22 research outputs found

    Nitric oxide-producing microglia mediate thrombin-induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in rat midbrain slice culture

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    Activated microglia are considered to play important roles in degenerative processes of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Here we examined mechanisms of neurotoxicity of thrombin, a protease known to trigger microglial activation, in organotypic midbrain slice cultures. Thrombin induced a progressive decline in the number of dopaminergic neurons, an increase in nitric oxide (NO) production, and whole tissue injury indicated by lactate dehydrogenase release and propidium iodide uptake. Microglia expressed inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in response to thrombin, and inhibition of iNOS rescued dopaminergic neurons without affecting whole tissue injury. Inhibitors of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), p38 MAPK and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) attenuated thrombin-induced iNOS induction and dopaminergic cell death. Whole tissue injury was also attenuated by inhibition of ERK and p38 MAPK. Moreover, depletion of resident microglia from midbrain slices abrogated thrombin-induced NO production and dopaminergic cell death, but did not inhibit tissue injury. Finally, antioxidative drugs prevented thrombin-induced dopaminergic cell death without affecting whole tissue injury. Hence, NO production resulting from MAPK-dependent microglial iNOS induction is a crucial event in thrombin-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration, whereas damage of other midbrain cells is MAPK-dependent but is NO-independent

    Interarm Interaction of DNA Cruciform Forming at a Short Inverted Repeat Sequence

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    A novel interarm interaction of DNA cruciform forming at inverted repeat sequence was characterized using an S1 nuclease digestion, permanganate oxidation, and microscopic imaging. An inverted repeat consisting of 17 bp complementary sequences was isolated from the bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus (Perciformes) and subcloned into the pUC19 plasmid, after which the supercoiled recombinant plasmid was subjected to enzymatic and chemical modification. In high salt conditions (200 mM NaCl, or 100–200 mM KCl), S1 nuclease cut supercoiled DNA at the center of palindromic symmetry, suggesting the formation of DNA cruciform. On the other hand, S1 nuclease in the presence of 150 mM NaCl or less cleaved mainly the 3′-half of the repeat, thereby forming an unusual structure in which the 3′-half of the inverted repeat, but not the 5′-half, was retained as an unpaired strand. Permanganate oxidation profiles also supported the presence of single-stranded part in the 3′-half of the inverted repeat in addition to the center of the symmetry. Both electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy have detected a thick protrusion on the supercoiled DNA harboring the inverted repeat. We hypothesize that the cruciform hairpins at conditions favoring triplex formation adopt a parallel side-by-side orientation of the arms allowing the interaction between them supposedly stabilized by hydrogen bonding of base triads