and educational campaign programmes have been identified to be potent public health interventions that can curtail the spread of the highly infectious disease. In order to verify this claim quantitatively, we propose and analyze a nonlinear mathematical model to investigate the effect of healthy sanitation and awareness on the transmission dynamics of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevalence. Rigorous stability analysis of the model equilibrium points was performed to ascertain the basic reproduction number R 0 , a threshold that determines whether or not a disease dies out of the population. Our model assumes that education on the disease transmission and prevention induce behavioral changes in individuals to imbibe good hygiene, thereby reducing the basic reproduction number and disease burden. Numerical simulations are carried out using real life data to support the analytic results.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/sciafam2021Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Mathematical model for the estrogen paradox in breast cancer treatment

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    Estrogen is known to stimulate the growth of breast cancer, but is also effective in treating the disease. This is referred to as the“estrogen paradox”. Furthermore, short-term treatment with estrogen can successfully eliminate breast cancer, whereas long-term treatment can cause cancer recurrence. Studies highlighted clinical correlations between estrogen and the protein p53 which plays a pivotal role in breast cancer suppression. We sought to investigate how the interplay between estrogen and p53 impacts the dynamics of breast cancer, and further explore if this could be a plausible explanation for the estrogen paradox and the paradoxical tumor recurrence that results from prolonged treatment with estrogen. For this, we propose a novel ODE based mathematical model that accounts for dormant and active cancer cells, along with the estrogen hormone and the p53 protein. We analyze the model’s global stability behavior using the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem and results from differential inequalities. We also perform a bifurcation analysis and carry out numerical simulations that elucidate the roles of estrogen and p53 in the estrogen paradox and its long term estrogen paradoxical effect. The mathematical and numerical analyses suggest that the apparent paradoxical role of estrogen could be the result of an interplay between estrogen and p53, and provide explicit conditions under which the paradoxical effect of long-term treatment may be prevented.The DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Mathematical Models and Methods in Biosciences and Bioengineering at the University of Pretoria and the Center of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (DST-NRF COE-MaSS), South Africa.https://link.springer.com/journal/2852023-03-03hj2023Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Optimal Control Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Breast Cancer

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    In this paper, a mathematical model of breast cancer governed by a system of ordinary differential equations in the presence of chemotherapy treatment and ketogenic diet is discussed. Several comprehensive mathematical analyses were carried out using a variety of analytical methods to study the stability of the breast cancer model. Also, sufficient conditions on parameter values to ensure cancer persistence in the absence of anti-cancer drugs, ketogenic diet, and cancer emission when anti-cancer drugs, immune-booster, and ketogenic diet are included were established. Furthermore, optimal control theory is applied to discover the optimal drug adjustment as an input control of the system therapies in order to minimize the number of cancerous cells by considering different controlled combinations of administering the chemotherapy agent and ketogenic diet using the popular Pontryagin’s maximum principle. Numerical simulations are presented to validate our theoretical results

    Kibria–Lukman-Type Estimator for Regularization and Variable Selection with Application to Cancer Data

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    Following the idea presented with regard to the elastic-net and Liu-LASSO estimators, we proposed a new penalized estimator based on the Kibria–Lukman estimator with L1-norms to perform both regularization and variable selection. We defined the coordinate descent algorithm for the new estimator and compared its performance with those of some existing machine learning techniques, such as the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), the elastic-net, Liu-LASSO, the GO estimator and the ridge estimator, through simulation studies and real-life applications in terms of test mean squared error (TMSE), coefficient mean squared error (βMSE), false-positive (FP) coefficients and false-negative (FN) coefficients. Our results revealed that the new penalized estimator performs well for both the simulated low- and high-dimensional data in simulations. Also, the two real-life results show that the new method predicts the target variable better than the existing ones using the test RMSE metric

    Qualitative Analysis of a Dengue Fever Model

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    In this paper, a deterministic mathematical model of the Dengue virus with a nonlinear incidence function in a population is presented and rigorously analysed. The model incorporates control measures at the aquatic and adult stages of the vector (mosquito). The stability of the system is analysed for the disease-free equilibrium and the existence of endemic equilibria under certain conditions. The local stability of the Dengue-free equilibrium is investigated via the threshold parameter (reproduction number) that was obtained using the next-generation matrix techniques. The Routh–Hurwitz criterion, along with Descartes’ rule of signs change, established the local asymptotically stability of the model whenever R0<1 and was unstable otherwise. The comparison theorem was used to establish the global asymptomatically stability of the model

    Mathematical modeling of malaria disease with control strategy

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    This article suggested and analyzed the transmission dynamics of malaria disease in a population using a nonlinear mathematical model. The deterministic compartmental model was examined using stability theory of differential equations. The reproduction number was obtained to be asymptotically stable conditions for the disease-free, and the endemic equilibria were determined. Moreso, the qualitatively evaluated model incorporates time-dependent variable controls which was aimed at reducing the proliferation of malaria disease. The optimal control problem was formulated using Pontryagin’s maximum principle, and three control strategies: disease prevention through bed nets, treatment and insecticides were incorporated. The optimality system was stimulated using an iterative technique of forward-backward Runge-Kutta fourth order scheme, so that the impacts of the control strategies on the infected individuals in the population can be determined. The possible influence of exploring a single control, the combination of two, and the three controls on the spread of the disease was also investigated. Numerical simulation was carried out and pertinent findings are displayed graphically.The Institutional Research Fund of University of Zululand; Mathematical and Statistical Sciences in South Africa and the support of DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical & Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS) for the postdoc position at University of Pretoria, South Africa.http://scik.org/index.php/cmbnam2020Mathematics and Applied Mathematic