1,286 research outputs found

    Exploring the Link between Total Quality Management and Business Performance

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    The study examined the influence of total quality management on business performance in manufacturing industry in Nigeria with a particular reference to Nestle Nigeria Plc. The broad objective of this study was to examine how leadership, supply quality management, employee participation, recognition and reward and quality system management predicted business performance. The study employed survey research. Primary data was used for the study with questionnaire as research instrument. The subjects were two hundred employees from Nestle Nigeria Plc. The six hypotheses formulated for this study were tested using multiple Regression and Pearson correlation. The findings for this study revealed that leadership, supply quality management, employee participation, recognition and reward and quality system management jointly and independently predicted business performance. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that management should try to update themselves on the various TQM practices so as to face the competitive environment. Keywords: Total Quality Management, Business Performance, Employee Participation, Recognition and Rewar

    Whole cassava root meal from TME419 cassava variety can support performance and health of growing rabbits as dietary energy source

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    A total of thirty-six (36) growing (6-8 weeks old) New Zealand and Haliquine rabbits of both sexes were used to evaluate performance and health status of rabbits fed fermented whole cassava root meal (WCRM, TME419 Cassava variety) with enzyme supplementation. The rabbits were allotted to experimental groups in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement comprising three fermentation durations (0, 3 and 5days) and inclusion of enzyme (0, 0.5%) as factors in a randomized complete block design. The diets were designated as D0- (Basal diet (WCRM) without ensiling and no enzyme supplementation), D0+ (Basal diet (WCRM) without ensiling with enzyme supplementation), D3- (Basal diet (WCRM) with three days ensiling without enzyme supplementation), D3+ (Basal diet (WCRM) with three days ensiling with enzyme supplementation), D5- (Basal diet (WCRM) with five days ensiling without enzyme supplementation) and D5+ (Basal diet (WCRM) with five days ensiling with enzyme supplementation). The performance, hematological and serum biochemical indices were not significantly (P>0.05) influenced by fermentation and enzyme inclusion. It is therefore concluded that TME419 cassava variety can be fed to growing rabbits without fermentation or enzyme inclusion

    Preliminary experience in the management of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Aspiration of tracheobronchial foreign bodies commonly affects young children, is potentially life threatening and requires early intervention for extraction. Access to facilities and skill manpower for bronchoscopic extraction is however limited in Nigeria. The aim of this study is to describe the experience in our institution with bronchoscopic removal of tracheobronchial foreign bodies and highlight the challenges encountered. This is a retrospective study of all patients referred to the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital with a diagnosis of tracheobronchial foreign body within the period of February 2008 and February 2013. Data extracted from the medical records were age, sex, time interval between aspiration and presentation, location of tracheobronchial foreign body, bronchoscopic technique, complications and outcome. A total of 24 patients were referred and confirmed at bronchoscopy to have tracheobronchial foreign bodies. Mean age was 6.6 + 5 years. Male to female ratio was 1:1. Delayed presentation was common with 22 patients (91.7%) presenting more than 24 hours after aspiration. Aspirated material was inorganic in 17 patients (70.8%) and organic in 7 patients (29.2%). Location of tracheobronchial foreign bodies was right main bronchus in 16 patients (66.7%), left main bronchus in 6 patients (25%) and the trachea in 2 patients (8.3%). Challenges to speedy and safe removal of the foreign bodies were delayed presentation and a limited range of bronchoscopic equipment early in the series which caused prolonged procedures and increased complications. Two mortalities occurred early in the series; one from airway obstruction and the other from respiratory failure caused by tracheobronchial oedema. Extraction of tracheobronchial foreign bodies was faster, more complete and safer later in the series due to a wider range of bronchoscopy equipment which included both flexible and rigid videobronchoscopy with the use of optical forceps. This preliminary experience suggests that an adequate armamentarium of bronchoscopy equipment is required to increase the chances of complete extraction, speed up the procedure and reduce the risk of complications of Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies in our environment. Delayed presentation increases the difficulty of the procedure so earlier referral of these patients would help reduce the risk involved in  their management.Key words: Bronchoscopy, Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies, Lagos, Nigeri

    Classical Cosmological Tests for Galaxies of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    Images of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field are analyzed to obtain a catalog of galaxies for which the angular sizes, surface brightness, photometric redshifts, and absolute magnitudes are found. The catalog contains a total of about 4000 galaxies identified at a high signal-to-noise ratio, which allows the cosmological relations angular size{redshift and surface brightness-redshift to be analyzed. The parameters of the evolution of linear sizes and surface brightness of distant galaxies in the redshift interval 0.5-6.5 are estimated in terms of a grid of cosmological models with different density parameters. The distribution of photometric redshifts of galaxies is analyzed and possible superlarge inhomogeneities in the radial distribution of galaxies are found with scale lengths as large as 2000 Mpc.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Assessing South African Construction Worker’s Knowledge of Modern Technologies for Effective Material Management

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    Material management is a matter of concern for construction stakeholders in South Africa.  ICT is the way forward for all sectors upon which the economy thrives both in the national and international level. Incorporating modern technologies will lead to effective material management. However, the level of awareness of modern technologies among South African construction stakeholders needs to be assessed. The study adopted a quantitative approach where questionnaires were administered to professionals in the South African construction industry. Descriptive statistics tools were used to analyse the gathered data. Findings showed that construction stakeholders in South Africa are aware of modern technologies for effective management. The tools according to the level of awareness are Microsoft programs, barcoding, RFID, construction materials planning systems and materials handling equipment selection advisor. Also, the level of importance of these tools according to Stakeholders in South African Construction industry are Microsoft programmes, Barcoding, RFID, materials handling equipment selection advisor, construction materials exchange and construction materials planning system. Therefore, it is evident that there is still unyielding to recent technological move in the construction industry, which may be preventing the progressive growth. It is imperative to indulge modern technologies to counter this problem which in turn help effective material management

    Quasi-simultaneous observations of the BL Lac object MK 501 in X-ray, UV, visible, IR and radio frequencies

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    Quasi-simultaneous observations of the BL Lacertae (Lac) objects MK 501 were performed for the first time at X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio frequencies. The observed spectral slope from the X-ray to UV regions is positive and continuous, but that from the mid UV to visible light region becomes gradually flat and possibly turns down toward lower frequencies; the optical radio emission can not be accounted for by a single power law. Several theoretical models were considered for the emission mechanism. A quantitative comparison was performed with the synchrotron-self-Compton model; the total spectrum is found consistent with this model. The spectrum from visible light to X-ray is consistent with synchrotron radiation or with inverse-Compton scattering by a hot thermal cloud of electrons. The continuity of the spectral slope from X-ray to UV implied by the current data suggests that the previous estimates of the total luminosity of this BL Lac object is underestimated by a factor of about three or four

    A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies: IV. Photometry and Sp ectra of Clusters 1324+3011 and 1604+4321

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    New photometric and spectroscopic observations of galaxies in the directions of three distant clusters are presented as part of our on-going high-redshift cluster survey. The clusters are CL1324+3011 at z = 0.76, CL1604+4304 at z = 0.90, and CL1604+4321 at z = 0.92. The observed x-ray luminosities in these clusters are at least a factor of 3 smaller than those observed in clusters with similar velocity dispersions at z <= 0.4. These clusters contain a significant population of elliptical-like galaxies, although these galaxies are not nearly as dominant as in massive clusters at z <= 0.5. We also find a large population of blue cluster members. Defining an active galaxy as one in which the rest equivalent width of [OII] is greater than 15 Angstroms, the fraction of active cluster galaxies, within the central 1.0 Mpc, is 45%. In the field population, we find that 65% of the galaxies with redshifts between z = 0.40 and z = 0.85 are active, while the fraction is 79% for field galaxies at z > 0.85. The star formation rate normalized by the rest AB B-band magnitude, SFRN, increases as the redshift increases at a given evolving luminosity. At a given redshift, however, SFRN decreases linearly with increasing luminosity indicating a remarkable insensitivity of the star formation rate to the intrinsic luminosity of the galaxy over the range -18 >= ABB >= -22. Cluster galaxies in the central 1 Mpc regions exhibit depressed star formation rates. We are able to measure significant evolution in the B-band luminosity function over the range 0.1 <= z <= 1. The characteristic luminosity increases by a factor of 3 with increasing redshift over this range.Comment: 64 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal on May 25, 2001. Scheduled to appear in Sept 2001 issu

    The Discovery and Broad-band Follow-up of the Transient Afterglow of GRB 980703

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    We report on the discovery of the radio, infrared and optical transient coincident with an X-ray transient proposed to be the afterglow of GRB 980703. At later times when the transient has faded below detection, we see an underlying galaxy with R=22.6; this galaxy is the brightest host galaxy (by nearly 2 magnitudes) of any cosmological GRB thus far. In keeping with an established trend, the GRB is not significantly offset from the host galaxy. Interpreting the multi-wavelength data in the framework of the popular fireball model requires that the synchrotron cooling break was between the optical and X-ray bands on July 8.5 UT and that the intrinsic extinction of the transient is Av=0.9. This is somewhat higher than the extinction for the galaxy as a whole, as estimated from spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, and 2 tables. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters on 27 August 199
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