531 research outputs found


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    The study investigated the strategies adopted for mentoring in public universities in Rivers state. one (1) research question and one (1) hypothesis guided the study. The design adopted for the study was the descriptive survey. The population of the study was two thousand two hundred and twenty-two (2,222) university lecturers in the three public universities in Rivers state, out of which a sample size of six hundred (600) lecturers were drawn using stratified random sampling technique. An 8-item instrument titled Strategies for Mentoring Questionnaire (SFMQ) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by the researcher’s supervisors as well as three (2) experts in the same Department. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha with an index of 0.71. The research questions of the study were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using z-test at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the strategies adopted for Mentoring were not effective and efficient. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that university administrators should adopt effective strategies like collaboration and documentation. This according to the study can be achieved by adequate planning and funding of mentoring programme. Article visualizations

    A Case of Bacterial Postpartum Metritis in a 4-Year Old Duroc Sow

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    The attention of the Animal Health team of Swine Research Unit of Swine and Rabbit Research Programme of National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) was drawn to a farrowing pen with a complaint of pus discharge from the vulva of a Duroc sow which farrowed 9 piglets 10 days earlier. Microbiological survey identified the presence of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Proteus species from the sterile vaginal swab was taken from the sow. Antibiogram revealed the susceptibility of the three identified bacteria to ofloxacin, streptomycin and gentamicin in the order of increasing susceptibility. Staphylococcus species was also found to be susceptible to ciprofloxacin while Proteus species was susceptible to augmentin® and chloramphenicol. All the three species of bacteria were resistant to nitrofuratoin, rocephin® and ampiclox®. The sow was treated with deep intramuscular administration of streptomycin at 20 mg/kg once daily for 5 days and 10 IU of oxytocin once daily for 2 days. There was expulsion of macerated feotus about 24 hours following administration of the last dose of oxytocin and the macerated feotus was properly disposed and the entire pen was cleaned and disinfected. The vulva was noticed to be completely devoid of the mucous discharges after the course of the antibiotic regimen.Key words: Metritis, Postpartum, Duroc, Sow, NAPRI

    Fertility Parameters in Crossbred Sows Treated with Cloprostenol Sodium (Synchromate®) in Zaria, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to evaluate fertility parameters in crossbred sows in Zaria, following treatment with Cloprostenol sodium (Synchromate®). Ten (n = 10) apparently healthy crossbred sows were randomly assigned to two equal treatment groups based on number of injections of 500μg Synchromate®. Group 1 received two injections on days 0 and 13, while Group 2 received three injections on days 0, 7 and 13. Oestrus was monitored visually for signs of oestrus twice daily from 0700 – 1000h and 1500 – 1800h. The fertility parameters evaluated were: oestrus response rate (ORR), time to onset of oestrus (TOO), duration of oestrus (DOO), conception rate (CR), pregnancy rate (PR), farrowing rate (FR) and litter size (LS). Data on ORR, CR, PR and FR were expressed in percentages while TOO, DOO and LS were expressed as mean ± SEM. Student t-test and Tukey’s post-hoc test were used to compare the percentages and mean values between the groups. The Graphpad Prism® data package was used for statistical analysis and values of P<0.05 were considered significant. Fertility parameters TOO, DOO, LS, ORR, CR, PR, FR for Group 1 (187.20 ± 8.98h, 87.60 ± 4.49h, 7.25 ± 1.44, 100 %, 60 %, 80 % and 100 % respectively) and Group 2 (176.00 ± 40.00h, 86.60 ± 13.36h, 7.50 ± 1.50, 60 %, 100 %, 80 % and 66.67 % respectively). The differences in fertility parameters between the groups were not statistically significant. It is recommended therefore that double injections of cloprostenol sodium (Synchromate®) should be used for oestrus synchronization as it increases fertility parameters in cross bred sows at 13 days apart.Key words: Fertility parameters, crossbred sows, cloprostenol sodium, Zaria


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    A study was conducted in which melon seed meal (MSM) replaced fat at 0, 33, 66, and 100% levels in four batches of pork sausages. The chemical and storage properties, cooking weight losses, and sensory properties, of the sausages were determined in the meat processing laboratory. The results showed that MSM increased both ash and crude protein contents. The highest ether extract (36%) was obtained for batch 1 (control) while the lowest value (25.50%) was recorded for batch 4. The values obtained for refrigeration weight losses increased with increase in MSM while the results for dry matter were statistically insignificant. Batch 3 had the highest cooking weight loss of 0.83% whilebatch one had the lowest value of 0.30%. The values obtained for sensory properties increased with increase in the level of MSM up to 66%. It was concluded that pork back fat can be replaced with MSM in pork sausage without adverse effect on processing yield

    Choose Your Words Wisely: Descriptions of a Professional Early Childhood Practitioner

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the components that determine quality early childhood education and Care (ECEC) from the views of practitioners and parents participating in the ECCE Scheme (2010). A major component of quality ECCE as identified by practitioners in this study related to professionalism in ECEC. This paper presents a critical view on traditional perspectives on what it means to be a professional within the context of ECCE. It seems that within the ECCE model, a professional practitioner is one who finds purpose in their work. However, they are also experts in ECCE. That is, a professional practitioner is knowledgeable in ECCE has a deep sense of respect and love for childhood as a distinct period in human growth and develop. These characteristics are the embodiment of a professional practitioner. To describe this phenomenon, this research coins the term “professional purpose.

    Benefits of emotional intelligence to construction industry: a case of Gauteng region, South Africa

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    Abstract: Emotional intelligence (EI) is concerned with personal and behavioural attributes that enable individuals or organisations to performup to an acceptable standard. Construction industry is composed of stakeholders of individuals and organisations working towards a common purpose of providing value for clients' money.This study is designed to evaluate the benefit of EI to the performance of construction projects. Using survey approach, primary data was collected by the use of a well-structured questionnaire. Adopting convenience sampling method, copies of questionnaire were distributed to construction project managers (CPM), architects, quantity surveyors (QS), construction managers (CM), facility managers (FM) and engineers in the South African construction industry and the retrieved copies were analysed. From the findings, it can be concluded that EI does not only hold the key to overall improvement of the project, but will also improve communication among construction clients and the entire team members;this will result in improved relationships among construction professionals and other stakeholders for the achievement of better performance of construction projects. It is therefore necessary for professionals and other stakeholders in the construction industry to improve on their intelligence quota by taking intelligence test at various time. Materials such as books, articles andso on on EI shouldalso be consultedfor individual improvement

    “We Can’t Provide a Quality Service on Shoestrings”: Irish Practitioners Perspectives on the ECCE Scheme (2010)

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    There is a general disquiet in the Irish Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) sector about the sustainability of initiatives and best practice guidelines in the context of low status, pay and investment. The ECCE Scheme (2010; DCYA, 2018b) provided access to three hours of “free” ECCE for children aged 2.8 years who could continue to avail of the ECCE until they reached 5.6 years old (DCYA, 2018b). Ireland, under the Barcelona Summit (2002), was obliged to provide increased access to ECCE to (European Commission, 2008) to increase women’s participation in the labour market (European Commission, 2008). However, the introduction of the ECCE scheme (2010) contributed to already existing structural and financial challenges in the provision of quality ECCE. To explore parental and practitioners’ experiences of the scheme, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 practitioners and 15 parents. Findings reveal that the scheme seems to have been unsuccessful in supporting practitioners in meeting quality standards, the costs associated with the introduction of the scheme as well as in meeting the needs of working parents for accessible ECCE

    Effect of Thiamin Status on the Metabolism of Linamarin in Rats

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    The effect of graded levels of thiamin on the metabolism of linamarin was investigated in rats. It was observed that on a diet deficient in thiamin, a large amount of linamarin was recovered unchanged in the urine, together with significantly more thiocyanate (SCN–) relative to the control. The least amount of thiocyanate (p < 0.05 relative to control) was found in animals receiving the highest amount (twice daily requirement) of thiamin in the diet; but the amount of unmetabolized linamarin was similar to the control. It is suggested that thiamin deficiency may be implicated in the aetiology of tropical ataxic neuropathy (TAN) through the thiocyanate overload in people eating large amounts of cassava and cassava derivatives which contain linamari

    Modelling of Moisture Loss and Oil Uptake During Deep-Fat Frying of Plantain (Dodo)

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    In this study, model was developed to predict moisture loss and oil uptake during deep-fat frying of plantain (dodo). Plantain samples were sliced and fried at different frying temperatures (150, 160, 170, 180 and 190 °C) in a deep fryer for periods varying from 2 to 4 min. Moisture and fat analyses were determined based on the AOAC standard method. Mathematical model was developed from fundamental law of mass diffusion with the aim of predicting moisture loss and oil uptake rate during DFF of dodo. The model was solved numerically using explicit Finite Difference Technique (FDT). Computer codes were written&nbsp;in MATLAB environment&nbsp;for moisture loss and oil uptake in the slices at&nbsp;different frying conditions. The predicted results were compared with experimental data and good agreement was obtained. The correlation coefficients between the predicted and experimental values of moisture and oil transfer models ranged from 0.988 to 0.994 and 0.958 to 0.978, respectively. The results show that the model is consistent and it may be used to predict moisture loss and oil uptake during deep-fat fried of dodo

    An evaluation of solutions to moment method of biochemical oxygen demand kinetics

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    This paper evaluated selected solutions of moment method in respect to Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) kinetics with the aim of ascertain error free solution. Domestic - institutional wastewaters were collected two - weekly for three months from waste - stabilization ponds in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile - Ife. BOD concentrations (BODc ) were determined daily for 8 days using standard method. The BODc were used to determine parameters in BOD kinetics ( ultimate BOD concentration and BOD removal rate) using Microsoft Excel Solver, non - linear regression (exponential) and least squares methods (three graphs). Accuracies of these solutions were evaluated using relative error, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), and model of selection criterion (MSC). The study revealed that ultimate BOD c was in the range of 1368.7 to 860.6 mg/L and BODc removal rate was between - 0.139 and - 0.470 /d. The averages of MSC were 4.18; 0.01; 1.49, 1.28 and 1.61 for Microsoft Excel Solver, non - linear and three least square methods (graphs 1, 2 and 3) respectively. The result revealed that Microsoft Excel Solver provided an improved solution of moment method, and a good description of BODc removal trend based on MSC and AIC than the other solutions. The study concluded that Microsoft Excel Solver solution to the method is a valuable solution at higher confidence l evel based on lower values of AIC and high values of MSC. Keywords: Wastewater, Environmental Pollution Control, BODKinetic Parameters , Moment Method, Statistical Evaluatio
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